What's Hot In Munich: 2018

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[Music] the one we're here again at Munich 2019 the Munich Mineral Show really excited to be here because over the next three days we're going to dive in we're going to see treasures we're going to see fantastic passionate people and it's going to be wonderful to see what we have on offer this year so let's go and do this and I hope you really enjoy it because I know I will thinking this is a haul a six of the munich show and this hall is dedicated to minerals what I love about this fall is in one side you've got five minerals where some sort of best minerals in a world of display by de by dealers it flexes but as you move over to this side you've got the special exhibition this is the sort of museum quality exhibit that the show puts in where you see fantastic specimens from all over the world from dealers and collectors and anyone is interested but also it's the hall of minerals so all around the edges as vendors from all across the world selling minerals to the general public and it's probably the real go to see for mineral groups at Munich really pleased to say that this year we've got privileged access as people are setting up the special exhibit here in a movie show now when I say special exhibition dealers collectors museums hobbyists owners are all bringing some of their finest specimens to put into the Munich Show so what you see at the Munich show when you come here is a museum quality exhibition going into the show for the whole of the public to enjoy but also for us fellows professionals and enthusiasts to look at other people's specimens to learn about the whole landscape of mineralogy this year's elements so expect to see gold silver platinum diamonds sulfurs but also some of the other elements to incorporate into minerals so we're going to see the most spectacular things like a Koreans wolf and I it's probably the best specimens you will ever see in Munich from all over the world so let's have a sneak preview and see if we can find some flexers to see if they could willing to talk about what they're going in and what they're showing us okay we're very fortunate to be inside this setup area I know that when people come and do that sets up they're very touchy they want to get their specimens in but they want to make sure everything's secure but we are very fortunate to be here with Evan Evan Jones she's just setting up some specimen in his case we're just kind of a quick look of what he's putting in for the special exhibition here at Muni so hi Evan how are you yeah but I'll just notice what of the colorful case is about to happen here tell us what you have yes this is a selection of secondary led minerals from Arizona right and so lead minerals as you know the when they the sulfide minerals oxidize they produce very colorful secondary miss Julia so we have a selection here of wulfenite s' that's a great that's a great color rich this is halite Wow and then to add a bit more color we have a wulfenite from the Red Cloud oh now now yes is this a gnome space or resound this is a fairly recent piece this was collected in 2015 you can see the palette of colors I'm gonna quit you move across scuse me yep but that is an amazingly beautiful case thank you tell me about the top specimen a little birdie told me that you collected that that's correct I collected this in 2004 right and we extracted my collecting partner and I extracted that out in a large boulder and then it was prepped down to to this size and it took many many hours to recover the specimen it was on the ceiling right so of course wolfmart it's one of those that quintessential popular minerals especially for the American market that's the Ranger color everyone loves them the Red Cloud has produced some of the best ones ever I think and I think the whole case is just spectacular and I think we're really lucky to get you in the ATS because we never really see this there in the case and they've gone but to see you own the pieces and handling them is pretty brilliant so yeah a graduation yeah thanks so much okay Cheers well here are again in the special exhibition at a Munich show we've got VIP access to look at people setting up their cases which is very rare and I bumped into my old friend Mike on the naturist Museum London via great this museum in the world but so Mike is just put two fantastic specimens I know what they are think that yes hello everyone what they are so these are probably some of the most classic British minerals and this one at the top they are more fine plumber got my combo it's my favorite mineral it's actually one of my most cherished specimens in the collection I really like it yeah it's actually on the front cover of the corbels but you know famous one yeah and for me that's very special because that book was the book that inspired me to kind of get in minerals and get into mineralogy so yeah it's really really close to my heart and of course putting it in the case with a massive gone tonight this is my thought would just be a really fun thing to do so yeah the classic born art from Harrods took mine became about 1840 did they yes something like that a little bit later that's quality oh boy most they're the most beautiful specimens I think that ever came out of the UK for me minerals and sulfides and things but as you say this is interesting because it's a common thing with the show is that people bring specimens that really inspired them especially when they're in charge of collections yeah so you read the Corbett fells book that was on the tank cover that inspired you you know and you know you're in charge of their specimens as part of your own collection in a way you look after it yeah I mean it's it's nice to feel inspired every day at work you know and there's a few specimens around that will do that for you and that's definitely one of them for me and the whole point of the special exhibition is to show people stuff they can't come to museum to see but they can come to the Muni show and see it here yes so it's a very good part of outreach not of the museums but also for the public to see something remember see yeah definitely and that's why I trying to bring some more plastic UK things to Germany yes yeah but there is something else that you brought there is yes and if we kind of look at that an old friend of yours perhaps there might be but see what that is that's a it's the live walk around me this great thing I mean it's um you know wonderful crystalline copper from Lake Superior and actually belong to John Ruskin and you found that information out because I remember this used to be in the mineral gallery that's rusty museum laying down in the front case is just a copper yeah but it's actually crystalline and it's from Lake Superior yep and he's one of the biggest he's one of the biggest there is I think so I mean we took it to Tucson about a year two years ago for the special exhibit there yeah and a lot of the guys over there were like whoa where did this thing come from you know how did you end up with it how did it cross the pond yeah and so yeah it's got to have some fantastic history and you know when Chris said oh we're doing thing on elements and copper is something obviously I just got right I know exactly what you need and so having a nice big thing on displays yeah hello what I love also is nowadays there's a fashion to give minerals names there is yeah looks like your mind is something yeah and this was called the Swan the Swan there's been some other ideas as well but at the moment baekje this one so yeah maybe you guys should hold a competition to name it yeah but I think this is a great experiment and while we're here yes you've got a great chassis I said beautiful chassis yeah crystals are just absolutely amazing and of course another classic mineral in Arak another classic that's one of your favorites as well is you've done a lot research and they have research and I have spent a lot of time looking at them and you know they're cool Beck fells flyover and more fight that's kind of one of the ones that got me started when I was little and I got into it the color of this guy just it just blew me away and that was the reward is just really amazed just amazing yeah that's a beautiful case I'm really pleased about palmate congressionally don't worry it's not at all good C will ever be later and I get to see her all right kids well hello everyone I'm really happy because I've just bumped into really a friend of mine be Rehanna head of collections of minerals and Chairman's of the Natural History Museum in Vienna that to me is one of the most famous and established museums in Europe that's right because we collect since a very long period of time right and it dates back to the 16th century 16th century right yeah a new batch D bought one for the special exhibition here in Munich I had the best specimens from a very old collection it was from archduke ferdinand ii of taro okay before he was was Duke of Bohemia and therefore he got a very special specimen from the my amia to him Ian right yes and one of the specimens I want to show you for you I open if we love how you have special is someone else needs you can hold this this is the night it's definitely is a soul fact mineral such a silver antimony sulfide his name is these are big crystals and these are from chicken-style Bohemia in fifteen hundred and ninety six so mineral collecting dates back till the 16th century this is modern mineralogy all your CSS show is very modern yeah yeah but you know people began to collect special minerals yeah sure in the 16th 16th century and you think about it that is 400 years ago yes 400 years ago people were still clips of specimens like we do today and this is the very earliest second the first museum in middle Europe right in Innsbruck in the castle means ambrus near Innsbruck Wow that is fascinating so this is a really rare survivor and it's so great that you bought it I do it's 400 specially thank you thank you so much be replace it again ok I just seen Federico buzzer sir great to see you he looks at me from the other side of the ribbon when and that means something when you say something so what are you going to show me yeah I would like to show this work here wait maybe this is a very peaceful case this is a piece belonging to History Museum of Mila Milano I was able to get this rock of the museum many years ago right and it was delivered exactly exactly this case and deserve the peace inside this box for many years the piece was never prepared and neighbor exhibited to public this is the very first time in the life of this piece that piece is on exhibit in a public now you've never entry I wanna show you ok shows up inside of this is amazing that it's not ok oh my oh my you gonna hold that thing now that to our viewers is that absolutely huge sulphur crystal Sicily zu silly and because it's so big look how much colour it's throwing out yeah I exactly understand gem quality self and that self is really successful - he lie everything could be really careful you on your handling and if there's a good as now that I think this is an old an old specimen it is very whole displacement I believe this is something belonging to the sixties of the last sanctum really that is absolutely amazing - it was a famous piece in the in the hands of some minor for quite a long time really enter through a long story I was able to get from the decision and it is the largest sofa no the largest soulful documented is here in the other box here delivered Takara 3.2 kilos this was reported in american mineralogist in the famous publication about the largest crystals in the world and it is not only documented as the largest show for Krista known but also as the largest crystal of an active element a lot of packing materials PPI uses it it's a very rare insight into how mineral collectors dealers museum professionals pack their prized possessions but this is a well-known case that is not the something unknown to public I know this player I've never seen it Wow kilos now that is incredible as well notice this one isn't as transparent as the other Chrystia but that is symmetric Euler this is that it's not a Ragan or something yeah a calcite aragonite that is beautiful it's a Boyle conflict and we must remember of course we are in the special exhibition of elements and sulfur is the native element we often when we think about elements you think of EI gold silver but we forget things like sulfur and that is incredible yeah well that bolt to the best software crystals you'll ever see in their native form in their native boxes and earlier to go into the display yeah congratulation was so fantastic okay I've just walked across and I bumped into Louis hello lovely to see you now Louis is installing Donna and Wayne's collection from Chris Tyler yes and I know they have a fabulous collection so what do you sneak peek is the case today cute little golds okay cute little gold little goals so this is what you call a cute little gold that's the cute little Wow look at that this particular one is one of the largest crystal eyes calls that came in for ever came out of the Eagles the Eagles Nest yep and so this was in the heyday of the Eagles Nest in the early 80s right and this was about the 300-foot level this came out wrong okay and you could see it's quite lovely and completely crystal this one though it looks a bit more deeper than later ones that care how's that right the seam was you know you could see it right in the wall yes that's been seen yeah and so they're always very easy to clean because about yeah that nice fun seam that is such a beautiful specimen easiest iconic now are they them this is so fantastic and of course Eagle's Nest is no longer working right okay Wow this is exceptional piece so that is going as part of the element of show now sitting right there that is so good that is so good it's like a treasure hunt this for me it's like looking at every people what people bring to the show just amazes me and I keep picking out things but I love this seriously this look at that I'm very partial to these are you I love them did you ever go collect no no no chemists read barrel look at that beautiful red barrel usually see one on matrix don't you but to have one two three four five six it's very unusual because quite often you get one beautiful one set up there and yeah it's nice three Mike so to have them all together just shows it in some areas it was quite rich deposit wasn't it and it's unique isn't it it's unique like that absolutely and you see of course they're all facing the same direction just sort of like a flow direction like this yeah that is that really caught my eye because I really like these I love the color I love the contrast with the matrix now you run everything yeah it's a real classic locality this little guy that is incredible it is so is that some sort of flattened tweener something's flattened twin yeah and then it has like the he dreams that I'm just done it's them can I pick it up absolutely that's always been my favorite piece that's incredible what someone's got this herringbone pattern as well looking out all the way down the side as well which is very typical as for Martin's that is superb it's just so I can tell you like this there's something about this one it has the cuteness factor yeah that is amazing and it's also it's just interesting to see how it formed as well you know you think of the mathematical and you look at it let me put it back in your lovely hand fantastic okay Louis well thank you so much for a sneak peek sorry to disturb you better get you letting you see hi everyone boy I've been grabs while I've been abdomen looked at pizza Wald how you doing my friend hi Alan now you told me you had a fantastic specimen oh I've never seen yeah it was one of your prized possessions and I'm so excited that you're going to show it to me now before it goes in the display case it came out in 1977 I was that big Wow okay and I used to go ferreting around in Heights mine nothing weird out in the old flats in Heights you can still get really nice pieces really that's what one of most these are one of the most iconic mines in the British Isles isn't at the Hyatt spine well I like to do this yeah reduce incredible - all right yeah a lot of different colors there was green floor idea there was almost colorless turquoise this piece this was in a little hole in the wall Wow okay and it took a day or more than a day actually to open up the hole and I still have it Wow now look at that now that is a fluorite specimen you know what that is one of the best floor eyes I've seen from the UK obviously so we've