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hey guys welcome to another exciting video of make up and getting ready to really go nowhere and that's okay I have accepted it that my glam days are just going to live behind these walls for now but you know I don't want to lose my skillset and I want to still know how to do like a smoky eye I was gonna say cut crease but I don't really do that anyway that much I'm starting to a little bit maybe I don't know my point is I do notice that I have better days like the quality of my days feels better when I wear makeup anybody else please leave this in the comments below if you agree with me thumbs this video up if you even spend five minutes getting ready and for whatever reason just that five minutes of like mascara concealer powder or gloss whatever makes you feel just more normal I think that it's so important right now to keep some normalcy in our routine and makeup is like it's the you guys hear me talk us all the time it's like the healer it's the escape it's the creative in my life it's color it's a nice time out so what we're gonna do today I'm gonna get ready with you and we're gonna play with new drugstore makeup I do have a few exciting items within this video that I am super curious about I have swatched this one I have not yet had a chance to put it on my eyeballs this is a palette from Physicians Formula they actually have a few different looks on the back maybe we should be daring and follow which should we maybe should we follow a look this has vitamin C in it that's great goji that's great I do also have this palette from ELF that is just like straight shimmer metallic I thought maybe if we need like a little extra oomph like a little you know dazzle in our inner corner that maybe that could help and then this right here is a one-minute face Perfector that's a huge claim what does that even mean it's made in France it's fancy it's Francey food ad joke this is a moosie face Perfector it ensures that's like sounds like a big promise it ensures flawless mattified complexion and natural makeup finish makes pores visibly disappear my god I need that I really would like that color adapts to any skin tone mm are you sure uh and you could use this as a primer or a loan let's just like dig in let's just go for it cuz I need something I did not sleep well I stay up too late I am kind of like I'm good with my diet good with hydration I'm bad with my gym routine I am NOT that person right now that's like waking up and like like I'm just I'm not there I hope I get there I would really really like to get there and I really want a salad you know like the simple things like how wonderful is it that we are all being reminded of the pleasures and the simple things that we sometimes overlook you know so there's good in that I'm gonna take it in that Avenue in that vein I'm so excited for everything to return to normal but you guys just friendly reminder stay inside let's get this thing over with like let's just let it pass and be back to somewhat of a normal routine soon I hope soon I'm signing you guys love it's unavoidable to like not talk about this you know like every video I'm like I'm not gonna talk about it I'm not gonna talk about it don't talk about it people are sick of it but it's like the only thing that's happening it's gotten to the point where like my mom will call and I'll be like hey what's up here I'm just gonna go ahead and start applying this so this is like a whipped texture this says that it's going to adapt to my skin like the color I am in a garden this is fragranced it smells really good but it also makes me terrified for the quality of my skin okay so back to like calling family members I don't have a lot to say like it's getting to that point where it's like wow isn't this weird like and we just kind of have the same conversation because it's not like oh yeah so what's the gym and oh my god funny story this guy he was hitting on a girl and I watched it happen and did it it it uh there is nothing you know like it's forcing us to just be at this like standstill and like figure out who we are as humans what we believe what we're passionate about what makes us you know light up and what sparks joy in us as cheesy as that sounds Wow I think in one minute I am significantly improved I like okay let's move on I'm gonna go in with a little bit of red colors de vanilla 135 more vanilla 135 I have two of the same shade what is that alright I don't have a clean brush I'm not trying to pitch my product I promise you I promise you done by this if you don't like it whatever I can't even ship it right now anyways um I just I don't have a clean sponge or makeup brush I don't feel like washing one either so we're just gonna get blendy with it well I have not tried this foundation in a long time I used to use this all of the time they did send this to me and Colorstay is definitely like a hallmark part of the Revlon brand and they have some really really good products this is a good one I can't wear all of the time because it does tend to clog my pores but it is nice so nice continuing on we're going to go underneath our eyes and use this assurance anti fatigue