When And How To Prune A Rose Bush

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hello welcome to another video from homesteading off-the-grid today we're going to show you how to properly prune a rosebush a lot of people wonder when is the best time of year to prune a rosebush the answer is you can prune your rosebush basically any time of year but the best time of year is early spring late winter just as it starts to show new growth for the year if you'll come a little closer I'm gonna show you what I'm talking about okay you see these buds okay it is uh it's late February spring is not here yet on the calendar but the rose bush is letting us know that spring is very quickly on the way and it's ready to start growing so pay attention to your plants not the calendar man is wrong from time to time mother nature rarely is so this is when we want to get started and I want to point out a couple things before we show you how you actually do it number one safety you see I have gloves and you see that I'm wearing long sleeves as you know rose bushes have lots of thorns like poison said back in the 80s every rose has a thorn well this rosebush has a lot of fawns and you might want to wear safety glasses because I mean I've been out here pruning bushes and trees and working in the woods clearing the wood line pulling grapevines down and just unexpectedly something will hit me in the face there's been a couple times that these safety glasses have saved my vision so come a little closer and we're gonna point something else out to you you notice now this is for the health of the rosebush my pruning shears are clean there's no rust they're not dirty you've got to make sure that your pruning shears are clean and rust free because you can actually damage your bushes when you clip if you have rust on here and you don't want to do that especially I mean this bush is probably thirty years old so we don't want to kill it because we're being too lazy to clean our our tools so there are several things there's more than one way to prune a rosebush it all depends upon what you want the best roses are going to come from the new growth so you want to basically clip away all of the old growth from last year they'll still bloom but if you get new growth you're gonna have a lot more roses and the more air that can get into your bush the more blooms you're gonna get so if you look over here we're gonna go back there are two schools of thoughts on this or rather there are two ways you can do it a lot of people will find about a very healthy bud and they'll clip just behind it because they know for sure that there's life and in in vibrant growth coming up through this point so they click just behind it to make sure that they capture that vibrancy now a lot of people will find a bud and they'll clip after the bud like this okay this is this is also correct now the main thing you want to look for in here is life part of the reason people clip in front of the bud is because they want to make sure they capture life if you clip after the bud and you see that there is no dead portion here then you're fine okay but if you were to clip that let's say we clipped it in half of this was dead then you could always just go like this just clip it down again beneath the bud so you make sure you're capturing the vibrant growth now it's obvious on this one that there's some death up here right here this these dead looking thorns might just be a result of dormancy but as a precaution we're gonna go down below where it looks dead and as you can see it's full of life so that was a good clipping right there now a lot of folks talk about the angle of the clip if you'll notice I'm not clipping straight like that and the reason why is because a very marginal amount of water when it rains can actually stay rested on that flat surface and that can lead to molding mildew and the death of that portion of your plant so if you clip it at an angle like that the rainwater will run right off and that helps protect your plan now I just showed you some simple ways to to make some clips and basically I included all the necessary information that you need to know now from here it's up to you if you have a small rosebush it's only a couple of three years old it's relatively simple what you want to do is you want to make sure to cut it in the form clip it in the form of a vase for thought with a hollow each Center you don't want to have any stems crossing like right here if you focus in on this you'll see that these stems are crossing that reduces the amount of aeration go ahead and clip them so that they're not crossing okay same thing here now as I mentioned before our rosebush is nearly thirty years old we bought this house from a lady who is nearing 90 years old now and she used it as a rental property for the last 20 years that she owned it she moved to a different part of the state she finally got tired of renting and she was getting older so she sold it and we were fortunate enough to buy it from her but I spent some time chatting with her a little bit online after the sale went through and she told me quite a bit about this property's past and she mentioned that she planted this in the 80s so my wife was born in 87 so she's 30 she's filming this video she didn't want to be in it but she scroll down through all of our videos