got a large crystal a twin we usually win the crystals a twin they become very big they can do this one is quite incredible zoning inside and actually the zoning is slightly offset so it charts the growth history of the specimen itself but it's the way it sits and the size is incredible I've never seen anything like it it's got a slight purpose look to it in some areas yeah that is incredible it's like a little stalactite I suspect actually it forms in the cavity like that and woodson just drew on the that is absolutely incredible and and you you're happy to bring it to the show and display it the first time first time first time I mean I've been seen in public now nobody's seen puppy and that's the beauty about the show you can come to the show here and see the most amazing specimens have never been seen before yeah they have a great history as well okay we're in a special exhibition and luckily I've seen the case that I think is absolutely fantastic come and have a look at this you may not think what I'm gonna point out first but this is the hematite here from Cumberland I commit mine in England and that is just fabulous you know you could work out and the iron mineral like this how this is it form almost the perfect ball like this of course there are in England these minerals hematite calls ma'am elated or ma'am elated masses and this is just a perfect example of a mammillary or that somehow has formed the perfect sphere and that is fantastic but the standout thing for this case is to the right look at that rutile from nova horizonte that is one of the most fabulous specimens I think in this entire exhibition and what's great for me is his color usually there move are much more gold and gold and yellowish color but this one it's like bronzy gold color and look at that perfect stars those crystals epitaxially grown on those hematite specimens inside to get this beautiful star form and I tell you what and that is you can see that on the grace of any book any magazine and it's fantastic that the collectors bought this to the display so people can enjoy what is probably going to be a real draw for the visitors to the exhibition case I had a quick glance to this and I saw this as your item of request from Bisbee or is from chessy but close especially the label tells me it's from layoffs and that is one of them wells best azure-eyes the color the combination of malachite as well typical of secondary copper deposits and you can see that this one is from one locality there is relatively new to me because we've done discovered a few years ago so basically you can spend ages looking around the show as many people do and I think it's a testament to the quality of the show where it's actually probably the finest exhibition you'll see every year at the Muni show such as this one okay this case really caught my eye although the specimens the silver metallic they're fantastic as the native bismuth now bismuth is an element of course and it can occur in really nice crystals in certain localities but what really caught my eye was this one from Bolivia this is one of the largest crystals I've ever seen at the back there and that's from the gal and Jim Spain claisen from America and I think that it's wonderful that they've learned this item for everyone to see at the show today and of course bismuth is one those metals it is highly collectible often it's growing artificially so there's a beautiful artificial one grown there it forms these hopper crystals with its step-growth called a skeletal growth and these are really common to find around the show you combine them as artificial crystals not natural and if you just move across these two amazing specimens of German irska birch bismuth crystals highly collectible you rarely seen her of this quality and it's only when you come to Munich show can you see an item of such a system and this is these are wonderful specimens and I'm really pleased to see them well here we are especially suspicious again and we've been really lucky to see some of the dealers installing their specimens you see my take on why I think is amazing in this display but hang on a minute why don't we do this I'll turn on some music and you sit back and enjoy some of the samples here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone well it's a busy day here at the Munich Show and today we're going to be something different we're going to look at Crystal classics now crystal classics is one of the premier dealerships in the world what I love about this this mineral dealership is that you can see a selection of five minerals not only today but from long ago so usually museum pieces quality specimens fantastic items that you won't normally see at many mineral shows because simply the range of material on display is exceptional so we're going to meet the owner Ian Bruce he's going to do a walk around with us and let's see what we can find in his booth as you can see is so busy but you should be hiding somewhere in AD good to see you I just introduced you and I have sensitive our viewers that in my opinion in many people's opinion this is one of the most systematic and quality displays will ever see at a show because there's a range of material you've got so let's have a walk through if we can and tell us a bit about your collections yeah one of our specialities here at Munich is to try and try and show a representation of what our company actually does this is maybe 20% of our stock week we have you know we have a stock of quality minerals of 20 to 25 thousand specimens and here for the Munich Show we probably bring about five to six thousand individual specimens Wow let's have a look then it's my magic box of keys okay these are some of our great German classics and in this case this is mainly from the Saxony fibre mining region right and a lot of these are dating from the as far as the 18th century yeah also at the German school so the heyday weren't there when they were teaching mineralogy in the early days of the collection to his huge open minds but the the superb mineralogy is exceptional is there yeah well I love this this native silver yes the big big silver leaf look arrives on look at that is superb isn't it yeah an old timer isn't it old timer it's beautiful and so I think you would see in a museum yeah and this and and it's something you would expect to see at the Munich show as well it's pure honest but you don't office immunity's anymore because it comes out whole collections recycled I said and it's great this and many collectors that this would be in a collection ya know they're so good Oh classic this is the Proust is good as well and it's nice ya realize this is a little one but we look at some more later look at that red color yeah and as you know priest is one of the one of the hardest things to get ya in the UM in the world yeah and this is from the the old overawed of mine in sliema mining district classic locality before we go out of this area let me just show you this this is some this is from and free just off and you know we all see the cassette rights from from China China yeah this is a real real German classic you beautiful consider ID twins from them free distort mine and Saxony they'll throw poop on top oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's fabulous I'll see what long bad it's almost an underrated mineral isn't it because it's right this is a great beautiful luster crystal form China yeah for the Chinese ones came out and they were you know ten times bigger you know this is a great cassette right from a classic European location yeah camera in the 19th century it's a real very fast and we talk about often talk about benchmarks don't we in mineralogy at the time this will been the finest of the species possibly other things are coming along over there and they're getting bigger and better but some localities still retain that exactly yeah if we move over here we got some more RAM small saxony and boots and or things this is neat you get this for fluoride from Boston north you've got also bill flu right yeah beautiful red red iron oxide corners and tips yeah Zoey yeah beautiful that's really nice this is small but exquisite look at that for an ache and tight from inside yeah essentially not from the shaft 38:38 Gangstar yeah fabulous delicious sharp must pose no damage just a wonderful little thing super flexible as well you know you go people who specialize the thematic collections German Silver's are always highly sought after that's got that's got good - luster as well yeah because they can be sought all can't they either government in a way but that one's really really really good so that's that's the selection of some of our German minerals if you walk under corner we can systematically go through the European classic location that's country by country and see we think we can see how busy you are as well you know Austria has has a very good mix of classic Alpine locations and some of the you know some of the metal minds as well produced great things and what are the good classics from Austria the the border Knights yeah look at that it's a 19th 20th 30 20th century specimen from Hooton burg and they're always past the border Knights you can see the shape of that partially suitable but into my into my yeah yeah that isn't very smooth real neat piece yeah I was a good trapper and I love the way you still got it it's a tiny little flexion number on there yeah I'm an old person that is really nice unusual a loser to see them these days I love these karate gorge this is a fine mineralogy superb hematite crystals usually platy and if you look really carefully you see these little rutile's little red rutile's on the crystal faces where the epitaxy grown at least they're growing in on the morphology of the hematite crystals themselves and I know that these are highly sought out front light amilia you find a cavity of those anything like wow and you see you see a few of them but quality wise the luster of that and the form coralline growth not corals of course but there's the morphology of the of the aragonite itself very from stereo very beautiful stuff Neverland beautiful devil Dean from the one famous fine they had in the back here yeah I guess this is 19th century her England and one of the very rare copper minerals yeah the good specimens that have ever been found all came from this one find very old copper mine and that's what happens are they doesn't as well you get one fine and that's it and that's the beauty of minerals and then all you had then they they work their way out when they solved they come back to people and that sometimes they come back into the public domain and Ready's very purchased it exactly under yen so this portion of our booth is is more the the fine display specimens we have a lot of African minerals here and a lot of contempt or contemporary specimens a lot of great things from Australia or is showing that this is a case isn't it fabulous specimens so you can you're gonna let me in there's some great things in here that's the island Wow all right this is a modern look of hats so that's an Atkins eye it's from China yeah fabulous eye so this is a relatively recent new file but that is one the best I've ever seen Ian yeah fabulous thing look at these crystals huge sort of suited cubic yeah see that's so that would have come out within the last decade but yes best of that quality will come a real classic in the future yeah and you don't see you don't see these anymore now do you well this is another sort of peak find they haven't gone one cavity and in there and that you can relate this back to the German general early yeah so this is the modern-day equivalent of the Freiburg specimens that came out is amazing 19th century there you've got one here from Australia yeah the Endeavour I never they're so similar to the city you know the start really similar you put two together you can see subtle differences but same chemistry same mineralogy same conditions but you know the other side of the world yeah that is fatigue yeah and that's minimal you know it's gone so it's great color great color this is a lovely little thing this is a real classic from Broken Hill Australia and that combination of the fire or fire and we'll fight on the Coronado well the Coronado yeah yeah beautiful beautiful what are the hard things to get from Broken Hill yeah I mean broken broken eel was an amazing locality that the range of mineral was under I've actually been there I went into the pit of broken here is the hottest hottest place I've ever been 54 in the pit really hot man yeah 54 degrees crazy but that is beautiful this I like this right this is Broken Hill asbestos Eames yeah what a combination look at that if you can ever think of a combination piece the Galena it's at a specialty in garlic in Galena Lena yeah of course do you know when you first look at it you think oh it's a rodent like does it got one there Avenue I'm gonna pick this one of us walk yeah this is a classic road and I from there became in Galena and it's quite nice that you've got two similar colored minerals but totally different species in Galena that is great so always when you come to the shows you look carefully at all the specimens because you might be surprised so someone just walking past that might think oh it's um it's a rodent I but actually not it's a very nice specialty a grease if he does a Greek epidote look at that it's absolutely new to me yep that is new to me yeah I was in Greece about a month ago and we bought some part of them collection yeah it's Greek so when epidote you know you're wasting client and a perm and anything green monster mountain and look at that I got a quality of it yeah I know she's terminated yeah the terminators no suit yeah all terminated prisons and they got a slight sort of fibrous growth at the end you often see that in tourmaline but it's got slight fibrous copse just on the terminations and this nice again to see something you never seen before from Jim area that's here well you always look at the matrix do something look at it back see what a lot type this on Wow really it's pretty as well pretty yeah look at these farm or fight has been suitable by Galena this is me German isn't it yep yeah German has really nice very Kleck scible so did what would originally be in brown or green prisms has been totally replaced by Kalina very nice indeed usually see the wires yes crystal still the crystals are rare of course you'd be with me the Kongsberg is the place for them they're the best but out of that's really nice beautiful little miniature yeah it's a lovely LBI tourmaline from that Wow pairs of Salinas and Brazil oh that's classy like that there's no repairs or anything it's totally pristine keep very rare to get something like that I love this little guy here yeah yeah how'd they got that I provoke damaging it I will never know all these are on this is lovely car you ever seen anything like that this is served from Cruzeiro but policy courts growing on our sake mr. Strange's here that's another lovely specimen at least Kucera day they always have this little rubellite a stone mate and then they grade up into the green or even blue ice and have some very nice blue ones as well from the same cavity reportin best to from the cavity just shut this shows not the bigger cause crystals yeah look carefully because sometimes - look at that new thing and it's like calcite on the top when you really look carefully you can see there st doubly terminated prismatic quartz crystals with very tiny striations opposite sort of prism faces which is you know another indication but that's nice since world isn't it yeah most parallel growth in here is oh and again the color sometimes sac religiously these are cutters gemstones so you get by colored gemstones in the middle but I think it's always nice to keep something like this as is this one of my favorite cabinets where everything is you know they're all miniatures and thumbnails and you know beautiful selection of world wide very fine specimens and this is one that we bought a couple of weeks ago from her collection we bought in Switzerland look at that man is that some it's mama this remember some Anthony yeah that is that is fabulous that is a really good piece beautiful beautiful beautiful pristine not damaged lovely shiny you could sell whatever they're so highly collectible beautiful of course this isn't new training it's not sweet home it's proven it's pretty yeah that's from that movie and that's really good yeah beautiful you leave the scale in the he drew and looking at what a combination is well it just shows off the color it's really rich he's look familiar so here's a