What's new in Flutter | Keynote

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[Music] hello and welcome we are so glad to have you join us wherever you may be i'm zoe and this is chris hi chris and i are product managers on the flutter team and we are here to talk about what's new in flutter we're going to show you some of the features that we've been working on and now some new things that we think you will like as you know we launched flutter two just a few months ago and then we've been listening to your early feedback and looking for ways to improve therefore today we are pleased to announce a new stable release what comes after flutter 2 version 2 of flutter 2. in flutter 2.2 we're focused on enhancing the quality and productivity of flutter it is not about adding a lot of new features it's about providing a solid foundation for you to build your apps on in today's keynote you will hear us talk about how we improved performance enhanced our testing infrastructure extended darts type alias feature broaden our node safety support upgraded developer tooling and more also you've been telling us that in order to create the best in class user experience you need a strong ecosystem so we've been working hard to enrich google's offerings within the ecosystem such as material google pay ads and cloud and then you will hear these updates later in the keynote as well before we talk about the new things in this release a quick recap of the story so far our go with flutter has always been providing a ui platform for nbn computing across a range of devices including mobile web desktop as well as embedded and we've been continuing to take further steps along this path by broadening flutter from a mobile framework to a portable framework with updates to web and desktop many of you probably already knew these from our previous flutter 2 event but just in case you're new to flutter here are a few highlights of what we support now first we now have production quality support for the web this brings flutter's developer experience and visual app quality to the browser you can now build apps for ios android and the browser all from the same code base in addition a beta version of desktop support was made available on the stable channel behind the configuration flag this makes it easy for you to try your existing flutter code on desktop as we move closer to stable quality the reason why flutter can be expanded from mobile to web to desktop is because of dart which is the secret sauce behind flutter dart no safety is available unstable as well with node safety you can now remove the largest class of bugs from your code and as a side bonus your app can also be smaller and run faster with each new release more and more developers join our community we're grateful that you chose flutter to develop your apps as of today you have added 200 000 flutter apps to the google play store with more coming in every day we're so thankful for the love that flutter has received from all of you around the world in just a few short years many of you have reached out to let us know how flutter is helpful to you no matter what you're building or where you're located i'd like to just share a few examples grab south east asia's leading super app that provides rights payments food deliveries parcel deliveries financial services and more they have deployed flutter in their flagship app merchant app and driver app grab has been downloaded more than 200 million times across android and ios platforms engineers at grab told us that flutter reduced at least one third of development time required to build test and release new features next the bmw group had a successful rollout of their flutter based on my bmw and mini apps which are now serving more than 2 million users across 40 markets in 5 continents 300 engineers develop in flutter at bmw and they are literally one of the largest of flutter dart development teams in the world new bank the largest digital bank outside asia has over 35 million customers their flagship banking app is also powered by flutter newbank told us that after adopting flutter they have greatly reduced their belt time the merge success rate is 30 percent better compared with native development with flutter prs taking 85 percent less time to merge compared with non-flutter prs kotak is one of india's largest of financial institutions they built their trading app codetech securities entirely in flutter and shipped to ios and android within six months they are now experimenting with bringing in the same experience to web with one single codebase flutter has a huge developer base in china one example is tencent tencent has more than 20 apps using flutter and their biggest super app wechat recently started building with flutter as well wechat is the largest multi-purpose messaging social media and mobile payment app in the world it currently has 1.2 billion users across more than 230 countries and regions after trying flutter the engineers were surprised that the frame rate and memory usage is so much better for dynamic mini-app rendering especially on low-end devices since then the team started adding new flutter features in both wechat for consumer and wechat for work here we're showing a few new features built in flutter such as the video editor and the support for virtual conference flutter helped the wechat for work team reduce about 25 percent of development time compared to other toolkits which allows them to add new features much faster the team plans to adopt a flutter more widely in 2021 chris i could go on and on and on about how flutter is being used and loved by our communities around the world i know you can zoe you and i are spoiled by the customers we get to work with on flutter it's honestly one of my favorite parts of this job me too well we have a lot more success stories we can share i think our audience just cannot wait to hear what's going on in flutter two two well okay then let's get on with it on the flutter team we're always working hard to take your feedback into account for each new flutter release in our research over the last year you've told us loud and clear that quality is among your top priorities for flutter no matter which platforms you're targeting you care about having a solid foundation to build