What's it like to Start WoW Fresh in 2024? (ft. Day9 & Asmongold) - Bajheera Reacts

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once again another guy has come in and has started trying to play retail wow day nine very well known for Esports I think this guy's been around longer than I have been day9 owns he's a legend I think he also started with with a classic first but then he did play this I watched some of the stream it was fun he finally played wow for the first time here we go am I insane cuz I feel insane okay half of you saying yes half of you saying no perfect perfect this is the path from the tutorial uh-huh hey he chose he chose BFA uhoh so I I got to the end of the tutorial do you have to do BFA so let me make sure I got this fing straight and did he tattoo for his wedding ring that's that's really cool actually I want to be really clear about what is happening in my mind's eye all right let me I think he did I'm going to try not to cry I played World of Warcraft classic last week what happened then I enter into a field in front of a building and there's a dude saying go kill boards yeah sir yes sir it's slow it's bland I see a lot of places new accounts have to do BFA there's a gentile Pace I open up more and more and more and more this world shrouded more is revealed curiosity guides me probably high levels of enemies stop me that interplay guides me for like 10 hours and I'm like learning some magic and getting some skills it's kind of interesting it's kind of slick thick solid and tight and so I think hey I heard wow retail is a pretty cool way to tap into wow as a brand new gamer who told them that which one of you guys decided to do this to him it is but maybe I think that we're going to see firsthand or I guess third hand we're going to see day n's experience through Asen Gold's exp anyway we're going to see day n jump into BFA I have not made like a brand new character but I will say that sometimes when I play MMOs I have like a million expansions going through it and like trying to go through all the story lines is not the best experience but yeah I don't know this could be freaky oh yeah this is going to be fun hello you think you're funny doing this to somebody this is [ __ ] up guys why would you say maybe anyway sorry what I was going to say is that actual end game like playing dragonflight with like a Max character is actually really fun if you like kind of grindy games like that you didn't enjoy hardcore mechanics of 2004's wild class that's okay blizzard has a retail modern experience for you so this Tuesday like let's see like 4 hours ago I said I'm going to open wow retail and I just hit play it dumps me on an island where there's a bunch of people like I have to save my son the son's like you saved me you have to kill harpies now and a a I don't know a gnome thing a gadget man taped me to like a helicopter to fly up and then like fly back down and like ride a huge boore at some points I learned some button pressing different abilities telling me to drag things I'm killing some dudes I'm dragging loot over to my equipment but for the most part I would say in the tutorial Island 20 to 25% of it was me actually playing a game 75% of it was dialogue and people that I hate dialogue and people [ __ ] hate that that's so true I [ __ ] hate that with games like I go in to play a game and they're like okay so you have to do this and you have to do that you have to understand that like the world basically okay so uh 300 years ago there was a portal that I hate that I I'll tell you one of the things that I've learned about myself as a gamer over the past couple years especially is if there is at any point at any point a situation where you have a a a full screen talking to an NPC and there's like a list of three different things that you have to pick between to say to them that like affects the story line I'm IM I'm immediately done I am I'm exhausted I'm like oh my God can I please go kill something please I need combat right now or I'm going to perish that that's just how it is and so if he's getting that experience from wow that's rough but yeah I oh my gosh if it's like have to decide what to do for these people it's just like man just whatever option just lets me fight stuff opened up and then like the demon Prince came through the portal and then so we had to have our Avengers come over and destroy the demon Prince like Asin Asin is funny but even this madeup description right now it's already like okay please just like I can't deal with this even even just through that it's tough no bg3 yeah a masterpiece of a game balers Gate 3 Masterpiece of a game I I can't do it I cannot do it I I I yeah that's that's a great example of a game that unfortunately despite it being you know a fantastic work of video game art I don't Vibe with it unfortunately man I'm just too much of a dad gamer I just need battle I just need combat I just need number go up I need I need gains I need PVP you know yeah can't do it if that's what's going on with Wow in the beginning uh and that's the experience that people are having with wow then yeah that's not optimal not optimal and then so the demon Prince was destroyed but his soul was there and so they had to take different pieces of his soul to all the different Castles and then now one of the castles got destroyed and the Soul piece is gone and the demon Prince is going to come back and so that actually reminds me of who lived in the years ago in that castle it's app emotes in the chat I wonder yeah I I couldn't do Bal Gate 3 I couldn't do it I can respect it as game it's not for me what is this when do I get to play what is this like give this is crazy who asked shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] just let me play the game pay to skip it it's crazy I get so mad about that [ __ ] number go up that's what I want right there Gams I'm never going to see again yeah maybe some of them were at I don't know I'm gone I got on a boat just now like all these people trying to compel me to do things just stapling information to my forehead and I'm just sitting here with so many St and and this is the problem with like a lot of games is that the way that they introduce systems yeah like I don't like I am a very clearly at least on stream I am an incredibly slow learner but I bet that my experience is not that abnormal yeah I bet a lot of people get overwhelmed by like some games that just like [ __ ] just like send you this Deluge of like there's like this thing and that thing the other thing and the other thing and that thing and then the thing that builds onto that like all at the same time it's a lot to learn but like imagine if wow didn't tell you to keybind your abilities or like imagine if wow wasn't like yeah you know I guess you can just have to figure it out when you're playing classic wow right I think it's definitely like a balance me like wanting to equip people with the knowledge that they need to play the game like with some fluidity but also not being like too much tutorial or like annoying for sure and I think that that trying to learn a game on stream is also different than than just trying to learn a game just sitting down and playing on your own but yeah it's exhausting yeah see my face and I'm like God why do I need to learn all of this and it's just like what yeah it's hard to learn that pretty clearly I mean and I think also like one of the problems with that is the fact that doing that is fundamentally not how people learn things yeah just let them play is probably fine but most people