you'll see her and plenty of others beautiful Filipino girl she thinks she's ugly so go watch her and some of our other videos and company hey you're not ugly you're just crazy for thinking you are but anyway this rose bush is older than my wife so we were here the last two summers and it makes beautiful bushes so we are not going to clip it down pass the portion of this old-growth but now if you have an old Bush and you want to clip it down past that you're gonna need something bigger okay you're gonna need these because shears I just had aren't going to cut it and you would do it the same way you would come down and cut at an angle now I'm not gonna do it because you remember at the beginning of the video I mentioned make sure there's no rust or dirt these have been in storage on winter we've not been burning or sharing anything now before I would I'm gonna take my file and clean that off make it nice and sharp and probably Gries this up and lube it up so it works more efficiently but I'm not gonna show you what not to do by actually making a cut here with rusty shears but you would just come back down and cut it at an angle same way you would with the stems okay so from this point all of this growth is from last year I'm gonna come down as close to the main stem as I can now I try to pile these up in a in one location to make it easier to clean up when I'm finished so I'm not gonna just throw them everywhere so I'm clipping clipping just I'm coming all the way down to the main beams the main stems here's one and I'm clipping at that roughly 45 degree angle so that the rain won't stay there and cause mildew or mold and damage my plant now you know a lot of people have fears associated with clipping their rose bushes because they're afraid you're going to clip off too much and they're hesitant to do it well the thing is if you if you don't do this you're gonna get a long gangly leggy looking plant it's still gonna be beautiful all rose bushes and plants are beautiful but if you want a healthier looking more robust stocky bulky outrageously blooming rose bush then you need to do this and I'll point out here while I'm doing this we don't just do this when the new growth is screaming to us hey spring is on the way ready or not here I come we'll do this a couple well maybe three more times throughout the year after the first bloom the roses will come out they bud they're beautiful but then they'll start to die and the leaves will start to fall off and you'll start to see new buds forming that probably happens in late July I'll come in here at that time and I'll do this again and then we get another beautiful bloom during Indian summer and those roses will stay on due to the cooling temperatures around that time of year especially at night they'll stay on through the fall so by doing that second clipping which will probably record and show you here later in the year you get a second robust bloom you can do one in the middle of the summer and actually get three blooms a year if you want but it's so beautiful in October when all the the leaves are on the trees and we have a lot of Autumn Blaze maples here so you've got the red maple leaves you've got the yellow tulip poplar leaves and then you've got these beautiful pinkish reddish roses right here to add to all the fall coloring whereas most people if they don't do those secondary and tertiary clippings like this in the summer middle of summer and Indian summer they don't have that the roses bloom they die they fall off I'm sure their yards still beautiful in the fall I'm gonna go down further on this one that way it'll be more robust but basically I've shown you all you pretty much need to to know so we're gonna wrap this thing up here see good thing I have that shirt on cuz that could have been my skin we're gonna wrap up to do the rest we won't take up your time but I want to show you oh here's one more thing I can point out to you before I do though this stem is completely dead you might get a better angle of it from over here honey but it's completely dead so I'm gonna completely cut that off boom okay because that is gonna do you no good so when you do find completely dead stems make sure you get rid of them all the way down to the base but basically I want to show you this if you can scroll back to the beginning of the video you'll see that this was all like a bushy hedge it was like a jungle well now it's open and it's clear giving it the plant all of this air and all of this space is just gonna allow it to grow so much better so much more robust and we're gonna do the same thing on the other side so if you enjoyed this video please subscribe to our channel if you look down there in the bottom right of your screen you'll see a little box that says join us hover over that and it'll come up it'll say subscribe go ahead and subscribe spring is on the way we're gonna have a lot more videos for you we're gonna do a lot of planning Sherriff's with your friends and as always thank you for joining us for another video from homesteading off-the-grid
Channel: Homesteading Off The Grid
Views: 477,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rose, roses, bush, prune, pruning, sheers, garden, gardening, flower, flowers, Spring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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