What's the BEST Computer for YOU?

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[Music] hi guys and welcome back to the bird photography show with glenn bartley hello and me jan wagner we just want to say a quick thank you to everybody who's subscribed to the channel who's left us some comments who bought us a coffee and especially a big thank you to you guys who have purchased and are using our pro sets that we talked about in the last episode totally we were very happy we could help you to improve your raw editing and today we want to talk about a related topic because we all spend so much time on front of the computer don't we glenn too much and so it's very important that we actually have the right and a fast enough computer and a good workflow on the computer with the right program so we can use the time that we spent in front of the computer efficiently and get our tasks done quickly yeah i mean we've all been there you you go out and you buy a new camera and you're super excited about it and then you get home and you're like okay the files are bigger the video files are way bigger and all of a sudden you start to realize some of the shortcomings with your existing computer when things get really slow like one minute of nice high quality 4k footage on the r5 is like three or four gigabytes and then we're not even talking about 8k which is a lot bigger so that chews through your memory cards really quickly and also it's really demanding on your system and even if you're not shooting video i mean think about it let's say you're shooting with a sony a1 which is whatever 50 or 60 megapixels and can shoot 20 or 30 frames a second you could literally be taking two gigabytes a second of storage so you're gonna chew through your memory cards and you're gonna have to you know have a pretty fast machine to deal with all that data and not only that with the new plugins like dxo which we really enjoy for cleaning up our raw files and topaz these programs are great but they can really benefit from a faster machine and especially a good graphics card another thing that's really important to remember when it comes to your computer and the requirements onto your system is are you going to be taking only photos and only editing photos or you're going to do photo and video editing because the requirements on your system if you do photo and video a lot higher than if you're just doing photos isn't that right glenn that is absolutely right and that is something that i have recently been become intimately familiar with when i purchased the i don't know if that's a bad word whatever the right way to say it but when i purchased the r5 i everything was fine with stills like i could process my raw files that was all fine obviously it'd be great if i had a bit of a faster computer for those filters like i said but i tried to make like a short video with some 4k footage not even possible like my computer just literally just immediately closes the program it can't do it so there's certainly a limit when you start getting into video editing where an older computer is just it's it's probably not even possible and even if it's possible it's going to be no fun at all yes and that's actually the main reason why i this year upgraded my computer as well even though my old computer was still fairly recent done a good job with a lot of 4k video but then with the r5 when you do some more 8k or using those h265 codecs that are a lot more system intensive it just started to become a real struggle to edit like a lot of 4k stuff and so i ended up upgrading my system again but that was actually good for you glenn wasn't it because you're going to get my old computer isn't jan such a nice guy he's going to send me his old computer parts no that'll be awesome that because your old machine would still be a big upgrade for me so that actually will be quite awesome and we're going to get way more in detail about the specific specifications of some of these computers in just a few minutes but we thought we should maybe start with some of the really common questions people are always asking things like should i go mac or pc should i go with a desktop computer or a laptop computer so let's start with those important questions when it comes to mac versus pc i must say i'm more of a pc guy but now i actually use both i use a macbook pro this is the 13-inch m1 version and i use a big powerful desktop computer at home for most of my work and usually i've split that up that way that i have a good powerful pc at home because i like the programs i can use that i like that it's a little bit cheaper but then on the road i really enjoy macbook pros can you get by with just a laptop or do you need a laptop and a desktop for me i've always preferred to have both i really like coming home having my computer just set up there having my nice monitor and then when i go in the field i like having this nice lightweight very capable great machine it's nothing too crazy uh price point but it can do what i need i agree i actually like both because i think it gives you the best of both worlds i definitely like to have a big powerful computer at home and one great advantage is there that i can have a lot of fast hard drives image much more hard drives that you can have in a laptop and also if i have a big powerful system in a large case i can really easily cool the parts and that's probably one of the main concerns with a lot of windows intel laptops that they run really hot they have a fan going all the time and it can happen that the parts get so hot that you're then throttling performance because all these really high-end parts get hot and in this tiny case there's just not enough cooling available and this is something that apple seems to have solved really well with their new m1 chips and that whole system surrounding that chips with often times the laptop doesn't even have a fan like the macbook air or it