learn things by doing them and by experimentation right not by just being told this massive laundry list of things to remember I don't think that's how people learn I think they're trying to speed it up though is why so whenever you do that and then you have something that's contingent on you remembering something out of that laundry list you're just asking for a mistake to happen I suppose but that's not really my problem the problem that I had with the tutorial is it was so much contextless information with such little game playay that's and he's only level 12 here so he just got got Out Of exile's Reach right such a great way to put it contextless information absolutely how can you possibly like fit this into like a Web of Knowledge whenever you just started playing the game Welcome to The Meta but that's okay info dumps yeah it's shoving information down my throat I'm doing the UHF drinking from the fire hose which for any Millennials watching hopefully you get the reference for any Zoomers watching just trust me it's gone forever brings me to Stormwind great this self-isolated tutorial island did have some in terms of showing me the basic flow of the game it brings me to the whole world I can now go anywhere I want to go I go back to the original area and have a brief moment of ah the familiarity the pacing the slow grind and growth of the game but I say no no no no no I'm not done with the tutorial I derailed myself I have to go back I go back to the city where I get into a car that drives me to a horse that I ride to an inn that I then go from to a boat where all of a sudden do you think do you think Day N would actually like wow like endgame CU that's where the juice is but if this whole experience is just so like a pain in the butt and maybe they never make it that sounds pretty bad day9 is pretty good at this though I will say that he's pretty good at this I watching like I don't know the characters from Frozen yelling at each other and I'm on the ship I'm not in any of the cut scenes it's just not about me anymore I'm just on this [ __ ] you're just there and now I'm in a jail and my jailmate is just like beat the [ __ ] out of me so I do and now we're breaking people out of jail and I'm I and I'm still I'm still not [ __ ] playing a game I want to cast spells I want to I want to cast spells on things where my go it's it's I trying to situate him but I get it this video I cannot express how much I appreciate this video Yeah Asin loves this he's loving it you can tell he loves it I really can't this is exactly how I [ __ ] feel it it's cathartic it is he loves it like yes [ __ ] exactly the cast I'm like so confused used man I like don't understand cuz this is the most played MMO of all time and I'm like sitting here and every's like oh yeah this is a really weird expansion here and I'm just true I want to FR Mage I want to cast really really really cold around me as I freeze him and I cast things it's like I don't and this is the thing people keep saying to me yeah they really dumbed retail down I'm actually just so [ __ ] confused I don't know I literally this is the problem this is what I said is it's the people that are saying that are the people that have played the game for 10 years I mean like it's probably not a good sign but my recommendation is to be like this thing means main quest just do this until it lets you free from all the all the uh fuddling around in town thing but I did actually watch part of his stream and it was like 30 minutes for him to try to find out where he was supposed to go for the main quest in town and it was like I'm trying not to I didn't like type anything in chat I'm just enjoying it but like like you're almost there bro you just got to get through this but to be fair the description the exasperated description of his experience is funny but it also does kind of tell a little bit of a tale of okay this starting experience ain't great right especially compared to Classic if he liked it so much more but yes asmin is loving this for sure I'll to start with BFA though like isn't an also important end that kindness while it would to howb people are now well no because wow so the problem is that the game tells you what to do and the game used to show you what to do classic wow did not show you what to do dude ain't I mean you know what like I'm not sure how long day9 played but like classic wow definitely starts off pretty chill like you're just there's just one zone you just kill stuff in one zone you go to elwind and it takes you to storm like this is nice but it absolutely stops telling you what to do it is extremely unclear and it doesn't take that long thank goodness we have zygor guides our sponsor to guide us through every version of World of Warcraft including classic which gives you no indication of where to go um but that is funny like for example like you're in classic W the game teaches you mechanics one or two at a time and those because there's like one or two mechanics in the whole game there's nothing going on it's just like kill mob Auto attack you know maybe maybe eat some food or something like there is nothing going on man mechanics can have fail States what the heck like you can die at level three you're realistically never going to die whenever you're leveling in retail W it's not going to happen so like you're just being kind of fed through this conveyor belt where you're not learning anything you're not processing new information you're not even needing to use the information you're just following the the you know the little marker on the map until you're at the max level I think it's because retail wow has become so much more of an endgame focused thing and the leveling is just not that big of a deal like some people still like leveling and it lets you kind of like play out the story and like learn the characters and learn the zones and stuff like that but yeah I mean Wow's not Wow's not about the the uh leveling Journey so much anymore it's absolutely about the endgame grind which is fine with me and I mean I like grindy games but um I mean I think having stuff to do with the end game is way more important but again if the if the sort of leveling and learning experience is like kind of so confusing or like not interesting or whatever that people don't want to do it then like that's that's not a good sign for like a brand new player right I'm not attacking nobody feel like I've just been doing it wrong that's what I feel like feel like one of those movies where like high school student is in Italy and they somehow think she is the secret agent for the CIA so she gets swept up into the mission that's what I feel like but the thing is this isn't a fictional movie this is my life and I'm just still confused so I guess I'm going to help Flynn Fairwind who I hope is been here for like child murder I hope isn't a bad person first introduction I had to asking you to punch him and I'm hoping broken out are killing what I assume are innocent guards funny perspective and now I'm just going to go out I mean there's so much this is what I talked about and I'm really glad to see this because like this is like so like validating for me because illustrates the absolute confusion that retail is I think part of the reason why this is so funny is cuz day9 is so good at what he does and he's hilarious but yes the the BF story line being like where you have to start as a new player is a little odd because BFA was fine but it's not like in my opinion all the stuff that you do in the BFA storyline isn't like that big of a deal for like