What was your BIGGEST "crap, no going back now" moment?

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what was your biggest crap no going back now moment every time I solo traveled and arrived in a new country me taking pictures of the North Korean military if I was caught I would be in a prison camp now when I was younger letting my older cousin talk me into a canoe ride down a flooded river we'd planned it days in advance but there was a lot of heavy rain in the area and the normally calm River was near flood level and quite rough I really didn't want to do it but I didn't want to let him down either so I still went I knew as soon as we saw the river this was a terrible idea the whole thing was a crap show and I honestly though we were going to die we had no control and at one point we got stuck nosed down and a large rock knowing if we tipped out we were drowning we somehow made it out and to the shore where we walked back with the canoe canoeing over a waterfall I hopped a freight train once and the moment it hits 15 20 miles per hour you're just along for the ride but the real no going back moment came when the train stopped on a siding outside Winnemucca after waiting there for like five hours I decided to walk into town and get some icecream sandwiches as soon as I got fifty yards from the train I realized if it starts rolling now I'll be too far away to chase it down I'll just be stuck in this town for a while edit for you kids out there riding freight trains is dangerous and illegal and dirty and loud and unreliable don't do it also I should point out that when a mocker is home to some of America's best Basque restaurants fantastic cowboy heritage sites and it's the gateway to the Black Rock Desert it's got something for everyone not just stranded hobos stepping off that sandbar I could barely reach to swim up to the girl caught in a Riptide and not knowing how a Riptide worked it took what felt like hours but spoiler alert we made it too early in the season for lifeguards I remember calling out to people walking their dogs on the beach but we were so far out they didn't even look towards us mountain biking with some friends on a new trail which wasn't even a bike trail we hiked most of the way up since it was too steep to ride up carried our bikes all the way up rested at the top for a bit and then rolled over the edge I remember as my front tire Crested and gravity started taking over I thought there's no way I'm stopping now unless a tree stops me edit while this really blew up rock on the law wants to get a group ID going parachute jump my life is now no longer in my hands oh well Geronimo getting in the ambulance after suffering a grand mal seizure from alcohol withdrawals when I finally said enough is enough and decided I needed to quit drinking before it killed me I thought I could detect on my own as I was terrified of hospitals I was wrong I spent a week debt axing of the iku and now almost a full year later I'm still very happily sober and I'm completely thriving when I was about to get on the plane to my first semester of med school my dad never won for sentiment said well you're now actually worth more dead than alive don't screw this up when I asked my crush if she is ready for a relationship with me the two hours I waited for a reply took forever also sadly she said no edit yeah okay I think that blew a bit up just to clarify I really had tough feelings for her and every time we spoke I thought that there was something after literally one whole year I finally asked her like an idiot on whatsapp that question she said no sorry and I said that it was okay and dumb for me to ask and she said sorry again I told her that I don't want this anyone to know well crap here I'm on reddit and pretend like this never happened after that I didn't feel empty or some other stuff I just felt that everything that I build up to this moment was for nothing thanks though for the support bTW I know that it was stupid and like a child would do but I didn't know better now I do and I'm starting to get again feelings for her maybe let's see how the second Trice edit - okay that's cool how everyone has a different opinion about that but it ends up on everything you frit up yeah guys I know and thanks for the gold that first time being dropped off on the Appalachian Trail several states away from home and watching the car speed off into the distance with nothing by my own legs and a stick I found to get me back I love that stick I'd freak that stick if it had genitals edit I'm but that that this is my top-rated comment so far and because I didn't use lube walking into a remem a fight and the cage closes behind you here try this hot wing took a bite and for the next eighteen hours I could only focus on how this was a crime against humanity and for those now asking it was the last dab thirty on a drumstick it was coated all over I just ate one big bite and then I went and shoved my head under a cold shower then it was bad and bathroom for several hours as I threw out most of it but some got digested I knew going it that it was gonna be hot my former roommate was a hot sauce aficionado he never once handed me a wing that was less than a habanero sauce the question was am I about to have ghost pepper eggs Carolina Reaper habanero et Cie the positive pregnancy test we were trying but seeing the test