What's My Line? - Harold Lloyd (Apr 26, 1953)

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and now bus my life brought to you by stop at spray deodorant whoo there goes perspiration poop deodorant body powder the body powder you spray for this shampoo the new flowing cream shampoo all in the first truly functional cosmetic containers far easier to you all created by dr. Jules montagnier the famous cosmetic chemist time now to enjoy what my line they is back from a visit to San Antonio Texas Miss Dorothy Kilgallen on my left one bright young width of radio television and the theater mr. Steve Allen if you look pretty quickly on my left one of the lovely ladies of radio and television of tomorrow will spend a day in Dayton Ohio Arlene Francis Thank You Stephen online that's the charming publisher not only of Random House books with those wonderful children's books the landmark books mr. Dennis sir non all left is our pilis newscaster panel moderator leader and occasionally miss leader with John Charles David good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line presented by stop it once again tonight we're going to have some visitors who brought with them some very pleasant we hope unexpected and difficult occupation so they give the panels from trouble and carry home Street prizes we have a famous guest challenger before our experts over there a bit later on but now it's time to get going with the first of the experts jobs that is we bring out our first challenger and they've got to find out what the line is so would you sign in please sir Jacob Jacob Hertzberg that right that said would you be good enough to tell us first where your problem fill it out from Philadelphia well the City of Brotherly Love sent you here I sent you out with some brothers and sisters would you go take a walk in front of the panel with your hands all right if the heads Berg would you come over here and you come over here to sit down next to us and I trust that you give them so much trouble that they won't be friends at least so friendly reunion planning all right now the basis of your handwriting in this handshake and this brief acquaintance appear we always give them one free guess as to what your line may be we begin the free guess is as always with miss Kilgallen I think that mr. Hertzberg is a diamond cutter a diamond cutter mr. Allen I think he's a printer's devil miss Prentice I think he's a marriage broker they have those anymore mr. sir I need mr. Hart's leg repairs watches no I'm afraid nobody has it right we let our viewers have another look at mr. Hertzberg and at the same time we'll tell them what his line is the panel will have to do some digging mistress trick the rules are very simple every time you get a no answer out of the Mitchell custom five dollars we'll keep a record of that up here that's all none of these knows you've won the game all right but the huntzberger is self-employed with that let's begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen mr. Hertzberg is there a product involved in what you do yes is it a product that benefits people yes are they happier or better off because of what you do yes it is anything that would be found in a home yes would it be found there appropriately vegibot out I mean it's appropriate to a home it wouldn't be accommodating to have it around the house if it was in the home it would be in the home properly yeah do you ever find it anywhere besides a home yes is it smaller than a piano no it's smaller than a piano yes wonderful picture is it quite a bit smaller than the piano is it gone quite a bit smaller than a piano is it quite yet is it smaller than an accordion yeah so come on out with the fire harmonica is it bigger than a harmonica yes then it's something I could carry around with me is it something you could carry around with you yeah would it be inappropriate if I walk down Fifth Avenue carrying wait a minute let's let's have that question again because this is very tricky would you ask that again well I was wondering if it would look inappropriate or odd would people notice it and perhaps remark on it if I walk down Fifth Avenue carrying whatever it is that mr. Hertzberg if you walk down Fifth Avenue carrying it would it be inappropriate no I'm glad to get that no one down and nine to go mr. Ellen it's something that would it be it would be quite normal for a woman to be seen on the street with no no I don't think we can say it would be quite normal because to the degree of usage here we must take some balance and we cannot allow imbalance into that foghorn cute all right is it a useful product yes is it also decorated in some way yes but should it be left in a room rather than carried around no three down and seven to go mr. sip mr. Hertzberg will you describe this as an article of apparel of some sort yes is it one more by one sex than the other yes would that sex by any chance be the female sex no one out of which they don't develop you mean this is something that it would be quite all right when you walk down Fifth Avenue carrying it but it would probably belong to my husband no idea let's hope so and I wouldn't get laughs even if it were unwrapped getting into an area which if you would like to explore it further we'd be very happy to help you well John when I described walking down Fifth Avenue and I don't know why I'm making such a production about walking down Fifth Avenue but when I described this you said that it wouldn't startle anybody and I was assuming and I hope you were assuming that I wasn't carrying this in a box or wrapped up and concealed I meant in full view I would say this there is no reason why you should not if you had considered such a purchase for your husband carry the object down Fifth Avenue unruhe might find one or two citizens would turn and say well but it's not untoward per se when a gentleman wears this is it visible usually yes does he wear it at any particular time of the day or night yes it's a circus matter that up with at a small conference they know to go mr. Allen I'm gonna give you all