almost never turns on like a lot of the other macbook pro so that definitely seems to be another great advantage why macbooks are becoming a really good choice when it comes to laptops so do you think then yan that if you got like a top of the line of these new macbook pros that they could actually replace your desktop computer is that what you're saying i think in terms of performance they would probably come pretty close or might even be superior i still like to have to set up with my desktop computer mainly because i was just talking about these hard drives i have like i think six hard drives in my current computer so i can have essentially all my photos and videos on fast ssd drives inside my computer which means i never have to touch an external hard drive or have any slow connection when it comes to video editing for instance because all my video files on a really fast ssd drive i can just open them up and they play easily in my video program so this is something that a desktop computer can give me but a laptop just can't give it to me to the same degree simply because i can't put that much storage inside for my workflow i still have an advantage with a desktop computer but i'm also really valuing a laptop computer in the field especially when i'm going to be traveling more in the future where i then need to do a lot of video editing but don't you think it's going to be kind of annoying having pc platform at home with your desktop and then in the field having a mac like i i feel like that would really i would be so confused and just be annoyed with these two different systems are you don't you know worried about that it is a little bit annoying mainly because one of the main programs that i like to use on windows to go through my raw files fast on image viewer isn't available on mac so that was a bit difficult i'm using photo mechanic now on mac but that's actually quite an expensive program but it's the best alternative that i've found most windows hard drives are formatted to ntfs and that doesn't work on the mac computer you can't write files onto there and so you have to format all your drives for xfat personally i would say in summary the most like cost effective solution as far as having a good adequate computer for photo and video editing is to have a decently specked out not top of the line but a decently specked out desktop computer and then to have a small you know reasonably capable laptop to take with you in the field and obviously depending on your budget you can throttle those budgets accordingly that's what do you think no i totally agree this is actually what i've kind of done in the past for a while i didn't even have a laptop i would have a powerful desktop computer spend a decent amount of money on that and then in the field i often just took a lot of memory cards with me and just had my pictures a couple of copies of my pictures on the memory cards but now with the video editing and me doing constant youtube videos one per week ideally i need something in the field that can actually match the performance of my computer at home but i think for most people they don't really need that oftentimes they only use their laptop to read like emails or download their photos and then you really don't need a high-end machine so then it just comes down to having a decent enough high-end machine somewhere whether it's your desktop computer or your laptop doesn't matter but you want one of the two to be pretty good to have a good workflow yeah especially if you're doing high-end video work like yan's doing so there's no perfect solution guys but we'd love to hear from you let us know what's your solution what have you found that works for you drop us a note down in the comments and maybe some of the other viewers will benefit from that and you can share some of that information i think now we actually need to look at some components and talk about what would be an actually adequate desktop computer okay so when it comes to a new computer one of the things that i absolutely love about the pc platform is not just going and buying a computer off the shelves but actually picking the parts that you want all the different components ordering them sometimes even from different shops online getting them all and then building the computer yourself and you get like the best parts the best performance at often a lower price point and that's the way that i've always built my computers if that's a bit intimidating though you can also kind of do the same thing through a computer shop where you explain to them what you need or what you want and they get the parts for you and then they build the machine for you one thing that probably wouldn't be recommended um is to just go to like whatever big box electronics store best buy or wherever part of the world you live in and just buy something off the shelf because those machines typically don't have the best parts they're not like designed at all for photo or video editing and you're just you're just kind of not getting the best machine the best value there i usually do it exactly like what glenn has said i'm not building the computer myself though i'm really not an expert in that field so i'm usually researching the parts talk to a few people watch a few youtube videos see what is kind of good find the price range that i want to be in and then order the parts from a shop and have to shop build it for me and they charge me a hundred dollars extra and that's well worth it for me i get a computer perfectly exampled it's running i just plug it in and i also don't have all that funny software installed that the shop like best buy usually installed so all these antivirus software that then just also kills your computer because a lot of these programs are really not good for your computer they're only killing you everything slows you down even just a simple program like photoshop can really benefit from having scratch