What's on Your Mind? | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle

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in 1917 while World War One was still being fought there was a famous day in Russia when the government was overthrown and under Vladimir Lenin and his cohorts which included Joseph Stalin later became the leader of the USSR communism came in as a violent form of government and immediately a whole group of crimes began to be mentioned anything against the state anything against the government was considered a crime and you could disappear into one of the gulags there in um Siberia and never be seen again but they went further they trained the kids in school to think a certain way they brainwashed them atheism became the state policy so no Bibles no thinking no mentioning of Jesus Hitler starting in the early 30s in Germany brought in the Nazi regime and it was similar in this way although on the right uh versus the left of Communism it was a taking over of everything every action everybody belonged to the Nazi party there were no multiple parties nobody could think differently and they had what is called Chairman Mao had it in China they had thought police you can't think different than we tell you to think you get it so thinking wrong was considered a crime now under our democracy here we have and we must always maintain even if we don't agree what people are thinking nobody can tell us how to think you get it no one if someone wants to think about Buddhism they're allowed to think about Buddhism because if you take that right away they can then take you right away to think about Jesus so in in a democracy and there's more and more now thought police through shaming and and um just attacking people who disagree you're not allowed to think differently right I just was praying with a well-known TV personality who is under attack because of his Christian views on marriage let's say abortion and they're attacking not the government but they're going to the network that he works for and they're heating things up and saying no you don't speak at that conference because their powers that be uh um that say no you can't identify yourself with that that's a hater that's that in other words you can't hold to the Bible so where will that end then they can stop you from going to church we can think what we want to think and we're free to worship God and we ought to be happy that we can worship Jesus today come on let's put our hands together so there's freedom of thought but not with God that's where I want to take you you can't if you serve God and you're a Christian think what you want thoughts attitudes the meditations of your heart are all important to God and all important to us but we don't think of it that way most people have um summarized Christianity or religion as you can't do this you can't do that you can do this you can't do this and sin is in disobedience in word or in action you stole something that's a sin it happens to also be a crime you curse somebody out that's not a crime in America but it's a sin before God how many follow so far Say Amen okay but thoughts the name of this I want to call it is what's on your mind because what's on your mind is not only important to your progress and your Eternal future but it is something God is always watching God knows our thoughts I'm talking about thought patterns I'm not talking about an incidental thought which can come in the form of a Temptation you can't be tempted by Satan unless a thought is presented to your mind I'm not talking about that that we all have to go through Jesus went through that when he was tempted but I'm talking about thought patterns that are held that are embraced not someone knocking on the door of your mind when you open it and ask them in for coffee and those thoughts stay with you that forms an attitude or a thought pattern now first of all I want to just establish a couple of things God knows your thoughts look at this verse here the first verse do we have my verses I yes you know when I sit and when I Rise you perceive my thoughts from afar so right now God knows what you're thinking what I'm thinking he knows why I'm up here he knows if I'm trying to show off and impress you he knows if I'm doing this just to make a living he knows why you came today he knows your attitude toward me and the Bible right now you're thinking it you don't think anyone knows it you think it's your private World it isn't God knows our thoughts not just our actions but our thoughts this is also verified in the life of Jesus we find in the verse in the next verse in Luke an argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest Jesus knowing their what thoughts took a little child and had him stand beside him so Jesus Through the holy spirit is Divinity we're not sure how often and how he knew all these things because he was man yet God God yet man he knows he knows he knew their thoughts so if you were like when he was speaking and the Pharisees religious leaders were hating him and plotting his murder even though they were nodding because they couldn't refute what he was saying he he knew that inside they couldn't stand his guts and were planning to kill him he knew that did they tell him that no but he knew why he knows our thoughts he knows our thoughts he knows our attitudes whether we never express it whether we never tell a soul he absolutely knows our thoughts now where we haven't often gone in our thinking about this is that evil failing God grieving God's spirit rebelling against God is Not Just in actions and words but it is in our thoughts thoughts and attitudes that we hold can be sinful even though we never act on them more about that in a moment but let's just look at some verses here and next verse please