Wheel of Fortune: Losing a Million Dollars in Half a Second

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well where do we begin 15,000 $50 we'll start with that and the million dollar wedge is being held lovingly by whom up there my husband Andy good job alright well hope it works out for you we've taken $100,000 space out of the wheel and we've replaced it with a million dollars it is out there somewhere we ask you to spin the wheel and we'll see what happens [Applause] for me didn't give any much come on we're gonna head over here you're gonna step on that mark right no this way there you go now as I recall you chose what are you doing for your category STL huh letters up there you obviously gonna need to fill some in so give us some thought and give us three more consonants and one more bomb okay P H and a vowel o all right let's see how it works audience nothing for new please obviously very important to this young lady okay what are you doing is the category you have ten seconds to talk it out good luck flipping through [Music] flipping through toys flipping through pogs flipping through hugs pages yeah and honestly it just didn't come to the very end I didn't see the vowel I'm sure I know I know oh my gosh I know you've done really well you won $15,000 it was very excited you missed the puzzle by it what a half a second kinda what's a million dollars well I just feel [Music] we're going to be right back to this [Applause]
Channel: BuzzerBlog
Views: 116,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wheel, fortune, wheel of fortune, pat sajak, vanna white, million dollar, loss, loser, flipping through pages, game show
Id: fD-YKsu_UxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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