When a Victim Switches to the Berserk Mode and Turns Into a Predator

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I'm eating grass and someone's eating me I don't like it [Music] today we'll take a look at the animals from the bottom of the food chain who decided they didn't like the way things are let's go [Music] snakes are the natural predators of rabbits just as rabbits are the natural prey of snakes but everything can change if the snake picks the wrong prey like a mother willing to do anything to protect your babies as soon as the female eastern cottontail discovered that her Offspring was about to be devoured by the black rat snake it seemed like she's forgotten who the actual Predator was the rabbit charged at the snake she didn't just pounce on the snake to scare it away she bit it with her teeth the snake tried to crawl away but the angry mother rabbit wouldn't have it she pulled the snake back several times biting rolling on her back trying to disembowel the Predator actually rabbits have quite strong teeth it's actually strange why they don't use them as weapons and although the black rat snake managed to kill two of the three baby rabbits the mother's goal was to once and for all discourage the Predator from returning to her nest I think she did a good job I wouldn't be surprised if the snake developed a phobia of rabbits after this while the mother rabbit almost tore the snake apart the hair fought the Western Marsh Harrier that's a bird from the hawk family it's not very large but formidable enough to be a deadly predator for hares when hairs see this bird they quickly hide or run away but not this one he was jumping up and down like he was gonna grab the marsh Harrier and kick him hard perhaps this was also a female who protected The Offspring hidden somewhere in the grass motherhood does amazing things to animals by the way since we got examples of infuriated animals that are supposed to be the prey we should understand how much of a fight they could put up let's look at rabbits after all hairs seem more formidable to me according to the researchers rabbits can be quite Fierce if they want to they might seem soft and fluffy at first glance rabbits use their sharp teeth and Claws to attack each other and can easily scratch or bite until they bleed that's what they do to each other can you imagine what they'll do if locked in a fight against manager also rabbits have really strong legs which could kick hard and then I thought that some ungulates could probably kick the Predator even harder but when Steve and I started looking for information we stumbled upon a completely different story a herd of zebras was crossing a river in the Maasai Mara National Reserve when they were attacked by crocodiles usually this ends with zebras dying and it's sort of a natural order of things however it turned out that supposedly helpless herbivores have a weapon strong enough to fight back this weapon is their teeth yes the zebra literally bit the crocodile that was about to bite it and sank its teeth right into the crocodile's throat if I were a predator I wouldn't expect this at all I mean imagine your cheeseburger suddenly trying to eat you naturally you'll throw it away so the crocodile released the zebra and it calmly crossed to the other side of the river and I can imagine the rest of the zebras are like hold on we could do that however zebras have a mighty kick too check out these photos taken in 2011 at the angoran Goro Conservation Area in Tanzania zebras were calmly strolling through the grass unaware of a lion lying in an ambush however when he attacked from behind and this is how Lions usually hunt a zebra began to jump and kick so furiously it not only shook the Predator off but also gave him a good kick to the face honestly this looks painful moreover zebras are capable of doing extremely powerful kicks scientists say that zebras have strong hindquarters that can strike with enough Force to break a crocodile's jaw zebras are generally considered to have the strongest kick and have been known to kill a 617 pound male African lion with a single body kick if of course they're angry enough or scared enough to hit the right spot in general when fighting a zebra which doesn't want to become a lion's dinner the Predator will be very lucky if he comes out of this fight alive remember how in one of the previous videos we already mentioned donkeys that can guard other animals of course that's hardly because they're related to zebras but I simply have to talk about them again here's the most striking example for you not so long ago in April 2022 guard donkeys were dispatched to Colorado to protect a herd of cows from wolves the reason was simple at some point attacks by Wolves became more frequent something had to be done about it and in addition to other methods of protection they decided to use wild donkeys and since these animals are very sociable plus they're used to constantly protecting themselves and they're herd from predators in the wild they can handle the job on par with dogs once again their job is not to run away from predators but to fend them off the best they can plus these cute unglits are cheaper than dogs and don't require any additional training the donkeys just need to well be donkeys however I have to say that each link on the food chain is closely connected to the others you could be a snake that eats mice and rabbits and then become a meal for some Hawk for example a red-tailed hawk noticed a western rat snake and thought that the snake was the