What you need to know about directed-energy attacks

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since 2017 politico has been following a trend of reports related to potential directed energy attacks where mysterious and serious illnesses have impacted us government agency officials spies and diplomats 26-year cia veteran mark polymeropoulos is one of those injured as opposed to you know being in a war zone and getting shot at a rocketed this was something where i felt like i lost control of my my body they described it as waves of pressure inside their heads they heard sounds resembling a swarm of insects for example we're beyond the point of saying that you know everyone's making this up or everyone's kind of psychosomatic this is a critical foreign policy issue and so the united states government has to get it right here's what we know we started paying attention to it in cuba in 2016. a mystery attack on american diplomats and their families in cuba unexplained illnesses including head injuries what's come to be known as havana syndrome force the u.s to bring home diplomatic staff cuba has denied any involvement in the incident some scientists have linked these incidents with the effects of what they call directed pulse radio frequency energy which is is complex it's but it's basically just a focused beam of electromagnetic or microwave radiation that can be dialed up or dial down depending in december of 2017 i made a trip to moscow and i woke up in the middle of the night i had a stream case of vertigo the room was spinning i couldn't stand i was physically sick i had tinnitus which is ringing in my ears splitting headache i started this with essentially it was a three-year medical journey i lost the ability to drive i lost my long-distance vision um i had brain fog the new york times reported that the number of american personnel who have fallen ill under these mystifying circumstances is much higher possibly more than 130 cases in 2020 the national security council started looking into these potential attacks they have yet to reveal just how widespread the investigation is what more can be done to declassify some of that information share it with members of congress in a way that allows us to better respond you know our concern obviously with the classification is because we believe that either it's protecting sources and methods and it's critical to our national security and we'll have to figure that out with you in general people don't accidentally get zapped by high energy electromagnetic radiation it's not officially clear that these are coming from a foreign actor or a device a weapon of any type however that being said there are many people in the administration and who have worked on these cases that believe that it could be a device that is as big as fitting into a vehicle or uh small enough to be carried in a backpack one theory is that whoever is behind the attacks is targeting information or a cell phone rather than trying to do harm to a person officials believe that the russian spy unit the gru may be behind this the other possibilities are china potentially israel also has this type of technology but russia is the only one that we know has a footprint in all of the locations where these incidents have happened the president i don't believe has addressed these potential attacks or incidents but they have made it more of a priority it was becoming increasingly frustrating as well because frankly the office of medical services didn't believe me we're getting past that you know a bit when you see kind of bipartisan senators uh and representatives when you see you know u.s military officials as well as senior cia officials and in the national security council as well all characterize these as attacks i will make it an extraordinarily high priority to get to the bottom of who's responsible for the attacks one of the big things that the administration and congress is looking into is how to ensure that victims get access to the care that they need for example access to the brain unit at walter reed walter reed gave me two things and you know i get emotional talking about it but it's it's tools um which are ways that i can cope and it also gave me hope because they actually diagnosed me with it with the tbi it's already been what five years since the havana attacks happened so i don't really think that they've made a lot of progress in actually tracking down what is causing this so imagine if our officers were being targeted by al qaeda or hezbollah so you'd put a tremendous amount of resources to you know ultimately to detect deter um and disrupt attacks and i think that's the same mentality that we need now and i think that that's where the us government has to go on this because again these are individuals being affected at our at our embassies and facilities overseas and they can't do our job if they are being attacked [Music] you
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Keywords: politics, politico, news, capitol hill, congress, directed energy attacks, havana syndrome, havana cuba, russia, CIA, Marc Polymeropoulos, directed pulse radio frequency energy, what are directed energy attacks, national security council, russian spy unit GRU, walter reed brain unit, traumatic brain injuries, what is the greatest national security threat, tinnitus, radiation, marco rubio, susan collins, bill burns, avril haines, HAVANA act, unexplained health incidents, trump
Id: uSkY2Ue3w88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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