What's Your Game Of The Year 2020?

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hello and a very warm welcome to this special year-end edition of the tuesday checklist the show where we take it in turns to sit under a spotlight and have our opinions laughed at it's good to be back and this week we're talking about our most important opinions of all that is our individual games of the year for 2020 what an unforgettable 12 months it's been for playstation first up to recount their favorite video game part of it is me go me oh it's weird isn't it it is it's really weird right so my game of the year for 2020 is a game i have chosen with my heart have you forgotten what it is no this is a game i'm going to say very shortly i will say it here it comes it's final fantasy vii remake come as a surprise to probably no one that it's final fantasy vii remake and there have been some incredible games this year i'm sure you will hear about four more of them in due course but for me as soon as it came out it was it was around i think it was early april that it came out and i just knew there was just going to be nothing that could better this for me because final fantasy 7 the original is my favorite game of all time and i was a mix of very excited but also quite nervous about final fantasy 7 remake coming out because it was a thing so close to my heart and you know you're thinking oh please be good please be good please be good please be good and they just nailed everything about it and i've said this multiple times on the channel but when you when you're playing the original final fantasy vii you build up this sort of picture of it in your mind because it's you know there's no voice acting in it so much of it is is filled in with your own imagination like the the characters voices um sort of their relationships with each other you sort of imagine them as characters in a novel and you build up their own picture of them in your mind and final fantasy 7 remake managed to nail it so much so unbelievably well like i was thinking how can i describe to you dave how good i think final fantasy 7 remake is and it's imagine if someone remade the original star wars trilogy yeah no thank you but but they did it so well they did amazingly well like they nailed all the characters like all the characters exactly and it made you feel imagine it made you feel exactly as it made you feel when you were a kid first watching exactly yeah and it was a feeling i thought you know i'm not going to feel that excited about it you know i'm an adult now that that kind of child like excitement about things um but it really did like it was utterly joyous the the way they sort of reimagined iconic scenes from the original game and made them so modern so epic um the way the the new the music is absolutely insane uh the way they've weaved multiple scores from various uh bits of music from the original game sort of merged them together created this incred and made it incredibly orchestral and epic and everything about it was amazing just on a nuts and bolts kind of level as well the combat system i think i think square enix has been trying for for some time now to find like a sweet spot between real time because you know it's 20 20 now everyone goes real time now all the rpgs doing real time but still having that sort of rpg depth that fans of the original were going to love and appreciate and they absolutely just hit it on the head it was it's such an exciting battle system but full of so many little tweaks like the material system amazing just oh i'm trying to think of a word that isn't amazing it's just a really good story like that was one of the main reasons i love final fantasy 7 so much it's just so riveting and it had that story again you know reimagined in in the modern age it was just it was just great again i really hope that i hope you play it dave i hope you play it nay just not yours doesn't matter i'm new here but yeah if you've never played the original just give it a go like it's just it's a great timeless story the characters are so you're never going to get a better group of characters than final fantasy cloud is amazing sephiroth is amazing tifa aerith barrett the whole lot of them the turks rufus oh it's so good the set pieces are so good and johnny johnny i'm glad you brought up johnny there gotta bring up johnny glad you brought up johnny there and uh yeah there was another thing i was going to say about it that i was hoping i would remember by the time i finished that sentence at night it's amazing no and i've forgotten what it is giant fighting chickens are they yeah i don't know there's big animals that come and do big fight crazy that's what i remember the big fighting chickens are difficult to sell angles but yeah also they i mean you know i don't a spoiler for anyone who's not played it but it isn't exactly the same as the original and there that is has been a bit divisive but i am definitely in there oh my god i'm so on board with this camp like i honestly can't wait to see where they go with their the forthcoming games have whatever shape they take like just do it square enix i think they've earned the right to just do and go in whatever direction they want with that with the future of that series so good square enix weren't sure but now we've got it from robson yeah do it i said we can do it i have my information ash's first tuesday checklist [Applause] my game of 2020 is of course the last of us part two incredible wonderful amazing game that it is it was probably the worst gaming experience i've ever had and i say that with such love and care it was truly the most harrowing emotionally tearing upsetting thing i've ever made myself sit through and i loved every minute of it it was it was incredible it is incredible i love it i love it it's the game of 2020. um my experience of the last was part two i feel like kind of shapes this whole why it is my my game of the year because i just as soon as it released i did not leave my living room for about 72 hours like i started it on the friday night i got in and i was like that's it it's going on it's happening we're gonna play the last was part two go on friday night and then sat there until it was finished like there was no there was a break for sleeping there was a break for sleeping and i got to about 25 hours save and i got i finished it at the end and i think it was about eight o'clock in the evening i sat there and just cried until i went to until i went to sleep in the evening i just lay there going ah because