um in Psalm 10 verse 4 in his pride the wicked man does not seek him God in all his thoughts there's no room for God so God knows how we think every day and how we think every week so for some of you you never think about God you don't Ponder God there's no room your your mind is on making money your mind is on Sports your mind is on entertainment your mind is on your phone and you're tweeting the universe or whatever you're doing but there's no room for God but The Godly person meditates on God he thinks about God because whoever you love you think about all right let me go further next verse Jerusalem washed the evil from your heart Jeremiah said and be saved how long will you Harbor Wicked thoughts doesn't even say that they did it anything wrong they did because look at me every thought held on to is sooner or later gonna cause an action behind actions there's thoughts this terrible this terrible that we've got to pray for the families we prayed up in my office this thing in eastern uh L.A did you see East L.A in the Asian Community 10 people dead and at least 10 injured whoever did that they thought about it before they did it there's no one's a robot you just do it you think about it these terrible murders in in Idaho wherever that was this person crazed person hateful person they planned that they thought about it maybe weeks maybe months they thought about it and thought brings about action as a man thinketh so is he it's going to come out you get garbage in and meditate on it garbage is going to come out it's just the way it is so Jeremiah says how long God's saying how long will you Harbor Wicked thoughts how long will you think let's say I'm going to contemporate so how long will you think racist thoughts how long will you be proud and have proud thoughts and look down at other people don't you think I see that I see that how long are you going to hold on to those thoughts God said you're going to be punished for those thoughts well of course I'm I'm The God Who searches the heart and the motive if if I was a phony don't you think I could fake you out I doubt I could but I can't fool God so let's go further one other verse here from Genesis 6 5 this is before the flood the Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only Evil all the time when God sent uh the flood to bring destruction and Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah it's going to be when Jesus comes again the Reason God did that when he looked down every inclination of the hearts and the thoughts of everyone tended toward evil they not only acted evil they not only said evil they thought evil they harbored evil thoughts continually every inclination was toward evil and God who searches hearts and those thoughts saw it and said de masiado too much enough I'm going to punish now my my judgment is going to come so evil lies in our thought life not only in words and indeed that's why when it the prophets would call for people to turn to God in Isaiah 55 you'll see Let The Wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts let them turn to the Lord and He will have mercy on them and to our God for he will freely pardon notice at the beginning let the wicked forsake their ways we got that and the unrighteous their thoughts in other words you got to stop thinking that way no that's my business don't don't get it don't get into my kitchen that I don't like that I I'm a free person I'll think what I want well not it with God you can't because God searches your thoughts everything about us it was that song maybe we'll sing it at the end you did you ever hear that song uh uh it's called cleanse me but do you ever remember that hymn search me o God and know my heart today see if there's Wicked thoughts in me now you got someone who really is a Christian who wants to please God they not only want to uh not do wrong they're like the psalmist who said let the words of my mouth and the of my heart what what are the meditations of your heart it's your thought life is how you think let it be pleasing in your sight I not only want to act right I want to think right so this whole bunch of even let's go to the Ten Commandments there's all kinds of pro uh prohibitions upon things other than action killing is killing but how about this don't covet and be greedy the Bible teaches that in both uh testament old and no so what is coveting and what is greed is it something you do no it might lead to action but what is coveting wanting what other people have not being satisfied with what you have what is greed more and more no it's laying awake at night thinking about money money money I want more I want what they have why do they have it so the Bible says thou shall not covet in other words don't desire things that other people have be content with what you have all in favor say Amen but to disobey that to covet is something God forbids idolatry what is idolatry having another God before the true God how do you do that you know it's not something you do it'll lead to action but it's something inside of you your thought life you don't have God in your thoughts you're not thinking of pleasing God you're thinking of you're pleasing yourself or getting more money whatever that fake God is how about hate if God is love could there be anything worse than hate if God is love but what is hate is the hate it's not something you do it can lead to hate crimes hate action but hate is something you can Harbor in your heart and be so phony you're shaking hands with the person that you've been hating for like two months you Harbor hateful thoughts you're disgusted by them you have hateful thoughts about them but when you see them you're afraid of peer pressure so what we do is we go yo what's up how you doing you're looking good but God sees through the