What's My Line? - Sammy Davis, Jr.; Richard Boone [panel] (Jan 7, 1962)

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what my life brought to you by Kellogg's Kellogg cereals the best to you each morning from Kellogg's of battle freak now let's always what my life from New York this meet our what's my line panel first a delightful star of stage and television co-starring in the comedy hit of the year the motion picture one two three miss Arlene Francis and now a gentleman who wins dearly beloved by all of you as paladin who will change his type but not his big talent when he appears next Sunday in Stephen Vincent Benet a dramatic poem John Brown's body mr. what is his name Richard boom here is the very chic the very attractive Miss Dorothy Kilgallen and now our well-loved panelists from Random House and starting the new year with a long list of bestsellers of course Bennett Cerf and here's the bright shining star of that new Broadway's smash-hit how to succeed and be fuddling the what's my line panel Without Really Trying darn charlie well since were launched in the New Year I suppose I might as well confess that well that it is kind enough to say I befuddled the panel better to say the panel befuddled me it's good to have dick Boone there sitting on the panel tonight dick and I I think I can say with utmost honesty our old friends back in the early days of television we had the joy of working together for many many weeks and none of us I think who knew him in those days have taken more pleasure from his success than he has himself wonderful too everywhere well it's nice to be back and have been it they're ready to receive whatever blandishments we may offer him we're up to the old tricks we've got some very interesting occupations and some very nice people who brought them to the theater tonight and we'll also have a famous mystery guest before the panel a little bit later in the program we'll meet our first challenger and now let's meet our first contestant when you enter and sign in please Eddie a spurt where are you from San Pedro California San Pedro California as well nice to have you here I've been out in California recently and I must say I envy you residents in that great state may I present our panel mr. Aspen you join me over here please you know how we keep scoring last night all right if you don't how we keep score without the audience in the theater and the audience at home know exactly what your line is well pedal I tell you what we'll do we'll tell you that mr. Esper is salaried and that he deals in a service and we'll begin the general questioning with our lean French mr. aspirin do you work with your hands in your job not aspirin dear and after mr. Ashford gets through with you we'll may all need aspirin aspirin is that Africa as per her like a cat's Persian like aspersion grant will not cast any tonight no no yeah I apologize mr. amber but do you work with your hands are you having a conference well would you restate your question is president so simple I said mr. Ashford do you in the service that you are indulging in do you work with your hands some yes are you in the job that you hold liable to wear something other than the ordinary clothing such as you have on now not that your clothing is ordinary forgive me yes I will you would would it be a uniform of some kind yes do you work for a non-profit making organization no that's one down and nine to go mr. Bouie mr. Asfour is your work essentially physical no I would say this with your permission that it plays a very large part dick it would be very difficult to break it down so certainly that we could say that one spilled over into another but with your permission we'll give a qualified yes to that do you instruct in any way no at 2.8 to go mrs. Kilgallon do you work indoors sometimes you also work outdoors yes could anyone on the panel enjoy your services if we were in the right area did I say something fun no I don't think you might you know at the end of a long concatenation of events get some pleasure ultimately out of some of the work that is being done but it wouldn't be directed I want to get involved in any academicians verify this year mr. esprit San Pedro is the harbor of the Los Angeles area as your work in any way connected with the water or ships there's a uniform that you wear the uniform that might be worn by a sailor no no that's for Darden 60 Gomez Fred do you have anything to do with rescue work of any kind mr. Ashford no 5.5 to go mr. Boone mr. Esper do you have anything to do with the fishing operation out of San Pedro no fix down and four to go mrs. Kilgallon mr. Oscar do you use anything that might be described as tools or implements other than pencil and paper yes are they solid rather than liquid yes do they have any movable parts yeah was that a yes yeah could I hold one of them in my hair no that's the man down in 2008 no sir mr. Esper by any chance of these things that you toy with when you're doing your work alive are they alive yes they're either animals of fish is that correct yes are they fish no that's eight that if you two go it would seem silly for me to ask you if they're animals but are they yes ah they four-legged animals no no I knew they worried I wish I hadn't asked my way man we gotta have a small conference sometimes they have