perfect prey big delicious nutritious but he didn't take into account that the snake was quite big which means that it was strong enough to fight back any misplaced grabbed by the bird in which the talons don't end up in the body of the snake means that the snake gets multiple loops around the bird to constrict it like holding the burden of ice such cases aren't uncommon and sometimes the loops the snake forms with its body squeeze the bird's throat actually from what Steve and I have been able to find people usually intervene in situations like this they separate the opponents which rush to hide but if not for people the snakes would have killed quite many birds that chose the wrong dinner basically snakes use their strong muscles to their advantage in order to survive but this is what almost all animals do meanwhile kangaroos themselves create a situation where they have an upper hand to protect itself from the dog the kangaroo got into the water because it understands very well how Water Works a kangaroo can stand Waist Deep in water but it can still punch with its front arms all a dog can do is swim closer and well that's it it can't even bite a kangaroo because it'll immediately get punched with powerful front arms and here's another story also involving a kangaroo a dog and water I'm starting to think that all kangaroos attend some kind of dog fighting course but this time the wild animal didn't just Retreat into the water it grabbed the enemy in the water and started drowning it that is dogs of course are great swimmers but even they have a limit when we studied the interaction of kangaroos and water a little it turned out that they do have a certain Instinct a colleges and Kangaroo experts say these animals do rush into the water when threatened by a predator and the dog is definitely considered a predator even if the kangaroo is quite big and yes some kangaroos are strong enough to grab the dog with their powerful arms with no less powerful Claws and drown it they say that some Australians often lose their dogs due to kangaroos but let's not blame the poor kangaroos they don't benefit from these killings so most likely they stay in the water hoping no one would chase them there and yet battles between Kangaroos and dogs have been much less frequently than for example fights between octopuses and seabirds mainly because neither the kangaroo nor the dog is particularly interested in killing each other meanwhile seabirds will be very happy if the octopus dies because it'll become their delicious dinner then although octopuses can hide and disguise themselves birds still find them sometimes and that's when everything becomes much more interesting so the seabird has excellent eyesight sharp claws and a beak the octopus has eight muscular flexible tentacles with their own brains each plus suckers and of course a beak which could inflict a really painful bite as it has toxic substances a bird sees an octopus and thinks it can catch it for a snack it takes a dive but as soon as the bird touches the water the octopus comes out and grabs its opponent pulling it closer hundreds of suckers prevent the bird from escaping by the way each sucker of a giant octopus could hold up to 35 pounds let alone some poor seagull of course the bird will fight back Peck furiously and scratch the tentacles but even if the octopus loses a couple of them he won't be too upset because he can always grow them back however the outcome of the battle will depend on the size of the enemy if a bird chooses to pick a fight with a giant octopus which can weigh up to 220 pounds then it won't have a single chance if the octopus is smaller than that then it won't drown the bird although it will still have the opportunity to fight back but only if it can put the weapon given by nature to good use to be honest I somehow can't imagine octopuses as prey they seem to be strong enough to be formidable predators and any encounters with seagulls are simply a mistake on the part of the birds it's different when it comes to rats and snakes it's usually immediately clear who's the aggressor here though rats can go berserk and activate their rage mode when it comes to protecting their offspring in Naples a mother rat charged at a predator who was trying to take away her pup it's not entirely clear what kind of snake it was most likely non-venomous but I don't think the rat would have given up anyway she kept biting and grabbing the snake until it released the baby rat fortunately it was alive it's an understandable desire to protect their young characteristic of many animal species it has nothing to do with having tender feelings towards babies although perhaps they do exist but each animal seeks to spread its genes as much as possible puts in time and effort into reproduction only for some kind of snake to undo all the work no way moreover rats do have something to fight snakes with actually they can be quite ferocious hunt and kill on their own and if necessary use their weapons for self-defense I'm talking about rat teeth back in 1812 the German mineralogist developed a scale to measure the ability of gemstones and minerals to scratch other materials one being the softest mineral 10 is the hardest everything simple rat teeth are ranked 5.5 on this scale which means they're harder than copper and iron rats can easily chew through wood brick and in some cases even concrete and rusty metal there's also more recent data for example not long ago netizens complained that rats nod at their iron cookware you know those metal pans and