here's a beautiful cabinet of the emerald green fluorides from our mining project and weird yeah of course the arrow is part of our company we actually operate specimen mines right for you know for the for the minimum market and this is this is some of our new material from the these are from the Roger Lee mine and we're Dell these remote this actually came out in a March this year well beautiful beautiful beautiful floor a highly daylight fluorescent and these came out of these ones of the was the calcite actually came out a few weeks ago that and this is from the the annamaria mind incredible look at the quality of those crystals this is this is best color ever fabulous and as you say big cow site just sets it off now between 10 of us I've been to your mind a few times it's really unusual in is when you clean out the cavities the calcite doesn't cover the twin this is it they sort of span a proud yeah that's right but it covers everything else it's the twin that's right yeah which is very very very lustrous but in the current quality the Sun Sun sir you look at the crystal faces you can see the beveled edges of the flue right bro you see growth features of this clear right but then if we can pick that up that is absolutely stunning so we can have a little bit of fun here because I'm gonna show you two of the real to the real treasures that we rolled out last week so I'm just gonna go and okay grab these grab these specimens Benicia but these have been in the ground for millions of years until until literally two weeks ago when we pulled them out you know what I've never seen such a lustrous fluorite from that locality or indeed from England look at this all about the color this is all about a translucency this is so transparent it's difficult to see the crystal faces but then if you kid out bright can you see the growth features on these crystals here in the light that's just classic fluorite from England but of a super quality absolutely super quality look at that it's got another one oh dear so this is the other half live in Amity and this was great now I've got a dilemma I can't decide this is this is top quality I love the way Sikh kept some of the cows I on there that's just how it came out for now okay Matt that's how they come out and I'll show you a picture of us actually at the mine with that specimen when it was that these were joined us with one piece we've created to look at the twins it's full of useful for the twins in fact there's more twins yes nearly all twins that's why I thought this also Jemmy see what that is probably one of the best green blue eyes ever found if not the best did you ever see anything like that in the British Museum no no nothing that quality about so this is this is a flashbacks this was on the 7th of October a few weeks ago and we were actually at the mine and that specimen there resulted in those two so the two half so that became one of those two that is in crisis is Miroslav who no staff is great he's heat collected this he spent four hours cutting this I yeah and I was just lucky to be up there and help him pull it out of the mine and that's it's the specimen straight out of the most hidden lustre yeah these things have become associate it also fluorescing in the daylight is it looks purple there because it's hugely fluorescing because it was never seen the light of day so first family seemed like a super fluorescent so we go from that to that and you can see the work and how much work is done to prepare such a unique specimen this great case here is it's all about fine very high-end worldwide classics and here we have a lot of the the high-end American classics from from Canada all the way down to Mexico and then down to Chile so this is the North and South American very high-end yeah there are six and then here again are some some very senior specimens things that we've grace any high-end collection worldwide no can this is something wonderful and Peruvian a Peruvian priests diet now but super super super quality to retain this color that is really amazing you'll terminate trigger determinations on the top here look Wow and next to it we have the super classic Geneseo probably the best known proof site location worldwide this dates from the 1850s a very very old specimen this Oh baby it must have been incredible when you've been Miley yeah we have no idea look at that of course solid proof night look your cities scaling the Hedra great color striations on a crystal faces what it be posit that would have been but this is this is the sort of creme de la creme of minerals isn't it really the species don't see them it's a great American class even got a slice out as crystals huge parallel growth for when he's like bundles very typical with that line isn't it yep one of the great cavities this is the same mine same mineral different color Wow highly lustrous and Christine this is a really nice piece that's beautiful it's like a flower isn't it beautiful this is a twin side right crystal from of all places from Connie yeah Monson there there one of the great Canadian classic specimens missus found you know I guess in the eighties eighties yeah this was from the Alexander de Leon collection in Paris and reports we bought most of his best specimens and this was one of the one of the things we were very happy to get I'll do love cider ice know this is it's a classic mineral I know it's one of your favorite minerals now yeah so gradually working your way around now we're going to go back to the European classics okay no no other favorite subject mr. Hart British mineral was come on that's where I grew up but I grew up with British minerals so bruh I don't need to talk to you this you know this the classically rock and ice from will gülen's and they love these highly collectible we see a lot of these in museums but you never see them out in the public domain because it went to museums these chisel shave crystals you never get a blue color as good as that I don't think but I love those really nice okay maybe not the greatest the specimens on the world stage for England these beautiful tetrahedra in the quartz this is really indicative of some agnese which is on the north coast of Cornwall when they were tin mining so looking for tin and I often found these beautiful crystals of quartz and charcoal para and sometimes you get beautiful blue and florettes purple blue for us with all the silver steps growth and they're really clever layout really collectible rare things I'm very famous epping north side I write every wolf after Barrett they're called ladies slippers and of course that this this this - the virtuous lady mine in Devon and it was thought that this might have been named after Queen Elizabeth the first there's an ancient mine when they found in the mid 19th century these huge cavities full of boxes and epi wolf slipper shaped siderite so they're very collectible sir alpha Russell in the British Museum has a wonderful collection of these but it's really unusual to see these out for sale yet in the public domain and really unusual and then over here we have drawers and drawers you know although all our drawers are full of full of good classic specimens so we try and do we try and do specimens for all levels from a few hundred from a few hundred euros up to tens of thousands of euros something for everyone at Crystal and this is what I like about you guys because there's nothing like the thrill of looking in a drawer to see what you might find yeah it's a treasure hunting itself and you never know what so you never know what you'll find well that's the sort of mini analogy for you I mean you can see the breadth and depth of the specimens also the quality that we have here and come into the munich show it's probably one of the highlights this audience has to come to this and learn something yeah so yeah yeah brilliant my into singing so much yeah take care have a great show [Music] well here we are we're in Julie Farber's boof and Muni show unfortunately we have no Judy you had to pop our business so he said take your pick and talk about some of my beautiful rocks now the thing about Judy's booth is there's such a variety he does great minerals rare minerals and a really wide selection so what I did I picked out four things that took my fancy and I must have met Judy did put one in my hand he said he must talk about this we'll come to that so over here first up I'd like to start with something common let's start off with this this is a beautiful fluorite specimen from Spain this one is from the llamas quarry but look at the color of those cues they look very power Lila this one's got a great story and that story is a guy bought property and he decided to dig in his back garden and he's nothing his back garden I found a little piece of fluorite so for hang on I'm gonna dig a bit more so I started thinking a bit more and actually now it's a fully fledged Luna right quarry for specimens and the analysis business say say you can find minerals in your back garden if you live in the right geological environment but I think this is a great story but also a beautiful specimen Spain is famous for its flora specimens and other herbs / bees quarry's and and the mines there but is it beautiful purple cube steps growth but this one is just really subtle on this really nice frosty matrix and I think it really sets it off and it's a really great piece I'll put that back carefully and then we'll go to this many people will know of these red courses that came out a few years ago from down a ghost I personally really like these and they're they're a slight and nick may say they're really long slender prisons tapering with colorless ends no one's really sure what causes the red color I believe because you know usually think there might be iron oxide staining I think in this case look like looks like there could be a colour Center involved or there could be something like iron entertaining of course that is the cool of color amethyst so similar things might be happening for the cause of these but what is unique is their form there they came out of I'm putting about 10 20 years ago and they sort of all disappeared so it's a want to find this really become a mineral classic but sometimes these occur with white quartz as well which is often removed to reveal what these red slender prisms sort of works radiating underneath and I really I really like those so of course let's go to the one the jewelry did say always talk about this and it's here it's there figured on the cover of mineral in worlds this is black mineral where this is selenium or Celino poly base I so really there's a silver copper selenide then we know that some of these black minerals which I love they form a whole variety of solid solution series and there's a whole raft of the of these type of minerals but when you actually look at a specimen here it is it's here and that is probably looking right that is looking right in this little point so though you know we see that some wonderful minerals around this is actually rest of species this is probably the largest Celino poly base I ever found and this one as she comes from a new mind and I look at the labels I don't know remind nests and Jose mine in Mexico and I think what I love about mineralogy also is it's not necessary the flashes also produces some of the finest minerals and this is the finest mineral for that species and so to end on I suppose Julie's not appear anywhere so I love this now this is a really great great specimen this is a crystal of perovskite now Piroska is a relatively rare mineral at the name perovskite this one is a calcium titanium oxide the the mineral itself is really named for a whole group of minerals that can substitute elements into the structure the perovskite structure is very important because as we go deeper into the earth the pressure changes and lots of minerals like spinels change into a parofsky type structure because of that pressure so really it's one of the most commonly structures in the earth and to get actual crystals this size is probably the largest one I think I've ever seen and I'll say that for sale because in a British Museum we do have one of the world's best ones with crystal is only slightly bigger but to see one on display here at the show for sale that you can buy is incredible and it's not cubic it's actually an orthorhombic mineral so it can be deceptive what I love about this is these really nice patterning growth patterns on the surface it has this really sort of oily luster to it and it is really really rare and the actual structure itself is used a lot for material science so by looking at the natural analogues of frost Guyot we can actually make the process structure in the lab and from that we can do like tools and lasers and semiconductors and electronics so you know discovering minerals is a really great way of analysing them and making these analogs from them in the lab that we can use to further things like material science so great specimen I think that's one of the rarest things I've seen and I suppose I won't say I won't say anything bad about jewelry because he's not here but I do find that when I see Geordi Farber's booth he really does have a great selection rare minerals fine minerals and the unusual one a lot of museum people come to this type of stand to find things that enhance their collection so they can do collections based research so wherever you are Geordi thank you so much and hopefully I'll see you hi everyone I'm here with Rudy how are you great to see you again yeah now this year at the show we usually go around the show we look a lot of minerals and specimens but you are now incorporating some of your specimens into the special exhibit here in the Alpine air is that right yes right so unusually now is smaller than seen what you're selling on what you're showcasing we're going to see some material it's very special to you you're putting the main exhibition yeah this is a very good chance this year to have a look of some of the pieces from my collection that I bring further for the exhibition came in okay what we have first first we have a very very special look at this maybe you recognize the piece because it was the cover piece on the mineral supplement for Austrian collectors from mineralogical record Wow so this is like currently is again this is a figured specimen on the front cover yes a really cool application for the strollers and collectors of our prime ministers and this is from karate so that's famous for hematite as well yeah it's normally famous for him and if you look really gills that you'll find a little and you'll find the katana she's matrix oh right yeah yeah and public baths you can see also it's not totally clear it's also a little bit slightly smoky lightly smoky color which is really common for coming what an unusual form yeah the crystal is like I call it it's I call it the butterfly because of the what's on there on the bottom and then they are spending quite something top but you also got something here the bank is small it's almost like I won't say it's a propeller twin but it's almost like a propeller if this was growing out which is a common feature some trigonal minerals there but that is really not be explained by this but it looks like a natural art and it's 360 degree yeah well flora and it's got fantastic luster as well this was found about five years ago five years ago didn't you it's not too long so of course I think one of the great things as many people can see the specimens in publication yes but to actually see the actual objects on that publication please whole new context isn't it - bleep Eric I thought that's a good idea because most people only know the photo and now have the chance to see CDC in the exhibition and here on the video most beautiful perfect closed window on matrix right that is like a piece of candy on my chest look at that now now Grindle's of course are very famous in our prime energy they're very collectible this is quite a flattened single course though isn't it close Greenville is the most is the rarest yeah and this is extreme extremely strange shape on the front you can see this one first at face yep and then you have the highly lustrous a clear face and then then again the frosted and Smita manages is extreme extremely rare and looks just beautiful on that piece what it what it could be is you could you sometimes you know you get transformational twinning in cycles like Brazil or twins which sometimes this can manifest itself in different types of faces so it could actually be a twin so a flattened twin in Brazil between us give these extra faces and is it can appear very confusing but what I love