the rich lore of World of Warcraft I guess it sets up some of the things that we're doing now but like not really right what may I don't really pay that much like what's the big tie in yeah I I don't like why would you not just like level through wrath or something like that right you can change to cata eventually but like your first time through you can't like I I feel like there's probably better story lines to situate you in World of Warcraft in this one like I think normal like normal leveling is kind of neat how you can play through the story lines and stuff but day9 again day9 is also just really good at what he does he's hilarious it's like so overdesigned and complex that like how can a game like and this guy you've got to remember this guy is a professional video game player imagine what your average Joe thinks what the [ __ ] bro probably's clicking through it oh my God I got to I'm just going to go play fall guys I had to pay $15 for this [ __ ] new players yes they can they can they can do this new players can do this I'm crossing my fingers I step into what still may not wind up being again but it's not necessarily good like Barrow said you can attest this video uh 10,000% how IRL friends try to get uh get to play WoW even me knowing everything and explaining things that were still completely lost just the intro experience is that bad you know are there any MMOs you guys can think of that have like a really good path to max level I think Final Fantasy makes you do like everything so maybe you have an idea of like what's going on but it's still like oh my God can I just play the game by now right like is Are there games that aren't like that I am curious okay every month so let's find out if we can do a game are you thirsty I'm thirsty am I thirsty I'm so [ __ ] confused yeah you can invite another player to your group by right clicking on their portrait okay okay Jesus man it's like are you thirsty you know what he should do he should just close tutorials and just play the game and and it would probably be fine if he's getting super tilted off tutorials just stop just disable tutorials just play the game see how it goes okay let close this I feel without additional context why you start BFA anyways real but new world is also like there's new world is like classic wild there's nothing else going on like there's not like multiple expansions and stuff to play through with like level scaling has happened and all this other stuff too but I guess there's just not that many games that that have been around that long to be successful to that level silk roow never played that one final fantasy I think was like one thing I was thinking of Star Wars Maybe video Gil Wars 2 interesting okay played a little bit of those yeah j i I'll be honest with you that doesn't mean doesn't the game tell you to start BFA cuz like that's how it was they funneled you into BFA interesting yeah you did like the the intended game playay is Exiles Exiles reach into BFA and then what are you max level at the end of BFA bring it all to me I'm following instructions you're forced into BFA going on in there what but you started a riot what is going on that escalation is it's incredible cool it's like a cooking tutorial where episode one is assembling a sandwich using cheese and deli meat dude an episode Another another react video talk about sandwiches my man day nine we almost didn't talk about sandwiches this one we got it check that off your bingo list for bour reacts boys discussion of sandwiches done we got it yeah I don't know I feel like if you have to do BFA that's kind of like a weird start maybe just I don't know but also going from like going from like what level to what level too it's interesting two is butcher a cow like the it I don't know how I have no idea why I'm here should I sorry I didn't what is this yeah where am I should I keep doing this listen you busted out of prison now you're in town right [ __ ] MMO exactly burner man day9 is having having fun embellishing this too now my other hamstring tried to mering into battle for I know what he talking about that one was worse than the first one this it dude the these both of these guys ret wild it is entertaining though it is entertaining there it is guys no I just I just pulled my hand I just pulled my leg under my chair too much guys it's simple bro this game's been dumbed down so much this is so it's obvious don't you know yeah because like can burning crusade in in 2008 oh my gosh just click just click the the question BFA means okay okay so the name of the expansion is Battle for Azeroth right and that's what you mean when you say BFA cuz when I saw BFA my brain was trying to think of a noun that g that began with a that was big [ __ ] something like that's what I assume that you were saying and then when when all of you were saying battle for Azeroth most of you weren't capitalizing like a proper so I just thought that you were colloquially being like yeah no you did the tutorial having a fun time of say you go level yeah pretty funny a cringe phrase some cultural you know mismatch happening where I don't get yeah day9 is not like a big MMO gamer is he it is definitely cool to see him play W but yeah what the words you're saying are let's talk to taia who you actually have no idea who she is she's the Lich King's Daughter but she doesn't know he's the Lich King but if you interact with her and Stormwind she does know because that's an a different timeline I'm not a big fan of that kind of thing if you played Wrath of the Lich King you'd know that whatever dude lore Omega LOL I think it's a it's a recent thing Mort skill skill issue I what do you want we can't win them all right can you jump out of water to a dock 4 feet in the air I can't skill issue this this de bro retail wow is too hard what what if retail had vaulting though where you could like grab onto stuff he made it nice all right come on taia I know exactly where I'm going there's a giant glowing hedrin to go oh [ __ ] this is not the right way giant glowing hedrin that will at least show me my this took a long time [ __ ] do I get over D for him to figure this part out dude this took a long time just so sick I mean the the art is beautiful not Ain say to be fair Boral ass was a really nice city it was a lot better than oros I'll tell you that oros was a [ __ ] hole every time I was in oros I wanted to go lay down art department has hard Carri blizzard for long oros did have a running a lap though that's a that's a pretty big plus to me although I did absolutely have to get a week Ora that showed me what like where the PVP vendors were and stuff because I mean I played how many seasons of shadowlands I still had no idea where anything was while now I feel I actually think that's such an unfair statement that it's not part of experience it's just this like extra thing that's like busy as LAX when it comes to Staying Alive calories are really doing a lot of heavy lifting like yeah of course like this [ __ ] like Oh you mean one of the most important and difficult parts of making a good game is the thing that has been causing them to succeed with respect to their peers that just across the board have worse art yeah I would agree with that I mean that's like that's like yeah I I think that wow has amazing art and I think the wow art has age better than basically any other MMO I think it's age better than like RuneScape is like such a weird thing I can't even really put it in the category but I think it's age better than Fantasy 14 I think that it's the boss some of the boss