What's My Line? - Phyllis Diller; Shelley Berman [panel] (Feb 10, 1963)

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you what's my line taught to you by Geritol the high potency vitamin iron-rich tonic in liquid or tablets to help you feel stronger and now let's all play what's my line New York City let's meet our what's my line panel first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears in papers coast to coast Miss Dorothy Kilgallen now our very funny comedian mr. Shelley Berman and now very charming lady who will be opening this Tuesday night in Louisville Kentucky in old acquaintance miss Arlene Francis and while I'm opening there you're going to be opening at the crescendo in Los Angeles educated thank you have a good time and now our lovely publishers panelist publisher of Random House but author in his own right of a very funny book called riddle dee dee here he is mr. dee dee Bennett and here is South Africa's gift to the loftier realms of television our dapper panel moderator John Charles Davis good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to what's my line Shelley Berman nice to see you again on the panel sir thank you it's good to be back I'm commuting from coast to coast must be a little bit hard on you but we trust we give you a half hour of relaxation we have some very interesting occupations tonight and we will also have a famous mystery Challenger before my friends on the panel a little bit later in the program we'll meet our first challenger and now to meet our first challenger would you enter and sign in please john d rockefeller mr. Rockefeller to take time out from counting money to come to you it's my pleasure are you related to the Rockefeller family of New York the New York Rockefellers are not related US are not related to you from Philadelphia from Philadelphia nice to have you with us may I present our panel mr. Rockefeller will you join me over here please you know how we keep score on What's My Line yes I finally will at the audience in the theater in the audience at home know exactly what you're lining all right panel we can tell you that mr. Rockefeller is salaried and deals in a product and let's begin the general questioning with Eileen Prentiss well mr. Rockefeller is it a product that I might use yes indeed is it a useful product yes is it used by both men and women yes it is is never found in doors yes would it be found in a home yes would it be found would it be seen if it were in the home yes is it in any way decorative no one God is nine to go be preserved mr. Rockefeller then I suppose we can presume that it's useful it is indeed is it can we rule out food and drink no no no do not allow this Kilgallen then mr. Rockefeller do you have something to do with food or drink yes me very good is it food no very bad three down seven to go jelly burger I'll bet you have something to do with drink yes this is what we call our sparkling now is this it may I ask if you would find this liquid that you deal with would you find it ever in an icebox or a refrigerator yes it would it be essential to drink this drink cold to enjoy it to its fullest no British four down and six to go miss French well is one thing I hate is hot beer so I'm just going to rise above it and not talk about beer is it in the wine family no five got in five to go mr. Senna stooped down where our language is so is it in the beer family no it is not a dentist out in four to go with Kilgallon does it mr. rockefeller have any alcoholic content whatsoever none whatsoever seven got in free to go mr. Berman would you drink this drink warm you could you could or if you would at room temperature without being best well I would say here this is hard to exactly define Charlie I think a great many people would say that it was at its best at room temperature other words others would require that to some degree be refrigerated it would be a matter of taste I see well if I had a bathtub full of this I enjoy getting into it what I am would I keep this in the bathroom no that makes it eight not to to go his present he probably keep it in the bathroom if he will Cleopatra does it have anything to do with something that comes from cows no no matter what you go be concerned as the Rockefeller is something that comes from cows ever poured into this drain no never ready to this drank milk or cream I don't think so Bennett no we're gonna have to get it might happen but it would be an outrageous occurrence that car did not to be believed what is it what was something like ginger ale or soda water how about just plain old bottled water would you like that what just one bottle of water not a spring water yeah actually mr. Rockefellers with the the Great Bear spring company and they sell bottled water water all through the east you know you've seen it in offices and homes particularly in those areas where water pollution has begun to catch up with the community and the water tastes rotten because of the chemicals in it they have bought water in the home and we puzzled them with the real doozer are very happy we did it doesn't even clean a teeth with water she uses the lights to turn but mister I've never heard of water I don't know what it's doing well I felt sure when you got to the bathtub that your next question would be milk but you passed that one anyway sorry thank you for that mr. Rockefeller thank you very much for coming in with an occupation that puzzled our families thank you and now to meet our second challenge when you enter and sign in please Darlene McKay did write miss or mrs. McKay mrs. McKay and where are you promises because you've written or even Beaverton Oregon nice to have you with us mrs. McCabe may I present our panel now would you join me over here please ah do you know how he keeps more yes fine we'll