What WISH did I ask the GOLD DRAGON? (Minecraft Dragons)

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crap crap crap cool the egg I think it's hatching what oh no I just farted come on man rumbling doesn't mean that's always gonna be that oh great go dragon I asked for two wishes each after I sacrifice I hope you will grant them gold gold gold no I cannot grant your wishes mortals but huge book our sacrifice I want my gold back no calm down there are reasons as to why I cannot my life force is fading and I'm protecting something that is very important to me why are you dying you look you're the last of your kind what's his name I don't know Alice uh people would ask them what's your name and why are you dying my name is Gerald I thought it was gonna be as to why I am dying golden dragons can only live up to ten thousand years and I am unfortunately at my 9999 oh my I'm surprised you're not dust yeah that's pretty old dude I thought I was old wait how old are you you're like three right I'm like twenty as for your wish if you need it to be granted there is something that you must do for me we really want to like to make a deal with you we already gave them two gold blocks gold dragon coins we can't back out yes what is it that you asked of us all great wise Geralt this is all mortals I need you to protect the future of all dragons since I'm on my last year this egg is my future heir it's so tiny don't get close to get protective he'll get protected go to bed how much the city egg why this is important it's simple there must always be a golden dragon or the dragon world and magic will cease to exist magic you mean no more spells like greater heal what if I heal you no you what about that you see that you see that power there was a sign that said no magic inside oh I'm sorry about the magic please forgive us here is my wand for the time being to hold in temporary mortals for I need the favor listen you must protect this baby at all costs well here's a question since you're able to speak will your baby feel the speaking dragon yeah he is speaking to us that we haven't really you know talked about that yet well baby dragons unfortunately especially golden ones cannot speak at first do you understand how a dragon games at speech no he must find his purpose in the world why he was meant to be and this one especially is meant to be something very important so I assume he will find his voice very quickly as long as you protect so we do this if we get a wish or two wishes I wish each 100 wishes if you promise me that you will protect this baby egg I shall give you one each wish okay we can we wish for more wishes no can we wish for something to be okay we'll get back on that um gold gold thoughts do you have a name for your baby dragon I suppose I do not but I will leave that up to you [Music] Goldilocks do you know if there's more of you in the world are you the last of your kind well there's two of you rice far as golden dragons no I'm afraid not is just me and my heir but my heir will have all the knowledge of the passion generations of gold dragons and stowed upon it okay that's a lot of fun a lot of responsibility cracking you think we can handle it oh definitely I'm the best dragon mother there ever is are you kidding me so not to pry but back to those wishes yeah you mortals in your wishes always prying and best laughs no this is this is not selfish this is these wishes we came here for a reason I have lost something great to me important someone something I can't believe my dragon is a Viking who cares about something other than himself in plundering and madness no I love wandering in madness we care about dragons I had this little baby storm dragon his name was smite we were out adventuring and he could have harness his powers he fell into the water got swept away in the current I believe he's still alive but I couldn't find him I traveled all throughout the lens he's gone what about your stone dragon or we could get loot clips I only have one wish I only have one wish oh my gosh i eclipse or smite how do I make the decision Kraken it's easy you choose neither they're both gone just accept that fact and get the loot [Music] enough of your babbling mortals please I do not have much time one wish for each person begin now make your decision Cody it's done what did you wish for I wish first might did you not hear me know that you were too close to him I'm gonna go make my wish now Kraken Eclipse man wish me luck mr. Gowda dragon I'm ready to become the richest the planets a clue are you prepared to answer my my wish indeed not a moment sooner okay I wish that you duplicated that golden dragon egg and out of it would hatch a dragon that has the power to d stone frozen dragons in stone that also poop out gold this is impossible I'm afraid fine take away the pooping out gold duplicate the dragon egg with the power to silence Morty's daughter dragon I'm not able to duplicate a golden dragon egg fine if I can't have what I really want give