hypocrisy of it and says no you hate you have thoughts of hatred the Bible everywhere tells us to be humble God resists the proud but he gives Grace to who but what is pride it's not something you do it can lead to action pride is to have a thought pattern and an attitude that I'm better than the other guy and God resists that he can't stand when you and I set ourselves above anyone else because we're all Sinners and we need the grace of God or that then then you can bring in racism that you think your race or your country or your island or your whatever is better than everyone else oh you find that everywhere you go that that those feelings of superiority I told you about that time I was in the airport and the other lady was helping no I was getting coffee in Canada in Kennedy and um lady waited on me and I could uh picked up a little accent and I said to her uh um where are you from and she said because I'd love to find out where people are from and she said so I'm from Guyana and I went oh Guyana that's nice I've been there you know they make good Roti in Guyana I said that so the lady who is kneeling on the floor getting some stuff out her co-worker who was from Trinidad turned to me both of us and said they don't know how to make a roti in Guyana [Applause] so you know where she was thinking we're Superior oh are you we all should be humble before God shouldn't we but those are Pride we're taught that we're taught to think that way what is nationalism but vain proud thoughts that your country is better who says all of us have lost our way and gone astray there's none righteous no not one we should all root for each other shoulder to shoulder oh I like that song show little shoulder so these are proud thoughts but we have them all the time we don't even we're not even bothered them but they cost us something in our walk with God our loss of joy and peace how in the world are you going to enjoy joy and peace if for the last two 20 48 hours you've been thinking nonsense and evil thoughts how are you going to enjoy God's peace you're grieving the Holy Spirit not by what you said or what you did by your thoughts he lives inside of you and he's got to put up with that nonsense those thoughts evil thoughts what else is proud what else is pride but proud thoughts remember what Jesus said about adultery he gave us something beyond the Old Testament we don't live under the Old Testament by the way we live under the New Testament no command or promise in the Old Testament has anything to do with us unless it's repeated in the New Testament you get it we don't kill or stone our children who curse their mother and father but that's in the Bible we don't do that that's the Old Testament the New Testament every day is the same there's no special days in the New Testament there's no work of the flesh called Sabbath breaking we live in the New Testament Jesus said it's much more difficult of course than the Old Testament you have heard that I said don't commit adultery but if a man looks at a woman and commits it in his mind he's guilty of it full that's a whole other world am I right so obviously sukkabesa very important mind too what we think that's why the Bible says in Psalm 19 verse 14. May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight Lord my rock and my redeemer I not only want to act right God I not only I'm saying this to God right now for myself and you God we don't only want to act right we not only want to talk right but oh God let our meditations be right before you we don't want to hurt you every day by having evil thoughts proud thoughts here here's the worst one of all the Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God am I correct so faith is precious to God so what then would be a hideous sin to God unbelief what is unbelief but thoughts laying awake at night and worrying oh what's going to happen the world's going to fall it's going to end I'm I'm lost I don't know what's going to happen biting your nails worrying about every attacks of anxiety right as if there's no God that's unbelief we're Christians we have these promises but we don't believe them and what do we think we think thoughts of unbelief how that Grieves God his children I've told this story everywhere I go around the world what if when my daughter Sue was a little girl going to school and she was in the second grade third grade and the teacher called us and said Mr Mrs Simba you got to come in we want to talk to you about your daughter Sue okay so I come in and there's the principal and the teacher and I go why am I here what's about your daughter she's not learning she's not progressing in school well why she looks out the window she zones out she's worried she's nervous she doesn't concentrate what are you talking about that's my daughter I'm raising her we live with her we love her no no no she's she's just ridden with with with fear and anxiety well why well we asked her why and she says I'm not sure my daddy or mom will pick me up at the end of school day or you know what I'm not sure they're going to keep buying me clothes and feeding me that would rip my heart out every parent knows that that would rip your heart out that she would have thoughts of not trusting her mom and dad and what if I went to her and I say Susie how do you do what are you doing why are you worried why are you anxious why are you biting your nails why don't you concentrate in school did daddy never what day did I never come to pick you up no you've always come I'm just afraid you won't one day but that'd be torture when did we never feed you well you've always said me but what if you stop [Applause] how do you think God feels we're laughing how do you think God feels when you worry and have worried thoughts and you're biting your nails and your