disks so scratch disks are basically hard drives fast hard drives that have no other purpose than being there for photoshop to store temporary files on so whenever it runs out of ram like say you have 10 photos open or you have a lot of layers photoshop often runs out of ram and then it creates a temporary file on the scratch disk that actually speeds up the process and lets you work in a good fluent way and the problem i see with a lot of people and i had on my old laptop is that there was only one little hard drive in there so if i had a lot of files open i installed a lot of programs or doing a lot of things the hard drive would suddenly be full and i couldn't do anything anymore so having these scratch disks is actually really important to a good and fast workflow let's talk about a few key components that every computer needs and of course the heart of the computer the processor there's literally hundreds of different models there's a lot of intel ones or amd ones and i think the best way forward is that you research some of the latest model and then find a price point that's kind of maybe in the upper middle kind of area because you don't really need to go for the super high end processors that cost a lot more money but don't necessarily give you a lot more performance for what we do so a decent middle of the range processor usually seemed to have worked pretty well for me second component that we definitely need is memory or what's often called ram in a computer these days i was gonna say you probably should really be looking at at least 32 gigabytes of memory in any kind of a new build i think that's like your baseline and of course you can go up from there another important thing because there's a certain number of slots on your motherboard to add ram to and so i would definitely recommend getting a couple of bigger blocks of ram as opposed to like like for example if you were gonna get 32 don't get four eight gigabyte ones get two 16s because again the beauty of pc is you can always add more in later and there's sometimes it's like really good deals come up and then you can just buy another chip and pop it in there and speed up your computer one thing that has become a lot more important recently you've actually seen it in one of our recent videos as well and that's your gpu or your graphics card because traditionally we think oh that's only something you might need for video editing but then we had figured out that even things like dxo pure raw or top sd noise or all the other topics applications actually run significantly faster if you use the graphic card acceleration and actually run the whole process through your graphics card so having a good graphics card has definitely become a lot more important and in my new build especially that was the thing i shelled out the most money for because i really wanted a nice high-end model with a lot of vram so it can handle those bigger video projects and can just help me to have a lot faster workflow in the computer but again if you don't do high-end video editing you don't necessarily need to go for the top of the range three or four thousand dollar graphic card you can probably find a really good model that does like eighty percent of the performance for like a third of the price around a thousand dollar price point yeah or even a bit less yeah for sure okay so if you're gonna have a a fast graphics card and you're gonna be having a powerful chip it can generate a lot of heat and that as we've already talked about can be a real problem for performance so it's important to consider cooling down your computer and also every computer needs a power supply so the bigger and faster the graphics card you need more power you know the more hard drives you're running everything needs more power so it's important to get an adequate power supply and then to have an efficient way of cooling your machine and of course this is why it's way easier to get great performance in a big desktop tower because you can have a bunch of fans and stuff in there cooling it down whereas in a little laptop it's a lot harder to cool these components down the other thing we need kind of the main hub of the computer the motherboard and again there is trillions of options really i would again go for a upper middle kind of range one and usually when i select a motherboard i just look for the things what i want do i want built-in wi-fi i definitely want to make sure i have enough usb 3.2 and usbc ports and then i just make sure that i have enough flash memory spaces so i can have enough nvme ssd drives on there that help me to run my system really quickly so my latest computer i picked a motherboard that had three nvme slots so i could have three really fast ssd drives on there so that would be my main recommendation but even really the middle of the range motherboards do a good enough job for what we do typically and finally we need to consider storage of course we need somewhere to keep all of our photos and videos and everything like that for me again because i haven't done a ton of video on my current machine all i basically have is three four terabyte drives and one of those is a backup drive so there's really only like two four terabyte drives but let's see what yan has in his computer i think he might have a few more in my latest machine i'm running three nvme ssd drives the really fast ones and then two normal sata ssd drives for my storage and the main reason is that allows me to have all the files that i need to access on fast ssd drives inside my machine it's important to have the right storage solution and also nice and fast ssd drives inside your computer because they really help your performance okay so now let's take a look at two computers yan's old computer my new computer and then we'll look at yan's fancy fancy computer the chip is an i7 9700k which of course is a couple of years old now you could probably find something