When a celebrity rents your exotic car...

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he's a millionaire pretending to be a billionaire with like a thousand there's cars parked in his garage oh my god that's cool like those are my cars so being in the exotic car rental industry for so long I mean you come across celebrities the more famous the celebrity the less likely they are to rent a flashy car now Will Smith Tommy Lee Jones perfect example they were renting for when they were filming in New York for men and black they took Range Rovers just something comfortable to get her out Katy Perry took a car for a couple of months in the Hamptons what did she take I mean I'm surprised two convertible but just a BMW m6 convertible far from the most expensive stuff we have we have Rolls Royces we have Bentley convertibles just took a dime six convertible completely innocuous car because she's Katy Perry no matter what happens she's gonna get out of a Jeep Wrangler and she's gonna be Katy Perry so like you're not doing it for the attention and driving in the Hamptons I mean what do you really need the only time like exotics went to celebrities and then if you call them celebrities senator Ted Kennedy at the time his wife got him an Aston Martin Vanquish as a gift for a weekend then Pat Sajak from Wheel of Fortune he took Aston Martin db9 and I remember him calling up and it was like hey this is a Pat Sajak and I'm interested in the Aston Martin db9 I'm like alright can I interest you in anything else cuz that car sucks it's hard to convince people that they don't want to drive an Aston Martin a lot of people like have this illusion this James Bond like a sexy car like sounds good looks good drives good doesn't drive well the brakes suck on it the transmission is very lurchy it's just not a very fluid car and he was interested in buying one so I'm glad I read and I'm like look I he he took the train I'm very like normal guy took the train up from DC we picked him up in Newark at the train station brought him over he took the car took a photo kept it for a couple of days and yeah right like I'm not gonna buy one I don't like it so much I'm like I could have saved you the money and and I even said this on my conversation like I could save you the money and tell you not to do it because it's not ultimately a great car but like I all for you I get one of the smartest things to do with an exotic car rental is savior's preview your car before you're interested in buying it because everybody falls in love with a car when you go to a dealership and you take it for a test drive around the block and you hear the exhaust open up and you're right it was really cool but when you get a home and you live with it for a weekend or a week or like like oh you know what this isn't as good as I initially thought it was these celebrities that want just to be seen driving around our cars I'm like that doesn't get me anywhere because yes you're famous but that's gonna work for Lamborghini they see you pull up in my Lamborghini Lamborghini is gonna get the thumbs up not me I'm not gonna get any any mention or any value out of it I don't see the benefit in giving them out like the Kardashians they always want it oh can you give us a car for this guy this guy this guy and it just never came to fruition because I'm like look I'm just you got to give me something like I need I'll give them to you at a discount in exchange for the value that I'm getting for you putting my name in the credits of your thing giving me a photo that put up on my Instagram doesn't get me very far I don't really need it I'm better off just renting the car out for the same period of time because then they're like oh okay if you give me the one car for Chloe or whoever whoever was asking for a car at the time and wherever they were asking on their behalf then we also need one for this person in this person like like giving you three cars like yeah I've given you this and there's always a company willing to do it it's just not me the celebrity can afford to pay like this guy just made twenty five million dollars doing his last movie my favorite celebrity story is Will Smith I was working in a golf course when I was younger probably I mean this is before like like there were cell phones but no camera phones like I would never take a photo on a camera and we got a call up I was working at River Vale Country Club buy my house and a hotel called in like this is when he was filming four-bagger advance hey uh Will Smith looking to come on in the play as a single do they like Will Smith is probably one of the most recognizable celebrities out there I'm like that's all Smith like he's a single is nobody to play it's like a it's a Tuesday morning or something like that and like ten in the morning I'm like I'll go play with him like can I go by like it was a good golfer at the time I'm like can I go like like can you cover the shift and they're like like essentially no and I was like this close to like quitting my job two just have these story of going and playing around with Will Smith I'll remember that like he was just sitting over at the thing he goes and gets like a bagel from the snack shop and I know it's gonna like I clearly like you're not gonna pretend like you don't know Will Smith but I gave him a space I let him do his thing he went out he got paired up with some random guy and that random guy probably still talks about it but he came back in and I called my mom while I was out playing golf like you gotta get me a camera or something like that so she goes and gets me one of those like little disposable Kodak's and I took a photo which I still have this day of what and my dad like has it in his where like he's got that furniture store in Hackensack and he still got the photo of me like with Will Smith with only oversized shirt in the Hat that doesn't fit I look like I'm younger than I am now and just sitting there with this like like faded photo my dad's been like that's like my greatest achievement in life is to have taken a photo with Will Smith and carry his golf bags to his car took the photo and he like after I walked the bag to the car I would have been happy if he just like gave me a high-five or just the photo was cool gave me some