When Dowsers Competed For $1,000,000

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this episode of the modern rogue brought to you by masterworks find out what it's like to invest like a billionaire at a fraction of the price own pieces of war halls picassos banksies you name it head on over to masterworks dot art modern rogue and find out how you can invest like a badass that's how a badass would talk right what movie am i thinking of where somebody grabs a sword and it likes leads them around and then you know rocha rabbit no don't tell them no but but you nobody tell them you know exactly what i'm thinking gonna tell them uh uh the matthew mcconaughey romantic comedy failure to launch god don't do don't do this no i lose a guy in 10 days i'm if there are ten things i hate about you i'm gonna google this a night tale when's the first time you ever even heard of dowsing you know i think you used to see it in like warner brothers cartoon i was thinking the same thing like they would act like this has got to be a mashed up memory of like practically dragging people around vibrating and humming with with magnetic waves coming off of it exactly yeah show us how yeah can we do that um we're back again with joe diamond uh do you say mystic do you say uh mystifier do you say supremist sorcerer supremacist all right joe tell us how you use dowsing rods i use them a lot in my shows but my first experience with them was my uncle uh when i was a teenager we had seven acres up north my uncle wanted to dig a well and to find where to dig he used dowsing rods and so he would use the rods not the forked stick yeah these are more more common uh the fork stick is still around but it's not nearly used as much as these as if that's the one i'm familiar with with cartoons with the waves and the vibrations and the idea was that what you do is you take any twig and you apply tension on it so that so that it may swing up or down right these were bought online uh there's a little uh copper tube here so you can just hold the tube and these are going to just you know sway like ever so slightly i'm just gently rocking my hands back and forth so those are actually built and designed for dowsing yep uh so are these i grabbed two coat hangers off property yep and just uh clipped them measured them off and bent them both at the same place this is basically what my uh what my uncle used and you just make two loose fists and you can see like again i'm just gently rocking my hands back and forth and you can see how much they're moving just like the store bought while i kind of see where this is going this is supposed to be used to find water uh water other elements there are actually specifically dowsing pendulums uh pendulums actually used for dowsing in fact you didn't know about this uh this is a dowsing pendulum uh it actually unscrews so you can put whatever element you want to look for into it oil water little nothing nothing nothing why is it going so quickly past your nose exactly today we're just gonna douse for what's mostly used for water one other quick point these have had a resurgence on ghost tours as of late i would imagine normal explorations uh which that's a much more theatrical place for it and i think a better place for him but we'll get into that later i did some poking around on dowsing youtube and it's interesting how nobody can agree on anything and they do agree that it works but they agree for different reasons they say there's a there's one that i rather liked where the guy says look this is just a coat hanger there's nothing magical about it there's nothing special about me i'm just a human and then i'm like yeah yeah yeah all of this sounds very scientific he says there's just an energy that humans could feel avoid and it might be a void where there's a lot of water or oil or whatever or a reason or a coffin or whatever yeah i think what what we have is sort of a general uh interesting noise making machine that people ascribe whatever they already want to believe on to very much so and when you add in the idiom motor response if i understand things correctly uh we've talked a bit about the ideomotor response about how there are small micro muscular movements that move in accordance with what you're thinking of it's not surprising that these have such a huge following and are used for such a wide variety of things the first time i read up on the ideomotor response i was reading about an experiment where michelle eugene chavrule the french scientist had heard that dowsing could work with a pendulum and the story as i remember it was he had a bowl of mercury held out the pendulum and it went nuts and he said wow this really seems to work and he was the first one as far as i know to have the idea wait could be i'm unconsciously affecting it so he had an assistant set up a partition and he blinded himself from the intended outcome and once he didn't know what the expected outcome was nothing happened and so i thought it would be fun to actually experience that moment that he had which is why we have five buckets here uh five have sand one has water yep and very clearly we can see that this one has shiny reflections in there and the others have sand so if with them uncovered if each of you were to take a set of dowsing rods okay so so what we want to do is just sort of we want it we want to get them parallel yep now we know what the intended outcome is so but we don't want to consciously be doing anything right yeah so in this case i would say i don't think there's anything in here i don't think there's anything in here then maybe i'd go over to the water one and