ladles that survived three of your great-grandmothers but were powerless against rat teeth well of course everything depends on the thickness and type of material it's clear that the rats could hardly handle a huge cast iron boiler but the aluminum sheet is a piece of cake for them the only question is why are they even doing this take a bite of this no no no but since rats can fend off snakes cats are simply helpless against them okay so they might not be so helpless but this is not like in Tom and Jerry at least because Jerry was a mouse and rats are too big and fearless for cats ever since humans have domesticated cats or rather cats have chosen to live near us we've been using these animals to control rodents in general for about nine Millennia cats have been helping people with this difficult task but a few years ago in New York scientists tried to study rats and found that cats were actually bad at killing them I'm serious just look at these figures in five months motion triggered cameras captured only two successful kills and it was in a place crawling with rats there were at least 150 of them in there yes the cameras captured another 20 stalking attempts and another failed attempt to kill a rat and that's it cats are great at dealing with mice and young rats but as soon as the rodents grow to a certain size eyes some kind of unvoiced agreement comes into force and the rats and cats begin to Simply ignore each other only very desperate and most likely very hungry cats will dare to hunt an adult rat usually they just eat the same garbage and don't bother each other by the way when I say that rats are too big for cats I mean it New York brown rats typically weigh around 12 ounces that is about 10 times the weight of the average Mouse now imagine you're a stray cat you have a choice attack a mouse that weighs an ounce and is unlikely to fight back a bird that weighs half an ounce and can fly away or a giant ferocious rat that can bite you so hard it'll hurt a lot not to mention the fact that you can lose an eye and even die from an infection in short I get why cats don't want to mess with rats but we spoke enough about small Predators how about someone really formidable the one whose position in the food chain is definitely not going to be challenged by anyone a bear or even better a grizzly bear the most bloodthirsty ferocious predator and generally the villain of many children's cartoons about animals when grizzly bears attack they tend to focus on the victim's head back of the neck and shoulders they attack from above after all they're tall enough for that but sometimes they aren't lucky and the prey turns into a killer the body of 154 pound female grizzly bear has been discovered by hikers near a popular hiking round at first the authorities were not sure what exactly caused the death but a necropsy revealed a surprising culprit a mountain goat the locations of the wounds on the Grizzly's neck and armpit suggest that the goat being attacked by the bear was able to pierce the bear with its horns the goat probably jerked its head back hard or something they say that mountain goats rarely survive attacks though it can happen sometimes after all they're strong heavy animals males can weigh up to 300 pounds and nature gave them excellent means for self-defense so if some Predator attacks mountain goats he must be ready for a tough fight not only bears but also cougars are at risk well just like anyone who's not fast enough to dodge the horns but I was much more impressed by the story of a boar who managed to kill a bear and not some wild boar but a tame one I must say right away I found this story in a book and it happened somewhere in the early 19th century a bunch of hogs in Arkansas were attacked by a predator and all the animals except for the boar rushed to seek protection from people it didn't come up until two hours later the animal was in such bad condition wounded and covered in blood not to mention its Spirit when you're a boar that just fought a bear it's quite an unnerving situation in short the boar was still angry and very restless when people followed the tracks of the Wounded boar they found the Dead bear and evidence of a desperate struggle Kane weeds and papaya bushes were mashed flat to the ground the poor bear was mangled by The Boar's tusks almost Beyond description it had deep gashes and lacerations all over its body and legs the greatest wounds were inflicted on the belly of the bear apparently the boar hit the bear with its tusks so hard that he had no chance of surviving the further fate of the boar however is unknown I hope he was fine actually I think that when push comes to shove any animal will fight to the end showing resilience you'd never expect from it it's strange that prey doesn't act like this all the time take for example Penguins giant petrols are one of the Predators they fear most although giant petrols forage most of the time as scavengers they can be very aggressive Hunters when they find suitable prey baby penguins or even injured adults are quite a suitable Target but sometimes things don't go according to the plan and the whole colony of penguins attacks the giant petrol yes this is a predator but there are more penguins and they're fiercer we don't know how the giant petrol ended up on the ground and why he lost the ability to fly but it's quite clear this was a big mistake on his part the outcome is quite predictable the Penguins dealt with their enemy and here you can see how the emperor penguin chicks are attacked by a petrol