What's In My Bag 2024

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this is everything in my bag for 2024 and this is my channel my name's Elliot and welcome for the first time or welcome back over time I've collected a lot of gear that I think maybe if somebody was watching this they could get their own idea for something they'd want as well as in a year from now I'd like to compare to things that worked didn't work and things that I've added to first you got to start with the bag I bought this bag in 2019 at a garage sale in Alaska and I have taken this on majority of my camp camping trips uh it used to be my daily bag I'll show you what my new daily bag is and when I was doing some research on this bag for the video I realized that it's a woman's bag and so I've taken it on every camping trip and never once did I think oh this is a woman's bag so I don't know what's up with that but in 2023 I bought this uh day pack with like a water pouch it's an Ozark Trail bag and it's actually the bomb I I can't complain Walmart has come in very very CL clutch when it comes to gear but they definitely get a bad wrap for hiking gear and camping gear until now what I normally wear on trail is a just Sun hoodie from Mountain Hardware I've had this for 3 years now maybe this is very nice because even in the winter it's it's a great base layer to wear and keeps me warm I normally always wear either shorts or sweats unless I'm in extreme weather like I was in the Arctic Circle I am looking though to get some joggers either from REI or Northface looking to change that aspect of hiking maybe this year or next year this is a hat that I've carried around for years now I got it from Old Navy it literally just says established 1994 California so it's a very typical hat and it's very dirty but I've taken this pretty much on every hike everywhere I've gone something else I've had for a long time is this Patagonia quarter zip this is one of my favorite uh pieces of gear that I have for a heavier jacket I normally either wear my black uh puffer jacket or recently I got this Eddie Bower Puffer that is way warmer than it needs to be it is very useful because it packs down into a really small size so it's great to pack in a bag I have two rain shells one from Mountain Hardware this I've used a lot uh for rain and it's been it's been great have another one from North Face uh both roll up and you can put in a bag very easily probably my favorite part of gear is the shoes I get to wear and for like 3 years I wore the same pair of Columbia Trail Runners and just recently for this year I've now officially switched to Adidas now I have never hiked in an Adidas shoe but I did some research on these and I really like the way they look the way they feel the reviews I've seen are great so I'm giving Adidas a first shot on hiking and we'll we'll see what happens the tread looks really good it looks very similar to my Columbia Trail Runners which I wish I could get again but they don't sell those anymore so we will see how these turn out but I have really high hopes for these I was recently sent these binoculars from a company called soaries that make highquality binoculars for your everyday Outdoorsman and I haven't really gotten into using binoculars but I'm excited to at least try these out on trail put a link in my description where you can find them okay so back to Ozark Trail which is Walmart's hiking and camping gear my tent has been an Ozark twers uh camping tent and I'm pretty sure it's even sponsored for like kids but I took this thing up to the top of Dora Peak and places like where no twers child tent should be and I've seen people say like if you're going to some of these places where there's wind you want the right tent and I totally agree with him but there's something about this Ozark Trail tent that went above and beyond I feel like what people would expect I can't say enough good things about it but I did recently switch to a new oneperson tent from CL nature I've never heard about it before I saw it on Amazon I was looking for a budget one person tent this is what I got I haven't tested it yet but we'll see if it holds up for this year if I'm not hiking with my day pack which already has has a water pouch in it I carry this 40 uh ooun iron flask it's not a Hydro Flask it's a iron flask it is the budget version and it does the same thing it keeps my water in a nice container keeps it cold and I really like this it's nice to pack with and very very suitable for hiking and camping there's lots of other random things like a jet boil a certain spoon that I use and a certain cup that I use for camping so if you're interested I'll put those links in the description the camera that I'm using actually right now is a Sony a6400 I have the 16 mm lens on it right now do have this 50 mm lens that I started using last year and I kind of have mixed feelings about it because I don't like switching the lenses in and out you may ask why don't you just get a zoom lens and that's a great question I've been thinking about it but for the most part I don't really need a zoom lens uh everything's fixed uh the 16 mm is great gets a good wide perspective in 4k and that's what I need the mic that I use Outdoors is just this road mic um I think this is one of their budget mics I think I got it for 40 or 50 bucks it's great um it does the job this is definitely what people ask me about the most um my DJI Mini Pro 3 or DJI Pro mini3 whatever it's called I have three batteries with this thing and it does more than enough of what I need um don't recommend this for high wind flying I've taken this into some pretty sketchy spots and have crashed it a couple times and that was very scary um but I have just the normal controller all my memory cards are the Sandisk memory cards I don't really use much else than that and I try to always get the gold card and then I put all of my footage on hard drives I don't have the really really fancy hard drives uh this one's just like a seate this is 2 tbte and then I have two one terabytes in here I do all of my editing on a 2019 MacBook Pro and this is the bomb I love this MacBook and Until It Breaks or dies I don't want to change so that's pretty much everything I have in my bag for 2024 I'll try to put everything that I think is accessible to everyone in the link for you to buy or to check out yourself I'm also really excited for some hiking this year uh it's been a while since I've been out on trail this winter season has kind of um put a pause to hiking and so I'm excited uh when I can get back out on trail so be sure to subscribe and look out for more videos thank you guys for watching so much and as always keep exploring we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Elliot Huff
Views: 12,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hiking, Gear, Hiking gear, Outdoors, Tent, Camping, Hiking bag
Id: IGVrI_p36MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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