all of the emotions of the game hadn't really hit me until i got to that last moment that last bit and it all just like came awash over me and i was like oh my god it's beautiful it's horrible the human condition is a disease it was oh my god it was an experience i took a picture of myself crying halfway through because i was like this is content um because it was just it was i was laughing at how how big my emotions were but also crying you know when you have just one of those emotional moments you're like that was my i didn't know how to process anything after this game but it's just it's so good the story elements coming to this i played the original the last of us quite late i feel i came to it um a little bit later than everything else so it was quite fresh in my mind um to play the last was part two so i was really excited for it i was really ready for it i wanted to see ellie and joel's story and obviously that plays out a lot differently what people were expecting beforehand so things change things get real and then halfway through um obviously you get a different perspective with abby as well and my journey through this my journey through ellie's feelings through oh dina i love you and through jesse through joel obviously and then coming to abby at the end of it all when she's kind of affected the story i'm trying to like keep this as spoiler-free as possible because i want people to play if you haven't played last part two you need to play the last part too it's incredible it is an experience it is my emotional scar to bear and um there's just so many facets of it that are completely unholy satisfying in a completely upsetting way like when i say it's my worst gaming experience i mean that so emphatically but also it's it's true but in a good way it is it is it's nothing has affected me in gaming like this game has it is it stayed with me i think about it often um the rat king which if you watched the halloween trick-or-treat streams you got a little peak off is my favorite like gaming monster just ever i love him i love him i love everything i don't know what to say about this anymore then it's amazing i love it which i feel like is the vibe of this whole video it's just it's it's incredible i just have so many feelings for and about it the combat is so satisfying the setting is so beautiful there's animations for everything it's just it's glorious to be in this horrible horrible nasty world where people are horrible and nasty but there's these shining sparks of like humanity and goodness in there that you have to dig for and fight for and when you get them they are so satisfying and wholesome and just oh ellie playing the guitar like i could shed a tear i could just thinking about it like ellie playing the guitar oh abby growing learning just all of it it's so it's so good it's a narrative experience more than it is a game and it's an incredible game as well it's just everything it is everything it's so good it's so good so you're going to finish it yeah please i know but i i fear what ash is talking about as well oh yeah it will hurt you it will hurt you deeply [Music] yeah another one for the collection yeah like i didn't want to i i hid away before it came out because i don't know anything cool yeah and was completely unprepared and then i've stopped midway through and i just i want to go back so badly but i'm also so terrified see i don't know if my emotional like the thing that happened to me would be so intense if i hadn't have like plowed it all into one weekend but i wouldn't want to experienced it any other way like having it all in one go being like oh my god here it all is here is the story i literally lived it i lived it because obviously it plays out in days and it's quite like they're quite chunky sections of going through things as they would happen before it skipped ahead to a different point in the day so i was like i've lived it i am early i am abby these are the things i have done for the past few days how's your weekend oh my god i fought off so many clickers but it was real it was me that's all i can say about it is it is so good it is the worst thing i've ever had happen to me and i would do it 500 times over because it's just a story of the ages it's incredible my game of the year for 2020 is um demon salts surprisingly surprisingly nobody because i just said it accidentally before we started rolling not least but i think even uh even then it wouldn't have been a surprise because um i i'm a glutton for punishment well it's the sort of game that i enjoy anyway it's a it's a series which i have returned to over the years uh and as a remake i really does something i don't know it's like a new like a whole new generation thing i was i didn't really know i wanted from playstation 5. i wanted newer bigger everything like because that's what you want when you get a new bit of hardware what demon souls did was um reconnected i think i'm just going through we can call it a midlife crisis i'm going through a certain phase in your past midlife um i don't know it's just a crisis uh an end-of-life crisis um where i'm like i'm just remember i'm returning to things which i enjoyed when i was younger i've been talking to rob about this rob and i both grew up reading you know fantasy fiction which is at least it has to be this thick at least it doesn't have 800 pages in it why am i even bothering and i've gone back and i've started reading um dragon bone chair series called memory thorn and sorrow surprised that it wasn't as awful as i thought it might be so i'm living in this and obviously christmas is coming up for us here i don't know where everybody's going to be watching this dressed for the occasion well i know i know yeah there's no giveaways and there is a new uh version of laura rings which is being released so naturally i have to buy that and i'm gonna watch that and i'm and i'm just sinking back into these things you know i'm just enjoying these things which i've always enjoyed and just allowing myself to just be a fan of stuff and i love fantasy worlds i love big imposing castles and medieval places to explore and demon souls was always that but it was you know like the ps3 on ps3 obviously looked like a ps3 game and it was murky and scarier somehow and i splurged on a big new tv for playstation 5. uh and let me tell you my how my home now is in that like talking about the midlife prices ticks are like just piling up here so i spent an enormous amount of money on a luxury purchase and now my room is a shrine to something