about these is look at the transparency and the complexity yeah and the way it sits on the matrix is perfect lovely thank you oh wow and that's a gorgeous rutile swimming multiple twin crystal that I've never seen before that is type pretty complex as well we're looking at top versus phase the story surfaced of all those striations on the face there yeah the twinning and this is extreme it's so much twinning you would you would believe the route to has a termination elimination yeah there's my side face from the twinning they are going up this way and then back again and on the front you can see the twinning here the multiple coming down coming down like a society on this side yeah thick thick crystal it's not one of the biggest for the locality from mine this was a pretty quick find but this was by far the best crystals crystals found maybe in the 80s or 90s so it's a pretty old specimen I got directly from the from this rider and you can you shoot we came in and it looks black in this lab you get a slight brownish color a sheen to it don't you that brings color to it and if you look at the top it's getting reddish already yeah this is very big seasonal mineral this is a fantastic specimen one of the very very fine specimens I have seen from there from there yeah wow thank you we stay in Switzerland we go back to carbon oh wow that's typical when I tell you that that's typical yeah so this is a window curved courses yes typical flat ink window but is more than one Excel it's three three one grain will here a second display nning on the page and also the fault this part is also a Greenville one is three candles in one piece the that isn't that is unusual unbelievable and the funny thing is if you look through this phase you can see this the second Quint yes you can you can see here the shape of the back so it's the leaning each to each strata but still you see all three Grendel's is turning around yeah yeah you can see here look at that it's better visible from the back side also so you're even here you have two full window on this side so it so much that the whole thing is curving isn't it if you look from the top you can see the pole the best yeah it's very meta three dimension it's a it's a window window it's one of the very very best I have seen from Swift's it's not the biggest but for Casa de it's absolutely no your collection you know these are your speciality this is what is your you know the normal shape it's good - I liked yeah special things like this I appreciate a lot and last but not least and now I had to bring at least one piece for more from the Austrian ill Austrian Alps and an anus wow that is very funny so this is an amethyst quite unusual isn't it from the from the Alps yeah this is from the Alps the SIL adult Elks knock knock our area and it's been obviously etched pop a graph at the top yes and yeah look at these these windows in here these windows are very very stringent and actally on this piece it's going half the crystal of the business side yeah and the windows are coming from when the crystal is growing too fast yeah then it's cooling down in the middle of the face you're cooling down more fast then on the edges yeah and on the edges and then it's more it's it's getting this window it's coming from this and this is so much like Cathedral foam isn't it yes Cathedral Foreman that makes a perfect picture and you see what is really common for the locality also the human eye chamber time has grown inside the English is not good visible here but still you see yeah so you have it on the human little at least I'm untypical with many amethyst you get these areas of color concentration as well so look how deep this purple is here colorless the but then you get this sort of smoky appearance don't you to the course yes and that's a perfect flute if you look at the picture at the bottom side you see it's oh yeah just muscovite and a DeLorean meticulous alpine Association very difficult but very we also have most adjusted at the base yeah so it's not easy to find like this and this was it find the meeting mm Wow so it's really so it was the really hot summer this year everybody remember in Austria well and they opened this the pocket of this and that yeah brilliant okay look forward to see any put them in [Music] places in the mineral circuit and of course if am wearing see you again now I'm not seen your stable it will look through and you've got an amazing array of specimens I must admit yeah looking for localities yeah we work hard you know we try anyway yeah sure first of let's look in this case we can see yes right yes I can't see you have the remnants of the Marshall recessive inflation yes yes yeah and these will part of that classic collection won't be soon as your art should I say that but look at that beautiful crystals Sherman deep blue when the lights right and that color and form that's a big crystal it's a big crystal beautifully Instagram the other one as well yeah have a to course assume had mine is is his famous yes that's right Lalo's two defining defining species I always have been abacus Thanks uh this is unusual yeah yeah yeah there was a small pocket of these in 2009 and unusual because they're on the brown calcite you just don't see that [Applause] that really sets it off the now about the very cool things you sort of like radiates in groups doesn't it yeah you know in really great specimens but to have it on this calcite this sort of like she summoned their shoes of a opaque calcite but that reminds me of sent the old Santa Eulalia calset pieces it's really beautiful that's a great Kongsberg as well is that compared to Kongsberg yeah yeah it's really good yeah it's a Medusa oh I love the way you did let's give their names to things Medusa's head yeah Medusa thick wire the best suit was came from Kongsberg arguably I know the some German flexors I love this there's somebody a mess and makes appearances it up this it may argue with you but that is you think you're a massive twisted wire and they're just it's an amazing I was actually lucky to go scones Berg and go underground there and didn't see anything but it's just a Mason they came out with yeah sure where they came from I love those little bit of calcite just because they whirring in calcite yeah a lot of them so yeah bring him thank you and also you have a figured specimen yeah this is from Wilhelm order he was one of the first mine captains in tsumeb in the early 1900's and this was one of his top pieces yeah yeah at this F so you know that's really early that's a hundred plus years out of the ground right okay so that's when it properly the mine it's obviously been a moment where they burst very shallow surface burns they couldn't they've got something there's a fill of gossamer yeah and of course they mined down and they reach the secondary oxidation zone depth which resulted in some of the common of species you know and new species forming a whole variety of mineralogy and amazing a geological sort of freak is it such a colorful stuff that makes the collectors happy you know absolutely but Wow like things are the history and documented as such you know yeah yeah let's see what damn I'm gonna see this cure for Germany Thanks cure for Germany it was just like um on those Mexican ones yeah that's that's German this late 1950s 1958 maybe psyche and all stats crystals beautiful ways being lovely prepared as well really really clean and that is really close for the other so I sort of missed these this yeah it's that I think 2008 maybe he's in from mililani yes engineer fantastic perhaps those are found they're associated with Graf I swear they they are some of them yes but what a combination but for me is this or you know for me mineral color incredible color and size and form show some translucency and yes on the back yeah no wanna what a deposit is this unique why it's very unique yeah for that that's quite crystal from the Kristof - what these quite risks that recently came out with the last five years or so that I'd see what that says is this got such a unique color isn't it but I really deep you can just see the flashes in indetermination there and it's terminated I love the tears from the cats perfect this is the perfect crystallography for the species receptive in this case is slightly slightly elongated but that is really great honest mr. no cause this is such a beautiful combination this one was actually in the special display here last year I was love this look at the quality that Christine sometimes it's hard to see the blue cozy yeah yeah real black yeah when you get a good lie on it you could just see that really deep blue coming through and it's almost like a cobalt blue color on the specialized what a beautiful combination that's soft so teal green Swiss sahnaya sitting off and the Yi remember it that's amazing clear interrupted growth there look how nice of rare minerals doesn't it you know that beautiful long lavender crystal early this is because about as big as it is as good as they got yeah I love this top of that instructor grants it's not as something like cavernous isn't it yeah with this all rind around it that's fight day is it right that is really spectacular and it sort of got that sort of yellowish lavender color changes of courses who change the orientation the crystal Pink's missing live from sumit Wow the size of that crystal that's huge translucency the pearly luster yes got everything except the size as massive thank you these are really flexible as well are they oh yeah they're very fabulous popular for the locality where that it's a really good piece again a lesson crystallography look at that I'll just come on Jen a mineral look at that car this is really pristine and if you hold it this way it's nice blue and then wow differential absorption due to crystallographic orientation and sometimes some of them ago didn't read down the C axis when you look this way but this one when we when I was at the Museum we had a smaller one of these and the people who didn't know much about mineralogy or gemology were amazed you can find a natural substance so they exchanged the colors yes I just couldn't believe it yeah it's so the subject to them yeah and you can actually you can see in it it's a slight ghost isn't there there's a sort of see that oh yeah ghosty there as well and some to get these inclusions these two black increases are quite quite common but that is showing a slight ghosting pattern as well that is brilliant thank you time and uh see something to son it's only a running back only a few months or I'm so happy to be here the quali we always have fun that we Wally thank you so much for have an interview today thank you had a few glasses of wine so it should be fun you always have great minerals great stories great wine and you have a great family of people who are around you watching this is show me something spectacular okay Wow they're a good combi so this is an appetite with side arrived from can ask where what's unusual about this well more unusual is the appetites are not purple in this case they agree they're associated with of course obviously but it is the cyber right crystals that make it really good combination it's quite unusual to have them all together isn't it fun yes and after the sharp side are crystals we had a relatively sharp and the it's a it's an unusual combination but you know this this Panna square of mine is famous for its apatite crystals for their world known as a work anymore this apana square of mine is it's still working fine so this is a recent special minutes no it's an old one an old one yeah but there I really love this sort of foamy sea green color really nice and as especially as a whole it's a really good cabinet piece and it's just a really unusual combination isn't it yes especially with this blocky spider rights yes that's the more rare crystal crystals on there yeah this is really kind of pick this one out this is this is really interesting this is from big rig now big rig was a mining area in the UK these really nice prisms is sometimes included with these sort manganese or iron oxides about five years ago China produce some really really similar but this is a very old very old English piece yeah yeah why do there's a way sir things but notes these are really rare to get them that quality in that thickness and this is actually got a termination on the incredibly good nature relation yeah I really like that that's really great then this one here this is a classic big way actually that's really good really this Christmas fun big original video yes so these are the buddies like the dog to spar because they got pointed scale in the Heatran says sometimes rounded off with a rhombohedral face highly collectible cause calcite is quite soft so to get them without any things or a problem this is really is really good and this came out of an old collection that of course yes well I really like that maybe we need to repatriate this back to the UK maybe sometime you know usually the Amazon Knights are parcels yeah okay yes this is this is a very unusual thing it costs it is not repaired nor restored no colour pressing inside so this is a fantastic specimen of a market file and smoking wholesome bike speed that's right yes and it is not glued there is no repair and no restoration nothing straight as it came out the ground yes and for that that's a really good color isn't it as well yes and I love the way the feldspars are almost aligned here in this little sheep flat pattern and the two really nice smoky quartz really define the locality and you see also the hematite inclusions inside inside the hammer inside smoky yes it's glistening yes you can't see that I didn't realize that yes Wow yeah very good one kind of really nice thank you Rehana platoon that is a standout pieces of it oh yes I agree this is a fantastic dwindle from pre well with a very nice twist now we've seen a few of these at the show they're very popular in Europe because it's a perfect alpine mineral as well isn't it yes but look at that they swindle again these open Grindle's calls all together in parallel growth with that twist on the surface and again this one is slightly smoked when you look at that is slightly smoky appearance slight look here you have a second one we said one an aside here yeah I was looking that thinking is it and it is a right angles you see the twist there and on top of that is shown up by this clue i invested course as well so it's a really nice combination but these are so collectible are they everyone loves everyone lucky but you know it's a Russian one it's a Russian one yes oh I realize that it's Russian Russian and this unusual yes this quality for Russian is this insane they're really specific yes yes I agree look here look at that that's a big one so this is Opel Australia these are actually found on the surface it's probably 120 years ago now when they were bleached in the sunshine would you believe and when you dug a bit lower you found these beautiful pristine opals in this Sudan wolf after mineral Aki and that's why you have these beautiful crystal forms they form these suitable for pineapples which are really famous on they get very collectible as well and in rare these days this one I'm not love this is really good because it's really good because it's still got the you can still see the opalescent color but yes when the Sun hits these things they since the crack and bleach and they go a bit white and a bit opaque but this one still retains that beautiful opalescent which of course from Pocky great mineral but this one's from Pakistan yes of course we are used to the big classic action ayats from all the was hands in France yes you know then of course the Russian material care along the maenge and acts and ice as well and you know then that these wonderful acts nights came out Pakistan and I think they're just as good as any other locality look at that these flattened brownish crystals on matrix this is really sculptural as well look at the backside the perfect answer nightfall that's a perfect excellent crystal that form a triclinic so it's got very strange morphology that means that order three crystallographic axes with different orientations and different lengths and so you get some none the crystals are not really symmetrical when you look and these in this case they're flattening so that's a really beautiful specimen gentle white on quartz Chinese Chinese yes one one one one that mind when the seawater bang bang line what's producing the strangest mineralogy ever no we wonder about what comes out our mind but there's fantastic so again till there is this mineral here that is this sort of a futile shaped crystals