What's the LONGEST Friday Night Funkin' MOD Song?

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what's up Friday night funkeners want to know the true answer to one of fnf's long-standing questions from the early days of zardi's three and a half minute foolhardy challenge to Modern movie length David Bambi boss gauntlets let's find out the real winner of this mystifyingly chaotic title for a while fnf's longest songs belong to well-known mods like versus zardi Bob's Onslaught with little man and Dave and Bambi's splitathon one capping at a whole 10 minutes eventually the sequel to Bob's onslaught's little man shadly titled Little Man 2 released in late 2021 at a full 20 minutes that's an entire TV episode however there was a very little known pre-existing mod that actually overtook Little Man 2 by a month earlier this Mystic mod was known as power of possession and it featured an eerie Spirit called delete who wrapped against boyfriends for a whopping 24 minutes it has the voice of what sounds like the emergency storm alert sound effect oh oh wow [Music] and despite this mod coming out before Little Man 2 it quickly gained backlash from Little Man fans accusing this mod of seemingly thieving the longest fnf song title and the creator of delete actually took down their mod entirely it wasn't until a full month later that they eventually re-uploaded it with the intention of giving it a complete new makeover and this reimagined version didn't come out until a full year later but it actually sounds really dope [Music] the animations are super smooth and it looks like a combination of something that came out of Earthbound and hypnose lullaby though however this new song is only two minutes and leaves us with the question if any mods took the crown since and uh there is a clear winner but it's more complicated than you might think on to Nova nomicon's Redemption Redux a mod about something it came out in December of 2021 but was later totally trashed and removed off the planet for unknown reasons therefore there's currently no way to download it however old footage shows that the song called hyperlooping clocked in at 25 whole minutes the only issue is that this song plays the same two-minute tune about 20 times [Music] foreign [Music] so while it could be considered the longest song I don't believe it really counts to truly find our answer we have to look at fnf's most eccentric Community a group filled with the most passionate fans and dastardly detractors Dave and Bambi boy as mentioned earlier Dave and Bambi's split-a-thon one song ran a whole 10 minutes so you would think that the eventual sequel to splitathon splitathon 2 clocking in at 45 minutes would easily take the cake right well since split-a-thon 2 would contain a Nutty amount of characters like Dave Bambi Bob Ron PewDiePie and Statin Tower it was just too much to tackle for the mods Creator moldy GH instead he released the song on YouTube separate from the actual mod therefore any visual representation of splitathon 2 is fan made and not actually original but huge props to people like hazitol for charting the whole thing with a high effort that is schnuts but then what does that mean for original takes on Dave and Bambi's spin-off mods well the longest theoretical fnf song comes from the quote fnf hortez Edition fan made chart semicolon contentment parentheses condescending to parentheses agnab's remix parentheses 150 soap special oh my God so this song called contentment High effort is get this an hour and 35 mins a minute long how can you beat that okay if we're getting technical the song is actually broken down into about 20 breaks of four minutes each switching to different characters along the way and these breaks might actually be due to Friday night funkin's literal engine not being able to handle huge song files with tons of content that's why we see a lot of long fnf songs capping around 20 minutes without resulting to insane lag or constant mechanics to fit the whole dang thing in so sure you can say contentment holds the highest record for fnf's longest song it sure has the effort for charting that many arrows but if you want an uncontested definitive winner without any ifs ands or big butts look no further than this Undisputed king of crowned chaos this is Friday night Bladen it's a mod made by Matt money based off Beyblade's main antagonist Ryuga the Dragon Emperor this mod only has one song it's called reverse rotation and it is insane it's a 21 minute 21 second uninterrupted completely original song I mean really more like a boss battle with mechanics checkpoints and a climactic finale and this song is hard I had to use practice mode to even get this footage so keep that in mind but this song has checkpoints about every five minutes which is really cool so if you mess up it'll put you to the nearest phase of the song and there's a mechanic like hypnos lullaby where you have to hit the space bar to Parry Ryuga it's kind of like a spicy extra attack he has and if you miss the middle he'll take about 25 percent of your health not bad I mean you've seen worse if it wasn't for his already Health draining mechanic yeah he takes Health every time he hits his notes bruh and the atmosphere is super awesome you can see boyfriend and Ryuga's Beyblades battling it out in the middle and near the final minute Ryuga transforms into his possessed version of himself in the anime and yeah the song gets even more tough but there is a very generous checkpoint right when he transforms God bless and finally in the very last 10 seconds you switch to a mash Fest of spamming the space bar in order to defeat him once and for all and man does it feel like a final push the screen gradually Fades to White hence you finally win it's over pretty quick but I read that the somewhat ambiguous ending might actually be a reference to Ryuga's fate in the actual show since its ending is up to the interpretation of the viewers foreign just wait until they put the entire like Shrek movie into fnf wait they they they actually did that oh my gosh it's a beautiful disaster all right well thank you for watching my friends and check this video out to find out fnf's first mod it's probably not who you think
Channel: Metatera
Views: 589,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnf, friday night funkin, fnf mods, fnf mod, friday night funkin mod, friday night funkin mods, fnf longest song, fnf longest mod, friday night funkin longest song, reverse rotation, fnf ryuga, dave and bambi, fnf contentment, fnf splitathon, splitathon 2, splitathon 2 charted, splitathon 2 chart, fnf little man, little man 2, fnf little man 2, fnf redacted rumble, fnf dave and bambi, fnf power of possesion, fnf hortas edition, fnf condescending, fnf novanomikon, metatera
Id: unndrrsYst4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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