my first thought was honestly oh crap what have we done he's now eight months old and it is the best but still the scariest decision we ever made I made a budget yesterday to figure out how much I'd need to move out if I work two more hours than planned at a start a job I'd lined up I could do it easily with all the optional expenses that's when it hit me that I'm not in college anymore and I actually could have the money to live independently during takeoff on my first ever flight at the age of thirty I have a real intense fear of heights psychedelics particularly DMT because it all happened so quickly and intensely while noticed cycling through Vietnam it was getting late and I was running low on fuel - looter turned back to the previous town if that wasn't bad enough my back crack broke luckily a kind man and his daughter stopped to help he knew no English outside of I can fix so I followed him I wore my bags and held the rest in my lap entering the town my jaw drops it was complete calamity the streets were filled with people carrying 2 x 4's rocks and bottles literally hundreds of people it was like a warzone with people smashing scooters and cars on fire people yelling and fighting a few individuals were running for their lives with mobs in town I can still vividly see one man's face as he looked over his shoulder and read there were too many people to drive through so I had to slow down to a crawl all I kept thinking was please don't notice me please don't rob me and smash my face in please no I'm with this kind man and his daughter the moment lengthened as a few of the town's folk started to notice me I was scared crapless but produced a warm smile the smile wasn't returned the kind man looked back and those who were taking interest in me noticed can't help but think it helped we finally breached the throng of people and pulled down an alleyway to his place I still didn't feel safe but I needed guests and my rack fixed I tried to ask the man why all these people were fighting one another he just smiled and made the drink gesture it was during Tet for the Vietnamese new year he fixed my rack gave me some gas and wouldn't take any money as payment however like Christmas the kids receive money so I gave this daughter of fan wad of cash with his blessing about 45 minutes later I arrived safely at my hostel inn in vanna moving to Europe for my husband it was moving home for me yeah nope but I have a rare disease and American insurance was about to actually kill me kept denying medications I was getting worse and worse and he managed to get an amazing job in a great city to try to save my life so five years ago we are two hours into a flight there the flight where we are moving forever and I was too sick to visit first or anything so I've never seen it before and I'm realizing I'm not actually well enough to fly back to the u.s. who knows when I'll see anything or anyone from again and this is it suddenly I'm just a bit panicking gone like what is plane where is air the flight attendant was offering me a cup of tea at that almost exact moment and I just stared at my husband who is a former Marine and has done all of these insane things and he looked at me and OHS take the tea I felt like an idiot version of near in the matrix if you take the tea the flight keeps going and you see how far this rabbit hole goes if you don't take the tea this poor flight attendant stands here looking like a freaking idiot for even longer so anyway I took the tea from the dude and then I guess it worked because who can panic while trying to make tea turns out it was truly the point of no return it's been five years the insurance is much better than the u.s. they've kept me alive when I definitely would have died but I'm too sick to actually leave I couldn't even go home for my grandmother's funeral so crap there really was no going back unless something kicks in new treatments et Cie I doubt I'll ever see home again this one is quite literally and not going back moment as a boy scout at summer camp we would always take large group hikes on the last day of camp this particular camp in West Texas was located in the middle of a deep canyon and cut through with a small stream the day before our hike day rained a bit but not too much to make us worry it was drizzling in the morning when we got up but we were Boy Scouts so that obviously didn't stop us so our long hike had us cross the small stream up the canyon maybe 10 15 times no problem and everything went great after a while we get to a medium-sized font that we all decided to go swimming in that was fun and we all had a blast we get out and dressed and we keep going farther up a hill to continue a hike we get to the top and we hear this wonderfully ominous rushing noise we look over a ledge and see that the water in the stream was moving a bit faster than we remembered a friend and I volunteer to go back and see what's happened a flash flood had ripped through the area we had just left moments before the water in the pond was at least seven feet higher than it was five minutes before and it was covered in foam and rapidly overflowing we decided as a group to test our luck and go back to see if we could get out but the last stream crossing had turned into a very fast-moving river crossing needless to say we were freaked we literally couldn't go back and we had to wait