and then you get these prisoners of quartz now what I like about an it's it looks like the pause is that a Cathedral to the enter light isn't it it's sitting there beautifully it's such a sculptural specimen look at that setup in a dormitory slight it's like it's all everything points towards the center mineral which is what this meal is about and there's a beautiful piece look at so these are him with the hill first my in Freiburg yes so when you pick a native silver we always think of Kongsberg of course we think of Mexico but of course Germany produced some of the finest and it's almost like growth of hairs out of the matrix so look at a thick wire silvers their form these beautiful bundles of silver wires they're really collectible are they highly collectible there's a lot of there's a lot of what we'll say controversy about how they're formed you know how the silvers grow but obviously it I know that Terry Wallace who was a University of Arizona he did a lot of work on these and the the silver is the late state immunization grope out above a silver generals so it's really interesting the growth the growth history of these things yeah I just think as the mineral themselves there's some classic this is classic German mineralogy isn't it thank you super collectible and you haven't got one you got to look over the rest is very solid that is absolutely beautiful and also some of these wires showing a slight time machine you won't want to clean it really because they look artificial but then you look at the the black gives you just something and I think that's a tough that's a tough choice that's a tough choice do you need something for your museum oh thank you very much your donation is so cold but actually I I think that this is nicer I agree for me I think this is a this is a aesthetic yeah that's incredible this is incredible an aesthetic as well but this is this fits beautifully especially these coarse wires yeah you know you've really looking the top quality thank you what I find fascinating about coming to a booth like this is you think you've seen everything and you'll come back a few days later and you see something else you think how did I miss that well how I look at this like a starburst starburst or on matrix look at that it's not incredible is this reason there is an old piece Oh pl-please yes so course green course look at the way some bursting out from the center this spherical aggregates best of probably how we would describe it in a register in a museum spherical aggregate of pounds with a slight greenish tint on matrix these are relatively uncommon for this size the big one for size isn't it and the fact that you've got it on matrix Mangan manganese oxide making these awesome and I think too sometimes these in if they're taken off on there they come to tax relationships when you find them separate sort of so it's quite unusual to get in and actually sitting on on the original matrix but that is a beautiful beautiful specimen this is a brilliant specimen calcite Chinese but two stages of mineralization that's important calcite is highly collectible because even formed beautiful form beautiful crystals but this one you've got these long scalenohedral that coated with iron oxide or something and then there's a later stage mineralization of these flat squat rhombohedral crystals with a slight iron oxide staining on the top so you're not only getting beautiful calcite crystals but you'll gain the process of mineralization which I think from a scientific that's it so as you look about as deposit as well aesthetically that is amazing and I tell you now when we when we used to buy things from the museum it wasn't just about how beautiful the specimen was but it was about the scientific crystallization processes that it showed so you could tell the story to the general public to learn a bit about the geological background to these mines have knowledge of them I know I talk a lot but I think that is a really nice specimen Thank You Lewis it's oh look at that very sharp of shiny pristine all our hearts I resource Udo hexagonal crystals on matrix is on like Chuck para is an empire right from Russia yes and on the course this is really spectacular I love these because you know you look at these you you nature is an amazing thing you think how the hell did that grow in the ground we always ask her we we sort of know geology we know how things formed by the time the process the right elements come in to give this nickel is in the iron and nickel together sulfur producing these beautiful specimens and look at the way that cat just a lightly really really nice tabular tabular crystals okay Wally well it's been a pleasure Alan always a pleasure you show me some great school and their viewers and I look forward to enjoying and lava five glasses of wine yeah go ahead for drinking [Music] I see some beautiful things and it's no exception here we have the lovely Lois and there's a little piece of heaven in lies but a little piece of heaven in the beautiful British minerals that they have in Germany can you believe that beautiful beautiful place now look at this case and those kindly say that I take the keys open up pick anything you like so I'm going to first pick out the poor night this is a classic British mineral from Iligan in Cornwall people say to me I like that Roxton I do I've lovely fun but this is really peacock is a peacock always be a peacock or baby we gave this iridescent here that's probably on the chunk of pyrite though it's these lovely Tufts of the rounded walnut crystals all over the surface and that is a really nice piece I've seen a lot of English rocks yes it's a really really nice piece quality and actually getting that steely blue color from the crystals themselves but often they're coated with horrible other things and they get a bit messy well the wonderful part about this is when Wayne when we got the Philadelphia collection about ten years ago yeah we split it of course and Wayne took his part out in English minerals so that's where we got this amazing collection of English minerals and most of whom came from the filling collection really so these are these are classic British minerals old-timers obviously from the heyday of British mining probably about the ninety middle 19th century because the look about the rock and I can't believe the colour you cannot beat the colour of just super collectible and large crystals and there's my little tabular crystals there and even clear off and itís a funny mineral because it kind of burn this greenish crystals well you can see them here green for slight change in chemistry there's a lot of debate about why that was happening although Mike Ramsey from the Museum's analyzed a lot of these and these going to write something up on this but I'll look at that what that mine must look like that's a color and the nice zoning and of course we knew night if that nice bug you know they creates to crystallize and but it's a color colors they will call and the mine is a it's in the field nurse in the last little field a few humble seminary you wouldn't believe that these things came out and that fantastic mine yeah this is so exceptional and people come by and they're like oh my god of course I tell them the price and they fall down so then I can tell them and I can buy a little bit over their company one on the bottom just in case there ever it's not it's not so uncommon after all look at that it's and the mark of a good heart-shaped wing is is hardly any damage on the top surface they really easily get chips along the surface but look at that that is beautiful that's why we have tried not to drop it no biggie the scene you can see why look at the cleavage cleavage plane so all the way through this thing I love this little speckled manganese oxides alright first here's a real character that is huge and if you look really carefully can you see that the the thin film interference the slight iridescent coming from the high dispersion calcite itself size feel really really pretty and I've got to pick this up this is not British Shannon the Conchords a lot of the fluorite you see from Switzerland the shaman a Mont Blanc there there lots of sub translucent these are transparent and of course found as well they were a cat on the road through so this is sample on tunnel it is okay so people who don't know that was a big railway tunnel between Italy and Switzerland yes and as they drove through that tunnel where they were discovering the Alps of the actual structure of the out so I know of doing that and they kept hitting fault zones and lots of water Nia's a real pain to put tunnel through but with those four zones became a lots of mineralization and the clarity of the quartz on that is it is you can read right through it it's just beautiful and you know you might like to specimen up that way or let's make it into a steamboat that way looks nice like this it's nice like that it's all around but that caught my eye because it the pink color sauce sometimes disappear it's gonna see that it's just very strange when they get really translucent fluorite deceives the eye intensives color and that is really big that's really nice the kavadi hematite this show is producing a lot of Alpine well yes in this area there are some fabulous that is big it's big size is everything I've been told is because of that look at this a huge stacks plates is nice on that they very dimensionally we said that the backers market is looking at and there's a massive big rutile crystal in here as well as Latin rutile these are famous for their epitaxially grown rutile this one hasn't got sight there's a few here on the crystal services but that is a big okay well I've had my fill of British minerals and some beautiful Swiss and Alpine minerals so I say is thank you again what a pleasure I'll see you soon absolutely thank you hello everyone I'm here with Mustafa from fine art minerals he's a specialist in Pakistan and Afghanistan minerals and he's one of my best friends hey are you doing I know he's gonna show us something really fantastic and I'm sure what we got for us I'd like to start with Bruce I'd that I've been involved for the past two years very heavily that's why I'm blessed that I brought what are the best pieces and outside market in America in Europe Wow because of that I like to show another pocket that we opened the deep color that that is open recently and I want to show the best piece of that pocket okay Wow well it has this change color the color is incredible on that and they were matrix if you see the size of this it's just incredible and it probably might look a broken crystal but it's not really it has a perfectly crystallization yeah on the front and on the back and you can see the kumite matrix because basically Saku might mind that they're mine and find the group side right this is chromite and this is the largest perfect crystal of Bruce I they're almost like little flattens Pharaoh's of radiating crystals are they being joined together yeah and it's a much more orange color than the lemony yellows that came out a few years ago that's right yeah that is really great I'll tell you what I love also it's on matrix because as mineralogists we've had such thing had of this formula she says chromite yeah and I know Bruce I is a magnesium hydroxide yes hydrated yeah and also that brucite sometimes is a is a alteration product from altered sapanta nights yep and things so the chromite is altered yeah that's why it's grown in this rock yeah probably a part of an old ocean floor yeah would you believe but that it's a really brilliant specimen the color is incredible on that I mean it's fast we saw the lemon color but this is like deep deep yellow and you can see through in the light without the light and the luster I mean I think and it's coming out this Russian European mind is now yeah and now I'm not minding these ones and this is a recent production but only this mine is left the prism they're not producing as much as it used to do but you're happy that this mine is producing and you're trying to get hold of the best piece possible you're trying all the best of course share that particular piece is so Scott I don't know if we can just pan over the back over there but you see the cabin in there yeah how much material these are the pieces that have been selected from hundreds of pieces one to when to be yeah all the best of the best but the color is just incredible variety form and color the color on the matrix bubbly shape and then different sort of shapes just an incredible selection of the best blue side I believe in the world from this locality congratulations from mid Brooke knit Brooke Brooke which is famous for producing a great color aquamarines and when I saw like is because of the color is very intense and obviously the conclusions around always produce the produce list but when they produce they produce quality this is loose crystal but a magnificent color and termination and perfection on it and I you know all these small details sometimes a lot of people they don't realize but this little white albeit a little black show this is slowly shutting off to three colors always make the piece Lib X just adds to it this may answer the whole thing really beautiful power of Genesis but I'm looking at set the terminations perfect are these little beveled edges right and if someone a little they're quite frosty as when our name just adds even another thing to them mm-hmm and they're course in their very careful you see this or slight rain in there but it's really is clear course Mangano tantalize Allen you know a loose small bit of matrix I have a compact matrix specimen with this association I believe by being on the source for that long I haven't seen many pieces of this caliber and this is steady and this size this is from famous male in Nuristan Afghanistan a perfect crystal sitting right in the middle of Cleveland died with a perfect quartz crystal and if for some of these things you see you see this mineral yeah uses fragments yeah red fragments or no crystals exactly this is one of the best crystals are I mean you can have a seat can you get any better static than that it's sitting right in the middle of the white Cleveland I super shiny with a perfect force coming on the side and then the most important if I may put a light if Brian can possibly maybe bring that color here you can see the color is just stunning absolutely stunning and it's actually in alignment on that is two or three incident parallel crystals together in alignment and if you look carefully you can see our victorious luster yeah the great thing greasy looking loss to the crystals course got huge alright I find me again and you see that is stunningly good from here as well from there as well I hope Brian can get the care and the Jameson I'm sure yes and then also from the side there are some yeah there right color in there but it really nice on association first you get beautiful got frosty cause here people they don't take interest on things like that rare but you know as I like real things you know things like that is my I'm glad I'm glad you do because you know these things are really important yeah you know in the bar for the species exactly exactly know everybody would love to see but for some people that they want to love to see that Mangano tantalizer Edwin on matrix but this association is perfect the only piece I'm aware of is a 16 years ago have a word and that's sitting in the museum now Olivia yes from the same pocket this is the second best piece of that part this also pay to be a really good museum quality specimen yeah because it's not often he gets a mineral like this occurring in such large crystals exactly and in this association association is very special and it's got a good locality as well which is always important me very exactly where absolutely and the size of the man get it and let's just credit there's a lot of aquas in the market if you have all the collectors but there's something special on this piece which I feel is totally different okay perfect the beautiful spa coming out of the perfect crystal of aquamarine [Laughter] made in heaven I think so I always look for things which is different yes Nicholas collectors nowadays they want something either very rare yeah you find that or if it's a quest or Malini's and coincides they want something different they don't have and I believe this piece is totally different it's a super that'd be no twin size farm awesome perfect feldspar coming out of the perfect aquamarine you can and the way just a little friend at the side it's like a handmade you meet it so perfect you know put a felspar next to it