When Fighting Games Speak, Do You Listen?

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in blaze blue hiiki has this command grab that can only catch Airborne opponents it's incredibly rewarding but there is a caveat it's also incredibly high risk to ever land this command grab you need to make a hard read it can't be done on reaction you need to be sure of the exact moment that the opponent wants to jump if you're correct that's amazing big damage but if you're wrong you're in deep trouble I rarely try to catch people jumping with this command grab it's too risky for my liking but in this recent said I played I didn't hesitate to use it again and again and again and each time I was right how did I make a good read every single time not really I took these risks because I already knew that my opponent was going to jump the game told me and if you've paid super close attention to these clips you too may have noticed blazs blue giving away that he wants to jump look I'll even show you again now can you see it if you don't you will see soon just let me recap how I got here not long ago I decided to kick my weekend off with some grandblue so I took charlot into V and this is how it went [Music] in the end I won because I've played Persona 4 Arena I know how to handle an addict that won't stop using their DP but it was a pretty humbling few sets there's this weird thing about Grand blue where you can play a set with one person and think yeah this is Grand blue Fantasy Versus I know this game I enjoy this game but 5 minutes later you play a set with someone else and it feels like you're playing a totally different fighting game I don't enjoy this and I think this game kind of sucks now like Sona 4 Arena in grbl players will show up with drastically different strategies this particular Euro player took advantage of this game's instant DP in granblue you don't need to use the traditional DP motion you can just tap the skill button and perform a DP instantly the drawback is that using the skill button rather than the motion input reduces the damage by 10% essentially everyone has a flash kick without needing to charge anyway this UL player wasn't afraid to DP out of any tiny Gap that they could find and evidently this worked pretty well for them good stuff I hate you this is a play style that I'm familiar with and should be able to quickly adapt to I know how to structure my offense in a way that accommodates from instant DPS but in this instance I struggled maybe it's because literally minutes before this guy I was matched with a different UL player who Barely Used her DP at all every pressure toll I had used to win that previous set demon flips frame traps and pressure resets had to be discarded immediately because hey this other new Ule thinks instant DPS are super cool so uh rewire your brain ditch what worked and get a new strategy instant DPS are incredibly strong I explained why in a different video but the important takeaway is this trying to pressure someone with an instant DP requires a brand new approach that many players aren't prepared for and many other players purely do not enjoy and yet there are many gr blue players who don't abuse the instant DP or maybe they don't like the visk or maybe they're too used to using DPS the way they would in other fighting games or maybe it literally hasn't crossed their mind regardless of their reason against this type of player I can and should prioritize an offense that involves frame traps pressure resets and wonderful demon flips but if I run into a player that loves to instant DP I need to be ready to change the priorities of my offense for this kind of opponent i' need looser but safer pressure more ambiguous throws and a lot more lows lows tend to be more effective against players that love to DP because even with an instant DP they still have to let go of Crouch and using a low during a tight block string will often catch them out but I already knew this my actual problem was that I took too long to switch up my offense what I need is a sign something I can search for something to help me recognize whether I'm fighting a DP freak or just a regular guy granblue is the perfect game to look for signs in because granblue doesn't shut the hell up I haven't noticed it most of the time but granblu is constantly talking to me telling me useful information it isn't even subtle the message that I and probably every grbl player recognizes the most is combo limit because of course we do it's one of gr bl's most unique features so naturally it will stand out but it's also important for remembering where your combo forcibly ends you wouldn't want to press one to any buttons and lose your chance to end the combo with a super but combo limit is obvious what about everything else that grbl is constantly saying things like Crush punish armor No Escape Parry Parry good let's focus on good as I said before you can perform special moves in granblue with the skill input however if you choose to use a motion input to perform the special move gramble will tell you good and that might be just what I'm looking for for that's my sign how do I discern an instant DP Lover from a player who knows what blocking is this tiny little message that gives away whether or not a special move was performed traditionally with a motion input or instantly with a skill input useful information I could assume that when my opponent uses a special move if I see the good message that means they're using traditional motion inputs therefore it's less likely they'll be reliant on instant DPS and I can have more confidence in running the offense that uses frame traps pressure resets and Demon flips but if my opponent uses a special move and I don't see the good message they're using the skill button which means they're more likely to be relying on instant DP knowing this I can brace myself to use the kind of offensive structure that plays around an instant DP the lows and the throws good idea right I thought it was but nah it was one of those ideas that seemed clever and until I played more matches and realized it was just too inconsistent to actually use I guess I could still keep an eye out if I ever noticed that a player isn't doing any motion inputs at all but too many instant DP lovers are happy to use motion inputs all the time then switch to using the skill input just when they feel like doing an instant DP and I can't even blame them I don't use the traditional DP motion either even the players who only ever use DP on wake up don't perform it with a traditional motion input no body actually performs DPS with a motion input in GRL literally at every level it turns out nobody wants to do the DP motion make of that what you will anyway the good message may not have been as fruitful as I'd hoped but hey it's fun to be aware of whether people are using motion