What You Need To Know About Cuyahoga Valley National Park

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we've heard a lot about this National Park we're in the area now we finally got a chance to come visit kayoga National Park we're coming for you no we've got our whole lives no ending this Insight Dar than all I want to do is be with you tonight yeah yeah be with you tonight we are staying at the pieron cam Brown and Madina Madina is about 50 Mi Southwest of Cleveland Ohio great little Campground and really great for us because we're going to see kyoga national park today we've actually heard a lot about kyoga National Park supposed to be really really pretty National Park we're finally get a chance to see it we're kind of excited I think this Park's going to be a little bit different from some of the others we've been to it seems like it driving through the park you're kind of going through some Town small towns and things like that maybe some old old buildings now so it's I think it's going to be slightly different than what we're used to so we're really excited to check it out they're supposed to have some really nice waterfalls and some hiking as well so hopefully we can check out some waterfalls today and maybe get in a couple of hikes bro's excited we made it to Brandy Wine Falls something we've already noticed we've read about this too is we it's 9:30 in the morning and the parking lot is pretty much almost full so a little bit of advice get here early apparently all during the day from about 10: to 4 it's it's pretty well packed the other thing I want to mention is if I look like a ghost Dana put way too much sunscreen on me today I did I admit it it's not makeup way too many mo surgeries for you we don't need anymore but we're going to go check out Brandy Wine Falls it was a little bit different getting here we did go through some residential area so it's kind of a little strange I thought for a national park but we're going to go check out the Falls they have nice little about a mile and a half hike we're going to do a little Boardwalk hike so we'll check that out and have rodeo with us and check out the Falls we're on the boardwalk Trail going to Brandy Wine Falls we did talk to a couple Park Rangers here already and actually found out a couple neat things now pretty much every National Park we've been to requires an entrance fee pretty standard for any national park U either that or even some national parks um kind of like this one they would require you to either pay at a visitor center and display a tag on your windshield or hang it from your review mirror if you have like a national park pass or something like that this one I don't don't require anything at all so you can literally go to any of the places inside the park you don't have to worry about paying or displaying any kind of a a fee so kind of interesting kind of nice honey your face is kind of white I told you way too much [Music] sunscreen all right we made it down to Brandy Wine Falls they do have a couple different places to view the falls from we're at the lower section at the bottom of the falls we're going to head up to the top of the falls as well and check it out the boardwalks are slippery I think they feel like they're a little bit moist did rain this morning so walking the boardwalks may want to be a little bit careful with that but nice and easy great easy walking just a little bit slippery really beautiful walk so now we're going to head up to the top of the falls yeah head to the top of the falls and check them out from up there there's always something around the [Music] corn people are walking past me look staring at me like I'm a dang ghost I am never letting Dena put sunblock on me [Laughter] again New York Sky Shin so bright but to tell we just left Brandy Wine Falls pretty cool Falls right really neat we went to the bottom of the Falls to look up and you actually take the boardwalk Trail and go up to the top of the falls look at them from there pretty cool there's actually an old Brandy Wine Village that used to be there or I guess the town is more like it some ruins there still that was kind of neat now we're doing the Brandy Wine Gorge loop trail it goes right around the um the Falls you can actually get on the trail from the Brandy Wine Falls parking lot yeah it just does a loop and it comes right back down beautiful walk really really is it's only about 1.4 miles pretty easy part of it is Boardwalk the other part is Trail we're Trail now we're we're hardcore it's very easy though very easy Trail so it's really really nice here around the cor something to be found we're about halfway through with our hike right now we did start at the Brandy Wine parking lot we did a counterclockwise the first half of the trip is basically either flat or downhill now somebody was telling us this other half the trip it's all back uphill yeah and it's kind of steep it it is a little rocky um but it's definitely doable and definitely a beautiful beautiful hike yeah this is a really nice and I don't think we said it before but this is the kyoga river say that three times fast yeah kyoga kyoga kyoga kyoga kyoga kyoga kyoga honey I just want to come home de [Music] we just finished the Brandy Wine Gorge Trail it was nice it was really really nice um couple things I guess the parking lot it's about noon