let the audience in the theater in the audience at home know exactly what your line is panel we can tell you that mrs. McKay decelerate and deals in a service and let's begin the questioning with Shelley Berman miss miss McCabe would I employ your services no you wouldn't that's quite an answer that's one down and nine to go now we're saying here specifically surely we can assume that you would not be employing or service this is not rule out that for instance men could employ the services but entirely but this is another question to be asked miss Frances well would human beings use your services Mr McKay yes usually women yeah it is it possible that I might yes you might under the proper set of circumstances yes now this merely suggests that we don't want you to think that in your natural habitat and in your natural occupation it would be reasonable at this moment that you might but under another set of circumstances than you might oh What did he say over there I don't know it is better to be married in order to have your services no I don't think it has any effect dude out of eight to go mr. sir but you know what I had in mind this is the cake do you work for a profit-making organization yes I do is it located in Oregon yes it is what part of our again is Beaverton and would you tell me it's just ten ten miles outside of Portwenn outside of Portland you work indoors yes I do do you have anything to do with the manufacture or sale of the product that you're involved in no I don't and it's basically a service better three down and seven to go mrs. Kilgallon do you work indoors yeah is it in something other than a mere office yes it is is it a room where there are other people yes all these people ever children sometimes do you ever give them any advice or counsel the people that were in the room with mrs. McCabe you mean yes yeah could you be said to teach in any way yes are you a school teacher no no no poor down and fixed to go Shelley Berman do you instruct them in a specific field yes I do is it a is it a field of which is a trade or a or a profession can I say a trade or a profession but I would say we would say no it's not a trade and though it might in its highest degrees of excellence subsequently be considered broadly to be encompassed by the word profession that people listen now I'll just take no for an answer has five dotted five to go miss president likes you ever in pursuing this work touch the people that you are instructing yes I might would there be an action on the part of the person that would be physical in the instruction yeah is it would one where something other than a street dress when one is having this instruction no fix down four to go mister sir mrs. McKay might this instruction that you give lead to later on if sufficient proficiency were attained by the student to some kind of a career in the entertainment industry no I smuggled all of the conference a small country Bennett actually we're going to change that answer to yes if a very high degree of proficiency were ultimately achieved it is possible with double what you indicated does what you teach mr. McCabe require the use of some kind of an object while the service is being performed it does is a certain amount of physical dexterity necessary to perform this service properly yes other hands you is more than the feat in the performance of this step yeah when the hands are you they use some object yeah is it is it in the nature of a game yes is it a game that can be played by one person alone it could be it could be better we'd give you a yes on that it's unlikely kind of oh it would be very lonely but usually quite usually it's played by more than one person yeah is a ball of any kind used in this game yes is it a smaller ball when a tennis ball I'm sorry is it a smaller ball in a tennis ball no oh I was thinking a ping pong my well that's fine bet you said that Bennett that seven down three to go that got me off the knife through training of golf but I just stopped thinking about it the ball is as large as a tennis ball let me say this that I think that certainly mrs. McKay would be much more expert I would think that the average person might consider here that the ball could either be a little bit smaller or the same size or perhaps a little bit bigger is it anything like a baseball a baseball that eight down and two to go mr. bumpy you may have a 15-second Kelly I think cool opinions might be worth it well uh yeah they're they're easier to hit if there's a hard it's alright I'll find out that I'm desperate is it a hard ball yeah oh now if I threw this ball at somebody could I hurt him pretty badly if he wasn't looking yes no would it be with this ball ever be found on a table of any time do you instruct billiards or pool yeah kill and question billion parlor in beavers right and you can go if you're in beavers in any one of you and get instruction that's why I was saying Arlen you'd have to have a different set of circumstances before you could get my benefit mostly the women I think yes very rarely recently exclusively women you never never teach men well we very nearly stumped the panel and I think you and I were both agree that they're to be congratulated for digging that well not we thought that would puzzle you and it didn't and thank you very much for being our guest and what's my life we'll meet the mystery guest in just a moment but first here is a word from us and now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery Challenger for which the panel as always is blindfolded blindfolds in place panel oh you're good will you enter mystery Challenger and sign in please all right channel as you know in the case of our mystery Challenger we go to a different form of questioning one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we'll