in this case all i'm doing is i'm thinking about them crossing and i've now they're supposed to cross there they go yeah yeah yeah yeah okay they're supposed to cross when you're near the area you want when whenever you feel the energy uh yeah and hopefully what's happening is all the tiny micromuscular movements are actually what's doing something so that's sand [Music] okay so now we'll go over here to where we know the water is and it's not anything you're doing on purpose but if you're doing it right it's actually fooling yourself right yeah yeah knowing how it works you don't want to try not to do it right right you don't want to try to trick the dowsing rod right because you know you could just consciously do this you're like i don't know yeah they don't seem to be working yeah but that is it's really compelling because it's so subtle and i guess you got to keep your dowsing rods oiled and properly lubricated yeah so oil and properly lubricate your fists now people die and for yours people actually put these in survival kits in like bug out bags and go bags to find water out in the wild which to me seems dangerously irresponsible some would say crazy uh i would say irresponsible uh and i'm apt to agree with you on the other word yeah i think i think these are fun and we'll do an actual experiment with them in a moment to see if they you know actually work in these scientific conditions i have heard the argument that well if it is just your own unconscious through the ideomotor response then you know it's it's you not thinking as much and you know turning off that conscious brain that could put you in the wrong direction and to be clear i i'm just gonna follow that up with yeah we've only heard the stories from these people who used them and survived there is a survivorship bias the other thing is remember the people selling survival kits they're in the business of selling survival kits and if half the population believes that dowsing rods will help half the population will believe it's irresponsible not to include dowsing rods yeah yeah and again like it's one of those things where it's like yeah they're in there but should you trust life and death with them i i think the jury's still out can we start selling like a cultist survival kit or it's like you've got you've got your fire starter homeopathic uh intercepting no way we've got some sage when you're on the run from people wanting to burn you at the stake and you need to go hide in the woods there you go that that's fine that's fine i saw a skeptic talk for they were talking about a tv program where they had a fire walker and so they wanted the guy swore he could just walk forever and ever and ever so they made like a football-sized long fire calls and he kept not going to go to go to go and then they had to hop off and the thing they didn't do that the guy said that he thought about doing was giving him the choice okay would you like to go to the regular first aid tent or the alternative medicine for stage 10 ouch we've been talking about this for years but now i understand how it's a little adjacent to legend testing well and yes also man the roots run deep on dowsing the james randy educational foundation had that million dollar prize for anyone who could do anything paranormal far and away dowsers were they were all dowsers because that's the one thing that they could do and prove it and again we might get lucky in our test but when you do multiple trials everything kind of hits the expected standard deviation bell curve it's dowser uh the skeptic's word for chooch don't be such a dowser samson and the dowser okay if there's nothing to the energy if statistically these don't work what is a very good reason that people would continue to use them plumbers and people looking for water uh in the case of plumbers uh you have something to blame so let's say you use it and you're like yep yeah there's a water pipe right here in this wall and they punch a hole in the wall and there's no pipe uh you could be in trouble and you could just be like hey look this these are faulty these are you know these are what they told me man you know if i have a plumber coming over and he pulls out the dowsing rods they all do it's just going to be no no just go just go well but think about that maybe that's sort of like a bedside banner thing if you've got somebody who you could tell is really worried about you banging into their wall this is like an extra step maybe sometimes you do it maybe maybe sometimes you don't i'm just afraid they're gonna find the drugs all right let's do our version of an actual double-blind test all right let's do it you both get out of here and take your dowsing rods with you no i'm not digging okay okay he's got four they're witnesses look what i'm gonna be able to find brian i think we've all been there standing alone in a field in a sun-baked desert surrounded by nothing but prospectors with their divining rods promising me the treasure of the ancients those prospectors don't exist i made them up do you know what does exist fine art now here's the thing my wife makes beautiful giant vessels the problem is if you want to buy one you got to buy the whole thing they got to hope that she gets super famous by the way i strongly encourage this method what if you're risk averse or you don't have a lot of money to invest i mean i don't know it's only a terrible time for inflation right now what if you could put your money into blue chip artworks pieces that you believe are going to stand the test of time and be valued for lifetimes to come guess what you're not alone two-thirds of all billionaires