your apps on and so in this release we're focused on fixing issues optimizing performance and increasing the utility of the features we announced in flutter two this really is version two of flutter two in this release we focused on a number of areas for optimization let's start by exploring improvements in the infrastructure just in the last six months we've closed more than 6 000 issues even more important than that however is the investment we've made in our testing infrastructure overhauling our processes to ensure that our builds are kept in the green and nearly doubling the number of device configurations that we're testing against across five different operating systems and four different browser vendors furthermore at google before any code changes in flutter make their way into even the beta builds we've already tested against millions of lines of code written by more than 30 google engineering teams building their own flutter apps this focus on quality can be seen in the latest version of google pay for example the currently available version has been optimized considerably since the beta in november these updates include reducing the starting memory usage as well as increasing the performance across the board from database initialization time to rendering speed on low end devices also as we worked with the google pay team we found several areas of flutter performance that could be improved across the board for example in this release we've tripled the speed to present the initial page transition for any app targeting ios this big investment in our infrastructure and the thorough testing against real world apps means that you can be confident that new stable releases are going to be solid and if you do have issues those infrastructure changes have also helped us to get fixes to you faster in fact in the last six months our turnaround time on critical issues has decreased by more than half that's not to say that we're done here we still have key issues to address quality is always going to be our top priority for flutter we've made some improvements in dart in this release as well in response to one of our biggest requests in the dart 2.13 release that comes with footer 2.2 we've generalized type aliases to include both functions and non-functions this makes it possible to give you nice short names to long complicated types and it also lets you rename your classes in a non-breaking way we think this is going to simplify a lot of your dart code on the dart null safety front we've been working hard with the broader community to bring null safety into the ecosystem as of today more than 80 percent of the top 1000 packages have already been migrated in fact we're so confident that you're going to have a great experience using null safety with flutter that as of today we've made null safety the default for all new flutter apps but if you're still not convinced that no safety is for you i suggest that you check out bob's talk where he explores the benefits of migrating your app to null safety today for flutter itself we continue to improve our platform support on the web front in addition to fixing issues we've optimized caching behavior for pwas so your app reloads more predictably improved our support for mouse events like dragging and we continue to be amazed by what people can do with flutter on the web in this example raphael barboza has moved his mobile sunny place game and it's shown here running on the web at full speed using the canvas kit renderer he built the game using his own bonfire game engine and its 100 flutter we continue to see that flutter makes it easy for people to build new apps quickly while still providing their users with rich interactions plus flutter on the web makes it effortless to deploy your app so that your users have a seamless onboarding experience as another example of the power of flutter web i'd like to introduce abel and alex co-founders of flutterflow hey google i o i'm able and i'm alex today we're excited to announce flutterflow a local tool for building flutter ops all in your browser our goal is to give flutter developers super powers flutterflow lets you build apps faster easier and with less code we built all of this thanks to the power of flutter web and we're excited to give you a sneak peek so first we're going to start by showing you an app we built in flutterflow called fluttermet fluttermet lets you search for art exhibits at the world famous metropolitan museum of art by tyler department and keeps track of your favorite exhibits or those you want to check out as you can see my collection currently needs some love let's do a quick search and see what we get so i can tap on a search result see a preview of the exhibit and also view all the information about the exhibit i'll add this artwork to my collection now let's go back to the home screen and check out my favorite department and show so since this is pretty much the coolest chair i've ever seen i'll also add it to my collection now i'll go to my collections page and verify that all of my favorites are there so now we've shown you fluttermet we'd like you to guess how long it took to build in flutterflow so all of this took one of us less than one hour to build end to end to see the entire process check out our youtube video on the flutterflow channel called building fluttermet now let's take a look at the project in flutterflow so here we have the ui builder and we can take a look at all the pages in the app in addition this project uses firebase authentication firestore and api requests using the met api for all the exhibit data we're just getting started with flutter flow and there's a lot more coming in the following weeks and months thanks to the power of flutter and flutter web we've been able to move far quicker than we could have possibly imagined we'd like to give a huge thank you to google the flutter team our early access users and our supporters our goal is to bring the power of flutter to the masses we want to enable you to build tomorrow's apps today faster easier and with less code so join us in this movement to get started go to flutterflow.io thanks flutter flow seems really great i'm going to see a tweet every week asking for a flutter layout tool totally it's great to see what flutter flow