newer but a mid-level chip 32 gigabytes of ram in there and the motherboard is a gigabyte z390 the graphics card is an nvidia gtx 1660 ti which has six gigabytes of ram which is a nice a nice sort of again mid-range uh good video card for some video editing and certainly capable of doing all the photo editing as jan mentioned you need a lot of hard drives and in this computer he's got three really fast ssd drives one of them is what windows is installed on one of them is sort of for general photo storage when you're just needing to access files quickly like you download your photos on there or your videos on there and then you can work with them right away really quickly before you archive them somewhere and then the third one is a scratch drive like we talked about that can really help to speed things up when you max out your ram usage and then for general storage we've got a big six terabyte seagate drive on there look when it comes to a case you can literally use anything as long as it fits your components you don't need anything fancy there and then what you do need is an adequate power supply while that computer is not that great for yen's current like high level video editing needs it's going to be a great upgrade for me and i'll still be able to edit 4k videos on it it just might lag a little bit it might be a little bit slower at certain times when you're doing certain things to the video files but for photos for all those dxo and topaz it's going to be way faster than my computer machine i actually edited my whole master class on there which was a lot of 4k footage so it's definitely capable it's really just with the newer codecs of like the r5 if you do a lot of slow motion or you do a lot of canon log editing that h265 codec requires your graphic card and your processor to do so much more work that it's just not as smooth anymore but for most tasks it's definitely a capable computer okay well now let's look at a little bit of an upgrade to what yan is currently using as i just said this really the main reason for the upgrade was the video editing and that's why the computer ended up costing a lot of money as well because i really went for pretty high-end graphic card that probably cost almost as much as the rest of the computer and then two really big expenses ssd drives but i just felt like having that faster transfer speed like five to six hundred megabytes a second versus a hundred megabytes a second will really help me with my workflow and video editing so i definitely went after a pretty high-end graphic card that is the second in the lineup there's an rtx 3090 but that's almost double the money again in with the cryptocurrency boom and the chip shortage is actually very very hard to even get any graphic card so i just went with what was in the shop that had enough vram for me to do more video editing is fast processing but if you want to have a good card you could also look at the rtx 3060 or 3070 that cost a lot less money i have three really fast nbne samsung 980 pro drives one one terabyte one that runs windows on it and i don't have anything else on that drive other than my programs on windows so i don't have it too large you don't need to have a two terabyte drive there because simply your windows and application spawn take up that much space and then i have two two terabyte drives one for working files and one for kind of overflow working files and as a scratch disk for photoshop and lightroom and davinci so for all those programs so my main number one working drive is it's just what glenn said before it's for downloading files have current projects on there that you want to access really quickly in work through quicker before you archive them away the second drive is kind of for the same purpose if i run out of space on the first one and as the scratch disk for photoshop so make sure that the second drive usually has at least one terabyte of free space available for all the programs yeah i mean looking at that machine i honestly i would have never thought you'd need so many hard drives but i but the way you describe it it makes sense and i think a really big take-home here is it's not just about going to the store and spent say here take my money give me a fast machine it's actually how you set it up and how you use it can really get you like you know 10 15 20 more performance if you set it up right with scratch disks and the right fast hard drives and using them in the right way that's kind of i think a good take home for people and i mean you and i handed hundreds of photos hundreds of videos so if we save two minutes on every photo in five minutes on every video over the course of a year that probably adds up to an extra week of free time that we have to do other things and i think this was the most important point you actually mentioned that you don't have to copy this system this system makes sense for me i have a workflow where having this many hard drives really makes my life a lot easier but that might not be the case for everyone but i think for me finding what i want and before i actually bought it i decided i need this i need three really fast drives i want two other ssd drives and then i have all my files available and accessible really fast and easily now speaking of hard drives because we all know it's not just one copy of your files so you have all those drives in your computer what are you doing to back up all those video files and and tell us about your backup system yeah because for me like i said like i with just my photos and like what little video that i do i can back up pretty much everything onto like a four or five terabyte drive the main thing for me is i have most of my files on the computer but not all files then i have a nest system that's attached to my network that's like the first copy of every single file that i have basically so on my computer it's like the first copy of my most important photos