What's With All Those Dents In Ship Hulls?

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[Music] hi I'm Ryan samansky curator for Battleship New Jersey museum and Memorial and today we're going to answer one of the most common questions that we've gotten now that we have the ship out of the water what is up with the ripples on the ship's Hall here at the bow that's called oil canning end the video Battleship New Jersey receives operating support so uh what is oil canning why does it happen where does it happen you don't see it too too often on battleships because of the thickness of the steel but it is extremely extremely common on steel vessels particularly with thin skin the oil canning in particular happens on battleships at the extreme bow and the extreme Stern where you see it near the water line here on the bow of Battleship New Jersey is the thinnest plating of the entire shell plating of the ship it's less than a/ in thick about 716 or about 12 mm it looks like the plating is indented and you can see the frames every 4T and you can see the longitudinals above it so it creates these like rectangular indents In the Hall of the ship that's not denting from the ship being hit by anything and it is something that you see on both newer vessels and active vessels it's not not just H the ship's really old so it's got that really anything with thin steel will start to develop that so why is it called oil canning this is a reference to the old style sheet metal constructed oil cans they are sort of like uh a triangle shaped and out of the point there's an applicator nozzle so you would flip the thing upside down and you would push your thumb on the thin sheet metal of the bottom to depress it so you're literally crushing the metal a little bit when you remove your thumb it pops back out of place but it has squirted some oil through that applicator into whatever it is you're trying to lubricate and that's what we see Happening Here the the thin metal is being depressed indented just like your thumb on top of an oil can so what is doing that if not pressure if not somebody going up there and pushing a tugboat Hitting off of it or something like that the problem is the Sun hitting the steel causes it to heat up which makes it expand but it's attached to those frames and those longitudinals so the only way it has to expand is to Cave inwards as it grows the sheet metal is expanding faster and further than those thick frames behind it they're not heating up as much because they've got more material to distribute that heat over and so that's why you see these sorts of indentations on chips you might also see it on metal roofs of buildings or other sorts of things like that and it's amazing to me how many people are concerned about the structure of this ship or other ships that they're commenting about online because you can see that oil canning and really it's not any sort of indicator of a larger issue obviously where you see oil canning is some of the finished plating so that is where the hall is most endangered to corrosion but you almost exclusively see it above the water in areas that aren't wasting through quite as badly oh somewhere where where you really see it is like World War II fleet type submarines the the structure above the the pressure Hall that's not even a watertight area so like if you visit my old tors back in Baltimore bakuna here in Phil alphia or one of the many other submarines in this country and you see that oil canning around the frames that that is not any sort of indicator that they're not maintaining them well or that that's an area that's about to fail just like this isn't an indicator that the battleship is going to have leaks at the bow and at the end of the day the heat from the Sun that's causing that to expand is the reason why US Navy ships are painted this light gray color why Great White Fleet ships were painted that white color these lighter colors absorb that light better and make the ship cooler than say during World War II where we were painted navy blue and it just absorb the Heat and cook the crew inside some of this oil canning May well date back to World War II when the hall heated up so what are some other questions you have about the ship let us know in the comment section down below we're talking about this right now because normally our Pier doesn't extend all the way to the bow and C of the ship so you can't see this as well but while we're in Dry Dock you can let us know in the comments section down below what other questions you have about this sort of stuff and if it's something dry do related we'll talk about it now if not we'll talk about it after the ship gets out of dry dock Battleship New Jersey receives operating support from the New Jersey Department of State also from a number of other businesses and private individual like yourselves we really appreciate your support there's a link in the description below if you'd like to donate to support the museam you can also support us by liking sharing subscribing so more people find about the museum and our Channel thanks for watching
Channel: Battleship New Jersey
Views: 471,541
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Id: GM4SVdBqqMg
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Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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