"Ce culoare are maşina asta?"

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Awww I knew it that it shouldn't Come on ... Maybe he does not do us anything This is coming See what he says Good evening. Agent Luspenec! Your papers to control please One moment Here you go You know why I stopped you, right? Did I run over the strip? You've turn left in a forbidden place Yes And if you know why you did, Mr. Daniel? We are not fron here ... We arrived in Bucharest ... we were looking for a street... I don't know.... What do we have here? Not to mention periodic roadworthiness tests it's expired 20 years ago Do you know what happens if you are traveling with a car of a different color than that specified in the papers? Sorry ? I do not understand what you meaning What do You mean you don't understand!?? I do not understand! What's in here? What color says it is the car white And your car what color is it? White! No really ? White! Ok... Please get out of the car for a moment Yes, What is it ? Take a better Look . What's the color of the car ? White Came on sir ...Stop it with the bullshith! It's white sir! Come on. Do not start with this. Tell us what color does this car have? What's the color of this car? White! Hmm ... Sir... Sir.. Please came for a moment We'll fix it now Tell us, so they can hear, what's the color of this car? White Pion Andrei mayday Pion Andrei mayday Drive safety ! is just a warning You're stupid
Channel: Munteanu Nicolae
Views: 807,321
Rating: 4.6951561 out of 5
Id: e7QKm45i8Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2017
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