that i used to be in the past um and so i sit at home now with uh demon souls looks amazing i can see every brick in the volaterian um is it a palace or a castle um i don't know either i should pay more attention um it's just fantastic it's a return to like is the newest thing i own and have but it's like a return to this thing that i've always loved um and it's massively indulgent and that's exactly what i wanted from a launch title on a new piece of hardware and it's the most fun i've had all year i just love being a fan of something and just throwing myself into it and enjoying it so i tried the 3d audio as well no no no no not all together with the tv be too overwhelmed i'm sure you had it on lord's path when you hear it like swooping over yeah yeah so i've done but i played it with headphones on my old tv and i've played it with the tv sound on the new tv but when i put them together who knows you know who knows what's going to happen but it was that section on the lord's path that really made me go like i'm just you know we play a lot of games for work and like a lot of experiences you rush through them or whatever and i was like i was playing the game and just you know trying to get a feel for it and i stopped at that point when you're in the underpath and there's a hole after you kill the dogs and then you look out um and there's a hole in the path and you can kind of see over the rest of boletaria and i and now you can really see it like you like they can do distance now get your little telescope out i did yeah yeah and uh as you know that's how people at home don't know what that means you needn't have said it so oh an eyeglass and i just thought wow it's just like this promise of just exploring this place it's amazing who's ready for my game of 2020. you are we everyone hopefully is don't skip my entry please um but my game of 2020 has been one i mean obviously i completely 100 agree with rob with final fantasy vii remake because that was just an absolutely phenomenal game in every way but i'm also thinking of a game that i just when i played it i sat there and i just kept on saying i love this game like literally i would sometimes stop and i'd just be like i love this game i genuinely did and that game was yakuza like a dragon which i did not think i would love as much as i do so um i was very excited for this title to come out because um you might remember but back on april i think it was might have been it was either april in 2020 or 2019 i can't remember but they did like a big april fool's day job but the studio did a big april fool's day joke when they were like oh god guys imagine if yakuza was an rpg and everyone was like oh that's so funny oh imagine if they did that but at the same time it looks brilliant and then later on down the road they came out and said okay it was a joke but now we're actually doing it and it was completely like because obviously yakuza's got a it's famous for having really good combat which is really satisfying and really awesome and you can do like a zero you can do beat like beat box dancing have the cool kids do it and you can like attack enemies it's great um but coming at it from an rpg approach i was like okay how is the studio who i'm not sure if they've done rpgs in the past i think this might have been their first attempt but i was like how are they going to pull it off and honestly now it's become one of my favorite rpgs ever there is just so much to it leveling up is so so satisfying uh because not only can you level up your character but you've also got like individual jobs that they can have so um if i put it in like final fantasy terms let's say you've got cloud you all know he's got a big sword and stuff and he's got certain attacks but what if i told you he could be a baker and when he's a baker he has a whole different palette of attacks which you can then level up again even more attacks that he can do but he makes a lot of dough hey big yen just call my new bakery big yen dough um so so yeah you've got like that element to it so um and also just the characters are fantastic in it i love the party in the game i mean i'm still i'm 30 hours into it i think i'm on like chapter six because i'm just doing like so many things in the game like in the world sometimes other than the main story and i just love the whole party you can bond with them at the bar so you just have like a heart-to-heart talk to them about their problems and then the more that you bond with them then they do different actions and fights and also they get more leveled up when you complete fights the weapons you use are so creative funny and brilliant the main thing i love about yakuza is kind of like the characters i mean you've got kiliu in the previous yakuza games and he's a fantastic protagonist i've already expressed many times on how much i love him and how he's one of my boyfriends in gaming and now so the first thing i was like okay ichiban let's see what you're i'm excited to see what this character is on the list i love i love it japan i love this man is just i love him as well i adore and even like his party like i love to give i've got a lot of love to give with these characters and like not only that as well i've got to talk about everything but because the game is so big it's not just an rpg but there are side quests there are many games you can do you can do like um you can go do karaoke which is a standard for yakuza i feel nowadays you can go to the cinema and play a mini game when you have to knock out sheep in your dream because you don't want to fall asleep in the cinema you can go dragon cart racing which is just a little cart racer collect cans which is all like who would be like oh i'm going to collect cans it's so much fun to ride around on a bike and collect cans and it's just there's just so and also like with ichiban himself he's got personality traits so depending on your choices and how you respond to things you kind of level up in different personalities like you can have passion charisma style and depending on that also shows like it unlocks different areas you can visit and there are tests you can do to upgrade these and the tests are really tough and it's also got this brilliant thing it knows it's it knows it's replicating an rpg like for example the characters know that ichiban's trying to be a hero so for example there's one moment when they're applying for jobs and uh they say well we're not gonna get any herbs if we don't have any money to heal ourselves are we and i was just like