my most important videos and everything i'm kind of working on all the other things i'm not constantly working on they're on my nes drive and there's also a copy of every single file on there so that's my backup number one then i have a few of these 10 terabyte western digital my book drives that act as a backup of the nas system like an offline backup of the nas system and then i have another round of those drives that act as an offsite copy that's at a friend's house that's super important a lot of people think like oh i've got three copies of all my stuff and they're all in my desk but what happens if you know your house burns down or you have a flood or something like that then all your backups are gone so it's super important to have an off-site backup for me i actually just like the bank that i go to is just right across the street and i just have a safety deposit box in the bank so i can just take my little hard drives over there and easy i think it's safe to say there's more than one way to get the job done when it comes to building a computer and we're certainly not saying that these exact systems are like the way you should go we're just trying to explain the process of buying a new computer and some of the main considerations that that you might want to look into when it comes to building your next computer yeah and maybe just give you a starting point or some ideas of systems that actually worked quite well for us because it's really overwhelming whenever i get started out on trying to buy a new computer i'm like it's impossible you go to shop there's like 10 000 different processors a thousand different components so having a good starting point might actually be quite helpful that's why i just let jen do the hard work and then send me his computer okay so that covers what you might need for your desktop computer which as we've said we both really enjoy having but what you need at home might be really different than what you need in the field so for example when i bought my previous laptop i was like okay the most important thing is going to be the screen and i researched and i researched and i found that this one particular lenovo model had like the best screen even better than the apple laptops at that time so i was like okay i guess that's what i'm gonna go with and it came and it was such a brick it was so massive it was it was big heavy the battery stuck out the back the power brick for it like to charge it because it was so big was like this big and it was honestly such a mistake because the truth is i never edit photos in the field i basically use the laptop to call through my photos to do some surfing of the net to like have documents on watch videos i still want something decent enough that i can flip through them and like actually like call my images but i did not need this monster computer in the field and it was it was seriously such a mistake i travel a lot i go on like five or six international trips a year and i lugged this stupid giant computer around for like six years i got this sweet little baby it weighs nothing it's so thin and light the little power thing for it is like this big it's it it literally is like the computer and the charger is like six pounds lighter which when you consider your airline carry-on limits is pretty significant so i wouldn't try to edit 4k videos on this thing but for my needs it's perfect so that's the solution that i've gone with and funny enough i think i made the same mistake maybe we even bought the same model laptop because i bought this lenovo one as well massive computer because it had the best screen i think it had like a built-in calibrator as well like everyone like this is great this is what you need for photo editing i actually used it for photo editing in the beginning when i moved to australia because i didn't have any other computer here but it almost put me off laptops because the battery life without the charger was atrocious as well you turn it on an hour later it's like out of battery and a big heavy laptop is what put me off of laptop so i actually ended up just one desktop computer and when i traveled i just had a lot of cf cards with me now with an r5 it's not as feasible anymore because we go through so much footage and the cards are quite expensive it's not a great option just have a hundred one terabytes of express cards with you because that costs way more than a laptop so for for now i'm having this 30 inch macbook pro and i'm just using these little two terabyte ssd drives that are very fast that's my current workflow in the field what i found for video editing this screen is a little bit small so that's what i'm still looking at probably a 16 inch macbook pro as well that will aid me better with the video editing in the field but for my normal workflow with photos and normal video editing but not intensive video editing this little laptop is great and as you say it's a small shape small charging unit easy to carry around with you even in a small backpack so that's definitely what i'm after in a field laptop yeah i think that's a good a good solution for you and you touched on those small little ssd drives because we talked about backing up at home that's one thing but when you're in the field it's like even more important because that's when things are probably more likely to go wrong you know you drop your computer or somebody steals your computer or something like that and for sure when you're in the field you're going to have to have multiple backups so those small little ssds i think that's for sure the way to go the good thing is this can also go like in your shirt pocket when you're flying on the airplane totally so even in the worst case in an emergency you have to jump off the airplane you can still have this on you as well so you'll be dead you'll be dead if you jump off the plane but your photos may live on all right now another important consideration