inputs or the skill button besides the rest of the information GRL gives to players is quite useful punish is a nice and simple one it can teach you in real time whether something is safe or not it's good to just just no because I'm not going to open the dust Loop Wiki mid-match it's also good to know when a move W due to crush an instance where two buttons should clash but one button had a higher Clash level and crushed the other the crush message can help highlight and explain some Niche interactions that are worth exploring for example charlotta doesn't have much range on her normals while lucilius has some tremendous range on his [ __ ] it's been tough for me to handle but since writing this script I've noticed that charlott's crouching medium crushes lucilius is ridiculously long jab and I've been quick to incorporate this into the matchup however the conclusions we can make from what fighting games tell us don't have to be this specific to graml the absolute most common message that fighting games Feed Us in words is counter if you've played a decent amount of fighting games you'll know the gist of it you press the button they press the button yours hit first and the game yelled good to know but what do I do with that information well that depends on you and where you're atap with fighting games but I can tell you one of the ways it still helps me a common pressure technique in fighting games is a frame trap a string of attacks with very small gaps in between these gaps are so small that the opponent will be punished if they press almost any button so essentially they just need to keep blocking but let's say they don't block my fame trap instead they try to do something something they got hit by the frame trap which is great but I still need to understand why it worked because that's how I Clue Into My opponent's defensive habits I do this by paying attention to whether or not the successful hit was a counter hit if I see a counter hit message the opponent pressed an attack button and is likely mashing to try and Escape pressure and with this knowledge I can adjust accordingly because the opponent was just punished for mashing in my next round of offense they could be Tamer and more likely to keep blocking which enables me to leave a gap in my pressure so that I can go for a grab but what if I don't see a counter hit message when my opponent is hit that could indicate that my opponent may be trying to jump away as a means of escaping pressure rather than hitting attack buttons with this knowledge in my next round of offense I might use more lows just in case they're holding up there is a pleora of different paths I can take with this knowledge but the option I'm less likely to now try is a grab because if they're Keen to jump jumping will often outright punish a grab attempt in both scenarios the initial outcome of the frame trap was the same they simply got hit however seeing or not seeing the counter hit message will affect how I move forwards in my next round of offense but I mean this isn't a science or anything much like how I couldn't conclude anything by looking at whether or not my opponent used motion inputs versus the skill button I can't guarantee that my opponent won't try to mash buttons again just because they were punished for it the first time however even though I can't make a conclusion outright all of this is still useful information something to notice keep in the mind and mix with all the other tidbits of knowledge I pick up during a match before I started writing this script all of this was subconscious for me something I just picked up automatically because I've played these games for a while but now that I'm putting this into words I can just see it everywhere and it's not just through the literal words that f games right out to us think about the exclamation mark many anime Fighters sign when you get opened up by a low attack it's not there solely because you got hit by a low hitting attack it's there specifically because you were in a state of blocking but you weren't blocking low that detail is super telling I've started noticing that I get annoyed anytime I'm opened up by a low attack I just kind of curse in my own head but I'm not annoyed because I got hit by a low this is a fighting game you get hit instead I'm annoyed because it feeds my opponent far more information than I'd like them to know why was I hit by a low attack well I find that the reason people usually get hit by lows is because they were caught trying to jump with this in mind my opponent can safely assume that I was trying to jump out of their pressure and that's a fair assumption because I absolutely wor trying to jump out of their pressure that damn little exclamation mark gives it all away and now I have to reconsider my options because if I jump out now they might get me killed the same kind of hints are noticeable everywhere in fighting games beating someone isn't all about making no mistakes in neutral or having the perfect execution or being better at weighing risk reward sometimes the Difference Maker is just in how well you can spot the little things and the choice you make after that and so here we are blaze blue HEI and a risky command grab I hadn't thought about blaze blue in a while but writing this video brought it back to mind because there's this phenomenon with hiiki where people don't block low after he uses a shadow clone to start his pressure why I don't know it's just a thing I never looked further into it because I was perfectly happy getting a full Comber out of this situation but after writing this video I'm finally asking why is it that my opponents get hit by low attack here there's no overhead to be afraid of so what are they trying to do could it be what I mentioned is this yellow exclamation mark actually a sign telling me here is where people want to jump out of my pressure I've been satisfied with using Low's this whole time but could I go for something better something more rewarding maybe a super risky yet super rewarding command grab well I reinstalled blaze blue to find out here was the plan step one as usual I'll follow up II Shadow clone with some low attacks step two if I see that yellow exclamation mark I can assume that my opponent likes to jump after blocking a shadow clone and if I see that sign move on to step three set up the same situation again but this time command grab good plan right and sure enough in the very first set I played I encountered this same phenomenon I use Shadow clone they don't block clone but this time I paid attention to what play B BL was saying and after IID listened I finally made a new decision [Music]
Channel: Daz is Bambo
Views: 48,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OgY1_EWbESg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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