anxiety and he says I'll never leave you and nor forsake you you'll never go anywhere that I won't provide come on let's put our hands together those are thoughts of unbelief versus thoughts of faith so let me bring this to a close think of the contamination of our walk with God think of the loss of joy and peace through wrong thought patterns just think of it just think of it you meet Christians sometimes they're sour they're supposed to be full of joy right peace joy unspeakable and full of Glory that's what we're reading the Bible but you meet a lot of Christians they look like they've been baptized in lemon juice right they're just sour sour how do you think they got like that because they got a thought life that you don't even want to know about listen to me now listen to me now they got a thought life if you only knew what they were dwelling on that's why they have no joy no peace that's why they're not exuberant they think negative they think hate they think jealousy they think resentment they're remembering what happened to them 20 years ago Don't Clap yet 20 years ago 10 years ago who left them who walked out on them who who let if you listen my dad was an alcoholic he started drinking when I was 12. he drank for 22 years then the Lord delivered him he didn't make it to my wedding because he was dead drunk so Carol and I got married and and my dad wasn't even there he was out of control I couldn't have friends over if I think about that all day and and lament that I'll be a victim and I'll be negative and and a wine me why did my dad have to be an alcoholic is that the way God wants me to think no he wants me to think of surely goodness and mercy are going to follow me come on all the days of my life a lot of us think oh God Saves my soul God Saves my body I don't want to take fentanyl I don't want alcohol that's a very good thing to do away with too fentanyl alcohol nicotine I don't want that I don't want to ruin my body with that but how about how about your mind what are you letting in what are we letting in and we're dwelling on it and we have coffee with it and we have we order bagels with a smear we bring it all in and we have like a party with these thoughts jealous thoughts I had a pastor tell me um in the last couple years you know what I battle with I battle it with jealousy overpassers that I think are more successful or more anointed these thoughts can come to anybody at any time what do you think the Bible means when it says resist the devil he's not physically attacking us where's the first place we have to resist him put your come on right now everybody put your finger in your head resist the devil I'm not thinking that no I'm not my mind belongs to God Jesus purchased not just my body my soul my spirit but he has my mind he's the Lord of my mind so let's get some solutions here we've stated the problem we see it biblically every one of us if you're open you must be convinced of this if you're open to scripture you got to remember here this has almost been lost in contemporary Christianity if it's no deeper than skinny jeans and a fog machine you're not gonna wait you're not gonna hear this so listen I have to learn it for myself and remind myself this listen to me I love you I have to answer to God tonight when I lay in bed did I tell you the truth as it is in Jesus the more like Jesus you are every day the happier you will be every day now what listen I don't care what your boss said I don't care what your relatives said I don't care what social media is saying if you live holy you will be happy if you live Unholy not like Christ in word deed and in meditation I don't care who likes you you will be miserable because what you sow you reap you got to get this in a materialistic world where fun and games and saving money and binge watching programs from three years ago where that is like that's what I'm Into You know I'm gonna go clubbing and all of that you think that's going to satisfy your spirit oh come on come on wake up you've been trying it you're not happy from that that's why these millionaire athletes and movie stars and all of that they flip husbands wives they they're they're zoning out on drugs why because they're empty inside but they have everything physically they can sleep with who they want they can buy what they want they have all this money but only Jesus can satisfy your soul and once you know Jesus you want to have a walk with him how can we walk together unless we be agreed with him and if I'm letting in and dwelling on things that are against him thoughts of unbelief by the way you like my new watch my wife got this for me for Christmas come on everybody put your hands together for Carol I feel like Dick Tracy now I can talk to people and it's very cool I don't know how to work it though uh my wife says to me check your heartbeat I went how do you do that but I'm just happy it tells me the time and a few other things [Applause] um so if we think wrong we're going to lose the joy of walking with him oh yeah that's right and we'll know but God knows yeah but I didn't say anything doesn't matter you've been thinking it prejudiced thoughts what a hateful thoughts jealous thoughts critical thoughts condemning thoughts putting people down in your mind tell me where that gets you tell me how sweet that will make you happens to me like once a month I'll go into a diner or someplace wherever I'm traveling and people will be pleasant many times and then you'll meet someone you know she walk up to you with her take your order and she'll go what do you want Hi how are you today what do you think she's been thinking you've been thinking about negative stuff that happened to her but hasn't negative stuff happened to all of us can we get an amen from that so it now it depends what