but of course it's hundred percent natural that is really nice I mean what are the chances that you will get something like that you know again so perfect they've been your dream feldspar coming out of this again yeah yeah I mean for me it's very special I mean it's just a great example of a perfect association yeah these two minerals do go together but it's get them aesthetic like this yeah give the specimen yeah yeah a unique yes women yeah recently we hit a pocket of donut and aquamarine combined okay from chingus mine in northern area of Pakistan and I was so blessed to have some of the good pieces from that pocket some small words and I have put in the case there you can see perfectly done it's sitting on the nice blue color networker the Association I mean this is a game one of those things it's unique it's not something that everybody see often yeah you know so the pocket came and I bought few of the pieces and I am happy to show one very very interesting piece from the pocket Wow look at the size of those girlie if you are the garnet cluster is amazing yeah so basically the matrix is a red matrix with a blue aqua yeah and what is so special about this piece is obviously it has a gun a cluster mask white and I'll buy but the crazy thing what is about is if you see on the termination of the aquamarine there's a hole and then the garnet have gone through the hole is crystallizing the house lies in the hole and then you can see through the garnet inside just an amazing sure we can get that so yeah in the inclusion of Ghana inside the aquamarine through a sort of a very thick hole yep this nation is open hold open usually the hole is you know close but it's open well it's like somebody have made a hole in a garnet that sounds crazy it's just an amazing and a college degree we know that someone didn't make a whole sequence now the question is what's the hole there and then they've garnet fluids yep went in today and crystallized the diet earth the garnet yeah or did the Aquarian grow around there I want to mention which ever way around because there was a hole and it's open and open and maybe Ghana it's not entirely sealed so the fluids are coming in gone into that and crystallized the garnet and what is so special about this pocket that I like Alan is because it's the matrix is full of darkness so basically you have a red matrix you can say oh so red matrix with a blue aquamarine so contrast is just that you know like that is of mercy that I'm not sure we can capture right yeah is absolutely fascinating yeah now I am involved also two years ago bowtie epidote came from rosco mountains in Balochistan Pakistan weakest on and I'm in will heavily in the mind of that as you can see I have a lot of you know some bow ties on the matrix in cluster and I'm so glad that I had a killer piece on the pocket where I okay I'm so happy to show it to her so II yeah I mean what is so crazy about this is they're both avocados and they have grown elongated which is I've never seen something like that it is amazing and what is so special is there solutely perfect the matrix had the full of Bissell I'd and it's sitting on the base light matrix but what is so special is the cluster is grown and they have little green light and it's elongated and what is so like about is the ribbon of this crystal going around these two elongated crystals and it's in pristine condition that is incredible and you can see the epochs are absolutely beautiful and oh my the tiny little bow ties our night together I mean it's amazing like I said this is a game everybody have epidote in their collection everybody have seen episode but this is something again something unique something totally different yeah and there's no silences it forms the sculpture on I there really be the beginning when you see you won't say that is that b-dawg but hey I mean this is just an incredible specimen from top to bottom all the crystals in pristine condition and to even imagine to get it out of the mind yeah this condition yeah you know unbelievable you know this is just an amazing specimen if you turned a little bit around you in the front the back you can see the luster it's in absolutely particular there yeah look at that right now the greenish and everything on it all the way around I mean it's the best optical specimen I've ever specialized pakistan-afghanistan but I mean when you talk of the tourmaline is from Brazil oh yeah thing you see you say oh it's a coumarine but this is from a famous Brazilian bhajan I yes forever tourmaline Arriba tourmaline perfectly sitting on the quartz it's really rare to see these days usually crystal on that but you have this large crystal sitting on the course is just amazing beautiful pariba tourmaline original find I said oh yeah sometimes they have sort of purple cause this one is really clean yeah and that's really good to see crystals this we sometimes forget with gems gems exactly came from something something exactly you know a fragment because there and this is part because all we see the cut stones you know so expensive and everything else you have to see the rough when you seen the matrix I mean that's the only reason I went for this specimen because usually a lot of people they don't have a chance to super ie bone matrix right so you know that's and it kind of color yes it's in right colours coumarine isn't yeah yeah yeah remember you say it's a tourmaline very important to remember that it's a tourmaline yeah and this is a classic locality massive specimen Wow these you stepped outside your your your margin they're doing this one as long as the special things like that yeah poof's thank you for doing a great job you're doing fabulous always great to see you thank you for the opportunity right thank you for showing us annual viewers thank your expertise your passion and what you do and I will always bring new menu and better and better specimen thank you thank you okay hi everyone if we're here with Anton but so how are you doing hello nice to meet you again where we always see really intriguing and special stuff here so I suppose we're gonna go into your back room yes come on in first of all let me show you this single specimen from Nevada this comes from Round Mountain mine and I think for this locality it has particularly nice luster and sharp crystals look at these octahedral crystals everywhere around really rich for round mounds you're not nothing I've ever seen one like that from there yeah I switch and it's a real free surface you can turn it around and the backside is eschylus different many many years ago the red ledge - produces plates with slightly octahedral surface on this looks similar but obviously it's round Mountain but I love the structure you're right look absolutely gorgeous all right it's hot roof yes as multiple stages of growth yeah through this and your eyes all 360 see it's coming with some quartz crystals so this shows you that it really grew in an open pocket it's not broken out as some Englishness pieces this really grow in the open it's beautifully doesn't like a wise man to their Lord who's been painting in Munich sure we're gonna see quite a few Quinn dough's but that's the score ooh twist I think this is really outstanding because of this gorgeous twist you have to show it and rotate it to show this because from one view you won't catch this is a really strong Buddhist and actually you can see that rather than the crystals being totally stacked together they inter grown almost on assessor sheet this is a mix of cloth structures a closed Wingull here in the base you can see this contacted to each other and the identicals open in the top and then it closes again again yeah you probably see the trees really well if you hold it like this as well look at that yeah like a screw yeah and it goes Grindle let me tell you the locality this comes from kleiner shocked alright so is this Canton barren and Switzerland yeah look the thing that might throw people and me included might be determination because this is a result tonight yes yeah so tonight is the color changing chamber variety of tires for high school yeah she's remarkable and very well visible in this piece miss Scott this is actually called termination as well which really see those reversals farmer so Friedan's right right they have most of them have checked termination yeah but never like slightly this is not pink zoning it lets up yeah because some of the yellow light is coming through but let me show you oh wow so now you're getting that color that lilac color I mean hey look Lucas evolve how are you in the light yeah then it turns pink it turns totally pink look at that as you as you come down the C axis of that crystal it's kind of beautiful pinkish father yeah Wow terminated zone tonight like that yeah and the color for that viewers is quite distinctive for the species they're sort of champagne e golden colors quite unique let me show you in different light this is more white this is the white green comes down there yeah it's some effect like you know from Alex and right yeah that's right it's there the absorption differential absorption is revealing itself they're really neat and I even tried with UV light and you can shine in UV light this will turn red flourish in in another life can you get this red floor seats are armed with your lights and your knowledge it's actually pretty easy mineral to intensify yeah its color amazing is an amazing fiscal reach the biggest and sharpest one I have ever seen yeah there is nothing around yeah sorry icon stop looking at I love that yeah that's a really great piece thank you what else can I show you yeah I got the fantastic downer goes for right very typical colourless there are pet food almost totally clear well you will see some small flakes some inclusions but this is what they call the aquarium arising because of the clarity because of the structure this has wonderfully beveled edges every seat belt on these two cubes and I'd say what I love the way you can see the matrix by looking through these crystals are grown it's almost like there's so much tabular look at that it's quite a spirit mineral bookerson depending on how it's grown in the form it can look quite different look at colors okay down the course is famous for its this is again a 360 rock you can turn this in any direction and you will see this really the middle of the pocket it's all crystals all the way around ice cubes or matrix cubes or matrix I guess thick their own matrix and this is so outstanding because it's so freestanding you see I grew into the matrix every other of the eight corners of the floor is one is minerals that we've so used to figure out being colored in so many different colors and so to see a colorless fluorite is actually a bit of an unusual no absorption do you see this Center is the cause and color in floor right with some rare earths there's a lot of debate about color so this one have been useless cannot because there is no color this is peachy yeah it's a closed window on matrix with side crystals of regular style accompanied on the side yeah and even there is a little hematite flake here with oh yeah we have the locality this comes from karate George the famous like a locality England Switzerland yeah it's famous true same attire isn't it it's epitaxy very rarely some windows occurred at this locality and I'd see what this is some even closed this is totally closed look totally flawless totally change is so beautiful when he says she's so transparent yeah you can see when I call it rock crystal Canyon and if it was in olden times it for was my ice that frozen so hard they return to quartz yeah in this locality you make it a bit bigger from other localities but the karate never produced like a straight curve yeah you see the curve in this idea fantastic look at this color this is clear this is huge it has a fantastic sharp edges the smooth faces it's got a lovely termination and it's got these growth tubes all the way down it this makes it a nice window again to look into it yeah and let me show you there's another very special feature this even as the water purple in one of the two oh I see yeah it's moving here let's go this way back it's moving back so it's somewhere in this section natural spirit level look at the regards coming up here it's the first time I see this in an aquamarine is Deshaies trans fluid of crystallization in there really can you imagine how many millions of years this has been included and nothing came out right and let's say this is very big very healing fracture right the wafer yeah yeah where the crystals probably priced in both tectonic yeah yeah maybe to do an earthquake you know something like crystal broken on this side not totally and you can see it moved a little bit true yeah and it totally regrew it healed itself inside I'd say what I find the more you look at this the more you say you know now now the killer wood is beautiful inclusions feathers in here as rain there's fluid enclosures all the way through this yeah but this you're right is the color and even on that there's some extra prisms face is coming on in here so that's not really great brilliant yeah thank you always a pleasure coming to your room [Music] I'm here with Albert ruffs lovely to meet you it's very that's launching his new book now it's a very special book because it's about ice and I've had a sneak preview of this book and I've been amazed by some of the pictures that he's managed to capture and as a copy here yes it's beautifully put together this front cover is amazing yeah this is a very unusual ice stark mad which is backlit with a flashlight right and the reflection and refraction the reflection of the bedrock underneath creates the color because the ice itself is totally colorless yeah yeah and it's like like glass it's absolutely flawless but the bedrock underneath containing iron oxides makes this unbelievable almost amber like color machine right no ice is a naturally occurring mineral yes yeah and it's cubic and of course since in terms of snowflakes it can form a myriad of forms from the growth but here you're saying these are from the pouring of ice and water in the mine and look at the quality of these images so you go underground with your set up your cameras yes and you might have some hours the tonality of hours and then capturing these fantastic images among landscapes sometimes it takes a couple of hours just to produce one good image and this is incredible it is and there there is some similarity I think these structures are very analogical to other mineral species which edge the best example would be Halley other from valla doors but also stop us yeah kunzite quartz yeah all of these have similar I think similar processes exactly but just a highly different temperatures yes isn't the Assessor I think this is a wonderful addition and I've got a sneaky feeling that you might be one person to watch for the future because I've seen you taking photographs of the charity very amazing I really look forward to see what you come up with but I think I think there congratulations on the voice of a model people really thank you I think that ice is one of those under-appreciated minerals because you can't have ice in case very interactive yeah but still is one of the most amazing minerals in the world yeah whereas brilliant well thank you thank you very much Eliza's as well thank you pleasure okay hi everyone we're in Hall a5 this is a very important hall at the Munich show because it houses the Alpine mineralogy a special exhibition the Alps of course a major feature Europe and we get some fantastic specimens from Germany German out Austria Switzerland and France now of course one of the ways of getting those specimens is to collect them and I'm really pleased today we've got Patrick Wright who's a modern-day stralla that was a sort of a mountain guide really important in mineralogy and in Germany these guys got to the highest peaks they find some of the most wonderful specimens and they manage to Kleck them and get them back to the show for people to enjoy and wonder at the marvelous mineralogy of the app so Patrick nice to meet you in order for actually I've met many strollers but it's the first time I've met someone who's actually collected some of the major special engines through here sometimes you're lucky ya know it's there are only a handful of younger people like modern shraddha's you mentioned so yeah and so and so when you when you go out you you go up the mountains and some pretty dangerous places that right yes that's right most someone told me once no danger no crystal this was a fine French right it's right it's stupid but it's fine yeah so