when you're in the field is actually the cards that you're recording your images or your video onto because having a fast card can can really speed you up and save you a lot of time yeah i mean imagine you're out in the field you're having a great day you took a few thousand images done a few 4k videos you might have 500 gigabytes worth of things to transfer to your computer or your hard drives and on the slower ssd card for instance that might take a few hours even with if you have nice and fast cards with a nice and fast card reader that can speed up the whole process dramatically and it might only take you like five or ten minutes to transfer everything yeah i mean that's a huge difference like if you've been out all day shooting in the like hot jungle walking around you're just exhausted you're tired you want to have a shower you want to get some food the last thing you want to do is stay up for like another two hours waiting for your slow cards to transfer over so definitely fast cards and a fast card reader is a must yeah i've recently i think we said it before we're recently testing these wise advanced memory cards and so far i'm really impressed especially with their new pro cards they're super fast they download really fast i get up to almost 900 megabytes per second in transfer speed with the silver cards and the card reader so i'm pretty happy with that we will give you our long-term review probably when you are back from panama where you're going to go very soon take it into the jungle see how they perform there but so far i've been very happy with them and i just like fast carts really like i wish my r5 actually had two cf express card slots simply because i could just write to two cards and it would just transfer so much quicker on the computer well we've been talking all about these components and hard drives and memory cards to be honest guys probably the most important part of your whole computer system if you're a photographer is the monitor i agree because if your monitor is not good enough it's not calibrated you don't even know what you're looking at when you're editing your images like the colors could be completely off and it might look fine on your computer but when you send it to other people and they have a calibrated monitor it might look completely crazy so having a good monitor is definitely key personally i'm using this eso cg277 i think i bought it 2013 so it served me very well for a long time and the thing i like the most about it is that it calibrates itself at night so every monday morning it turns itself on this little thing flips out it calibrates the screen and it's always calibrated but i never have to worry about it and this was quite important for me it costs a little bit more money but not having to manually calibrate the screen was very important to me because calibration is important isn't it i don't have an iso screen but i do have a an nec screen which is also very nice and one of the things that makes it really good a lot of a lot of screens when you run a calibration on it all it's doing is a software calibration but the higher end monitors like yours and the nac actually have the ability to like do a hardware calibration the actual like leds or whatever lights can actually be throttled so that gives it even more control and they can get really accurate results these monitors will be able to display you know in the high 90s if not 100 of the rgb spectrum which means they can actually display all of the colors accurate super important yes and a lot of the cheaper screens as you say they might only display srgb so your photos might always look clipped or just won't look right at all so calibration is very important and buying a decent monitor as a photographer i think it's very important as well and i think probably easel and nec some of the main ones there's probably some other ones i think there's some good dell ones some good apple ones but you definitely don't want to skimp out on the monitor okay and so maybe now we should talk about what programs we actually use on our computers to do all this photo and video editing yes so i think there's a few different tiers that we want to use so we want to have a raw viewer then we might need something that deals with the noise and the images and then we actually want to have our photo editing program which is photoshop for both of us but for the raw viewing i like fast on image viewer i like that it's free and it does all the things that i need to do and the best thing about it is i can zoom in i can keep it zoomed in and then i can use the mouse wheel to scroll through all the images really quickly at a hundred percent so if i have a lot of images that are kind of the same and i quickly just want to assess the sharpness that's really helpful for me i think you're using breeze browser aren't you yeah i love breeze browser and it's it's so key to have a good fast this is such a bottleneck talk about bottlenecks you go out these fast frame rate cameras you take thousand two thousand five thousand photos in a day and then most people just have like literally no capability to go through those so they just kind of pick a few random files out and they edit those and they're like yeah that's good enough that is not the way to do it if you're gonna spend all that time out in the field if you're gonna spend all that money on equipment you need to go through your images and pick the best ones and if you're going to do that you need a good fast program breeze browser amazing fast stone image viewer amazing sadly neither of them available for mac so for mac you're either going to be using lightroom not the best or photo mechanic also not the best not as good as those but it's the best you got okay next up we need to deal with the noise in our raw files and as you guys have heard us say before the best program we know about is dxo you just drop your files in there and it just