cooling under-eye bomb I don't really know what this is about it's from jcat I don't even know if it has color to it or if it's just a bomb bomb I don't think that has no color okay so this is like an eye primer that is cold that's cool I guess to kind of like cool and smooth out the under eye area becca has a product that's a little bit similar it's not as cooling and I used to use that all the time I liked it okay we're going to go in with the radiant concealer from NYX [Music] hmm I don't know how I feel about this concealer it's not thick it's just it's not pressing into the skin the way I want it to yeah it's just kind of like gummy we will see how it goes from air maybe it's the primer that did that I'm always pretty good to take into account when I'm layering new products on top of new products to maybe not be so harsh you know um okay so from here we are gonna set it and forget it I have this powder from the cream shop that is so freakin good you guys I love this it smells delicious first off probably not healthy for your lungs but I'm just gonna go ahead and say that it does smell very very good like cake batter like yummy vanilla cake batter frosting just like baked goods it smells great I mean you would think so it has little sprinkles on the top and this is the ultra matte translucent it does not creased crinkle or cake the under eye area at all it is so comparable like the kind of coverage you would expect from huda beauty like that really like intense coverage where you can press it underneath the eye and it's going to kind of sink into the skin as the skin warms up with the powder and then you're just left with this really long hold a more poreless look on the face it brightens it right up I just I really like this powder a lot [Music] is anybody else obsessed when they were a child with Easy Bake Oven who remembers this who had one I had one and I was only allowed to have so many of the little packs to make food and I just thought it was the most genius thing because I was like this is so great because when I am denied treats I can just go ahead and make myself some in my room in my privacy and it was like like that was the thing it was not the fun of making it or anything it was that I wanted to make my own treats in my room when my mom was like you can't have cookies or whatever I don't know why this is reminding me of an easy-bake oven but we're bacon okay so now what I want to do is throw on a brow and then we will zoom in and do eyes and I'm just gonna kind of let this sit I'm gonna take the cream shoppe macro brow and you guessed it I'm gonna fill in my brows do i annoy you guys telling you every little thing that I'm doing and now I'm done brushing my brows I'm gonna color them in okay I'm still really into this whole thing of turning your head and really like looking down and kind of making sure that this area right in here right in here is where you focus on first before you pull up into your arch I find this super super helpful and then you just kind of pull upward [Music] okay I am gonna dust off my under-eye area now this is not going as well as I would like it to be going to be honest I'm not loving the way my skin looks right now that powder though is a home run I do super super super love that powder I just feel like maybe that miracle blur is better on a day where you're doing no makeup makeup something went kind of weird with that concealer where my skin kind of feels a little sticky and texture it just doesn't feel like it normally does I'm gonna go ahead and take this I foundation from Catrice go ahead and just pop that in with my fingertip and then we are gonna go into this number right here I mean I kind of I'm curious to follow one of the looks that they have on the back of this thing I'm just trying to figure out which one should I try I think I'm gonna do the the super bloom look which is the bottom row and it says to take the shade 9 I'm assuming all over and up to the brow bone so let's go ahead and start there I take a cub naquan brush we're gonna give it our very best efforts here it's a peachy shade it's a little dusty that's okay it might be a little too future for me but we'll see and if it is then I will yeah I probably would take the lightest shade in the palette all the way to the brow bone so we'll just kind of start with this one a little bit in the crease and then go in with the lightest shade up here at the very end to kind of highlight the brow bone that's what I'm gonna do [Music] that is very peachy I actually really like the shade like not even as a transition but maybe for something else [Music] and now I'm gonna go into a super blue which is the kind of matte shade or right next door here so I'm gonna go ahead and dip into that this one does not have nearly as much kickback it's always interesting to me how different pigments colors how formulas are pressed and all of that impact how a brush dips into it okay so I'm just gonna kind of put this all over the lid and a little bit into the creases wall that's a really pretty shade okay I'm gonna repeat on the other side starting on the outer edge because that is ultimately where I'm gonna be layering the most pigment