What's really hiding under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado?

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driving south to Colorado Springs it looms in the distance one of the most famous military bases in the world Cheyenne Mountain one mile inside the granite 2,000 feet down from the top it is a giant command and control center that has kept America safe for 50 years inside the mountain or 15 - and three-story buildings they are freestanding but connected by hallways and ramps there is also a service area to keep the complex running and even reservoirs yes underground Lakes you get inside by driving through a two-mile tunnel and when you get to the middle you see the doors the two famous blast doors that have kept the facility safe when they're closed the door to this building weighs 25 tons and runs on hydraulics it's usually open all the time but if it is closed oh then there's a problem I mean obviously Cheyenne Mountain was built to survive and endure through a nuclear event and all of us hope that never happens the building's behind those doors were built on 1300 giant springs that can move independently if there's an explosion or earthquake they would bounce but they wouldn't break apart and that's important because of what goes on inside those buildings in control rooms like this one which was set up just for us experts keep an eye on possible threats everything from missile launches around the world to 23,000 objects in space it includes satellites the International Space Station and lots of space junk the original tenant NORAD the North American Aerospace Defense Command is now headquartered at nearby Peterson Air Base but it still has a command center here in case it's needed on the the day that you hope never happens the worst day in American history their plan would be to come up here and operate out of here so that they would have that survivability capability as you can imagine security for the control rooms is pretty tight our security escort said he can't even get inside them I can only fantasize about what goes on in there maybe a lot maybe little but whatever it is is obviously important so in the building's underground there are other facilities for the 3 to 400 workers there's a cafeteria appropriately named the granite in as everybody knows it's not easy protecting the country when you're hungry thank you there's an exercise in weight room because you can't just go work out at the 24-hour Fitness during your break and if you want to find a pickup basketball game against a say short Jewish basketball legend well that happens too deep underground that's how we do it up here in the mouth and since many people are in the mountain for long hours a little shop at provides all the needed staples like potato chips all the comforts of home sort of whenever you're walking to the halls it's not like you know you're seeing rocks everywhere there's just normal buildings and so it's very easy to forget that you're underground it's also hard to navigate in this bit you're lost like yeah you lost a lot so to keep this all going there are miles of pipes cables valves and thousands of rock bolts to make sure the Granite's stable as far as I'm known nobody has gotten hurt from loose rocks falling out and hit somebody head the place runs on Colorado Springs electricity but there are six giant generators to backup power in the case of an emergency there are four reservoirs like this one that can be used for cooling and drinking water well this reservoir is like 20 feet deep and in holes above a million five gallons of water and a pet duck lives on this lake but since it never moves or eats we're guessing it's a rubber ducky I don't know what a duck's name you could give it a name if you want Cheyenne Mountain has been called America's fortress the facility under Colorado is the eyes and ears of the US defense system watching and listening to what's going on all over the world and even out of this world to keep us all safe what an awesome responsibility you
Channel: 9NEWS
Views: 504,156
Rating: 4.7316704 out of 5
Keywords: 9News, News, KUSA, Denver, #9News, Colorado, CO, cheyenne mountain, secrets, hiding, tunnels, conspiracy, conspiracies, illuminati, secret military, military, operations, top secret, cia, space, aliens, under colorado, under, series
Id: nAHBekea2Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2016
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