fights Final Fantasy 14 are way better than the wild boss fights though to be fair the spectacle of them I think it's aged better than like Guild Wars better than ESO like Eve yeah everything it's it's aged so well even classic W haser Wood's golf swing has really been carrying his golf career like I mean yeah I mean like I don't what what do you want me to do with that like what like what Department's been SL you know what tell me the department that's bad what's the department why why'd you get him an opening like that where do I start oh jeez oh jeez is bad engineering obvious what I thought didn't say nothing buttery smooth besides the 10 server that's right okay you know what you're right no the game doesn't play well at all yeah it doesn't play well you don't play the game you don't you don't play the game how do you know plays as you don't play the game anymore bro lag whenever you're in like an area with a lot of other people is awful that is an asmin specific issue where every he goes there's 10,000 people wherever he goes that is that is a that is a asmin specific problem I got kicked a lot in my first day of playing wow the tutorial Department that's different stuff right there tutorial Department definitely it's going to have some hands on the hips for me when I meet them yeah true the market hosts travelers from all over Azeroth there are many just getting stream sniped griefed and classic wow lagging out unpleasant but yeah L big FX for the six months man thank you so much D where what were where were we where it was kind of where we were having a gigantic battle recently yeah it was the it was day one of season 4 and we went out to the world PVP event and it it it was bumping bumping out there so yeah you can feel the frames but I me that's so I don't I don't think that the expectation should be the same but there's like a little bit of like yeah you can feel the server being like Oh man when you're in like a big world PVP Zone and it was fine to play there still versus say like what it was like to play new world wars right that's a pretty big difference where like unplayably laggy versus you're going to lose some lose some like frames and I have a really good computer so it's not my computer's fault but still yeah they was insane with World PP it still is yeah but it was like day one was nuts nuts yeah barin Sparks yeah was a little bit laggy but but it wasn't like laggy like you press a button and your button doesn't go off it's just like you get worse FPS is how I felt but it's very different than like new world where it was like your ability is not going to go off you might also be across the map now you know you're you you just lag and then all of a sudden you're just dead like it's not like that so much for me but I mean also the expectation that like 300 people in one specific spot in the map isn't going to lag that that's going to be interesting when when some game can pull that off right I like new world but that that was that really that was hard to deal with is how laggy it was even not in big battles it was just like the lack of responsiveness and the fact that your character is always on ice skates I don't know I didn't like that but I do like new world I'll play it some more but those that is rough just compared to other OS with large scale PVP events I don't even think W's that bad man but this one's my favorite I spend a lot of time in here pestering Travelers I have a rewards C I bet the game does feel laggy for me get free complimentary breakfast at the end where is this where is this office is it I saw him I saw him struggling for this through here feel like such an idiot I hate I hate these little diamonds I'll tell you what day n it's not right there brother I mean look through such an idiot it not there little diamonds that show up on the screen and he is embellishing a little bit F anything yet I'll tell you that dog it isfa is on the way inest are you kidding me it's down here you read the quest maybe it'll tell you where it is I'm sorry they've added all these great accessibility features so I just I do think that this problem seems very realistic sck is that you're having players try to navigate a brand new area in a brand new game that has three or four different levels of verticality just part of the deal bro I I think you're just asking for a mistake to happen what is the mistake it's like they can't find it so they quit the game it's like that's sounds like like what what is the mistake I mean yeah fighting that office is kind of tough I agree I'm not saying that like I don't I don't I don't love little like you know multiplatform things like that but what is the mistake they're going to like fall and hurt themselves and Sue blizzard in the game like what H like what are they talking about yeah like I mean if the if the game's been out like if it's for like experienced players then yeah for sure but I mean again like if you take yourself totally out of the game and you look at it from a new player perspective I could easily see this happen yeah keep rubing my face against walls like I'm a cat phermones or some [ __ ] I lost my mother when the scourge hit lordon the father sent me a hair raised what are the scourge what's lordon who's dalen proud more don't worry about it oh probably let's go that was no wonder they removed need to be close to interact yeah if only if only there was like some add-on like uh or a whole compendium of guides for every version of World of Warcraft that you could get that would do like a big line to and an arrow to where you're supposed to go man that'd be super helpful huh you know it would be even better is if you could type exclamation mark zygor in the chat and get a 20% discount using code beira for that kind of thing can you imagine oh my goodness look at that wow holy moly that would be so helpful yeah and you could use it for every single version of wow even ones like that haven't come out yet like Kat classic when it does come out just being able to really efficiently level and know everything is and also have like gold making guides and things like that for every expansion and maybe even like builds that you should play while leveling and oh my gosh that'd be so helpful imagine if like your favorite Handsome Jack bearded streamer was sponsored by that kind of company too so you get you a discount oh my gosh with a Target I'm going to go insane jeez there's a little circle the little circles taunting me just the way you taunt me you're all little circles aren't you I swear to God I'm going to on my own because I'm a gamer I hope blizzard watches this video I'm sure they will sure they have because I feel like this is they did I think there's like so much of a crazy feedback loop that fans give to Blizzard where they never actually pay attention to what the real new player experiences and how inaccessible the game is it is really good to get feedback on what the new player experience is like from actual new players 100% agree with that cuz I can play Exiles reach I'm like I mean that's is cool I guess this is probably what what a new player would need but I mean like Day N if he's been playing games forever it has a really really good job articulating this kind of stuff definitely is like you know Hamming it up a little bit but this is good information and I'm sure I know for a fact they've watched this video idea z professions like how long it's going to take for this to get fixed yeah I'm back [ __ ] if it will ever happen [ __ ] again I don't believe it did I find it yeah woo there it is Master's