and try to huddle together to make it harder for the Predator to choose a victim perhaps this would have worked or maybe one of the Penguins would be seriously injured if not for the adeli penguin I like how he confidently walks as if he's about to tell the petrol that he flew into the wrong neighborhood maybe that's what the penguin actually told him because soon the Predator simply flew away in search of easier prey that was the right decision although a deli penguins are small and funny looking they're Reckless bold and rarely fear animals they should be scared of and when you're confronted by such a small but Brave creature you feel like it's better to stay away from it just in case now tell me who's gonna win a fight between a California ground squirrel and a Pacific rattlesnake given that both animals are healthy adults if it was any other video you'd probably bet on a rattlesnake but today we have a special case when confronted by a rattlesnake ground squirrels usually try to kick dirt and debris right into the snake's face and lunge at it to see how active it is if it looks like the snake is dangerous the ground squirrel forces blood to its tail by heating it up then causes the fur on it to stand on end and starts waving it frantically this usually baffles the snake not because the ground squirrel is acting weird the snake perceives it as something very large and very warm standing in front of it most likely it's also quite dangerous so it's better not to attack this creature but if the snake attacks anyway the ground squirrels turn into ninjas they pounce on the snake from different angles slash at it with their sharp teeth and drop on the snake's head with their their whole body and if this is a mother who protects her babies I don't envy the snake but the most amazing little animal with a ruthless killer mode is the bornean tufted ground squirrel it's endemic to the island of Borneo weighs several pounds and it's damn malicious according to local Hunters this cute fluffy animal attacks deer and kills them in order to eat the contents of their stomachs livers and hearts the squirrel said to perch on low branches ambushing passing deer and biting them on the jugular veins to make the animal bleed to death as soon as the deer dies the squirrel eats its internal organs let me remind you we're still talking about the squirrel yeah this one with a cute tail and ears in villages close to the edge of the forest there were also reports of the squirrel killing domestic chickens and eating only the heart and liver although this may seem like a fabrication naturalist Edward Banks recorded in 1949 that the squirrel was wary difficult to observe and biting fiercely in addition other types of squirrels actively hunt small vertebrates so why can't these animals include deer in their menu after all their sharp teeth and Claws make it quite possible ah okay in 2020 they did some research and found that Bernie and tufted ground squirrels basically eat two kinds of seeds but who knows maybe in the future we'll learn more facts and suddenly realize that somewhere on our planet they're actually cute fluffy deer killers everything is more or less clear with wasps you don't expect them to be peaceful they're ready to sting and do what it takes to protect their offspring but when you think about wasps versus Birds you still bet on birds but wasps can also go berserk this insect has been seen landing on the head of a four day old chick in Brazil while the parents were away biting it tearing its flesh leaving the poor chick mortally wounded other chicks in the same area had similar injuries I mean it wasn't an accident generally wasps don't mind eating meat but they usually prefer meat that won't fight back that is carrion on the other hand when there's a defenseless chick around that looks like a good snack why not attack it according to observations one wasp made 17 visits to the bird's nest within about an hour and 40 minutes it may have needed several trips to carry the pieces of the bird to its own nest and if you think this is somehow cruel to birds then well this is life in the wild it's actually quite harsh there are birds that eat bees and wasps literally knocking the sting out of them foreign so that's hardly surprising the insects are holding a grudge they're actually lucky as they didn't have to deal with a bird called The Vampire Finch sounds like the name of a goofy Halloween party costume but it's an actual species that lives in the Galapagos archipelago at first glance this is a small harmless bird with a very very sharp beak which it uses to eat not only fruits and nuts the vampire Finch gets its name from its bizarre habit of pecking at the skin of large birds and feeding on their blood apparently this happens when other food sources are scarce and the Galapagos archipelago food can be an issue the main prey of these feathered bloodsuckers or Nazca and blue-footed boobies and they don't really mind when their necks are packed although no one knows exactly how vampire finches developed a taste for blood in the first place it's believed that over the centuries they sometimes pecked too hard at the skin of seabirds while feeding on their parasites so they Peck too hard a couple times and then they started enjoying it happens to all of us see you later [Music]
Channel: WATOP
Views: 672,171
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Keywords: WATOP, Wa Top
Id: z3AR86T-QI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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