oh they made a herd reference they know they're an rp smash that forth smashing it and there are labyrinths you can go to which like dungeons where you can't save unless you're in a specific spot but you just go on like these massive battle quests fighting things and it's just it's so unbelievably good it's got it's just got the same humor and heartwarming stories and funny stories that yakuza has in the whole series and it just it has a completely different twister so it's got a completely different twist of it but it still feels like a yakuza game and it's just surprised me on how much it's blown me away and that's why it's my game of 2020. i feel like you're more surprised than anybody right listen up uh because i'm talking now it's all right it's my time it's me i get to talk about my game of the year which is amazing and uh which surprised me and many of the faces i see before me which is the rest of the access team and it is of course it didn't surprise me actually but but anyway it's astro's playroom [Music] it's so good yes rosie exactly um i love astros playroom i love it so much you guys know i love it so much but i'm going to tell you about it anyway for around five minutes um it's pure joy in fact that is that is the main takeaway from uh astro's play room is it's just pure joy uh in a during a difficult year joy has been quite the currency um and i found bundles of it in asteroids playroom it's so much fun it's just good like it is just nice that everything about it is just positive there's no um hurting anybody in it there's no like hoarding anything in it you know like it's so forgiving if you die you just go back to a checkpoint you don't lose all your stuff you don't you know lose anything there are no miscible trophies i got the platinum in it this is you know this is how this is big for me um and it's it comes with your ps5 like it's insane and uh i know that there's a lot of people out there very desperate to play it there's also a lot of people out there who i think are going to just disregard it straight away because they want to play something else and i i strongly advise that you give it a go like give it a go as soon as you get your hands on your ps5 it's just pure joy it's constructed to show off the dual sense and like it does that like i've talked before about how excited i was for the dual sense um and i just had no idea like i had no idea how good it could be i thought it would be nice a new a new thing a new a cool new thing and it's like mind-blowing like every time i play a game now um on ps5 i'm like what are they going to do with the dual sense because of astro's playroom because every little thing in there has a feeling like you can feel when he's skating you can feel when he's running on sand you can feel when he's pulling something when he gets hit when he hits something you can know what it feels like to like fly through the air and his little laser legs like everything they have translated somehow into a feeling that goes into your hands it's like your connection to the game it's insanely clever it's insanely good and as i say like now just every time i pick up a game i'm really excited to see what they've done with the dual sense and it's just because of how good i know it can be because of asteroids playroom the very first thing i played on ps5 it's nuts and i haven't even spoken about how amazing its love of playstation is like you know how much the developers loved making the game they pulled so much heart into it and on top of that they obviously are huge playstation nerds and they have like sought high and low to stuff as much kind of playstation lore and uh love and history into this game as as physically possible um so much that it makes you explore it's a game you could probably finish quite quickly in a couple of hours if you just went through but if you have any interest in playstation whatsoever i i challenge you to do that on your first go because it's impossible because as soon as you spy like kratos bot with you know in his boat like instantly had to go and see and then when you realize that if you hit those little scenes that they do things you're like i've got to hit every scene now i have to find every scene what was your favorite one um i think i really liked uh i really liked pyramid head which is weird because i haven't played silent any of the silent hill games and obviously i don't really like horror games so it was a weird one but like seeing that clash of universes like cute little bots and pyramid head was amazing i thought the last of us was fantastic i actually really loved um eco that one's just really nice and they're just so great and then the you yeah where they're hiding behind the door it's so good and also then like they've made hardware cool somehow like you collect hardware like just old bits of playstation peripherals and stuff and then you can go and look at it and somehow that's great i found myself climbing all over like a ps4 just to see it up close and to see what it was like is absolutely astounding that game it just made me feel so happy um and i played it for so much more time than like you would think you could have fun with it it's just brilliant and i will continue to because i must defeat you all at the speed run i will do it ash i will destroy you high and dry that's my score [Music] and yeah no i will i'll get i'll get some high scores i'll get back to second in the world everyone i was waiting for that to drop i was going to decide speed running i don't like to talk about it game of the year and that's of course why you planned a bit ages ago now shut up oh i don't have to explain myself to you dave to the commenters maybe but i'll deal with that later let us know in the comments your pick for game of the year 2020 give us a like if you enjoyed seeing the tuesday checklist back on your screen and don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell so you're always up to date with all our videos on everything playstation thanks for watching we'll catch you again soon
Channel: PlayStation Access
Views: 138,976
Rating: 4.8768182 out of 5
Keywords: PlayStation, PS4, Gameplay, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Access, PS Access, PSAccess, PSA, PS5, PlayStation 5, Game of the year, GOTY, 2020, Demon's Souls, Astro's Playroom, The last of us part 2, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Yakuza Like A Dragon
Id: 8HFnO9-qXP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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