I think one of the best pieces here especially the best one maybe this is an absolutely amazing amortized it's nearly three thousand meters high your retail meters your danger of rockfall and your crevasses and the glaciers and that's so what we're looking at here is it is an interceptor I didn't spot that big in abyss is sepsis that is cool I'm gonna top the sets is amethyst which is no it's not very common no no this is an absolutely top piece yeah and this is especially for the telethon area mouth not in Austria yeah in Switzerland you don't have any acceptors in this quality of to say these are the best surface of the Alps for sure and this especially this piece is really great and as you spoke earlier we were talking just briefly off-camera the exhibition this time is really accessible because you can get right up to the cases and have a really good look rather than being far away discovery from the last year's not seriously so it's you can't say it's new and sticks like a knife and this block of matrix because we've seen quite a few of these around the show but the gue windows are the quintessential Alpine mineral yes rock course but it's a whole parallel grow for the crystals but they're aligned the slightly curved and I think if you come around this way you'll see that curvature and I like you I like your description we said it's like a knife yeah it's it's really twisted and especially the slim Greenwald's and this piece we choose cause it's perfect for the new kind of show we want to build here you can walk around ya from every direction it's perfect yes oh and I love you really kind of can understand why it's called window or course in German this name this is like twisted switch to translate windows twisted so well and I love the way the prison was look complementing it there's cause prisons on there as well and this window just sits right in the middle there that is a nice big it's biggest I've ever seen on matrix right yeah nice fantastic and again that would have been collected in the cavity far up earth many thousands of things it's just far up and this is a really really dangerous place if you work here every time you can die it's it's the truth when you are in the cavity you're safe and if you leave you're falling rocks you have a steep place here I have to climb and usually we go alone or maybe was one partner right and you can't make it really safe you climb and outlines to I like to climb on the high mountains but you don't ever have a fixed route with sports inside so and you stay in the nighttime as well and we stay there especially when we have a big cavity it was great pieces like this then we don't leave the spot even if it's snowing we stay there until the piece that is unique homage to Europe isn't it yeah Eccleston is a unique experience I think because in former times the farmers go up with the cows to the mountains and they really poor people and they started to collect crystals and so it's tradition well this is special it started 100 of years ago yeah I remember was I was a matter of an ATAR I think yes I mean she woke up the valley there the farmer's house is there's crystals out and you can put money in the boxes yeah yeah yeah is it if you walk you still find the spots Wow I see what we're gonna look at a amazing object now aren't we yes it sound that way to look at it yeah this is of course a fluorite crystal the red flu right highly prized but for its sheer size and the way it sits on matrix and it well eighteen point five centimeters on the edge this is point five on the edge that's every every year we come to the show and we see something that blows us away this is the thing that's blown me away this at this time I think this is the best piece we ever showed in the Alpine area here which I year by year to bring really really good pieces and real killers but this is when I saw the first time I you have to sit down I was ya know even if the floor it would be only this size it would be amazing but it's it's like my head so incredible and so this would again if you what's it like when you find these things I mean you your plates are so I never found a specimen like this yeah because this is unique but you have to sit down you need to relax feeling man then you have to think how can I get this out without damaging without breaking yeah and after you have to pack in your backpack and put your rope and rope down the wall what's this all the rocks are fooling and you're worried about saying you have to choose the right day with low temperatures no rock fall and then but I won't make a mistake I think this is a great segment because you know to see see specimens like this but see people are very clicks I think that is unique to the show and the Stralis are really modern adventurous you can say they live their whole summer they stay up in the mountains and everyone is dreaming of finding this one day this is when you when you're dreaming when you're sleeping in your chance your hope to find it the next next day or the next year Sir Patrick where was this piece from it was found in Switzerland at the gushin are the Gershon are the same thing it's the most I'm spot for pink floral but no one had would expect to find this one day and the realist we know some singer crystals which are really big from Xiamen iman law in France but to have it combined in this size with matrix with the color makes it unique unique especially from Switzerland but you can't compare with more law it's it's you can't in from there was nothing else right this is unique to localities made my first sword it is from Germany but it's definitely from Switzerland as this it makes it much more unique than he said why's that is it just experiencing is the only prayer I don't know I think mob law is even a little bit higher 1000 meters then Switzerland the more else you need to go over 4000 Wow a lot of ice and no rain of course only snow and no rain and the fluoride is very fragile and you don't like melting ice and Sun and ice and Sonia Gandhi rain so I think for the attitude it's it is a miracle that this piece isn't completely destroy it so nothing that's fascinating it's you know we see these specimens in showcases but many people will have no experience of what a large collection you do so even you mention in the weather the trapping of environment and the impacts of the minimality itself is just amazing so yeah that's really interesting well you know minimum this is so surprising we wouldn't I would never thought they would have found something like this but now it's found you may think what next I don't know what's gonna happen next maybe on a smoky quartz we shouldn't joke about well mate it's an absolute pleasure to meet you thank you very much relations on the exhibition of specimens and your expertise and the happy hunting thank you very much thank you hi everyone now we're in a very different parts of the Munich show and that is Hall b6 all be six houses the gem world pavilion and you'll see is a beautiful ambience very why it's very clean because in this hall are some of the highest and gem dealers found in Europe and throughout the world now of course in Germany Germany's famous for eat are over stein the gem cutting sent to the world so in here you have some of the best representatives from either like the hen brothers by poor wild but also you have these innovators that we have there Patrick Dreyer studio carvings we have big tattoos look off with he's beautiful innovations in cutting and what you want in somewhere like this is somewhere more of a more contemplative than the hustle and bustle of the mineral world so you see white carpets you see very simple cases where the gems and their color and their design stand out so people can look carefully what they're looking at they could try stuff on they can wonder at the marvelous innovation and the new styles that coming out through the world and I really do think that this sets a bar for gem displays throughout them the Gemological candor in terms of the showcasing the best of what there is on okay hello everyone I'm really pleased because one of the highlights for me Percy at this show is to meet great friends and great artists so again patchy Dreier around to see you again before you now last year in munich patrick had a book fantastic book of showcase some items but this year he has his own booth and when i say his own booth his own booth in the gem world - this is the highest end of the gem industry showcase I'm so pleased you have a booth yeah me too yeah and of course when you have a booth you have to showcase some major items and I'm really pleased to say that Patrick has his newest creation and that is this fantastic a chlorine frog or green barrel frog do you have let me take me out so you can keep it in your okay this is where we get slightly nervous because I know what work you wouldn't but look at that that's that I'm glad the sun's out actually but look at there we always said Patrick you're one of the best you are the best the workmanship that has gone into this now you told me was 280 our anchor and a tiara so a natural aquamarine crystal carefully study to find out what would make the best use of the shape to give the final vision and that was this frog but look at the quality 280 hours of lapidary work using what I've seen your workshop is quite simple tools to me used in an astonishing way to get this texture this frosting and actually the capture what the frog is doing in real life is that a fair assumption you tell me what you what was going through your head when you made this all static was for sure hind leg to work it through yeah all sides yeah and also that it helps the right dimension of select so it's not too long too short yeah and also when you're later polish it's in this corners behind it's very difficult to polish it and then it gets too hot it could easily break break yeah sure it was really a challenge for me to do it when that's always in the back of your mind you get you ever get nervous you're so professional will have your skills you can deal with it I try not to get nervous because if you get nervous that universe yeah oh you don't think about you only do it yeah you will need to focus and work really concentrated in the work yeah and of course it's not a simple process because I've seen your workshop and you have hundreds and hundreds of images the real-life animals so the proportions do exactly right because some of the some of the less professional artists they just make some it's all our proportion but it is perfect rule to life yeah certain laws we take care about the dimensions of the frog does it really a frog is not for example in elephant and that that's right yeah well I think it is astonishing very nice it's just pieces at me as I keeps the outside the skin so natural the natural the natural crystals you've got the edge figures yes they're really original figures yeah and also a lot the way you polished it just rounding edges just to enhance and lift some detail points yeah at some astonishing so let me let me give you that back carefully would just incredible so what for the future Japanese plans for the future yes at the moment together as a front of me yeah we created a head studio alright studio yeah and the main idea is that we work also together with cars from other countries so they can ask me about how can they do it better be supports and whispered a rough stone supports of espresso machines you know really helps them to raise up their knowledge about jumps of carving out puffiness fantastic so in ultimately there's an evolution so against producing you're supporting others yes in the passion of your work the main reason is I'm the last of my generation so it's nobody following in after five generations well I don't want that oh let us know which get lost right so I started now with this idea to have other people to raise up their knowledge well and so there's a reason why we create just a hatch to you well I'll see what I've been with species a lot and I know there's no better legacy than passing on your own legacy and I think that's that's really commendable and I really are that's why I think you're great thank you so well we look forward to seeing you evolution in the future I'm sure that will happen they - Sonia - so definitely I come visit there but always a pleasure Patrick and great to see you again edges like well thank you she's my friend Cheers okay hello everyone I'm really pleased we're a gem well - at the Music Mineral Show and I'm really happy to be seeing again Victor to scale off now as we all know Victor maybehe we everyone knows Victor because he is a supreme gem artists lapidary and cutter but he's gonna tell us a bit about his work and what he's doing here at gem world things are things are a lot each my project is special but this is something very special I tried to collect grains of wisdom scattered in the cultural heritage of the world right and express it in some composition and create precision design and patent so each stone is devoted to some culture this stone reflects some symbols of Japanese culture race-off Rising Sun on Pavilion and flower Sakura in the center some means life power or wellness prosperity you and Sakura flower of Sakura symbolizes beauty so power should be spiritual eyes with beauty it's very interesting for me because you've taken a concept you take me in motion as well and you taking the light beer and you try to capture it inside the cutting of the gem itself but I know you spent countless hours thinking about what you doing but also the process of cutting because you're cutting style and technique is so diligent and perfect that the stones himself are extraordinary in terms the way they interact with the color the quality of the polish which must take a long time to do which which gives a different life to what may seem quite a routine gemstones like this is a kunzite because that right it's a kunzite you don't really see kunzite of that luster luster and brilliance because you spend so much time and with the story involved on top of that it was very innovative and it takes it to a different level and that's what you're trying to accomplish yes for me an art should some message write some idea yeah this is the main difference between craft and art right if you see some masterpiece and if you want to buy it it is craft yeah but if you see some masterpiece and you wish to create something by yourself this is a lot announced yeah and the other thing also is I noticed that you also cut synthetics so sometimes the value of the material is not as meaningful as the eminent emotional products introduced and the idea exactly and I think that's a really interesting concept in gemology these days because sometimes we caught up too much negative value from my perspective but when I see this I get it I can see that I've never seen these kind of cuts up I wonder how you do it I wonder what's caring for your mind and I wonder the vision where you're coming from and that is why you are innovative and where you are where you are for real art no matter which instrument you use you can use guitar and microphone you can use paints and canvas you can make you can use gemstones yeah if you have something to bring to the people yeah if you want if you have something to say people if you have something in your heart you know you can use any material yeah well I think I think bits in the future we're gonna see as we have now some incredible stuff coming over your skills in your mind and we really look fool to that history we're sure I'm sure absolute pleasure to see you again thank you thank you so much it's honor for me believers here thank you okay well what I love about the Munich show is you walk around and you bump into people you've saw like two weeks ago some slow please to see Jennifer Puthoff she's a fantastic designer and hello you good get too thick and tell us why are you here Munich so I I mean I'm morning I was born in Germany right and it's good to see people from all of the world come to Munich for the show to exceed beautiful themselves specimen minerals and yeah also hosts a port for the GRA alumni like they all right okay that's a big get-together yeah the GI started exhibiting in Munich for the first of like last year and it's good the GRA and Germany and so we started doing so you're the president of the GI alumni chapter yes I started so I was trained in the u.s. at the CIA headquarters in Carlsbad as well as New York right and when I moved back to Germany I started the job at GI ALM that chapter Wow and is it your first time at the show no it's not my first time all right I've been coming for the last year's so