When a bullied girl meets a clueless boy... - My Clueless First Friend

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my clueless first friend is a show about bullying and friendship and Adolescent romance this anime showcases the daily life of a quiet girl named nishimura who met the Chad's 10-year-old since Ash Ketchum it sounds simple but it gave me diabetes which according to the doctor may lead to further complications this show tells the story of akan nishimura an elementary school girl with the nickname of the Grim Reaper she is quiet with a gloomy appearance and has no friends which makes her a perfect Target for bullying many kids in her class make fun of her for absolutely no reason and even saying things like if you befriend the Grim Reaper she'll curse you until she met takao a clueless boy who couldn't comprehend why anyone would pass up on the opportunity to get cursed and become friends with the literal goddess of death taka sweeped his way into her life like a dodgeball flying into the cranium of a 10-year-old she is worried however about the things that her bullies are going to say about him if they find out wow nishimura didn't realize you were so popular let's see should I walk home with you or should I walk home with the Grim Reaper who will endow me with the seven curses of Hades and allow me to secure enough Dark Matter to finally wield the mythical dark [Music] dancer Tak may not know it but nishimura has been lying to her dad about her school life for as long as she can remember but for the first time in her life it stopped being a lie because she had met someone who Not only would never make fun of her but also stood up for her against her bullies it was a small gesture from taka but little did he know that him being him will end up being the start of a beautiful blooming relationship and a crippling God girl addiction Mike cl's first friend may suffer from not having a very catchy title but it definitely does not suffer from having boring characters this is Hun a boy who is into tank tops and the Occult he does not take think which makes him the perfect duo in combination with taka then we have II a girl who suffers the Grim Reaper's curse of being the only person mature enough to realize that takada and nishimura are practically dating yet being unable to tell anyone because it will ruin the cannon event next we have kasahara one of the Mean Girl Stacy who bullied nishimura she is a smug brat who deserve correction and thank the Lord she did receive correction to the power of friendship then we have taka the ultimate anti-bully Ranger that seems clueless on the surface but he makes you wonder if maybe he knows more than he's letting on he's portrayed exactly like a real 10-year-old boy but he would have these moments of Brilliance where he just knows the right words to absolutely destroy the bullies with their own logic then we have nishimura herself now the word self-insert gets thrown out a lot when it comes to romcoms in anime and I absolutely do self-insert specifically ask this guy nishimura dad this show awakens my dad instincts more than any other show could to witness nishimura go from a quiet girl with with no friends to a quiet girl with many friends is a chicken soup for my cold Dark Soul we see throughout the show how she learns to speak a little louder smile a little bit wider have fun and become more confident in being herself wanting to look cute despite what others might think asking her dad to take her shopping to buy cakes for her friends you just can't help but feel like a proud dad and that somewhere out there your deceased wife is smiling down on you and her daughter so do I recommend this anime yes but only if you are a middle-aged OG son if you are under the age of 20 you still have a chance to experience pure love like this yourself please for the love of God Don't Waste Your youth but all jokes aside this is one of those anime that will leave you smiling like an idiot every episode every episode is light-hearted but it also does a great job of never undermining the emotional impact of the bullying that nishimura faces but even more than that Michael's first friend does a great job of making you feel that nostalgic feeling almost like you're looking at a memory that never happened but maybe could have in another world m
Channel: ToyukoReviews
Views: 1,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZkN9EM4u7Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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