What's Faster?? Ken Block's Cossie V2 vs Brand New Ford Fiesta R5

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back-to-back I'm in Ireland today we're on an amazing test road and we're doing something a little different what are we here for Ken today's episode is about a back to back test between my Escort RS Kazi that we're getting ready for the dhamma gala rally and this amazing brand new Ford Fiesta r5 from M Sport [Music] you have a very beautiful test road over here in the hills outside of Donegal it's about 4 K long it's a turnaround type stage so we are going to put both these cars on that stage flat out and see a comparison back to back of how just how quick they are and how quick they are against each other so obviously we have the Ford Escort Kazi here that we've done I don't know seven eight stages of town on gravel and now we're here for this tarmac rally here in Ireland yeah we have about a hundred miles on it so far from the two gravel rally's that we've done in America and New Zealand this is the first time having it on tarmac hundred miles is nothing because this car M Sport has already put about four thousand miles on of testing to get it ready for sale to everyone around the world that wants to buy it to race so you can race this car in national championships this is a great car to go from racing to we'll drive classes to then jump up to the top level of national championship racing but also you can race in the WRC too which is the step just below the top level in the World Rally Championship so amazing car that M Sport has built and we get to play with it today so for those of you that don't know what M Sport is mschwartz been building the WRC cars under the Ford name for decades so that it's owned by malcolm wilson over in england they are based up in the north and Cumbria I worked with them for many years that's who I raced the WRC with and they built the Ford Focus RS rx that I raced in the world rallycross championship so we get two back-to-back this 25 year old WRC car Ford Escort Kazi modernised a bit but still 25 year old engine versus brand new Fiesta our 5w our c2 car this is gonna be awesome sports star 5 takes her puzzle kid what do you think this thing will do timewise to be between 0.7 faster than the call cb2 let's see what happens there's a fuss barrel roll so there isn't much to make time but this car braking is incredible handling obviously quite modern you know especially compared to the cozy I'm looking forward to trying out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so kid Alex have just finished their session in the Ford Fiesta m-sport r5 I drove it a little bit yesterday to get familiar with it but today much quicker a change in direction is so quick so much quicker than my escort so definitely taking me a bit to get used to but the the braking is you can feel that there's a the hold the whole chassis everything is working so much better under braking an initial turnin it took me a bit to just get used to like how quick I can change direction with it it's a very very sensitive Alex initial reactions now if you're taking a few runs in this car yeah it's a very smooth and very fast car it's quite impressive with the chassis technology and it's just so we're old you know gearbox engine is a fantastic package and makes you realise how great this package is for National Championship events you know and gentleman drivers you know up-and-coming drivers that want to step up from the Fiesta r2 in today's obviously the escort is much older you get in this thing that much more spacious all new stuff and you can just hear the drivetrain everything is all put together and you know in a very very modern and beautiful way and you just hear it like the sound inside is totally different makes the escort feel a bit agricultural like a piece of farm equipment it's quite good but this just is it's so nice and size the escort not to say that it's older it is it's all there it sounds a little older it's got more of that 90s or that throaty torquey sound compared to this car which is you when you get off gas especially in our five it's insane the antilog and the sounds it makes a lot more high pitch yeah and definitely I mean you're comparing a 1.6 litre engine to a 2 liter engine so just the engine sound and a torque that they build and that and the deepness of the growl compared to a higher pitch sound from this engine it's totally different and they drive totally different - all right well it's it's still raining conditions will be pretty consistent you gonna go take a grip in the escort now really comparing stage times and conditions to this brand-new r5 Ford Fiesta with me here I have rich hi rich and Bernardo so so Rich's team principal for m-sport World Rally Team and Bernardo is chief engineer for the r5 project the car just behind us here what makes this car different from a full-on WRC car a five category was designed by the FIA about five years ago it's become really popular now and the idea was to build a rally car that was a stepping stone into the World Championship and national rallies around the world so this r5 is effectively based on a production car but then modified into the rally car we have behind us and it's the it's the top-level car and a lot of championships and it's a really affordable and controlled way to get into rallying because the FIA control the costs they cost cap a lot the part so you can't spend hundreds of thousands of pounds like we're doing a world rally car and that makes it a lot easier to plan your budgets and work at ways of competing at rallies all around the world yeah so as an example at least for us stateside in America we've certainly got a few our five s competing at snow a top level car for a national championship like we have in America no WRC cars over there for the hearts of our five the other point of our five was to have this car consistent around the world so if you wanted to show yourself in one or two different championships you would only have to do the skill of you as a driver not necessarily the car because you could jump the same car all over the world and some recognized for so that's been another great thing and I think there's around 800 our five cars competing from different manufacturers all over the world and our car has just been released now and hopefully we'll sell good number of cars to a lot of our customers and try to be our record of two hundred eighty five of the old car 285 that's incredible so this is a second-generation this is a this is a new body style Ford Fiesta which we actually don't see in America so this is a European car and you guys sold two hundred and eighty five of the old style car in that car would look