cleans the noise right out of them it's quite amazing and once you have those nice clean files it's time to load the mother into camera raw or lightroom to get the most out of your war files glenn and i do that with our pro sets that were released last week and highly recommend to you to check them out because they will help you tremendously to transform your raw files into a great starting point for editing with just one click so make sure to check out our video from last week that talks about to process shows you how they work and check out the link down there in the description yeah definitely like the many many people who've already bought them and given us great feedback we're sure you'll love them too once you've converted your raw file it's time to move into photoshop and this is where we're going to move through a certain sequence of steps obviously different workflows for different people but if you're interested in knowing about my workflows you can check out my post-processing ebook and if you want to know what yan does be sure to check out his masterclass video totally make sure to check them out we know they will help you tremendously and have already helped a lot of other people let's briefly talk about video editing because there's a few different options there as well the one that i recommend usually to people is davinci resolve simply because it's free there are a lot of other programs there's davinci resolve studio there's adobe premiere final cut pro so there are a lot of different video editors out there but for me simply because it was free davinci resolve was the main choice and can we talk like okay there's free freeware versions of programs out there but it is unbelievable how good that program is for a free program like it feels like it should cost hundreds of dollars um and it's free so highly recommend it so why don't we talk a little bit about useful accessories for computer at the end we've already covered hard drives card readers but there's other things like i've recently bought this mx master 3 logitech mouse and really impressed with it has really improved my workflow it's nice and sensitive has the two scrolling wheels this horizontal scrolling wheel is actually really good for video editing because you can nicely go through the timeline from the left to the right something that wasn't as easily possible before and all around a pretty good mouse pretty happy with it also have the matching keyboard mx master 3. i mainly bought it for the laptop because it goes oh attaches via bluetooth so i can don't need to plug it in anywhere on the road if i don't wanna just use the built-in keyboard or if i wanna have the screen a bit further away from me that's pretty good at home i use this mechanical keyboard and i can't lift it any higher because it's actually plugged into the computer it's very good very responsive but also very noisy so i would probably just be happy with those mx master three keys and that mouse as my main accessories well i don't have that many accessories one thing i recently got though was this is just the box for it but it's this monitor light from benq to be honest i didn't even know these things existed but it's actually pretty cool i really like it so it's a thin little light that sits on top of your monitor and it has this control unit here and you can control the color temperature and the brightness of it and just to improve your overall editing workflow oftentimes i like to edit photos in like a really dark room and i find that that's you know nicer to look at the screen but then your room is like pitch black and you're like rummaging around for your pen or your glass of water or whatever and it's nice it just gives like a nice glow on your desk and you can still see like your notes or your mouse or whatever but it sort of creates a nice little viewing environment so that's something that if you guys are interested you could check out i'm certainly enjoying it and the other accessory which is a must-have is some good computer speakers because whether you're just listening to yan on youtube or some nice music you need some good speakers so i have some nice ones from bose that i've had for a few years and i'm really happy with them they just you know they're designed as computer speakers again they have a similar kind of control unit to this that you control the volume and you just tap it to turn them on and off and i'm super happy with those so that's all i have for accessories so guys let us know what do you think about the accessories that we're using in this whole episode in general do you agree with our take on computers and editing systems or what are you using what would you recommend like always make sure to subscribe to the channel like the video and share it with your friends and we really hope that this video helped you to get an insight into computers what we use and help you save time when you are editing your files and also might be looking at building a new system definitely and if you really want to save some time be sure to check out our brand new pro sets because those are real time savers in the digital dark room and as always guys thanks so much for watching we'll see in the next episode bye for now bye guys [Music]
Channel: Jan Wegener
Views: 6,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bird photography, birds, wildlife photography, bird photography equipment, bird photography gear, eos R5, Canon EOS R5, animal eye AF, animal eye autofocus, canon mirrorless, RF lens, Canon RF 100-500, RF 100-500, low light, high iso, noise reduction, low light photography, topaz, topaz denoise, dxo pure raw, adobe colour profile, image editing, camera raw, lightroom, correct colours, presets, prosets, What's the best computer, editing computer, Mac vs PC, laptop, desktop PC
Id: Ost8J47KVrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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