office is just through here it's going they're going to fix it in WoW too okay what what if they treated it like the it was like a reverse of an ES Quest like they tried to escort you and they would just like stop moving and be like hey over here every single time you got out of range of them I wonder that the most shitty way I know reverse escort Quest like this freaking guy man and this is the problem right is like freaking guy obviously I bet people in chat were like calling them dumb and like saying like oh we should have figured it out earlier like the people in the chat that are doing that they were being nice to him I was there you're not thinking about it you're thinking about like what would I do if I was you not would not like what would he do cuz like these are people that have put like 10 hours you know a day into the game for years oh big surprise you figure out the game you know what's going to happen is this people play played before what but new player experience super important ooh ooh ooh ooh stand down don't you know who that is no I don't know who anyone is God it is an honor you free to remain in the harbor no I don't think anybody's reaction is out of line no I don't think so I think I think that I think that everybody's having fun like playing it up a little bit and I might even be playing up the positive element of it too my authority okay what what was any of this for family I going to play a game shake his hand own click through the the beginning of the expansion L bro cus oh my God keep it going man humor an Old Knight for a moment would you some people might actually pay attention to this and not be impatient but I think I definitely am impatient but I always do that no I was in a battle many years no I agree there's not like he wants to get to the gaml I am like that too I agree them straight oh my God an orc Juggernaut struck AG spinter so I I can relate if he's having this experience of this game I can I can understand he patched never saw all right there we go I figured out a way to solve oh my gosh problem I mean I dude just muted him I just like cuz if you go back to the real MMO if you go back to Classic wow Final Fantasy story yeah it was so much simpler and easier to understand it's actually crazy looking at this Through The Eyes of a new player this is unbelievable BFA an odd place I fight anything I mean my God I went through a tutorial ran through town to get to another set of cut scenes and go into town let's see if it's it's an MMO man it's it's it's introducing you to your new Hub all right there we go like I mean this is oh my god let's just turn that back down for a moment but it's good it's still good information though we're done can I play the game finally some action stay on course Duty Call stay on course dismissed honor God wait he just completed the quest speak with someone bro the editing made that seem so ridiculous i' love to pay a monthly subscription to a real time action MMO so I can read listen I love reading but when I want to read I I get a book and I read you know what I mean that was ridiculous you know what I mean problem that a lot of games have but people don't know that like do narrative in a way that cannibalizes gameplay why is it not possible that you can be moving and playing the game while they are explaining the story to you like for example in Path of Exile whenever you click on the rocks in Act One calm let his people he and he said this is the chosen land and you don't have to sit next to the Rock and wait for it to talk to you you click on the Rock and then you keep going they do that in D4 too Gamers don't mind reading it's almost never something that's worth reading in a game well the thing is you're right and also like the game hasn't built up that investment that you have in order to make you want to read about it I never want to read in any game you did for classic it's cuz it was the only way to play it made me play goldfish attention at what point is what it is if somebody isn't paying attention to what you're doing at what point is your fault what if it's just boring yeah I I do think that this BFA start is kind of weird youever thought about that like wow everybody's saying this is nobody's paying attention to this maybe maybe whenever everybody's saying this there's a problem with it and I had to read way I could knowwhere to go I'm upset too sweetheart I'm so ready to play World of Warcraft excellent hero taia will get you up to speed come back with stories o is made up of several major hous which by the way I want to make sure he understands this if he ever sees this this information will have no relevance to him at all after one day it doesn't matter what's going to happen in cus Catherine proud more Jana proud more nobody really cares it's got it literally like this is two or three expansions ago or something like that it'll be three soon and then that'll be it like it literally will never matter it's just a waste of time telling they werei under proud's leadership he can hit the escape button imag imag cut option exists yeah but I understand you are unhappy like you can skip the cut scene but it's all it's it's also just like being given to you so it is part of the experience and you also don't know if it's important for you to listen to this or not I get that about the fact that this video yeah I I I if you typed a whole paragraph if this is the new player experience and people are feeling like EX at or confused or like whatever yeah we got to fix that for sure I'm not disagreeing with that I think I think that like I've said probably like five times recently starting with BFA is kind of like a a a weird Touch personally but some people might want to feel situated into their world and they might like kind of figuring out like what the plight of this particular phase of their game is but I think a lot of people like me and maybe even Day N are like I just want to go go kill stuff I just want to like play the game so that's something something that to be taken into consideration for sure they're changing the start to dragonflight and War within are they they're going to do like another kind of like restart thing yeah starting with BFA is definitely kind of like an odd touch I also don't know how long you level in BFA right so let's read what some of your comments are that's most open world games though I get lost and I've played the game many times how can you be upset about this because the way that you get lost yo figure this name big flx for thank you very much man appreciate it dude yeah I I I don't like story in any game so I'm I'm with you I'm with you I just just want to log in and play but the thing is like he's almost there but it is kind of like you know this it's a little bit done up but it is like you know an example of okay so this starting experience isn't really it doesn't really Orient you very well if anything it may actually make things worse because you want to play the game you can't or there's other things that are that are happening that's taking you through it's supposed to be story Exposition but you actually still have no idea what's going on so it's like I don't know he's stupid of course you can get lost you add unnecessary complexities to make getting lost easier to do it's a bad thing isn't getting lost in a new game part of the experience I think you're using the wrong usage of lost this is such a Miss if players are reacting this way to games that never played then no one would have downed Mythic raids so you think that he's it's all fake so no I I I definitely