just all together so when I know that I always lay down majority on that outer edge and now I'm just taking this shade flat on the side of this brush this is a color pop II one I'm tapping the excess off and then you can see where I have that color I'm just laying it down lapped on the outer edge of my eye and pressing it in and then I kind of tilt up and I can blend into the crease a little bit [Music] and I'm just gonna keep layering this up you know we're already kind of headed into a dramatic look so why not it's very pretty it's very bright whoa now we are gonna go into the shade flower market it's watching these these metallics that how kind of a multi color look to them when you're staring straight into the pan they have like this like freckling of different colors and when you swatch them it's just it kind of swatches a little dull so I might go in and foil them a little bit but I just kind of wanted to try first off well this one's actually working not nice just with my fingertip this does not that's crumbly this is the kind of formula that I imagine would not apply well with a brush it's that like thicker metallic where it just doesn't even want to stick to a brush some people are okay with that some people have an issue with it I'm usually okay with it this is pretty chunky in the sense of you're gonna have some fallout let's go ahead and wet a brush going into the same color I feel like this is gonna apply just like a million katrien times better yep so pretty but because more is more and I want some more shine I'm really curious to go into this kind of nude shade in the upper left corner my brush is still a little bit damp these are kind of smushy and flaky it's a little bit weird and I'm gonna go in the center of the lid [Music] there is so much fallout with these that's the only thing that I'm like having a hard time with the metallics and if you pick up one shade that has like a brighter speck in it it'll smooth out and be brighter on one eye versus the other which is something that I am battling right now let's kick away I do want to go into that I want to just kind of take a stroll through this palette just a teeny tiny teensy weensy little teeny tiny incy wincy a little bit I'm gonna go into the champagne shade that is right here with the sponge tip applicator and I want to go on the inner corner and a little bit on the lower lash I'm going to go into the yellow one or right next door and really brighten things up I think I've had enough fun in the eye shadow I am going to go ahead and lie now I don't have a new drugstore mascara so I'm gonna use the Bambi lash that I have been enjoying quite a bit mascara is on liner is on my face is still pretty blank and we need to try on a lip I'm gonna pull the camera back out and we're gonna get to finishing up this look I did put on some kiss lashes because I want to look so fabulous in my living room okay these are the soiree by kiss I really like them they're a little bit thicker on the outer edge of the band we are going to blush run to the blush and blush bronze highlight the face I'm a little bit fearful because this is a shimmery bronzer situation and I don't have any other new bronzer to try out and I just kind of was like you know what now is the time because it's not like I'm going anywhere so like if it looks terrible like that's fine right I'm oh that's rough now that I laid the color down with a more intense brush like compacted brush I'm gonna take a fluffier brush and just kind of graze the color on top and kind of swirl it all together now we're gonna go for a little blush and this is interesting because I feel like this is a drugstore price it's something that I just want to use because I have it on hand this is what I bought in Thailand it's by beauty buffet made in Korea this is the Gino McCray Heritage blush in sweetie pink and I just think this is the prettiest pink blush and it's completely matte which I really really loved and is surprisingly unusual like you are hard-pressed to find a really fantastic completely matte blush these days everything has like a shimmer to it I prefer a matte blush and then adding my own like element of shimmer on top which is what we'll do now so we're now going to go into the Revlon skin lights and this is in Twilight gleam I'm gonna take a fan brush so I can go in nice and light and just that's I do love these I don't have this color I have a different color and I put it in like a products i reccomend video that is beautiful Wow it is time for a little lipstick and then I feel like I am done no this is a powder lippy from Wet n Wild I was gonna save it for a weird AF which I have a lot of weird products that I'm gonna be putting to the test so make sure you subscribe ring the bell I will be back with the weirdest kind of out there products and I just kind of wanted to try this one today while I was trying out drugstores so we're just gonna go for it oh my gosh that is a very strange sensation and not the color either this is the color dude chill let's try snowed in it feels super super super weird I feel like it needs to be brightened up a little bit so while it's still kind of damp I can't tell it's a weird