you want to think about so that's why as I close Romans 12 important verses one and two therefore I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies if you would come and play as a Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing to God this is your true and proper worship surrender to God is the highest form of worship better than lifting your hands better than singing surrender your body to God and say I am yours Lord that's the highest form of worship not going to church on Sunday offering your body 24 7 and do not conform to the pattern of this world because this world is a wicked world you want to fit in with this world say bye bye to Jesus anyone who loves this world the love of the father is not in them you want to fit in with everybody and be like yo you're my man and fit in no Jesus said if they hated me they're going to hate you that song that's prophetic song by the way um Titans stand alone how many determine I'm going to stand for Jesus I don't care if I have to stand wave your hand at me I'm going to stand for the Lord so do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will the renewing of your mind what does that mean God does a mind transplant no he gradually renews your mind and changes your thought patterns some of you have been going to church for decades and your thought patterns are no different than 25 years ago that's why you look so sour and negative no joy no peace always needing prayer can't help many other people because you're bound by your own chains of thought you know I chained and these things can only be broken by the power of Jesus he wants to renew our minds he has to do it although he calls us to do it only he gives the power to do it last word The Cure though is not only in defensive action like resisting the devil that's a defensive action a thought comes to your mind new Holy Spirit put a guard on my mind oh that one just came no I'm not thinking about what happened when I was a junior in high school it wasn't pretty not thinking of that that is not edifying that will not help me get out praise God you know what I found is helpful when you feel you're under a Siege listen I'm not being joke not joking now just stop and pause and say Jesus not God not Lord that's very misguided that can mean anything to anyone just stop and say Jesus say it with me Jesus [Music] just say Jesus that'll help refocus you got to reboot Jesus this thought is not compatible with Jesus oh no it's not and I belong to Jesus but it's not just defensive action please please please listen I love you I want you to understand this look at Psalm 1 1 and 2 listen someone please blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that Sinners take this is the happy person he does not walk in step with the wicked he's not trying to keep up with what the world says is hip and cool or whatever or stand in the way the Sinners take or sit in the company of mockers but whose Delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night this bottle cannot be filled see this bottle you cannot fill this bottle with um bourbon my dad used to drink bourbon I used to find the bottles and pour it out why can't you fill this bottle with bourbon it's filled with water now if I empty it out and I pour all the water out now you got a shot to fill it with something else The Secret of medic is meditating on the word of God that my mind is so filled with the promises of God the goodness of God praise God just walking down the street think about what he did 10 years ago think about his promise oh Pastor symbol has said surely goodness and mercy are going to help me today what am I worried about God said goodness and mercy are following me today no matter what happens he will never leave me nor forsake me as you ponder that and meditate on it it fills up the bottle with good stuff then the bad stuff can't come in to get your mind renewed doesn't mean you always have to be fighting every second nervous oh where is that thought coming from fill yourself with the word of God you know what meditate means it means in the Hebrew to chew on to masticate to chew on [Music] but it also comes from a word that means in the Hebrew weaving things together and having a thought pattern that is purposeful and that is the theme of my thinking The Godly person meditates day and night on the word of God some of you hardly read it how would you meditate on it I love you but I got to be straight you hardly read it I met someone in Florida they said they read the Bible when they go to church on Sunday lots of luck what are you meditating on then the rest of the week the news that's depressing the Republicans the Democrats double depressing the White House the Congress triple depressing the economy quadrupled depressing you're going to think about what's happening with North Korea or with this and that and all of that where's that going to leave you if that's what you think about you're going to be a nervous wreck why don't you get above all of that no matter how many clouds are in the sky when the plane goes above the clouds all you see is that sun and you go praise God praise God praise God and in on his word he meditates day and night the other day I was being attacked in my mind and I started to just count my blessings you ever do that stop counting your problems enough with that get over it I know you got problems we all do but how about counting your blessing how about The God Who blessed you in the past don't you think she'll get you through today how many have been brought listen how many have been backed up against the wall really in trouble in your life in the way that God knows you were in trouble and he lifted you out just lift your hand lift it up right now if I think about that it's amazing you know instead of just