what do you think of it do you go around and buy and looking for it get inspiration ideas and meet people yes definitely it's great as he's like said it's great to meet people it's great for networking also sourcing gemstones at manorath sure yes I think that show that the Munich show is not about just the public becoming builders of professionals and designers we come in to get inspiration or get their ideas out there and also incorporate stuff into their new designs that we might see around the shows for years to come I know this one is really going to go a long way these beautiful earrings is lovely coral earrings yeah really nice but anyway Jennifer's place no doubt we see each other soon finds button well hi everyone we're now in a different part of the Munich show we're in a four which is the fossil world and would you believe it as I'm walking around I haven't bump into one of my great friends and former colleagues as Tim Ewing senior curator of invertebrate at a British Museum and of course you're going to find him in this uniform so Tim it's good to see you here this is one of the best shows in Europe for fossils so there's a great variety of specimens for us to come and look at we were looking for particularly scientifically important things things that needs science may be right or things that I'll just preserve better than anywhere else in the world and and you actually do find that mature here yeah yeah we do yeah it's a high speed quite I've got a look quite hard you've got to talk to the right people but yeah there is a fantastic variety of material I remember seals you know you made a great purchase here didn't you yeah yeah yeah really nice big starfish starfish that's right yes and there were some new species that even new species to science on that from - oh yeah yeah well actually that papers just about to be published in the next year or so and yeah three new species one was particularly important as it showed some very interesting combination of characters which were linking to different families of together evolutionary significance as well as it just being more diversity from the fossil records yeah part of what Tim told us earlier about hunting for the - is a very important part of coming to the show so Tim has brought me over to Sylvester am Paolo a Battaglia trilobite design Italia he's had a lot of food in he's found an amazing objects of Tim what did you find I found this absolutely gorgeous goji if fossils say wow these are incredibly old they're from the middle Cambrian and they look a little bit like rhino and so they had like this little body with a little stalk which attached onto the ground and then they fed with these arms here well so the reason why this one so special is it's a species that's only just being described as we speak but really is the level of preservation and also just the number of specimens on one block also it sort of encapsulates why Munich's such a sort of great show because it's sort of new science it's beautiful as a display display and this is pre position Precambrian closure yeah middle Cambrian so how old is that in some millions a year that's going to be about 520 million years old so this is from you South End shale this is quite well known localities are 500 million year old seafloor yeah that's right yeah these little sort of weird scrawny little crying I would like creatures we're living on the seafloor then really actually no but I think every child loves fossils yeah and we do look around here is no two children at the show looking at stuff and that's where you probably started off and for me it was just yeah they're just amazing how animals and plants that were sort of so movable but could be turned to stone and there that they were so different through time that there's nothing really like this alive today yeah and these guys died out towards the end of the the Cambrian and they were replaced by things which look very similar to them but actually constructing a completely different way for this it's that change which is what continues to drive my interest in ecology yeah and then finding out how it changed and why it changed and what the implications are for those changes well that's brilliant yeah thank you anyone out there wants that they need some money too I'll be more than appreciated but it's actually a museum piece isn't it really it's museum quality I mean just the quality of preservation and the quality of preparation so we see so much of the plates particularly parts of the oral surface yeah which are very rarely preserved in other examples of this Wow is what makes this one desirable well you sold it to me anyway so really amazing thank you have a such scrap material thank you so I think the takeaway from this is this show obviously caters for the public they come the city's fantastic objects like this Terrace or behind us look at the size of this thing but also there's a lot of material here this new to science to be discovered by leading researchers in their field it's coming purchases to museums publish it and increase the scientific knowledge base of paleontology as a whole would you agree with that yeah ok we're at the entrance of the Munich Show with the living unique exhibition now this is a new innovative concept the Munich show always trying to push the envelope and doing something new and what this exhibition is about is well how what you can see and buy in the show can relate to your own living environments but of course we're here today with Hendrik and his wife who put this concept together who's going to tell us a bit about this lovely to meet you nice to meet you and to meet you so with the living room and we see very individual creations of artists it's a collection of I love these malachite columns here so very opulent as you're walking yeah so we reduced the seats to just pieces of wood because we want to show the installations we want to show oh this is a nice piece I can live with that piece in my house yeah yeah sure so it's amazing how Natural History objects can be turned into their own artwork and essentially as well and each piece is unique yeah that's right and people in my people might not have an idea of that when they come to the show but when they see in context and I think well you can put it on the wall you can see make it into a piece of art or a painting that's really that's really that's really good we come back to the office which is full with books you can buy here at the show the show right but we have lots of bookends well and you can also buy them here we have somebody who takes care of visual effects with a kaleidoscope oh yes our so our Seabourn is earlier since the kaleidoscope it's lots of this case it's lots of Ruby inclined as ours ayat from yeah from Tanzania on a rotating disc that's been used inside this kaleidoscopic arranging another direction wow that's a nice really nice piece of equipment that's a very innovative I think so with petrified wood behind the table could be enamel eyes from Canada we have a part a little garden installed with the seeds which is printed in concrete concrete say yeah yes I would and the last sculpture Oh could be in the garden yeah your god maybe we have a kitchen you can live with wood but also with the stones we have we say you fasciae the boots infused can produce your own healthy water with that so all the things you see here you can buy at the show is our aim to give people an idea oh it's not a mass article it's a piece for mine that you could use yourself for the yeah means something to you as well personally as well exactly yeah absolutely fantastic and it's quite extensive it's quite it's quite a big area isn't it and I think it's really nice because you the Munich Show does have a lot of people come through and so it's really good that this is the first thing they see and so it's a really nice introduction to what they're gonna see later in the five forms of the show itself and that we say it's the kind of analog catalog very clear very clear people can see the pieces they can touch it they can see them separately to the other masses of stones yeah so everybody has a little idea oh this would be nice I love this area these are just fantastic right we see the right color sure but these are these are seen everywhere you know uh exacting upon one of these from my house because I think it's such a beautiful object one piece into pops and the oyster is also can be used as the saying goes to the next place very interesting room the sleeping room the petrol the petrol also here you see some elements this is a cup of wall we have very important things beside the bed we have in debate this and it's a very cool and quiet place everybody wants to sleep there especially quite fascinating the many shows put this together and being quite innovative in a way because I know that when people come to the show they might not know what they're looking at but here they can put it in relation to what they see out there and then take it home with them and in the consular lives what to do with the weekend so they come for the show special exhibitions they come here and suddenly they get an idea of we find stones rocks and art and combinations and oh this is something for me this is what we want to try to do with that special occasion no really it's been really enlightening so thank you so much thank you we see several soon yeah pleasure pleasure pleasure one of the features of the Munich show is the special exhibitions that they run and this year is no exception because they have an exhibition called the treasures of the whittles bank which was about really the royal family Bavaria they're exceedingly important and they're highly accessible royal family even today they're modern they're forward-looking and in this instance that Munich show has managed a loan from many museums many items of jewelry including tiaras brooches medals and even the dresses that they wore now the feature this is cause King lived with the second and also Empress of Austria Elizabeth from otherwise known as is her dress and I think what's wonderful is that when you look around the show you're not only looking at some of the treasures but you're seeing the evolution of jewelry because of the long history now I know that for I come from England and the crown jewels were melted down during the Cromwellian Area era but when you look at these crowns here you're seeing crowns that go back to medieval the Middle Ages so you're seeing that the evolution of jewelry in terms of the style of cuts so when I look at some of these items here I'm seeing jewels that came from Sri Lanka the very earliest part of cutting that these jewels into a modern jewelry that we know today and the history reflected in the show is absolutely amazing and you can tell by the number of people here one of the is his past to show just how popular this exhibition is so it just shows you how embedded of course being in Bavaria the Munich show is into the culture of Germany itself sad to say congratulations bismuth one the lace machine okay we're back in fall v6 in the gem world pavilion now this is the most exciting part I think that this what's hot in Munich because as three look around we system fantastic designs and this is young designers corner it's not the corner now it's a whole raft of people designing jewelry youngsters that come into the into the industry showing their fantastic designs and I'm really pleased to say that we that we with the Sonja pepper at the brunette sorry who's the winner for this year's young design with this fantastic wearable piece of art so lovely to meet you how are you and congratulations thank you so much so tell us about your piece my pizza is about my work my concept is about movement movement I materialize the lines that the body in motion is drawing in the space right so I use photography and life drawings yeah to start my research right and then I went to the material in this case I can show you looks very fragile but in this case I use gold so this is gold and it's actually a pin Pro chair it's been broke so you would wear it here like this yeah experience right and the one thing about jury obviously we we see lots of jewelry in cases that jewelry is meant to be worn I meant to move and sparkle and you know that's what this is all about amazing the jewelry has this attachment with the bodies we are very important and how long did it take you to make that piece do you think Wow well there's no of course development of course everything but maybe I don't know they it was the fragility and yeah I wish it with you really excited but must be really nerve-wracking when you heard that you've won yeah yeah a bit unexpected really yes very exciting isn't it yeah it's so funny cuz we come up here a few years now and we see a lot of previous winners and they've become sort of friends of ours that's really good to see how you will evolve in the future and what the other designs for this is a great launch pad do you think there's no your work yeah I mean for me it's like I was working like a jewelry in Spain for seven ten years okay but I decided to come to Germany to study artistic jewelry so this is my starting point with this kind of Wow so let's see what's on your congratulations thank you thank you for showing us your pieces real pleasure and I think the one takeaway thing is the Munich show it does support the German industry it's very important partner Munich show mr. showcase young designers showcase new work and build the leaders and industry the industry figures of the future so well done congratulations thank you well hello everyone that's going to be our show for this year what's height in Munich 2018 I think what we've seen this year is a huge show as ever it is one of the biggest shows in the world for jeomsun winners obviously and fossils what we've seen today in the last few days but I think importantly the education the outreach the number of people who come through the door over 40,000 people come through to see the show and the weekend and then I think just see getting bigger and bigger because the people here drive it the passion the wonderful specimens we see and the takeaways that you take about how you can use earth sciences and all that encompasses your own home in your own hobby in your own work so we look forward to next year and our we should say congratulations to the earth the organizers of the show is put on a fantastic spectacle as ever [Music] we're now at the final of the show well hell we've seen so many people some of the dealers so many excited passionate feel is Impala k-- and hell where we go fantastic show this evolved so much but it's now the probably one of the godfathers of overthinking ills hello again [Laughter] [Music] three times you remember the name always look stuff up Mustafa Mustafa Mustafa Mustafa Mustafa Mustafa Mustafa that's the cream record to serve on cigarette right so Bryan so you can see the range of material and how many cases there are [Music] yeah so we may have to have a bit of an editor 225 so I get time to go around and open the otter cases with the magic key that goes I'm just gonna say it's like it's just like a museum you get keys this one doesn't work well good morning everyone we're here with because I love his face okay [Laughter] of what Tim told us about discovery of material in the show is here it's gonna be one of those days Donna is installing [Laughter] Xzibit I'm really pleased to say we've got privileged access in the museum quality this is hole a six of the Munich minute so all around the outskirts are people are selling minerals as fine minerals that route five or six holes and minerals gems retry souls and this is [Laughter] simple materials yeah topaz God's cool side really show a Marcus is one of them and he's gonna pass a lot of money laser for that I'll do I'm so happy to be here today this offense I have on I'm so happy to be we always have fun that we Wally thank you so much for have an interview today thank you how to use glasses of wine so should be fun but by the way party because he want to advertise this I think it's really useful to do that so we put this back you can innovate if you cut the edge you might but we see how we go so you always have so what can you show us what's quite amusing this year I know him so well wastes is a moist specimen [Music] you
Channel: bluecapproductions
Views: 29,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mineral, collecting, quartz, fluorite, calcite
Id: 04vWQv0WV60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 53sec (9713 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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