texture I'm gonna take a little bit of highlight powder on powder maybe I don't know I feel like I need a gloss really badly and just not the right color um hold please I still need to get very organized in here I just found a Frankie rose very pink kind of glossy lip that I am gonna put on top because this does not match which is not look cute wow that took a really long time but I do really enjoy this look I'm pretty pleased with how most of it turned out the foundation I don't love it as much as I remember I used to really like live before the Revlon Colorstay foundation I would use it all of the time the concealer was kind of like I don't know if it was that or if it was that I put it on top of that balm I'm gonna try the concealer one more time without the balm but that was a part where things started looking a little bit chunky a little heavy and I was just kind of not really into the way my skin was looking I am still curious to give a go to the 1-minute primer I felt like that actually with nothing else on top of it did do a really nice job of just kind of giving me a little bit of a boost of warmth and also blurring out my pores and the texture is really nice and whipped so I do love that obviously love that powder that I've been using already and I'm very familiar with the Physicians Formula palette is pretty surprising the pigmentation is really nice there's a ton of Fallout specifically with the metallics I would suggest doing your eyes first or making sure that you use these wet I do want to go through this for you guys really quickly so let's go top to bottom really quick we have fresh bouquet nice stems bottomless brunch floor real are you for real oh my gosh who names these really who names cosmetics like sometimes they have the craziest like ultimate very sexual names or like the dumbest humor you've ever heard in your life next row down sure wine not yes way rose wine stone cowboy just like a wine stone cowboy okay next to that we have berry shake bottom row pinkies out super bloom flower market and last call I think this is a nice palette it is a little up there and priced for what it is being that it's drugstore but it's not bad the pigmentation is there with the mattes they're very silky and they blend well once you really activate them like on first pass your might think it's a little patchy but keep blending it'll look nice this brands blush so good I want to find it online Beauty buffet like even this peachy ones really pretty the Revlon bronzer highlighter yes love so much so so much cream shop brow product I'm like hit or miss I like kind of like it I don't I kind of like it I don't I'm working with very minimal brow items here I don't have a lot leave me your recommendations in the comments section because I do need to place an order for makeup and specifically if you have like a Holy Grail brow item that you think I should try it let me know because I who would really have like three pencils and that's just normally not how it is for me like I'm used to like this big collection because this is my job but it's a little it's a little sparse in certain areas of my collection liners and brows mascaras I literally have two mascaras here and that's it and I kind of think that's nice but also I want to have some variety of what I'm reviewing and what I'm filming with so let me know I think that's about it what else did I use oh the powder lippy I like it I was really surprised by the texture opacity I just didn't think it looked great with the eye look it was just like too much and the tones were a little bit off it's one of those things where the package on the outside represents a different color than what you are actually swiping on so be mindful of that I ordered those online they're a lot deeper then what you would think all right you guys I hope you're having a good one I hope you had fun just kind of hanging out and getting ready with me and just playing with pretty pinks and purples and makeup and I'm wishing you the best day go have fun try to play with makeup do something for yourself that's good that makes you feel loved that's important even behind these walls you still deserve to feel beautiful and just have fun with it now is the time to kind of play and take a little more of a risk if you're trying to you know learn something new whether it's curling your hair or a wing liner or lashes or whatever so if you have access to just play with makeup then go for it like now is the perfect time all right I'm gonna go make sure you subscribe ring the bell I thumbs this up share it share it as Carrie leave me a comment and I will see you all in my next video thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Tati
Views: 1,201,410
Rating: 4.8235869 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube, Beauty, Makeup, Tutorial, Review, blogger, Tati, Westbrook, GlamLifeGuru, how to, makeup tutorial, Beauty expert, drugstore, luxury, favorites, Best, cosmetics, Tati Westbrook, Tati Beauty, Halo Beauty, Makeup Review, New Makeup, Weird Makeup, Whats new at the drugstore
Id: ge91_JNj_9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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