put 10 to 30 percent of their portfolio into fine art think about your bill gates's he's got that crazy book of time machines that da vinci wrote i'm pretty sure this is a fact then you hear these other weird stories like here in austin somebody bought a bust at a goodwill for 34.99 turned out to be 2000 years old priceless point is as long as humans be humaning people are going to love fine art and that's what the people at masterworks believe they put together a portfolio where they buy the art you buy shares in it so every time you get to see that art you think to yourself i own just a little bit of that and when the time is right they sell and when they sell they know what they're doing because when they do decide to sell they make money so if you've got cash that needs to be invested and you're afraid of prospectors and you don't believe in dividing rods then maybe you should consider our friends over at masterworks dot art monorogue that's where you could go we'll get credit for whatever you invest most importantly you'll get all the disclosures you'll find out how they do what they do and you can own a piece of literal history masterworks dot art slash modern rogue halfway out his mouth yeah i got me a picasso a pea castle it's all the money it's poisonous money i sleep on it all right i hear somebody needs some water found and that there's a million dollars on the line oh yes but it's in bitcoin oh no wait now it's worth 1 million and 200 no it's valueless yeah yes yeah i guess we could both go independently before we find out where it is yeah yeah yeah do you want do you want me to step outside and see what would you do well that would be the ideal version and of course in a real test we would do multiple trials and we'd probably have 10 of them but there's a chance we might accidentally be right this time a one in five yeah yeah i'll go first i'll go first all right you got this i'm cheering you on so what's weird is now that i don't know i really am trying to pay attention to whether or not i'm trying not to like make a decision but also like just now i looked down and i saw a fingerprint of dust on the the one in front of me so i'm not even gonna look because i don't want those unconscious clues there was one time i went ghost hunting with uh brett brownsville and he asked the dowsing rods he said ghosts spirits where are the cheez-its and he kept waiting for like three full minutes and they never moved and he says well i guess they're that way oh this genuinely just happened all right so i'm going to make this one like that okay uh how about you start from that end you start here and and then we'll see if it's a similar thing okay can i move on to the next one yeah okay yeah all right not getting any vibes or energy there oh i don't know looks like they just moved when you when you moved [Laughter] i cannot recommend trying this at home enough because it really yeah we could use all the words and all the visuals but there's nothing like seeing it happen in your own hands they just crossed they crossed that time okay i'm moving i'm moving on moving on well that's the other thing too like even if you just make them out of coat hangers it is a very magical feeling and i think it's that feeling which has kept them so in the consciousness for people for so long the other thing is because they're so good and noisy like as he moved there was a brief moment that they happened to cross over this so let's say i don't know which one is the right one but when it's revealed uh let's say it happens to be that one he's getting across there you gotta hit heat i got a hit all right i'm feeling the orgon energy oh god now now just to be complete go over the last one just to be sure we'll go back over no no over over that one yeah yeah yeah we have to be scientific about yes yeah scientific adjacent okay this is jason's this is brian's neither of you chose this one and that is sand this is fun we didn't choose this one could you imagine if there if it really was for a million dollars if we were playing it like a game show or something can we start a game show about dowsing this is sows or no doubt doubts are no doubts and sand one of you is right one of you is right uh okay okay okay okay oh it feels like price is right this is far more exciting than i thought it was going to be yeah yeah yeah the stakes oh so now the question is are the store-bought ones that have the copper and the fancy better than code hanger one yes the actual absolute legend test yeah those are bespoke what they they they were handcrafted by by a sorcerer's supreme yeah yes absolutely and the store bought ones are chances [Music] the wealth of the ages i'm gonna die out here that's science baby wait wait wait hold it over his stomach do we get the same response turns out they measure sadness that is not where i thought that episode was going to go me neither want some water to sometimes it takes you i'm gonna go spit this out i hate sand it's everything do you have any specific reasons you'd like to walk us through gets in places it makes your intestines it makes me butcher children offer and link in the description below oh yes marriage [Music] so it is it is the princess bride it is okay yeah yeah that's my sword father that's what it was oh yeah yeah yeah you know what it was better when you weren't telling me this is more fun when nobody knew
Channel: The Modern Rogue
Views: 62,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern rogue, brian brushwood, jason murphy
Id: rUL_84hv-LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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