has built here and they've built it in flutter and what about that game raphael built i didn't know you could build stuff like that in flutter well sure you can and wait until you hear more about what's going on with desktop today the desktop beta is available on the stable channel behind a configuration flag this allows you to quickly and easily try your apps on desktop without the time consuming step of moving to a different channel thank you for giving us a bunch of feedback on flutter desktop and then we have listened therefore i am pleased to announce a greatly improved beta for flutter for windows mac os and linux in addition to bug fixes and performance improvements this release includes the beginning of a complete re-architecture of text handling to support advanced scenarios this includes the ability to cancel a keyboard event as a bubble through the widget hierarchy and it gives you complete control over the key mappings in the text field widgets we've got more work to do to support accessibility system menu integration and multiple top level windows you can expect to see these features and more in future releases soon while we continue to work towards a stable release for desktop we are also experimenting with desktop running on new platforms this includes apple's m1 chip and microsoft gaming devices in fact as of today we are pleased to share that we've made it possible to create flutter apps using microsoft uwp this feature is available on the dev channel as an early alpha but don't let that keep you from building your apps to run on your own xbox as you move your apps from mobile to web and to desktop you will want to make sure to consider input modes and platform specific idioms as well as screen size for the details on best practices be sure to check out kevin's talk on building platform adaptive apps in flutter of course flutter won't be flutter without the tools and we made some improvements there too when it came to helping the google pay team track down memory usage errors in their beta we found that we needed updates to our tooling so we added two new features to the memory tab in flutter dev tools the first is the ability to track down where an object was allocated so if it's leaked you know what code did the allocation the second is the ability to inject custom messages into the memory timeline so that you can provide markers specific to your app as your apps get larger we will continue to build the optimization features you need to keep them running well however flutter is more than just a framework and tools you've been telling us that in order to create the best-in-class user experience you need a strong ecosystem as well therefore we've been working hard to enrich google's offerings within the ecosystem building beautiful applications has been a core part of flutter's dna flutter makes it easy to create adaptive flexible and beautiful visuals we've continued to work closely with material design to ensure our developers are building with the latest guidance and updates including support for large screens such as navigation reel and other adaptive improvements our friends from material design have been working on their next design evolution the new material design is spirited with surfaces that stretch shimmer and move as they respond to the user's touch we are committed that you will have a hundred percent coverage of the new design guidance by the time material ships later this year stay tuned and check our developer channels to catch the latest next we know it's important for you to be able to monetize your apps and we are bringing you a few updates today to let you do that in different ways let's start with ads as you know google mobile ads sdk for flutter is already available in open beta thousands of flutter developers have already started monetizing their apps with the gma sdk we're delighted to share a few updates first we have migrated the plugin to support no safety next flutter now supports the latest version of the ios gma sdk which prepares you for the app tracking transparency enforcement as well as improves ad performance last but not least due to popular demand we add a new ads format adaptive banner adaptive banner is the next generation of responsive ads which helps maximize ads performance by optimizing ad size for each device we hope you will enjoy the updated version of the gma sdk for flutter alright now let's move on to direct payment google pay has such a great experience building with flutter now they decided to broaden their support for the entire community today we're excited to announce that google pay is launching a new payment plugin for flutter which allows developers to use google pay on android and apple pay on ios this allows you to write your code once for both platforms while making it easy for your users to pay for things like groceries retail merchandise and food delivery the plugin is open source and you can head to pub.dev today to check it out eager to work with the community to expand to more payment providers and platforms in this plugin in the future by the way google pay is going to host a tech talk later to walk you through the steps in adding payment plugin to your flutter apps be sure to check it out now you know that google pay is great when you're selling physical items or services but if you want to sell digital items such as game coins or virtual items within your app you will need to use the in-app purchase mechanism built into google play or the ios app store we've supported this scenario with a beta version of the in-app purchase plugin for a while and then we've heard from many of you about the need for production quality and a better workflow to integrate it into your app we are very happy to announce that in-app purchase is moving to production quality we have re-architected the plug-in address top issues on github updated our documentation and also designed a new collab with these updates we hope it will be much easier for you to integrate in-app purchase into your app give it a try today it's pretty great to see that flutter developers are able to fund their products with ads payments and in-app purchases zoe absolutely it sounds like flutter puts the fun in funding [Music] very funny thank you chris uh on on that note we've got