very similar to like the RX 43 they even ken has I mean it was a little different but it would have been that similar body style exactly so with technical regs of our five we had to have quite the freedom we're after the WRC car but you'll see features on this and you'll see on the world riding car and they're brought down to this car for a reason because they work quite well on the World Rally Car but we just have to modify slightly to fit within the technical regulations and obviously the costs so we run a car you can have exotic materials which you can't have in our five and again it's all cost driven so you have to control it a little bit and speaking a cost if I was to just get this car without any options where is that pricing start at so you're looking around a hundred and ninety thousand pounds probably for a car like this built ready to go and then you would have your spares and things on top of that it's sounds expensive but it's a very affordable price for the car we're talking about to operate in and compete in the top level temperatures around the world where as you go WRC you're probably looking around four or five times it's more expensive so you can see their cost savings you got straightaway you know it's a bit different looking than the WRC car right but I mean for a lot of people they don't really know the difference it's still fast it looks like you thing so I think you can you can really do some great times in here and like we've said you know a lot of these concepts and technical things inside the car based on the world rabbika it allows you to race on all the championships or all the different surfaces and it's really a competitive package that looks good looks cool looks like a proper rally car and that's what people want to see and really enjoy themselves even though it isn't that top level a rally car you know in the last WRC event are five stars and some stages were less than a second a kilometer slower which just shows how fastest car really really is and how in some ways the world rally car is obviously a step on but it can be quite small steps so the r5 is fantastic a new round Malecha so for anybody interested r2 is really the entry level to will drive a front-wheel drive car r5 sort of mid-level and then eventually fall on whc car be top level exactly and you know WRC car is available for for private customers to use around the world but there's not so many championships allow you to use it and also it's you know it's it's the top top level it's like running a Formula One car almost so you have to find some intermediate ground where they are v is the best and it's the next stepping-stone on this ladder of from r2 up to our five and then eventually the small number of people that go to compete in WRC nearly always come from r5 so this is a category where you really need to prove yourself and if you can do it there then you've got a good career ahead of you as a rally driver [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so driving is complete for today I was a gentleman amazing pretty incredible to have a day like today beautiful Irish Road intermittent weather and have two cars like this to be like back-to-back try flat out on a road like this and be able to really compare 90s WRC car versus current second here WRC level for Fiesta r5 so Alex don't what did the times that time boss this time for the cozy b2 is 159 4 so that's a minute 59 for going out going in oh yeah and 155 for for the Fiat star 5 which puts a second per kilometer faster than the escort cosworth so four seconds one outfit on that short stage four kilometers so second per kilometer difference between the Kazi and this car this car being faster and same coming back out roughly roughly the same and also about 7 kilometers per hour difference on the top speed on the longest straight most car 7 kilometers faster yes what was the top speed for this card is 186 186 and ours was 179 kph okay and when you say talk to me that's the top of six gear in both cars rev limiter yeah that's moving here for this one 50s Aria and six gear for the cozy [Music] [Applause] [Music] well thank you rich thank you very much thank you tell Malcolm thank you yes very nice let me borrow this for a couple hours but it really proves modern equipment how much quicker can be and that's what's really doing a little bit of time in it I obviously have more time in the Kazi so I'm a little more familiar with it but jumping in this car you definitely felt how twitchy was how capable it was a second pre-k is a pretty good amount that car is pretty well sorted but so much more testing in this car but I I wasn't actually able to drive it at its limits and this is someone else's very nice car if so you know but I think we were able to compare them pretty well on similar conditions same stage I think enjoy the second perk a is pretty accurate and also knowing that the top speed was totally different because my foot to the floor in the straightaways you know the same it was a really good back-to-back experiment so thank you very much I think shows the off line this is a great car for people to jump in and have a go at I think that's what champ should need some ways to to allow people to experience and get used to running these type of car straightaway ways your carries a lot more the best way to put it a lot more work a lot harder find parts these are parts that you know a national-level driver or someone racing in WRC 2 obviously will get two parts from M Sport quite easily so the package this is quite good and quite easy to maintain and run throughout a year so yeah great work that was a lot of fun I just glad it's faster I jumped in it was very simple you know bernardo helped me learn a few little things I needed ow I made it like one or two little mistakes on the launch and he told me what to do right boom gone and it was easy to get in and learn very quickly the capabilities of this car is very hard but it's easy to get in and go quick now I just got to let them let me borrow it for a round next year I'll have to steal again well c'mon see it missing [Music]
Channel: Ken Block
Views: 553,392
Rating: 4.9117374 out of 5
Keywords: Ken Block, Ken Block Gymkhana, Ken Block Cossie, Cossie World Tour, Ford Escort Cosworth, Ford Rally, Ford World Rally, Ken Block Ford Escort, Block Escort Cossie, Cosworth, Rally, Ken Block Rally, Cossie V2, Ford Escort mk2, Ford Escort Mark II, MK2 Escort, Donegal Rally, Donegal 2019, Manus Kelly, Manus Kelly Rally, Irish Rally, Ireland Rally, Tarmac Rally, Fiesta R5, Ford Fiesta R5, Ford Fiesta WRC, Ford Fiesta Comparison
Id: FW0XqcQPbxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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