me the power to unfreeze things from stone if they're frozen in stone from Medusa I want the ability to make them free again only Medusa just if something turns to stone I want the power to turn it back this is possible but I must have you energy inside of you are you ready yes yes yes yes yes ready just like that how do I do it well what's the magic words you will know once you come upon something frozen in stone okay hey thank you thank you Oh Kraken what did you wish for I couldn't hear you I wished to become the richest Viking in the world brother and it's going to happen I can feel it I feel so strong and powerful I just thought you know maybe you'd help eclipse you were talking about the stone thing and then maybe you couldn't get both that's your problem coming this year dragon I thought my problems are your problem with a bird family mortals yeah come here the vacate my cave I am tired and I must rest okay I'm just gonna take can we take the dragon eat okay we're taking the dragon II my promotion I just used the pick pick X go ahead look what real quick last question I know you're tired and stuff and you granted wishes well I got a lot of work but when it will the egg hatch when it wants it feels like it see how Cody oh wait one more question what if you you know you know die in a year so does this gold dragon inherit all of this go and will we be able to use it to help raise the child once I die all of this gold would evaporate unfortunately what can we just take a little bit okay know what we're gonna leave mortals don't you okay leaving mortals are leaving almost fell in love okay I can't I can't risk even that jump I have something so precious go by there sorry about the dirt we left behind we didn't wipe our shoes the first Vikings ever to see the the brothers are the swamp have a gold dragon oh I fell into a hole but we have a gold track a gold dragon we have gold dragon okay to throw it in the fire make it hard boil gold dragon eggs hold up we got a few spells spell benders up there wait that's true we don't know what we planned give me my one back Oh are we supposed to put this thing in fire lava water there's already attached what it wants is a new species of dragons icing oh there's told me things to uncover what if we have to incubate it with our butts you know everybody knows that you're good at that cuz you're a penguin okay I'll try to draw the fire you go well that hurt that hurt put your armor back on oh dude that was awful I thought for sure you were gonna get fried who's warm these guys let's get out of here that tribe still waiting for us crap crap crap Cody the egg I think it's hatching what oh no I just farted come on man rumbling it doesn't mean it's always gonna be that crooked go down this way we gotta get out of this desert so we could use our dragons again right bye J Cody this weird desert has something about it where we can't fly dragons and spells aren't working as they should yeah all the Spill seem to be taking on a life of their own where you have a cold try again dragon keep it secret oh crap hold on let's go land below Oh your Zambian amethyst are big yes yes yes I figured out the trick to growing these dragons it's actually not training them it's to let them sunbathe but longer they're in the Sun the bigger they get what is coming off of amethyst what do you mean could he steal my dragon no no no no I wouldn't do that won't do that why would I why would I do that is your dragon is your duty is it a dragon um so yeah telling cannibal about this I feel like he'd want to eat it not that I don't trust him it's that I don't trust them yeah yeah I feel you tell him eventually it's just not yet if we were talking to like the Empire he probably blad it out you know he's that type of idiot so what are we gonna do every other day here you spoke every other day pop yeah I hold it you hold it today in a full day tomorrow shearing brother we did it we have the gold dragon we wait Smith's gonna be here wait where do you go to where's all your your riches are you this from this Viking in the wood maybe it's gonna come to us today wait tomorrow why is he on my roof cannibal I'm gonna I'm gonna go do something else okay hey concede you guys finally you're home I've been waiting for like a week what were you doing on my roof I was just looking for some eggs yes you just have those that's that's carry space whatever you wanna go to curry odd I don't know if I made a big mistake or what I tried to get it so we could each have a dragon gold dragon egg that could DeStorm the codis dragon and I could have the poop two golden poop from the Dragons apparently that was against the wish rules because I said I'm trying to combine three into one and that's just not gonna happen I don't know guys I feel like I made a big mistake I could have been I could have been the strongest Viking in the world I could have been the richest Viking in the world I could have asked for all the dragon varieties in the world I could have asked for