trotting I start to oh praise God praise God now I start to sing when I think of the goodness of Jesus keep going and all that he's done for me [Music] my soul Cries Out Hallelujah praise God he said [Music] so so thank you fill the bottle every day that's the secret Now by God's grace last verse uh the best one for this message Philippians 4 verse 8 look at it [Music] Philippians 4 verse 8 finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such thing read this verse With Me Out Loud finally brothers and sisters louder whatever is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things listen ugly stuff nasty stuff murders everything happens around us we're aware of it we read about it but we don't have to dwell on it and men and women remember whatever you bring it take in with the eye gate it has a natural reaction that you can start to ponder what you just took in that's why it's very careful what you look at what you read what you see why it has it has an attraction to the mind to now think about it and those thoughts won't go away so easy if you if you start pondering them so anybody learn anything today can we thank God just for his word today could have that hymn though could have that Hymnal thank you so here's what I've been singing for the last three days it's an old hymn I let Michael know about it and Jamal I'm just hoping they can get the words up get the words up of the first please of the first stanza if you can I want to see if they can go on the back oh that's it so just listen to how people wrote songs wait [Music] listen to this listen search me o God and know my heart today Try Me O savior know my thoughts I pray see if there be come out singers but stand on the sides so you can see the screen I don't think you know this song see if there be some Wicked way in me cleanse me from everything and set me free how many can say Amen to that song right listen to the third stance and we're gonna sing it says listen Lord take my life and make it holy thine fill my poor heart with thy great love divine take all my will my passion self and pride I now surrender Lord in me abide isn't that beautiful so that's the way we should end can't do an altar call because we would all come how many want to see a Godly Improvement in your thought life come on a god and now we recognize what you think does matter what you think does matter matters to God matters to you how long will you think Wicked thoughts God said to that old world not for us everyone stand let's say turn if you don't know the words turn and say [Music] [Music] everyone Try Me Try time for yourself [Music] I pray Ed to see if there be me asures [Music] foreign [Music] Lord take my life we're gonna sing that sing along with me if I just as I was praying here in my spirit if you're under attack in your head and the enemy's just been barraging you the last few weeks months he's just like attacking just as we sing it come out of your seat and stand here in the front and just stand here at the deacons deaconesses they'll lay a hand on your shoulder nothing to be ashamed of you're being attacked I've been attacked ten thousand times they're seasons of testing you got to stand for the Lord and we're going to pray with you okay the rest of us come on come from the balcony if you need to come let's sing [Music] Lord my life [Applause] [Music] [Music] same congregation [Music] stamps up put your hand here in the front and say sir [Music] [Music] I know my thoughts my friend foreign [Music] foreign [Music] let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church we understand now God the importance of our minds our thought life our thought patterns our attitudes you know them you search them they can make you happy and they can make you sad and grieved they can enhance our walk with you where they can be thoughts of unbelief which they crush your tender heart we ask you to Deliver Us from vain thoughts evil thoughts unclean thoughts proud thoughts hateful thoughts resentful thoughts jealous thoughts coveting covenanting in our thinking we ask you to give us a mind filled with the promises of God the goodness of God the praise of God always remembering like you always told the Israelites so many times in the Old Testament you repeated remember when I brought you out of Egypt you wanted them to think about that over and over and over and over again so that they would remember you are a good god a loving God and we have our own Red Seas that you've brought us through Lord thank you for the cross thank you for the blood of Jesus Satan you're defeated you're defeated in the name of Jesus the blood has made us clean we belong to Christ so Lord not only help my friends here in the front but everyone in the building as we we consecrate our minds to you help us every day when we wake up to say that prayer Lord Lord I give you my body and my tongue but I give you my mind today help me to think thoughts that will make you happy and Lord when we're approached and tested help us to just say in faith from our heart Jesus help me Jesus I Praise You Jesus I love you Jesus I belong to you thank you for the body of Christ thank you for the Titans bless the offering as people leave those that go up to see the Titans bless them to bless us all as we dismiss in Christ's name and everyone said amen turn around and give someone a hug we're gonna sing this song One More Time [Music] okay you know it by now come on singers look at the leader look at the leader [Music] Try Me Try to change they are now faced me [Music] see if there be seeing foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Views: 18,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mEINwupGx6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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