think that the starting player the starting experience could be better done if it throws you into BFA and then your this is your first thing no this is this is this is legitimate even if it's like played up a little bit um no I I you want people to be able to to play and figure things out and I think games like classic wow I guess the the very starting experience with classic wow is good for like the journey and I even think New World like starting experience just just some of the games that I've played very recently is actually pretty good in terms of like being dropped into a world and just like figuring stuff out with a little bit of tutorial like we played games like um like you know action RPG games and uh like lost Arc but a lot of those are just like arpg blast to the story and it's just like kind of whatever but that they that also kind of it's just how I play games too but I think I think classic wow and I think that new world were kind of examples of maybe uh good leveling in an MMO let me get this straight you think that he's stupid because he's not skipping cutcenes but new has hardly much story anyway so what does that say about the cut scenes how this like have you thought about that I you're correct but wow is a role playing game just have the games exist with a story line at the core they dump too much story at the start which is bad but eventually RPGs will go story heavy no they won't classic wild wasn't like this why is it why why are we how how are you guys using an argument that is literally disproven by an earlier version of the same game what he's 12 he didn't play classic yeah I think part of the thing is like leveling isn't supposed to take real long in modern well you're supposed to get to the end game right but I I do think that BFA is not a great starting spot for like orienting yourself with the story or for like just I don't know if it starts with all this like kind of fusser with like the prison and whatever and takes a long time to get to the gameplay that could be frustrating but I don't also don't know if you should like let brand new players pick what story lane they want to go to because they have like no idea they just pick one for them and if they're starting with like the dragon flight stuff that's probably the best that's probably what it is let's see is he's still responding truly no cuz he knows he's [ __ ] idiot get [ __ ] out of here when players start with the current timeline right yeah I think Dragon flight will be good starting point F you think so Admiral Catherine proudmore now rules why would anybody care about Katherine proudmore she has no relevance in anything in the story this is unrelated what he's saying but yeah you start with dragonflight for your first character to orient you and like brand spank a new wow and then if you wanted to level other characters you could be like oh I wonder what the cataclysm storyline was like or I wonder what the Warlords of Drano storyline was like if you want level more guys cuz you're curious about what the game like also has with it or you can actually just play classic and stuff like that but yeah I think starting with dragon flight is probably going to be better than this he will like I guarantee you in 3 days unless he remembers it because of how annoying it was he will not remember this character's name like AIO milary and what if got it has been a loyal what what if that's a thing what if like your part of your leveling experience was like a series of scenarios that like took you through like like big raids or big battles and instead of just like running around and questing your like your XP gains and stuff were like super Giga increased but like you started off by like going through like a zone or like a couple zones in classic and then you fought ragnaros and then you fought like the other bosses in classic and then you fought the bosses in TBC and like you had to learn like how to use your new skills that you got when you leveled up through that and you could just got like a super streamlined like semi story boss fight kind of thing that like progressed you quickly cuz that that would teach you like how to use your character how to use your new abilities and kind of get you caught up on a little bit of lore right be kind of neat all the way to the north this has to be the last one oh my God this has to be the last one coming up it is right we can do this finally some action yeah he's pling it up Gio for sure what's this lead of your exist yeah I understand understand oh my God it's kind of wild to see this yeah people how is water barrel shot making new weapons firef pistol at the barrel not like this I thought that this was a fantasy roleplaying game mind giving us skeptical all oh [ __ ] was that who are you in the context of this game I I have no idea fire spoon people just keep trusting me with information and handing me guns to shoot at barrels like it's it's kind of weird that you just like showed up and now you're talking with the King and they're entrusting you with tasks and you're part of like the inner circle of fixing the world like it's just so ridiculous it's no backstory yeah there's no backstory at all to this I feel like the whole this whole video could be summed up by there are better places to start new players in the story of World of Warcraft than battle for Azeroth I think that's actually the entire video BFA is not the best place to start a new player that's that's like what we what we're seeing here I think that's that's that's like the main takeaway that I'm getting is that bfa's very first little steps are kind of weird if you don't know what's going on with World of Warcraft I think that's about it I do not think day9 is toxic I I think that um Day N is like really playing up the silliness like if you're exasperated about this like a it's like a joke right and then chat's like really excited about it and laughing like every time that you don't play the game it's like oh my gosh here we go again you know now day9 is great but I think that's like the whole video is like BFA is not a great starting experience for world Warcraft yeah crazy classic wasn't like this absolute Olympian rowers just we are flying through this is hey man welcome to these dud and ladies are definitely going past the speed ripping fast that's cter Dude Sweet oh my goding content two wow hold on I'm going to go talk to this urchin worker yeah I think Dragon flight will be good a good starting [ __ ] insane it's one of the most insane things I've ever seen insane good or bad I mean just like theame in the sense of it's overwhelming do it's massively overwhelming to a new player to the point to where I think that a lot of people get sens I I bet there is a huge amount of people that start trying to play this game get sensory overload and bounce off of it I bet it's a to me I think this actually is a lot of abilities for a level 12 character but I guess he already did kind of play through right huge amount insane cuz like you just compare like how how many people oh I was going to play Poe until I opened up the skill tree right yeah people probably had the same thing with this happen that zy guide going baby it's so unhinged it's just welcome to the game do this go here turn this in here's 50 spells now turn this guy into a sheep now hit him hit him as hard as you can I mean and it it's just throwing story at me and throwing lore and telling me to do stuff it's just trying to get you to M plus bro just trying to get you to the end game baby that's pretty much what's going on he didn't