one minute and a half more on so worn from the waist up he's a one on the way stuff that sticks down in for the gold miss fresh look from the waist down yes Wow and it showed it has been elicited that it shows is it in the pants family second on the sprink ago mr. Spencer's excuse me I wonder I'm sorry these drugs we made describe what this then mr. Hertzberg be one below the knee yes in the region possibly of the foot yes as nothing I take it this has nothing though it with tone since its visible no yes you take it correctly that it has nothing to do with toes - be warned somewhere the ankle yes is this an article of clothing that is worn only by pops and very fancy people like spat your sadhana is on empty second buddy but it isn't staff now wait a minute Bennett you have learned that it is dispatch and now you have to tell us what mr deburr gets to do with fast well he looks like to me like a magnificent fast manufacturer then I think we'd have to buy mr. heads bird makes men fat here is a sample of one of them and the church big you gave them a rough time congratulations I'm glad oh if you know but it wasn't all for naught was it not enough but you just put all of the prizes thanks for being our guest to be very nice to have you on What's My Line getting now let's see what you can do with another challenge will you sign in please ma'am Norma Norma boy is that right already from wipe all up in Pennsylvania do that again while all up in Pennsylvania from what wallop in Pennsylvania well if we're going to give the panel of wallets and you'd better walk down there in front let's and have another look at you please can I shake hands as young right time every shirt cans anybody from wah wah wah all right lawyer would you come over here now please and sit down next to me and as I think you know at this point we always give the panel one free guess as to what your line may be we begin the free gas is always with Miss Dorothy Kilgallen I think she does fancy beading fancy beading mr. Allen I think she's a doc wall of her roadside restaurant mr. sir I think she names Pullman cars no nobody has it where that our viewers have another look at miss Maya at the same time we'll tell them what her line is but panels got a dig alright boy the rules are I think known for you every no answer you can get out of them custom five dollars would keep the record up here ten knows you've won the game alright miss Maya is salaried with that let's begin the general questioning with Steve Allen is there a product connected with your work or is it the kind of a thing that I might come into contact with yes if I did come into contact with it might I possibly drive a certain amount of pleasure from it is it possible that a young lady can also use this yes is it in any way connected with the recreation or relaxation yes yes see is would any part of its makeup yes might it be nice to have one of these around lake or a river say during a summer vacation something that sort yes to make sure I'm on the right track are these big enough for people to get into yeah would it be unwise to overcrowd one of these yes I take it than I am right in assuming that these are never equipped with a motor yeah you got right you know so minguk they're not equipped with a motor yeah like the reaction if a young man and a young lady happened to get into one of these does the man have fun thanks questions when I was and I guess I'm not gonna get on it I seem to be way off the track Arlene would you like to take off all right it's bath day well that's quite a can of tomatoes you wanted to know if he had to do the paddling that's all is this supposed to be kept online it is supposed to be kept on lady found on land this product is it found on land preferably to being found on see small conference I've been wanting to anyway pretty sneaky over there extra you felt right a Christian why is the damn key penis we don't want to give you any information that would be too helpful but I think this that to be completely fair its we should say that do you see them on land but it is also equally possible that you might find them at sea then which you would see that yes is this in any way something that you might use during a rest period a rest period yeah you can rest on it or in it yes would it ever be found of in a garden we're garden I think considering the specific line of question there we would say no because this is not the sort of thing that you would expect to find in the garden one doubted night ago mister say Miss Moore you couldn't possibly be in the sleeping bag family the sleeping bag family would people sleep in it or on it they could will do they sometimes sleep in it or on it yes is it soft well give us what's hard we tell you whether it's gone all the girls on this program are not hard they're sore that's two down a day to go what have we determine now about softens and incidentally John you owe the young lady another five dollars oh good three down seven to go forgot to put the fifties no no that's enough and we just we establish that this is softer than we are or harder by that last place this was so difficult I just flip the card anyway why don't you listen it is not hard in the sense of terrible hardness it is not soft in the sense of terrible subject comfy well is it meant to be or or let us say is it not incongruous when somebody sleeps on or in this thing yes it's not in Congress would you say yeah yes it's not incongruous no does it have them any other youth does it have any other you yes what thank you that's four thousand six to go on a go to give you one more minute mr. Allen this hard and soft confusion seems to me that it might be something like a canvas cot or something which am I in the right neighborhood or should I get a cab I think you're in the right leg or dead this is a canvas copy of some kind yes I think we have to buy Akane the army cut is the general name yes that's fine to you but now you still have to tell me what this boy has to do with canvas cut I'd rather have her tell me do you sell canvas cop bad cop tell them