now the parking lot is full uh we did hear and it is true parking lot looks like it does fill up pretty quick so that's why what we did is we did the Falls first first thing in the morning and now we're going to go to the visitors center we were really afraid if we did The Visitor Center first before we came to the fault there just wouldn't be any parking here and we did talk to a couple Park Rangers and they said we made the right decision so yeah just something to be aware of if you do plan on coming here but what a great little hike Great Falls very very popular there's a lot of people on the trails the trail is a little slippery right in in spots little steep in spots but nothing that's too too difficult I don't definitely do it again they do have restrooms here in the parking lot and also a water refilling station too dogs are allowed as long as they're on a leash and was bring your bug spray yeah and sunscreen yeah oh yeah definitely but great great little hike and now it's on to the visitor center yep okay our next stop is the Boston Mill Visitor Center yep we're going to check it out see what they have to offer probably get some ideas on other places to go where we can spend our time today but looks like a pretty cool Visitor Center it's an old gas station right down the road we're going to check that out as well so looks like there's a lot to do right by the visitor Center and the wild flowers are just be beautiful so pretty that's poison ivy yeah right you come to life smile pulled you close and you tight looks different for a visitor center doesn't it it's kind of cool though yeah it fits in I think with the the park it's not like what you'd expect and almost like it could have been somebody's house at one time yep you're finally home you're here where you yeah after Brandy wi's number one leg just would be number two and another real interesting one is the beaver Marsh it was a junkyard they cleared out to make a parking lot did you hear this story before I saw a picture I think um yeah of a junkyard and they even have a kiosk down there it shows it and they cleared it out and they were going to make this parking lot and they waited tillo long DAV came in and damned it up okay and it's right along the toe path so you get a little bit of that too kayoga Valley National Park lies along the kyoga river between the cities of Cleveland and akan Ohio in 1817 the construction of the Erie Canal began and it link New York's Hudson River with Lake Erie at Buffalo Buffalo by 1925 plans to link lake eie with the Ohio River began the Ohio and Arie Canal travel through kyoga Valley on its way connecting the Ohio River with Lake Arie you belong you belong you belong where you I'm taking Dena on a date we're going we're going to a gas station great it looks pretty cool though it is cool though Bel now you're finally home we're actually at the Boston Mill I guess Little Country Store you get some snack have some just some general um sandwiches and some drinks but what a great place is just to sit out on the front rocking chairs and take a little break watch the people go by one thing we did get from the Boston Mill Visitor Center was one of their Maps it has like the 13 top most attractions or places to see while you're in the park the nice thing about it though is it also has addresses so you can just punch an address into your GPS and then um you know take take your vehicle to the next destination things are pretty spread out you do go through some little Backcountry roads and things like that so it is kind of easy to get lost if you're not familiar with the area just trying to fite my sandwich uhoh tack dog oh my gosh yeah this feels really good something we did find out though when we first looked up the national park one of the websites we went to was it's called it kyoga national park we didn't realize it was actually kyoga Valley National Park so I think this whole time we've been saying it wrong but it's theologize for that the official word is kyoga Valley National Park you so this is the Boston store where we just had a snack and ice cream of course she made me do it this was built in mid 1800s and it's pretty cool really cute Place yeah definitely if you're in the National Park there's definitely a stop over anyways the visitor Center's little couple hundred yards down the road so it's the Boston Visitor Center so that's you definitely want to go there the stores right here they have ice cream sandwiches and things like that more trails that there's just Trails all over the place want to do this would if you have ebikes or even just bicycles it'd be a great place to bring them yeah they're just they're everywhere great Trail yep if we didn't have if we didn't have Rodeo today we would have brought our bikes yeah we just left the Boston Mills Area and now we're headed over to The Ledges supposed to be um nice little hike around here one of the he's trying to kill me one of the park rangers suggested this to us so we're going to check it out and see how it is it's clearing up a little bit it's warming up some so hopefully we make [Music] it I've been spending far too much time with my headon I'm so happy I can't contain it belly RS scratches I'm so happy you H the jackpot rodo it okay we're on the ledges Trail we just started if you do the whole Trail is 2.2 miles I don't think we're