four legs but not when they're standing up they have two legs two arms right now you ever get anything right yet I gotta what to go to the Boone do the animals swim in the ocean have they recently been used in communication with man in communication within my means of ultra high-frequency radio I'm taping I could hold those in I mean you could know the porpoise in little one oh no it turned out a noble cook a little caucuses Vista Astra is a baby walrus keeper mr. expert just said I got him on that one and I said you sure did Phyllis - they won't accidentally marine mammals that's one baby one well I tell you what you you might hunt and run about 300 pounds how do you feel forget isn't that right they run about 300 Brownsville poster for now close to 400 his babies are 400 pounds now why do you do B it's about four legs well because they do have four short limbs but we call them flippers not legs you see who calls them separate i doesn't thinkin I love into that mr. Esper feeds these little babies these four now 400 pound babies he feeds him the bottle because then he holds them there or the the bottle off of them and they give about drink what are they they jump they it's a formula made of men's clam and whipping cream and vitamin supplements min Stan then clam is what whipping cream and vitamin supplement yes well that's good unbranded give us your recipe yeah sounds great for a cocktail party well I should say it's great to stick the pennmen thanks very much for making it possible all right let's see we can do with our second challenger will you enter and sign in please Norma Godfrey miss or mrs. Godfrey mrs. Godfrey and where are you from Anchorage Alaska Anchorage Alaska that's true and I might say that mrs. Godwin who deserves a medal she's been in flight since Friday night haven't you Friday noon Friday noon getting here because of all the bad weather we're very happy that you made it may I present our panel mrs. Godfrey now will you join me over here you know how he keeps calling mrs. Godfrey yes all right fine then we'll let the audience interfere in the theater the audience involved know exactly what your linings mrs. Godfrey is self-employed deals in a service and let's begin the general questioning with Bennett Cerf this is Godfrey I guess we can rule out any relationship to Arthur Godfrey can we not yes does the work that you do the service you perform is there done up in Alaska yes it is is it work that would be peculiar to Alaska or might you be a will perform the same work anywhere in the United States be very difficult to answer that yes or no benefit is it is what a student's peculiar class isn't worth that would be done more often in Alaska than in any part of the state's property no no that's one down a night to go miss prentace is this a service that anyone on the panel might use I would think so yes sometime would we come to you for the service usually do you work indoors usually do you have an office yes is there any paperwork connected with what you do yes but I would say here I mean that this is answered I think in the in the substantive term that there's paperwork with almost every occupation not a one kind or not uh thank you John perfectly all right darling is this a job that takes place in front of any other people to other people watch you when you were usually not that's two down and eight to go miss booth mr. Boone John we have enough trouble in this business without you starting that we've known each other a long this country do you employ other people in your business do the other people work outside of the place where you work I would say no to that wouldn't you no Kilgallon don't always listen to him this is Godfrey excuse me vernacular mrs. Godfrey does your work in any way is it in any way connected with science or any branch of science yes would the science have something to do with the earth or something that might be found in it no point out in 6000 mister sir Godfrey does the work to do the work that you and your assistants do have anything to do with improving the health or appearance of the people for whom you are working yes would it be more the appearance and their health usually not as five down and five to go miss Benson mrs. Godfrey do you have to have any training for your job yes would you have a title other than mrs. Godfrey yes would you be considered dr. Godfrey yes as well do you touch the people that come in contact with you yes do you touch them from the waist up sometimes or usually by that do you mean that you could also under certain circumstances touch them from the waist down yes very good mister it's not so good for me but it's glorious for dr. Godfrey is my job to find out the kind of medicine that dr. Godfrey received her degree in is that it would dr. Godfrey ever be associated with an x-ray machine yes well is dr. Godfrey a general practitioner in Alaska no rather than a specialist is not a general practitioner I said rather than a specialist don't you be mean to me jobs here think that'd for to go to the moon dr. Godfrey is your practice principally in a clinic or hospital yes rather than and then in a private office is your practice does it specialize in one group of people as opposed to another no that makes it seven down and three to go miss field young you work in a hospital