did you say that's five down in five to go miss Frances do you test since that six are important to make them well something to do with the making you have to be more specific do you put together the canvas on the car I know that makes seven down and three to go we're looking for one word yes she inspects them that makes today down two to go mr. Allen she paints them that's my dad another government crisis ditches them is very close but that is a no let's send out of no more goes you rivets them and extras in our guests it was lovely having you with it good night good to see you Stremme the appearance of our mystery celebrity my friends in the panel would know our guests on-site so we have as always provided them with blindfolds those blindfolds are in place panel good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery celebrity we always dispense with the preliminaries get right down to the general questioning which we will begin with mr. Bennett Cerf judging by the thunderous applause I would say that your major person to the public are you in the entertainment world of some sort yeah sure do you ever perform outdoors yeah yes sure would you say that you outstandingly a sports personality no I don't think one down nine to go miss Kilgallon well are you more of a show business personality than a sporting personality yes yes are you an actor in any sense of the word are you accustomed to appearing before cameras of any kind yeah sure I am here before motion picture cameras or have you ever yeah you also kid on television yeah when you appear in the movies are you a leading man will you appear in the movies all your leading man mm-hmm yes I am you get the girl and pick you sometimes do you get the girl in the picture yeah yes would you describe yourself as a romantic type no two dollars do you also amuse people I mean is it part of the nature of your work to be funny sometimes in certain roles yeah yeah ah might you even be either loosely or very definitely referred to now and then it's a comedian yeah I share are you over 35 yes as far as I'll go it is your chief fame derived from your work in motion pictures yeah Wow have I seen one of your pictures perhaps of the first run feature in the last year oh that's true three thousand seven to go miss Frances well here / / 35 but he hasn't been your picture in the last year is it possibility to have been in pictures for a great many years yeah and you are a comedian shall we say very daring Lee of the old school yeah sure I mean unlike a Louis I mean you're sort of more like Laurel and Hardy I mean although in that that age group in pictures have you been in pictures that long yeah were there uh lots of pretty bathing girls and pictures that you were in no we had just about three minutes to go and it's four down and six to go but it serves have you ever appeared on the Broadway stage no that makes it five down and five to go Miss Dorothy Kilgallen well did you appear in silent pictures yeah we're more silent pictures and talking pictures yeah sure did you ever play in a picture in which you were in a football uniform were you the type that would hang out of windows and climb up the side yeah well borrow my glass now that wonderful comedian Harold Lloyd yeah well actually a lot of nice things about Harold Lloyd's being where this tonight is you're talking about him appearing in football uniform is this is one of the great classics of movie them a wonderful picture of yours the freshman and it's coming back and the thing I particularly want to ask you is I know that it's opening here again in New York I think the Paris theater isn't it yes yes this is a picture that what goes back to when I was in school 1925 1925 that's per day now I understand you've got sound with it what kind of sound is merely a scoring we have background music that's all otherwise it is it's all silent and practically the same as when we first produced it in 1925 oh you didn't try to make any lip-sync really no no no no we kept it we previewed it about five or six times and we found that the response to it was pressured the same as when we first released it well I think it should be because it's a gem yes sorry no I think that mr. Lord might be interested in knowing that when I was a little girl when I last saw the freshmen I cried because they were mistreating him so terribly on the football field so I hope I don't the next time I say thank you and John may I say that our family are one of the group that helps make this show of yours have such a wonderful high rating oh and Hank you never miss it I just hope that your family doesn't think we mistreated you we don't have any tears oh we had a lot of fun it was good of you to come and be our guest I know you feel very corny just a moment ladies and gentlemen we're going to give you a preview look and one of our guests whose line our panel is going to be asked to try and identify on next week's program but first here is some excellent advice stay tuned there's more black and white overnight coming right up this craftmatic model to Olivia What's My Line by this man would you know what his occupation is could you spot his life well for these answers and answers to a lot of other interesting questions be sure and be with us again next Sunday night at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time when once again stop that invites you to play what's my life for other localities check your lost local listings for the date and time of our weekly series and don't forget what's my line on Wednesday night on CBS radio til we see you again this is John Daly saying goodnight Sarathy nicety not arlene goodnight Bennett not John and goodnight ladies and gentlemen thanks for being with us on what my life this is better the CBS television network
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 204,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Harold Lloyd (Film Actor), Steve Allen (Person)
Id: caB0dZUGcq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 29 2014
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