a long time to get help and get to the now almost flooded camp when I laid in the bed of my psychiatric hospitals bedroom for the first time crossing the Rubicon hiking backcountry snowboarding with a guy got stuck in a flat area and needed to hike out in deep powder it was getting dark and kept coming out of thick trees 250 foot last cliff areas it was getting darker and we didn't have much light left and finally came out to another cliff area with about a ten-foot cliff 20 feet of landing and then a second ten-foot cliff area that had a narrow landing to an open Glade it was either go for it and don't fall and get hurt or start making a snow tunnel and get ready to sleep on the mountain for the night at Eastvale chutes in Colorado we both made it through the cliff jumps safely but it was sketchy when we got to town we both had a couple - all whiskers in the first bar we got two and I was still shaking could have possibly died if we had to stay on the mountain overnight or got seriously hurt and then died making the jumps to get to an area we could get down as it was getting dark but it was either jump or start making a snow shelter we were definitely not prepared with back County gear and got lost in the area even though we had both ridden at a few times with some experienced people who had taken us down before scary and something I will never forget packing up my car before telling my husband I was leaving when my abusive husband was doing his weekly ritual of interrogating me and accusing me of some made-up infidelity and goes well what's the deal here are we just done before I could stop myself I was like you know yeah yeah we are done he didn't know until that moment that I had already spoken to a divorce lawyer in the police and had all my ducks in a row to take the Frick off but I was planning on actually meeting with the lawyer before I told him so then it was two weeks of awful Jekyll and Hyde bull crap before I could leave I have to say even though I was like oh crap it did feel so freakin good to say it though Frick that guy had this moment just now just handed in my bachelor thesis two days ago when we found out the wife is pregnant crap getting real boys guy in college saved my name out loud as I had just finished writing it on the board to be put next to give a presentation so I internally roll my eyes thinking who's trina-- bother me and why turned around saw his gorgeous smile felt something in my chest and knew I was in for a ride freaked it up though I saw this cute girl and wanted to ask her out as soon as I said hi to her I knew the only way to get out of it was to ask for her number she was flattered but said no getting off the bus and immediately getting yelled at in Great Lakes for navy boot camp law hiking knowing that severe severe weather is on the way I got about eight miles in when it started dense woods but rain was heavy enough that I couldn't see ten feet in front of me crossed a small Creek halfway through which on my way back turned into a river from flash floods I found a somewhat large rock sticking out from a hill and huddled under that for about 15 minutes while lighting struck close enough to hurt my ears and seriously rumble in my chest ended up to follow the creek upstream until it got small enough to cross which turned what was originally two miles of hiking trail into probably another eight through the raw forest maybe more as it was pitch-black when I got back to my car and I had started at noon spent those hours bawling my eyes out and slipping in muddled Mayo easily in the top five most terrifying experiences in my life that last step out the back door of a c-130 that last step was a doozy no hookup freefall and a tie for first was when bullets started to come my way in Iraq he got real fast last summer I replaced my roof standing on the ladder at the corner of the house with a shingles flipping shovel I just stood there for five minutes thinking if I wanted to do this or not then I ripped off the first few shingles and there was no going back refusing to serve a customer for the first time ever it may seem small but it felt like a big win I work at a cafe and a woman very rudely asked me for a 16 ounces hot coffee we don't offer that we just make pour overs yeah we are an expensive Maui shop and I tried to kindly explain to her why but told her I could make her two coffees if she likes as long as I stick with the recipe she demanded I changed the recipe I said no I can't she spotted a 16-ounce cup behind me and asked once that things were already very tense and I grabbed the cup and explained this is 16-ounce car but it's only for cold brew it looks similar to the hot cups but this one is compostable made from sugarcane and will melt if hot liquid is poured into it she grabbed it out of my hand and demanded I made her two coffees and pour them into the cup I said I can't do that the cup will melt she told me she would do it herself which also wouldn't work because she would have 24 ounces of coffee for a 16 ounce cup at this point other customers were in there giving me the oh crap she's crazy I'm sorry you're dealing with this sympathetic eye I knew if she poured the coffee into that car and burned herself we would have a bigger issue I said I can't do that I'm sorry she'd the mom did I make it again saying you will make me two coppers she spoke to me