he didn't apply the changes what yeah lizard that's what I'm trying to let you know in the [ __ ] it's right let you know I did it all right yeah a full like a full action bar at level 12 I think that's a talent tree W and you don't need this talent trees were done well he figured it out in just a matter of minutes you don't need that many spells for this probably better if they not have that many spells likeably tight incredibly sick yes that's what I'm that is what I am talking about he doesn't have any add how's he going to raid Mythic plus holy you [ __ ] guys yeah I mean come on what's this [ __ ] you is not intuitive at all yeah you don't need add-ons right now fine two B I think the the lack of intuitive design is is something that a lot of people especially Gamers don't really respect because Gamers view the fact that they're able to overcome things that aren't intuitive as like a measure of intelligence but whenever you see like a 5-year-old who's able to figure out a smartphone and use a smartphone that doesn't mean that the 5-year-old is smart it means that the person who designed the phone is smart I I missed what he thought was unintuitive about this just the amount of buttons maybe and they're smart enough to make it to where a 5-year-old can use it people [ __ ] watching me be bad that's is like a multi boxer what was that these are like these are like the perverted cultist at the end of the movie hereditary watching horrible things happen with their creepy Grins and no clothes on one two click it's popping off two three two popping up compl a quest that actually involves gameplay this is so sick I'm starting me hit oh my God all the innocent oh God he's gaming now do you really think that it's bad intuitive wise he's gaming I do think that a lot of things in WoW are kind of not intuitive yeah this is what it feels like whenever I try to engage with someone on Twitter this is amazing watching someone play Wild for the first time it's weird yeah cuz like my understanding there are there are a lot of things in Wild that are intuitive though players is that they really upset all the time and they just log in for 10 hours a day fun I'm going to I'm going to replay that make sure you guys listen to this part this funny I do think that a lot of things in WoW are kind of not intuitive yeah this is what it feels like whenever I try to engage with someone on Twitter both this is amazing watching someone play WoW for the first time it's weird entertainment y yeah cuz like my understanding there are there are a lot of things in wow that are intuitive though players is that they're really upset all the time and they just log in for 10 hours a day and are just talking yeah they just want to be mad for 10 hours a day they have black tar for blood and every single thing um that blizzard does is bad because it uh is for the casuals and not for them let's get paid yep that's about right and those are the people that hate me on Twitter yeah I mean the game I mean both both games are are pretty fun he ends the stream shortly after this thanks for watching now that I can I I feel like a lot of that was um asmin except without the playing wow part play the game I'm going to be honest I think classic wow funny he's like says that's people who hate on me on Twitter bro that's you dog like that's you just don't play wow much better new player experience if you're coming into wow right now and you want to play a new version of the game on WOW ha on you want to start playing the game I would recommend play season of Discovery it's just a better MMO Exiles reach is just bad I think Exiles reach is okay but nothing beats just loading in and having to kill some wolves like you know what else is a really good intro experience New World New World it says all right here you are go kill those guys come back all right kill these guys you want to kill go kill a pig cut them up you see how that works all right now cook the food there's the food I don't disagree okay have fun Dragon flight is replacing BF I don't disagree that that's a good starting experience but it's also um classic wow people criticize for normal classic I feel like is there's at least you know there's not much going on in that whole experience you're doing that thing that you just learned how to do for like 100 hours to level up to to max level like there's just not much else going on and New World also really hindered by lack of like endgame content and the a very very sort of like basic leveling experience which is still kind of fun it's still cool but I mean both of those games are the pretty much same experience for many many hours of leveling there's just not much else going on and I think that the new player experience for retail definitely should probably be a little bit better as we've seen but the main objective is to get you to the end game where there's actually stuff going on where it's classic wow there ain't anything going on end game and in New World there ain't much going on in the end game so I feel like the leveling process is not too great but you want to get to the end versus the leveling process being understandable and simple but pretty much the same and then there's also not much else to do at the end it's just kind of as a starter experience after this com season yeah but I feel like the problem is that this game has so much complexity built into its DNA all three could be fun though like I don't know if you can ever get that complexity out of it without having a like a massive like long form reset it's so rir cuz I have a different opinion classic feels so slow and monotonous to me I prefer retail for Speed and freedom to do anything that was me on my older account okay let me ask you a question that was me my burner how long have you played World of Warcraft that's me on my burner you say you're a new player no this isn't a this person's not being rude why why would this person get a ban you're saying is a new player but like how long have you been like really like playing or like paying attention to the game he a new player for 13 years I've only been playing since uh since shadowlands guys I'm a new player so sod and classic W have been good it's just that's just not my personal preference right although it does kind of um that does kind of split things up a little bit right yeah you're taking how people just want to hate on things because they don't want to get better at anything is is so good by the way the current state of the game really just rewards that behavior thank you for of a solid all around good perspective on this little debate thing yeah I think I tend to have like an overly positive like I tend to be on that side of things more than that but no I I I definitely do I think that things take effort and a lot of what you see nowadays is people sort of uh getting stuck in a negativity Vortex where they sort of identify anything that's uncomfortable to them as like um they try to think of it as like bad so it's not worth their while so it's it it ends up sort of um being like a like a feedback loop of quitting things of like not trying at things and then saying the thing that I didn't try at is bad which is why it's good that I didn't try at it because it's not worth my time even if potentially it is good if you want to get better at PVP to put in effort in PvP and it is good to to take time to learn about wow if you want to like get better at w and play WoW because that endgame experience is really fun it's just not you know there's more to it than fortnite you know so you got to you got to