no that makes it eight got into college descent it happened mrs. Godfrey since you do sometimes touch people below the waist according to you can we rule out dentistry yeah I ever heard of the worst fight in history I've known Dennis who do quite a bit of wandering mrs. Godfrey if you use the x-ray machines and do not practice Destry do you then examine bone structures of people yes well is that your particular job of way it's important it's a part of it well I don't know what you call this well I'm gonna flip the column surgeon she's self-employed and that's the to sever no not an enough that they're all over your me had a good woman wonder would come most out of quickly view your tongue connects x-ray special no neurologist chiropractor I didn't know that you explained I didn't know chiropractors used x-ray machine oh yeah x-rays to determine particularly since they're interested fundamentally and particularly in what's happening in cartilage and bone they're very interested in those pictures those wonderful pictures you studied in this country even though you're practicing internet research yes Richardson II I studied at the Palmer College of Chiropractic which is in Davenport Iowa how long do you have to work have to study that is a four year course and then there is additional training involved six years six years old the only woman chiropractor in Alaska lucky Alaska that new state power thank you very much to meet tonight's mystery guest in just a moment but first here is a word from our sponsor and now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery Challenger for which as you all know the panelists blindfolded the blindfolds all in place panel will you enter a mystery Challenger and signing please all right in the case of our mystery Challenger we go to a different realm of questioning one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we'll begin it all with Dorothy Kilgallen oh are you best known for your work in television hmm that would be yes and no Dorothy we depend pretty much you know on what the individual goes to I did try it if you want me to no that's all right do you get it yes or no you there's a good deal of activity in this area mr. Cerf are you also famous as an entertainer in nightclubs ah yeah miss fancy do you sing uh-huh mr. Boone are you appearing regularly on a television show uh no I I don't have my own show that's one down to nine to go miss Kilgallen are you Sammy Davis jr. I just hoped I made secret kind of prayers and science maybe this tonight they would have been afraid no actually I get these better it was chatting at the bed I think you had a pretty good idea after your questioning today Grammy is so good at imitating so many things that he narrows the field you don't know that many people who have that many voices that's that's very true by many lack of the greatest show at the Copa I have ever seen just brilliant you thank you very keen ringing and dancing it I wish you had your gun here so you could see which one of you are faster on the drill I'll tell you now he's much faster I'll also tell you he's got a very successful series a Copa being the Copacabana where I don't know where where sin gets the energy this is what always fascinates me Ivan time I watch you do one of your programs I just say Italia I never had that much energy when I was six and I certainly haven't got it now I am kind of fun to me I think a three so I enjoy doing I think I decided the opening night of Sammy at the Copa he didn't twist with his mother and she's got more energy than he had well and then we now I know where it all came from well it's nice to have you back in New York and the glacier our wishes for continuing great success thank you you've earned it and learned it abundantly it's good to see somebody have it on good fellows is a picture soon to be released the Turin oh yeah the new picture sergeants three with Frank Sinatra indeed I guess three yeah and Peter Lawford I myself I mean before that you didn't do another one with Frank yeah we did oceans elections and Evon the whole gang of you were thinking that one two now we're now we've attacked the West and listening picture oh yes thanks very much and we'll be back after this word from our again dick Boone it's a joy to be before the same cameras with you once more must have had you with us tonight hope we see you back again very often and very soon and good nights miss Eileen Frenchy good night John and miss Boone you'll always be a mystery man I just don't know what to say about that John was very kind to me before the show and we spoke sort of feelingly to one another and I come on this show in front of the American people and he does that to me and I think he spoke to feeling it isn't okay now you know what we're up against every week hahahahahaha John can that Bennet and thank you ladies and gentlemen for being with us on what my life my line is a CBS television network production in association with mark Goodson and Bill Compton Johnny Olsen sticky
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 55,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Richard Boone (TV Director), Sammy Davis Jr. (Author)
Id: 8c76Sc6ytvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Tue May 20 2014
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