What Was The Biggest Flying Animal Ever?

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the evolution of powered flight opens up all sorts of possibilities for the animal lineages that achieve this being able to take to the skies is an incredibly beneficial ability enabling animals to move over great distances feed on new kinds of prey and access different parts of the environment within vertebrates the animals that have a backbone true powered flight has independently evolved on three different occasions birds and bats are the only powered Flyers among these animals alive today but but long before either of those lineages evolved there were the theasaurus these flying reptiles lived alongside the non-avian dinosaurs and although they were related they were not dinosaurs themselves the terrasaurs ruled the ancient skies for over 160 million years and in that time gave rise to the largest flying animals to have ever existed the biggest of the giant parasaurs were members of a group called The ashd darkid the ashd darkid appeared in the latter part of the terasa Reign during the Cretaceous Period and and include a range of extraordinary species found across the planet such as the North American ketl katlas the Romanian hatop and the Moroccan phosphat Draco ashd dark terrasaurs first came to the attention of scientists when in 1939 a huge bone was Unearthed along a railroad in Jordan This bone made its way to the director of a nearby Phosphate Mine in the 1940s and then in the ' 50s was sent to paleontologist Camille Arborg in France upon examining the giant bone he recognized it as coming from a terasa and identified it as one of the finger bones that make up the wings due to the immense size of the bone he gave it the name Titan opter Philadelphia Titan opx meaning Titan Wing Arborg made a plaster cast of the huge bone but then the fate of the original bone itself became lost to history for a few decades and paleontologists assumed that it had gone missing or was accidentally destroyed it was then in the 1970s that the next stage of azd darkid research began paleontologist Douglas Lawson uncovered more Giant and mysterious terasol bones in Texas comprising parts of the Wings the hind lims neck vertebrae and bits of Jaws and in 1975 named these fossils as the new species Kettle katas northropi immediately it was recognized as the largest terrasaur so far known to science as well as the largest flying animal with an initial estimated wingspan of 15.5 M over 50 ft however as we'll see these estimates have since been reigned in a little once the more complete material of kettle katas had been examined and described paleontologists realized that Arborg had actually misidentified the giant bone he called Titan opx after comparing the known material instead of being a wing bone it was in fact a neck vertebra but his confusion was understandable considering that these animals have incredibly unusual neck vertebrae that lack many diagnostic features and are very simplified tubular structures then in 1989 another error was realized it turned out that the genus named Titan opx was actually already in use for another organism that had been named before the terrasaur for a genus of black fly now remember that Titan opter means Titan Wing so not only does this whole taxonomic debacle continue to annoy terasa fans to this day but it's also incontrovertible proof that entomologists do indeed have a sense of humor instead of Titan opx this teras was therefore renamed arboria Philadelphia in honor of camel Arborg the80s saw many other advances in our understanding of these magnificent parasaurs too as in 1984 the species azd Darko lanis was described from usbekistan and the name of the whole group was taken from it when paleontologists realized that this species Kettle qualus and arania were all related Ash Darko got its name from the USC word asz Darko a sort of mythological dragon and a perfect description for these enormous ancient Flyers since the 1980s many new species of Azara parasaurs have continued to be named and today include over 20 different species although as usual with paleontology the classification of some have been questioned our modern understanding of Azar includes species of varying Dimensions ranging from Montana Darko with a 2.5 M wingspan to several species that seem to fall in the 3 to 6 M wingspan range such as azd Darko itself the smaller species of kettle qualis named in 2021 Kettle koala La Soni jayang opterus from China and others slightly larger species are known to achieving wingspans of up to 9 M such as Thanatos dracon described in 2022 from Argentina and then there are the absolute Giants of the ancient Skies the largest of the azd darkid all with estimated wings spands of around 10 m and potentially even some that were slightly bigger these giants include Kettle quarless North hatop thma from Romania cryodon borus from Canada and potentially Aron Bania though the estimates do vary there's also an unnamed and very fragmentary ash darkid from Mongolia 2 which seems to be in the running for the largest terasa as well so what was the anatomy of these enormous flying reptiles like how did it enable them to grow to such huge dimensions and yet still take to the air the most notable aspect of the general as darked body plan is the length of the neck in relation to the body as well as the size of the skull the neck vertebrae of aarit were very unusual compared to many other animals and even compared to other terasa groups proportionally they have the longest necks of any terasa and this is due to the elongation of the individual cervical vertebrae as I have before me here a cast of the arborian cervical and you can see this incredible tube likee structure you should know this too additionally they have a structure referred to as a tube within a tube resulting from the fact that the neural Canal is actually incorporated into the center of the body of the vertebrae and runs all the way through it instead of running through a neural Arch formed beneath a projecting neural spine this condition is also observed in another terrasaur group The SIDS but is otherwise very different to other theasaurus the extreme reduction of the neural spine which is present as a low ridge running down the length of the vertebrae also contributes to the overall tubular shape of the bones incredibly research looking at the internal structure of azd darked neck vertebrae has found that these bones have a microarchitecture that significantly strengthens them using x-ray