begin with Bennett Cerf May we presume that your name would be more apt to appear in the columns of varieties and the Wall Street Journal spot I didn't hear Mick Kilgallon I would have sworn you said mr. Challenger but I guess you didn't John are are you an actor a performer mr. Berman that's a man talking there now if you are an actor are you are you in the movies well I would say basically no write what down nine to go miss fetch it sure the audience would you be considered a comedian mister sir do you appear with some degree of regularity on television well I can't hit yet some there was some degree mr. Galan have I ever spoken to you on the phone when you were in Las Vegas do down a date to go mr. Berman are you are you a do you perform as part of a team sometimes three down and seven to go miss Frances she sure sound like a stand-in for Minnie Mouse are you do you ever appear in nightclubs mister sir when you appear in nightclubs is your principal contribution bursting in the song what are it big on it kill got no you um do you frequently wear wigs and diamond bracelets five down and five to go to webinar is your hair very bright blonde you know somebody in mind I think it's Phyllis Diller tonight I see actually what has happened to here God didn't think she could possibly disguise her voice so she was going to just whistle once for yes and twice for no but tried to disguise it and got away with it for sometimes I oh I feel I'd know your voice anyway well I felt you would like I was afraid you might even well our line Phyllis where you describe your you say that isn't hair it's nerving and actually you going to open the Blue Angel yeah well I I closed tomorrow night ah God bill I want you to see our new floor covering which still is red for it yeah that's where the gas came from when you heard the gas that would be the beautiful code and don't bother to pick it up like that it hasn't moved and thank you very much thank you thank you joining us what my life our panel and we'll have another contestant after this word from our oven is now to meet our final contestant will you enter and sign in please do you know pallucci that right sir where are you from Duluth Minnesota Duluth Minnesota may I present our panel how do you do when you join me over here you know how we keep score mr. pallucci yes fine then we'll let the audience in theater and the audience at home know exactly what your line at all mr. pallucci is self-employed and deals in a product and let's begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen mr. pallucci could I use your product yes could I hold it in my hand yes would I keep it in my house if I had it I hope so would it ever get anywhere near the kitchen yes does it have anything to do with food or drink yes is it food this time yes is it food that comes packaged when it gets to me yes is it in a box rather than in a can could be yes it could be in a box could be in something else obviously yes hesitated what else is there I I'm not very big a supermarket could it come just wrapped in that sort of cellophane stuff no no that's one down nine to go mr. Behrman picture of the implication that I got and I'd like to know if I'm correct was that it is more properly housed in a cans that you'd expect to see if morning can and Michael Wright would assume here surely we would say yes and no in other words what we're conveying is it could come packaged dry or could come in a can can I ask then if this is a if this is a meat product some of it yes beg your pardon yes could be it could be a meat product oh it could also be another type of problem yes but it is a food problem yes is this food product a frozen food product part of it yes it could rest of it is melted some part of part of this food a part of the food products you deal with in our food our frozen food products yes but there are others that you deal with that aren't frozen food products yes right would you be dealing with a with a kind of with a very quick say a quick dinner of some yes would it be a TV dinner some of them yes good me you do an awful lot sir and I'm trying to pin you down it would be some of that would be it would be the whole dinner together yes and it's well I passed that's all I mean but you did so well does it have any kind of an Italian name like a pizza no no dude out a date to go with the therm Flutie is there any fish in this product no 3070 Goldman's Kilgallen but when you say it could be meat is there also a possibility of vegetables fish yes ah is this a frozen dinner of some time whether you want some type when you watch it in front of TV or not it could be it could be we've run out of time and I want to be sure to have a moment to relish it when I identified food actually mr. pallucci makes Chinese food the Chongqing the next chunk incorporation of Duluth Minnesota and if you'll remember your magazines you've seen big ads for it mr. pallucci cheese company he started it himself and made it grow and congratulation thank you very much nice to have you in actually it's a wonderful story because mr. pallucci started as a grocery salesman built his own company and I'm afraid I've used up all the time tonight with the panel's permission I will therefore say good night for all and again Shelley nice to have you here and good commute to Los Angeles and thank you ladies and gentlemen for being with us on what my life what's my life in the CBS television network production in association with Mark Wilson and Bill Haas program of craving you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 208,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Phyllis Diller (Comedian), Shelley Berman (Comedian)
Id: 6i1uh33XlXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 24 2014
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