cash put it in my pocket get over like and then obviously he disappears go look gave me 300 bucks and I was like that's like the greatest thing ever and like of all the impressions that you can leave to him it was nothing like it was $300 maybe because I left him alone maybe because like we weren't swooning over him but like I still remember to this day I was like wow I got 300 bucks for Will Smith from walking his golf bag to the car which was literally 25 feet with the economies of scale him giving me 300 boxes like me throwing somebody a 10-spot so like I can see it but the lasting impression that that resonates it reminds me every time a celebrity asks for something for free I'm like you don't need it for free man you you made 40 million dollars last movie like you can afford to pay for your car rental I'll give you a discount as a courtesy if you have something in exchange if it's a Twitter post or a Facebook or something like that but I don't really get as much out of that it's not like Oh Will Smith rents from that company so I'm gonna go or like somebody's agent rents it like it's just the the interaction is not so much on an individual level and a lot of the times when ask some of them or like looking we need you to come down and sign the paper I'm not signing the papers like I he that he's too important to come down that's the opposite end of the spectrum there's somebody that's too important to come down I'm just like my employees are just there not to get your autograph not to do anything they're just to make sure that everything lines up if somebody calls up and says Will Smith wants a car and we show up and Will Smith's not there and they just sign Will Smith on the contract and then the car vanishes for the rest of its life what are we gonna say like that's the part of the rental process that I have to verify the person receiving the car is the person on the rental contract and usually at that time we'll get the ID from the person accepting the car we will then rent the car to them and put the other guy as the additional driver so like I don't really need to see the additional driver as long as I know you are who you are and and you have insurance and you're paying me and and my funds are secured and you are a real person taking the car I'm not gonna leave the car with some handler and say like hopefully we say when it comes back so we've learned our lesson but a lot of the the rentals that we do are movies so we get a lot of movie rentals because and my cars have been all over in the movies and I can even use like private individuals cars and movies because movies fully insured and they're not driving the cars so the cars are just static display I've had my a 1948 Buick that my grandfather gave me and it would actually was rented for the movie Jersey Boys it was the opening scene opening car the very first shot in the movie was my car driving down the street is the only thing I have from that car of it actually moving because a car from the 1940s is not like driving a car from today so it was not a very fun drive in the New York area ultimately that was in that movie I've had my personal cars and billions they've used my 360 my gt3 they they've used a bunch of my cars in billions because it's filmed in the New York area it's funny some of them like it shows up in like the corner of the shot in the back of like I'm like you just spent like 6 grand for that car for two days to have it like in the background as somebody else drove by in a Maserati like you could barely tell that car was there because you don't know what's gonna make the cut and I'm like that's I mean that's cool like you parked my car there for two days I get six grand so it makes sense but other than that like it just doesn't really make sense until you think about the his budgets they have to produce this stuff but I laughed especially with the Damian Lewis thing that he's a millionaire pretending to be a billionaire with like a thousandaire his car is parked in his garage oh my god that's cool like those are my cars like he filled his garage in his house and you got my 360 spider my gt3 and it's it's not a longshot hey they rented a house which was probably two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a day to rent so they rent these enormous mansions but to take in this dude's cars and and there's throwing them in the background of the shot so I found that is pretty cool being on the set of a movie or TV show is possibly one of the most boring things you're ever I mean it's we're not talking Michael Bay transformers were they're blowing stuff up we're talking being on the set of a show where it's just rigging equipment moving back and forth and like one shot 55 times where they do the same it's good to see you again cut it's good to see you again all right back to you play like it's just like you're watching this filmed from multiple angles it's boring as anything and and they'll always get the car on set we need the car at 8:00 in the morning you get in the morning they don't use it till 6 o'clock at night they use it for 15 minutes like all right cool we're good you can go and it's like great I mean at least they pay well but being on a movie set renting cars to movies it's so matter-of-fact now I don't even think about where my car has been or what show it's been on it may be on that show great like hey is this your car in the show very possible like I don't care it could be any red Ferrari just happens to be mine because I have a company that rents them out a Dollar Shave Club they always in control simply choose the delivery dates and frequency that suits your schedule so you don't run out get a shave shower with oral care starter set for just five bucks at dollarshaveclub.com [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 985,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Ferretti, SuperspeedersRob, exotic car rental, VINwiki, Car Stories, Gotham Dream Cars, Celebrity, Will Smith, Pat Sajack, Katy Perry, rental, supercar, lamborghini, ferrari, new york, movies, billions, jersey boys, picture cars, warehouse, tour, rental agreement, lawsuit, crash, damage
Id: T-3jfZZ7LLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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