CT scanning to peir inside the vertebra of the Moroccan ASD darkid alanka paleontologists found that around the central canal running through it the bone was Hollow but had many small Columns of bone called tabula arranged in a helical pattern these trabecula were found to increase the buckling load of the Bon significantly and the neural canal running through the center also added to the strength of the vertebra this means that although these bones were very long and might look like they could break easily they were actually remarkably strong and could deal with stresses from picking up heavy prey items in addition to being relatively very lightweight and therefore still allowing the animal to take flight now I have here before me a fantastic model of kettle qualus itself made by Wonder artistic models a company based in Chile which creates scientifically accurate 3D wooden puzzles of prehistoric and living animals I'll be talking more about them at the end of the video as they very kindly sent me this model for free and I wanted to show you some of the Extreme as darket Anatomy using this amazing model of the skeleton you can see here the very long tubular shape of the elongated neck vertebrae at top which sits this proportionally huge skull but this giant skull is clearly very lightly constructed and this large open space that you can see here is called the naso antorbital finestra which is the result of the opening for the naries the nose hole basically and the antorbital finestra an opening in front of the eyes merging into one large opening behind the naso antorbital finestra you can see the much smaller orbit where the eye would sit our knowledge of the skull anatomy of most asz dark kids is unfortunately rather limited as these parts of the animals only rarely fossilize however in some cases the skull or parts of it do get preserved in the Chinese taxon xang opterus described in 1994 a complete skull is preserved providing us with some invaluable information on what these terasa heads would have looked like in addition some cranial remains of kettle cuatas itself are known too however they're not from the giant Kettle qualis northropi instead all the skull material comes from the smaller and much more recently named Kettle koala Loni described in 2021 so what did these skulls look like in general they were very long and lightly built with entirely toothless jaws and essentially can be thought of as giant triangles when viewed from the Sid the Jaws were very slender and seemed to have not had particularly impressive bite forces suggesting that instead of being suited for subduing large struggling prey they were better adapted for picking up and processing smaller or immobile prey items however some as doids appear to have had a different overall jaw shape while Kettle qualus and jayang opterus had long low Jaws other species such as Wellen hurus also named in 2021 had relatively shorter and deeper Jaws suggesting that there was quite a bit of variation in the precise feeding strategy and Anatomy among these terrasaurs adding to this variability is the fact that the limited skull remains that are known of the giant Romanian species hatsy goop Trix indicate an unusually robust skull for this animal here is a cast of one of the known skull pieces which is a bit of the base of the skull you can see here this is where it would fit into the socket and also part of the underside of the skull where the lower jaw would attach to and unlike most other teral skulls with their thin struts and plates of bone hatti got had very robust bones with strong ridges indicating large muscle attachments though the skull would still have had big openings to keep it light enough for flight indeed this idea of hatti gobrick as a particularly robust as darkid was further expanded upon when in 2017 paleontologists described a neck vertebrae from Romania that they assigned to this AJ darket this vertebrae is proportionately short and thick in comparison to other ASD darkid neck bones especially when compared to the only other known Giant neck vertebra the one from Aron Borgia as such it's been hypothesized that hatrix was a stocky short necked ashd darket capable of taking on violently struggling prey with a robust neck that could handle the torsion and compression involved in such activities given the absence of any large dinosaur predators in its environment to which was an ancient Island ecosystem paleontologists have proposed that hatti opter was the arch predator of its habitat predating on small dinosaurs meanwhile the h ois goes Aron borani would have had a very different ecology with its proportionally longer and more slender neck and perhaps even had a completely different diet however other paleontologists have advised caution When comparing the neck vertebrae of aror gania and hatrix since the argania bone is likely a fifth cervical vertebra while the hatop specimen is thought to be a seventh cervical meaning the hatop bone comes from closer to the base of the neck and would be expected to be proportionately shorter compared to the middleneck vertebra anyway in addition it's been pointed out that the biomechanical influence of the internal structures of the vertebrae were not fully considered and which are now understood to greatly increase the loads that these bones are capable of sustaining another notable feature of AZ darket skulls is the Crest at the back of the head at least in some species the completely preserved skull of xang opterus shows that this species and therefore presumably some other a darket 2 lacked any kind of display Crest above the nant orbital finestra however the partial skulls of the smaller ketle quala species ketle qualus looni hint at some sort of structure having been present above the large openings of the skull these structures are incompletely preserved however and we don't know the exact extent of them and as such you'll see a lot of variation in the shape and size of these crests in various pale artistic reconstructions of the terrasaurs plus since we don't have these regions of the skulls in the giant asz darket such as the larger ketle qualis northropi hatop or argania the presence of crests in these animals is speculative but not unreasonable I really like the crest shape of this model though is they've gone for a fairly conservative design sticking close to the shape and maximum extent of the structure and the actual preserved material as well as neck vertebrae and occasional skull pieces one of the other key parts of the skeleton