kind of take a second and figure things out you got to understand what your abilities do what what other abilities do how to get your gear how to upgrade it and and that's kind of the overarching thing about wow that I would like people to know right now is that yeah it's not as simple as some other things and it could be hard too to progress but it's worth it and if you think it's worth it and you you think that it's cool then putting that time into it to learn it and experience it is sort of fun throughout the whole journey of it which is I think part of the experience on and off really on and off for how long different right when was the first time you were on never for longer than a month yeah but when was the first time first started in Legion so Legion came out in 20 so I guess that we'll watch this but I think this is like this is post video discussion at this point I think asen's going to make a point and try to try to hammer it home yeah classic Warrior level is like 90% Auto attack which is mine Ian yeah mean I got I me I play Warrior though it's kind of my my thing talk about wow though I'm not only talking about wow and specifically I think this video is kind of about wow but I'm not only talking about wow in 16 or 17 try think other games are also neat or or do do you really think think that you're able to explain you're saying this as a as a new player I first started in Legion yeah you said he makes a good point here I I I'd like to listen to that see what the see what what he's saying here since yeah but you played then and you understand the game you're not a new player if you played the game before I think you're just saying you said on and off what did I miss like how about this you started playing Legion do you still play retail well yeah or do you have a retail w character what's your retail wild character let me look up your character 99 Mythic case yeah I've already cleared the new raid on Mythic okay and okay let's search for this does anyone know what PvP rating I need to get Conquest gear From the Vault all you got to do is just fill up the honor earned through rated PVP to get vault stuff the your rating will determine what eye level that it drops but it doesn't matter what eye level it drops for PVP because all Conquest gear gets scaled up to the max for PVP it's really easy to get the max level PVP gear it's person right here there we go is this you Star Wars Survivor yeah I haven't played that one yet you've have 7,000 achievement points it's pumping I'm trying to figure out what asmin is uh trying to sa 214 collected pets dude says he likes retail more you have 83 mounts and he plays retail what's what is he confused about he just likes the pacing of retail more than classic shadowlands dungeon hero and he plays a lot of retail look at all of this so he was a new player oh okay so he's saying you've been playing since what what are you talking about so he's not new I mean he's been playing for a while but hasn't really gotten deep into the game it's kind of like how I like when I play Poe I'm like yeah I've been playing Poe since beta but I'm still a noob like I haven't really like gotten real deep into the game I don't really understand like the super in-depth crafting mechanic so he's been playing for while but he's still like he hasn't really pushed deep into the game right I mean I I guess that kind of makes sense to me right you probably did these like way later on so he's sort of disagreeing that he's new because he's played for a couple expansions now okay I can understand he's new to the game as he's not like super experienced with like I just want you guys to see this okay I want you to see this as evidence for what I'm saying is that a lot he not C I still feel new maybe not as new yeah has it ever occurred to you that the fact that you have in a game can you log in right now I want you to type slpl and tell me what it says 14 days 14 * 24 uh what is that that is about over 300 hours you've put over 300 hours into the game has it ever occurred to you that maybe the fact that you still feel like a new player is evidence of the shortcomings of the game you've played or is it evidence of you can play for a good amount of time and still have tons of more content to experience is that bad I could I feel like it could be both if I I think that would be a suggestion of like a game has some considerable depth if you could play it for a fair amount of time enjoy it achieve things at it and still feel like you have like a new player like you have a ton to do like you haven't beaten the game I don't know 300 hours like just for context here I don't know I I can see what he's saying I've played Remnant for 25 hours I'm not a new player I've played powor for 200 hours I'm not a new player Monster Hunter I have almost finished the entire game and I have only put 172 hours into the game last Epoch I am not a new player I have 28 hours in the game how many hours do I have in last epoch I feel like we played a lot at last Epoch I have 155 hours in last Epoch 700 in New World 600 in uh Path of Exile where's lost Arc I think I I had lost Arc in here some I think I had to take that off though where's lo I think I feel like I played Los AR for like like 800 hours or something like that I'm just curious yeah 800 yeah interesting Grand blue fantasy reink to be fair like 90% of that was AFK Elden ring you have more time in wow then I have an Elden ring 700 hours yeah you can just AF I feel like I'm a new player because there's so much that I don't understand yeah that that's what he's saying yeah there it is but I don't think that's a negative thing like the new player experience of getting to max level through BFA not being great isn't that's not good but having a game where you can spend a lot of time on it enjoy it and still feel like you have a lot to learn I mean that that's a good thing because I mean if you beat the game in 25 hours ain't coming back you know what I mean I don't know he's just playing the game he's just goofing around in wow and he's still feel like he's a lot to learn I mean I feel like that about a lot of things like I've been bodybuilding for like 20 years and I still feel like I have a ton to learn in bodybuilding I think that's like a humble like wise position to hold and I think asmin is trying to say something a little bit different like the new player experience and wow is bad if you've played this much and you still feel like you don't know everything that's going on I mean I I've have four rank one titles and I feel like I have a lot to learn and improve on an arena it's not cuz wow is bad it's because it's complex it's got a lot of stuff going on I don't know I I I think that asmin is fine saying what he's saying but I think that what this guy is actually saying is is different than asan's interpretation so Day N once he got roll with things is fun great I'm I'm glad to hear that I'm glad that we've I'm I'm glad to hear that it's fun yep yep it could be confirmation both ways yeah to watch I hope they see this one I bet blizzard did see see that one that was cool that was an interesting video [Music]
Channel: Bajheera
Views: 11,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bajheera, BajheeraWoW, PvP, BajheeraIRL, Gaming, Games and Gains, Twitch, PCGaming, Stream, Fyp, Viral, WorldOfWarcraft, Dragonflight, Warrior, DAY9TV, day9tv, reaction, new, player
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 49sec (3709 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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