going to do all that road R's Rodeo's already dragging a little bit so there's a couple places but there's a couple places you can actually make shortcut so we'll probably do about a mile of it something like that just to get a good feeling of the trail um but still is it's pretty pretty cool looking in here so far yeah really pretty day I'll invite something new into my home I I am totally impressed with the Park yeah I really didn't know what to expect I mean you're kind of next to a couple big cities you got Cleveland just up the road here but the park is kind of spread out right yeah it's definitely the Park's definitely spread out we did talk to one of the park rangers told us and it really makes sense is um this park they I guess it was a a time there was a time when the park service was trying to bring parks to the public basically so instead of having like a Yellowstone where you have to go out to see Yellowstone they basically brought the park to the people or to to the populous areas yeah and that's how this one of the reasons why this park is here so and it did it well yeah it did it's a ni intermingled throughout a bunch of uh just Backcountry roads you go through a lot of uh residential areas beautiful residential areas tiny little towns but it it's just really really neat um and clean everything everything pretty spotless here yeah the one thing that really helped us out was I think I may have mentioned this earlier we did pick up one of the maps from the Boston Mill Visitor Center yes it has addresses on it for the 13 most popular sites to see while you're here Ranger gave it to you but you did see them at the yeah um you can get lost just driving through some of these back roads CU it's not just one and done kind of a thing all over the place so the the map with the addresses really helped out they're the more popular places to go see anyways so that that really helped us out quite a [Music] bit from you again the unknown livs when lights go in so here we are strangers did tell us if you only had a day in the Park which is basically our case the top thing to see would be the what's it called Brandy Wine Falls Brandy Wine Falls and the and the hike around that and then the ledges here so there's also blue hen Trail or blue hen Falls but we don't have time to do that yeah so unfortunately but it is a big one yeah so that would be your top three probably right there that's according to the Rangers right not us and a local yeah local too I won't be a f When a Stranger walks okay we're going in I'm not you are Dena is scared I like fiery furnace I know in advance there's a risk there's a chance this could all back fire on me so Darkness Darkness come on in how you one thing I've noticed on both these Trails is there's a lot of dogs and there's a lot of bike trails here too right you can't have bikes on these Trails I thought you were going to say Dina definitely needs bubble wrap I fell again if you're smart you'll invest in bubble wrap cuz I'm going to buy bubble wrap for Dena I really should have brought my sticks my hiking sticks and I didn't even think about it I don't know why these Trails I think they're really cool there's a lot of dog and they're not hard but they're just some rocks and they blend in you got to watch where you're going you lost your ninja moves yeah but there's a lot of bike trails as well out here you see multiple multiple families just riding through bike or riding bik and all the trail lot of dogs so it's definitely a family friend family friendly Park say that three times fast stops in the middle of the trail yeah radio's done I think we'll be taking the shortcut back that's fine yeah right rodo are you tired huh m you tired you want to go home you want to go home you have fun today you want to go to the truck want to go to the truck go for a ride huh she's out of it one have from you again Young no lips when lights SC in while we're heading back U we did part of the Ledges Trail really pretty cool we're not going to do the whole thing the whole Trail is like just over 2 miles Rodeo's done she's already done about 3 miles today we yeah so we're going to cut it short we're heading back to the parking lot and then uh probably have to call it a day after that yeah but what a great great Park this is a pleasant surprise I think this definitely a great uh great stop for us beautiful hopefully that give you a glimpse at kyoga National Park if you ever want to visit um give you some ideas on some places to go it's really really pretty very peaceful we hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching have a great week and stay safe remember always live life to the fullest safe travels and God bless
Channel: Rivers To Ridges RV
Views: 2,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuyahoga valley national park, cuyahoga valley national park ohio, cuyahoga valley scenic railroad, visiting cuyahoga valley national park, brandywine falls, towpath trail, ledges trail, erie canal, ohio erie canal towpath trail, things to do in cuyahoga valley national park, what to do in cuyahoga valley national park, rv living, full time rv living, rv lifestyle, full time rv life, rv living full time, day in the life full time rv living, rivers to ridges rv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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