a little bit more to talk about we understand applications are rarely used standalone they use services like ads and authentication and messaging to build connected we've done a lot of work to make sure that you can get to these services on the google cloud platform from your footer app to tell you more about this i'm going to pass you over to kevin yet another pm on the flutter team while most folks likely think of dart as the programming language used for building beautiful client applications with flutter many of the features that make it great for user interfaces also make it great for building server applications let's look at two examples dartpad is a web-based editor for single-file dart and flutter demos it's embedded in flutter and dart documentation to allow users to try out concepts as they are presented dartpad handles thousands of concurrent users while providing real-time syntax analysis and fast compilation to javascript pub.dev is the community package site for darden flutter it contains tens of thousands of packages and hundreds of thousands of packaged versions pub.dev handles millions of requests per day while coordinating quality analysis and documentation generation for every uploaded package thousands of concurrent users millions of daily requests mission critical infrastructure for the flutter ecosystem all built with dart on google cloud so how can you get started well dart provides docker images for all of our releases it's easy to spin up a container with a latest sdk from a docker file how easy about 10 lines of code across three files in fact we found some interesting overlap between the work on client application development and deploying servers the dart sdk comes with a full set of development tools out of the box this is great for developers but can add a lot of unneeded weight to a server container this is where the dart ahead of time compilers come in using the same tools we created to make native flutter applications small and fast we're able to compile a server application down to just the bits needed at runtime for a simple server application we've seen almost a 70 times drop in deployed image sizes this means quicker deployments and faster scale up in serverless environments serverless environments like google cloud run cloudrun lets you deploy any containerized application it supports fast scale up and scale down to zero so you only pay when your application is handling traffic in about five minutes you can have a dart service hosted on cloud run with push to deploy from github i invite you to check out dart dot dev slash go slash cloud to learn more thanks kevin if you enjoyed kevin's sneak peek be sure to check out his full talk later where he's going to provide a deep dive into how you can integrate google apis into your flutter apps and dart services and there's lots more flutter going on at i o you can watch six deep dive technical talks participate in five hands-on workshops and ask questions in two ama sessions there's also a blog post covering the technical details of the topics we've discussed today also don't forget to have your picture taken with dash in the flutter photo booth in the flutter 2.2 release we focused on quality from infrastructure to ecosystem to ensure that you have a solid foundation to build your apps on we continue to be humbled by the amazing things that developers build with flutter and so we're going to leave you with this final story on the stair app from the us department of veterans affairs when i was in high school many of my friends were recruited into the marines um the army the navy and i saw them coming back and struggling with classic symptoms of ptsd i really wanted to be a part of providing that care and thinking about creative ways we can help this population [Music] when i first got home i felt very out of place it was hard to be around people just going about their daily lives things have happened you've seen things you've experienced things that are just not uh normal run of the mill it took time to ratchet down that high alert state that you put yourself in for so long the va wanted to create an app that could catch people in the moment so they could manage those anxiety symptoms the stare app is a tool that they can pull out of their pocket and it will give them tips in the moment to do so the app helps remind me to take a deep breath exercise change my behavior the biggest thing i learned that works for me personally was mountain biking just getting out in nature clearing my mind [Music] we started working with the va 10 years ago creating products focused on mental health and specifically on ptsd stir has been the first real big app that we use flutter for the federal government requires us to develop apps that are fully accessible with flutter we didn't know how that was going to be we bet on it and we won it makes a huge difference having one single code base it saves us at least 30 percent of our development time working with flutter a lot of frustration that goes into the development has been removed so we worked more hours on creating better content and the result is a stronger app [Music] people say that they stumbled on this app just randomly and it's the thing that gets them through the day it's really a gift of hope that this app provides every app that we create with the va is one step forward in terms of better integration between digital solutions and mental health it's very rewarding when i finally realized that you have control over how you feel and how you take in the world around you that was very empowering now you can create a path of the life that you want [Music] you
Channel: Flutter
Views: 89,168
Rating: 4.9545779 out of 5
Keywords: purpose: Inform, type: Conference Talk (Full production), pr_pr: Google I/O, Flutter, Flutter 2, Flutter 2.0, Flutter V2, Flutter updates, what’s new Flutter, Flutter what’s new, Flutter 2021, Flutter new, new flutter, Dart, tooling, Dart updates, Dart 2021, new Dart, Dart new, what’s new Dart, Dart what’s new, Flutter developer, Flutter development, #GoogleIO, Google I/O, Google IO, Google developer conference, Google announcement, Google conference, Google
Id: 40_tpAHwWcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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