so horribly in condescendingly there was never a place she spoke to me like a servant and she was creating a safety hazard I took a long pause and looked her right in the eye and said I'm sorry I can't let you speak to me that way and I won't serve you she was shocked she was appalled the cafe was silent my cow Walker came out from the back and the customer held her card out to her and said she won't help me so you will I'll have two coffees and my cow Orca looked at her and said I don't know what's happening because I just got here but I trust my cow or Castle I'm sorry but I won't serve you it was so cool yes the woman yelled at us berated us mocked my voice claimed I called her abusive screamed that we were wrong demanded our names and corporates contact I stayed so calm the entire time once she left multiple regulars and customers offered to back me up if I needed support explaining the situation to my manager I've worked at my company for years and I'm consistent and trusted I called my boss immediately and explained the situation they received an angry voice a male within minutes and stood by me and Michael can send a generic sorry about your experience Mao but not offering her any compensation it was seriously one of the best feelings I've stood my ground when in the past I have crumbled or allowed myself to be treated poorly in these types of situations I asked for the respect I deserve as a human being and my co-workers and bosses supported me tried out some time it rolls edited broken up into easier to follow paragraphs and thanks for the Yas Queen Award these up votes made my day I was renovating three apartments into nine bedroom house at the same time by myself quarantine I just am going for it heading towards the hedge of 30 miles per hour airborne I ran away from an abusive home at 19 I called my dad while I was at work later that day to let him know I was okay and not to come looking for me he's a narcissist and I was so scared he'd tell the authorities something crazy so they'd track me down for him like my boyfriend had kidnapped me I'd left my car keys on the kitchen table so he couldn't charge me with stealing it as he bought it for me emptied my bank account because he was friends with the small bank owner and taken everything I could with me and that was a pretty big one he said you'll never make it without me and my money and I just said I can't wait to find out that was seven years ago now and I'm making it the other day I tried forcing the garage door closed one inside cause it had been catching on something it slid with a loud bang and I noticed the wire had disconnected from the springs it wasn't going to open it's like 800 pounds and the springs help carry the load of the door so unless I got the wire back on the spring I was basically trapped I found some gloves and sunglasses hanging out in the garage already not safety glasses but better than nothing and had to essentially hold the spring with one hand the wire were the other and do a chest fly to pull it into place adrenaline is a hell of a drug getting admitted to a psychiatric ward at 17 I was going through an emo phase dyed my hair blue black started listening to loud edgy music wore skinny skins the whole shebang I always was a shy sheltered kid that didn't have many friends school was my number one priority and had daily classes from the morning till late in the evening I was also secretly gay living in a deeply religious family video games were my only outlet when the school stuff started getting harder and demanding more and more of my time it got harder for me to juggle between getting my homework done and getting my dopamine rush suddenly I started wondering why I put that much effort into school in the first place only to get mediocre results my grades weren't bad probably the equivalent of a b-plus but not getting an A still made me feel like I had failed I was also routinely bullied so I figured that if my grades fell I would make myself less of a target to cut to the chase I tried to make myself more likeable and got acquainted with emo and alternative culture boy did my mom not like that she started wondering why her son turned from a nerd to this circus act straight up asking me if I was doing drugs I wasn't bTW but it didn't matter she figured there's something wrong with me so she started dragging me around from one psychiatrist to the other when the doctor eventually said that there's nothing wrong with me and it's just normal teenage hormones we would immediately visit another doctor to get a second opinion eventually she booked an appointment with the head of a psychiatric facility for which she paid an exorbitant amount of money around 200 E which was four times larger than the hourly rate of the previous doctors he asked me a few questions most of which were answered immediately by my mom and after about five minutes gave me a depression diagnosis he said that I need to start taking antidepressants and that I need to stay in a psychiatric ward for a week so that they can monitor my body's reaction to the medication and do further tests now I wasn't planning on going through with it but after some pressure I started believing that maybe he knows better and there's actually something wrong with me so I went along this screwed me up in more ways than I care to recall I eventually shifted from diagnosis