amethyst to be bigger than small pea I could have asked for frostbite to die roll I got eyes were aligned different things and instead all I have the ability is 2d stone anything that turns into stone that's kind of a useless ability except for to save Cody's dragon I guess I should probably go check on this stone dragon but guys I have a golden dragon in my inventory I'm more careful with that egg it's all mine it's all mine I guess technically it's half mine and a half Cody's alright I guess technically it he's his own thing and then we're just watching it I don't know but I have it in my hands and it's a beautiful beautiful I don't know well what should we name it there's gotta be the coolest name in the world for the golden dragon the next elder dragon it's going to be a tier 1 million it's going to be bigger than swampy bigger than frostbite even and it's going to but if Cranky's the king of all dragons then does that mean that he's Creek he's dead but he's not even born yet Cranky's dad and mom in the same dragon interesting I don't know these ancient golden dragon elder dragon myths are so confusing to me sometimes alright name at this let's go find your frozen cousin what oh no I forgot to make dragon saddles for you guys I forgot you're the type of dragons that need saddles I can't take hopefully Cody didn't lock his dragon oh yes ok good we have Cody's dragon I am very bad with these names guys I don't know I don't know Cody's dragon I have enough trouble trying to remember my own dragons names are you uh you're you're you're swampy I will Swampy's Fred I know that one Stormbreaker windbreaker gust twister can't remember so this is the stone dragon that I'm supposed to be able to unstow know if I I don't even know if that's a word Medusa can turn it to stone and I should be able to turn it back from stone well the gold dragon said it was his name Gerald you said I should just know how to do it when I see something maybe I should practice on this piece of stone right here first well spit doesn't work thinking about it doesn't work maybe I can turn stone into gold all right be a gold buck be a gold block be a gold block it's still stun what if I try riding the dragon no he does have a saddle on I don't know why I didn't tell Cody my true wish I guess I kind of wanna make him believe that I chose wealth and power over saving his dragon I just to kind of surprise him later on or I don't know why I even did it to be honest I probably made a mistake I probably should've chose wealth and power but instead I chose to save somebody's dragon it's not even mine I could have wished the Empire never even existed I could have wished the fire nation never existed I could have wished that we were still living in the swamp instead I chose to save Cody's dragon and I don't even know how to do it I don't do it wasn't even worth it I can't get this what am I supposed to do just like Medusa just look at in the eyes and there's do the turn back to normal well that just might be crazy enough to work if I look in the eyes maybe I can turn it alive oh this is gotta be it it's gotta be it all right we're gonna need a lot of stone okay we're gonna need stone to be stone it all right we're getting up there this is gonna work all right look you got it in the ice it's moving it's moving and become real get rid of the stone what the heck oh I knew I should just gotten rich and famous this is dumb this is the dumbest thing I ever heard of me at least - stupid thing up I'm here I can't get it what what it just turned to cobblestone it turn to cobblestone no no no no no no no no no I think I'm supposed to be a statue or something what what just happened it it turned to cobblestone guys cobblestone that's not even that's worse than a stone dragon it's not even the shape of a dragon anymore it's just it's just normal cobblestone oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no what am I gonna do how am I gonna tell Cody no no no but let me just rebuild it okay there's a leg there's the body there we go okay does that look like a dragon we'll put the wings there Oh hopefully he doesn't notice I don't think I don't know maybe maybe I'll be alright that actually looks pretty good oh not good guys what do I do I broke my brother's dragon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kraken Kid | Minecraft
Views: 35,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dragons, dragon, minecraft roleplay, roleplay, how to train your dragon, minecraft dragons, minecraft how to train your dragon, dragon game, dragons in minecraft, minecraft dragon roleplay, game, gameplay, Minecraft, atlantic craft, dragon roleplay, dragons minecraft, dragon egg, hatching dragon, kraken kid, minecraft dragon mod, dragon hatching, rare, dragon family, baby dragon, wish, wishes, gold dragon, gold, golden dragon, egg, gold dragon egg, shiny dragon, rare dragon
Id: CqmVRk4rI-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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