to diagnosis and all kinds of different meds the crap I saw during my multiple stays there scarred me for life I'm almost 28 now still living at my mom's house I've been off the meds for around 7 years I recently got admitted to a uni to study IOT abroad I'm planning on leaving after this summer got a general anaesthetic for wisdom teeth removal after waiting what felt like an eternity in a little prep room I was just thinking about using the restroom just for something to do when I'm swarmed by nurses or whatever before I could react they stuck things all over me and one of them got the drugs in me and I could immediately feel effects I remember vividly thinking well Frank no going back now as they wheeled me to theater and then the procedure and recovery went as smoothly as they cold gone when I saw my girlfriend's now-wife eyes light up at the jewelry store when she laid eyes on what would become the engagement ring the last two months of talking about marriage suddenly felt much more real and serious one when my wife showed me the positive pregnancy test while we were already in the process of adopting two when the ultrasound tech said and here's a second hair beat when I was on my way to see a girl I had been talking to online for three months who lived on the other side of the world just put all of my eggs in one basket and said frigate the crap no going back now feeling really hit when the plane took off that girl is now my wife sometimes you just gotta go for it when a guy kissed me for the first time after bar hopping with his friends I knew I was in trouble it's been three years now and he's snoring next to me told my mom I was a lesbian after she asked if I liked one of my guy friends signing the lease to an apartment with my long-distance girlfriend moving six hours away from home it's relatively not that bad but no matter the outcome my life won't be the same after this when I called my room at a radius and she overheard me and said what did you just call me and I was like crap now I have to own it I said you're a fricking idiot when I decided to venture alone on a hiking trail through the Brazilian rainforest realized there was no phone coverage after half an hour kept walking for another hour and finally saw a sign of civilization a literal sign just that it said beware of coral snakes saying I do giving birth I was not ready when I came out of my mother's cervix cutting the fenders for a wide body kit installation that morning where after I've given away furniture and cleaned out a lot of my room before stepping into my friend's vehicle to take a ride to the bus trip I was moving 1 0-0 0 miles away from my old home and out of my father's that morning two and a half years ago edit since some people have asked I was 28 at the time it was my second move out when five years prior I moved out at 23 with my sister at the time that didn't really work at all who I'm with now hey he could be better nice kind of not too bad it's just he's an admitted manchild doesn't do an awful lot of cleaning war is about nonsensical things and has me second-guessing on what he buys that gets me concerned about where the bills or rent are caught up like buying plushies for either himself or his a social of a prick fiance I told him that I plan on moving out in 2022 but earlier if things don't turn around before then and I managed to get a job to save up kissing my best friend when I finally gave in to the girl who wouldn't take no for an answer Frick never again Midway into my first not for beginners ski slope I could stop and chickened out but I continued it was freaking amazing went for a second time got injured ten seconds before the end still worth it giving my notice to my boss last Friday I'm across the country from any friends and family and I have no job lined up if I stay here I'll wind up a shell of a person so I'm quitting and moving back home with only my savings and the grace of my family to catch me no going back now wish me luck when I found out my husband at the time was still gaming behind my back we had an almost one year old and he had been acting shady I logged on to his bank account where he had a secure credit card and saw all the transaction from the casinos this was the third strike for me I tried to get him help and support and he crap on my attempts every time I'm not a bad enough gambler to be in Gamblers Anonymous I just went to use the ATM and pay my phone bill we don't need to pay a therapist to tell us we need to talk more so he asked me to bring him lunch at work I printed off the credit card statements handed them to him with his lunch pail and began the process of moving my things to my mom's house and looking for a place to live wife are you gay me yes I was meeting a guy on Grindr I had pulled into the driveway and still had the chance to leave but it was a decent look in place so whatever I walked up to the front door the moment I saw him in the window well even then I called the backed out he opened the door and grabbed my hand that was the moment I cold and go back at that moment two and a half years later I'm gonna marry this man [Music] [Music]
Channel: AskReddify
Views: 29,840
Rating: 4.890244 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: FogzZREGcEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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