that help paleontologists to figure out the maximum sizes and biomechanics of the extraordinary asj dark kids is the humorous fortunately fossils of these upper arm bones are actually known for some of the giant species a very well preserved Kettle qualus northropi humorus is known as well as a partial hatti goter humorus the most striking feature of these very robust and stal Bones is the extremely expanded process near the head called The deltopectoral Crest as in other terasa groups the Crest is very long reaching about half the length of the entire humorus making the whole bone look somewhat like a hatchet these crests were the attachment points for the major flight muscles and in ketle qualis northropi this Crest is the largest of any terasa the partial humorous known of hatsy opx is also an incredibly robust bone and needed to be very strong to support and move those Enormous Wings especially during launching next to the deltopectoral Crest is the partially weathered humoral head which is really quite massive for a solid articulation with the body and then there is a part of the actual shaft the shaft is remarkably wide for a flying animal but again when you consider how powerful the wing muscles it supports would need to be it makes sense now it was actually due to the similarities seen between this humorous and the previously described humorous of kle katas that in 2002 hatsy gox was recognized as representing another giant Ash darkid the long and gently curved Crest lacking a bulbous expansion at the end was noted by paleontologists to look very similar to the condition in kle katas and so it was clear that they had another flying giant here and just to show how amazingly detailed this model of kle qualis is here on the humorous you can even see the Delta pectoral Crest sticking out near the humal head it's a really nice little detail so then it's clear that as darkid parasaurs as the largest flying animals that ever lived had some pretty extreme Anatomy but exactly how big did they get as I hinted at before the upper limit of the ashd darked wingspan seems to balance out at approximately 10 m or almost 33 ft although previous estimates have gone as high as 20 M this is just a little bit ridiculous and is not thought to be the case any longer nevertheless 10 m is still absolutely incredible and safely puts these parasaurs far above the size ranges of any other groups of flying animals when Kettle katas was first described in 1975 by Douglas Lawson he compared the giant humorous to the same bones in a variety of other teras or species in order to estimate the full size of the animal scaling it up with these different species resulted in a range of wingspans going from 11 M based on the Jurassic AED pterodactylus to 15.4 5 m based on sorus and Pteranodon and then even an extreme maximum estimate of 21 M when it was scaled up using an observed trend for other theasaurus however he accepted the 15.5 measurement as the most likely revised estimates in the 1980s then brought the kettle qualis North thropy wingspan down to around 12 M and more recent work has since found that a 10 to 11 M wingspan for this animal is the maximum that we can reliably calculate for it largely based on scaling up from the more complete Kettle qualis La Soni material hatsy goix was initially estimated to have a total wingspan of 10 to 12 M and hence to have been slightly larger than Kettle qualus northropi as the humorus was measured as being about 10 mm wider than the kettle koalas material therefore it was thought that the total length of the humorus was slightly bigger in hattic OB which then scaled up to a slightly bigger total wingspan however it turns out that the hatop Trix humorous has actually been deform formed a bit during the process of fossilization and the Delta pectoral Crest has actually been bent out of place when this deformation is taken into account the width of the humoris is then about the same as that of kettle qualus northropi suggesting that actually these two terrasur potentially had very similar wingspans at least based on what paleontologists have been able to tell from The Limited material we have available the wingspan of aror gania has also been discussed and estimated several times although considering that only neck vertebra is attributed with certainty to this terrasaur it makes calculating a reliable wingspan somewhat difficult although there is an as darked arm bone that was found in Morocco which has been suggested to belong to argania though this is uncertain plus there is actually a fragmentary n vertebra discovered in Tennessee that paleontologists have argued is also Aron Borgia massively extending its range but anyway the wingspan estimates given for Aron Borgia have ranged from 13 M as estimated by paleontologists in the 1990s based on scaling with the smaller ketqua species to just 7 m as estimated in the early 2000s however it seems that both of these are probably too extreme and aror gania likely had a wingspan more in the range of kettle koalas North thropy at around 10 m but again this is a particularly challenging species to make estimates for given how limited its known material is another giant ASD darked species was named in 2019 from material found in late Cretaceous aged rocks in Alberta Canada this is cryodon borus the name meaning cold Dragon of the north winds and it's actually known from quite a bit of fossil material for an as darket the specimens of this species include Bones from several individuals and altogether include neck vertebrae Wing Bones parts of the hind Limbs and bits of the pectoral girdle in the paper describing cryodon it's noted that the humorous of this Canadian species is remarkably similar to that of kle katas suggesting that this terasa was also of comparable size to the largest of the ashd darkid however the authors also suggest that given the slightly longer humorous in cryodon this species may have been slightly bulkier and had a greater body mass which is also supported by the relatively more robust neck vertebrae of course as I briefly mentioned earlier there's yet another ASD darked species that's also in the running for the largest flying animal ever the very fragmentary remains from late Cretaceous aged rocks in the goby desert of Mongolia these fossils consist of a partial neck vertebrae along with two fragments of neural ey es and due to this very limited material the paleontologists who described it decided not to give it a scientific name however they describe the bones as being comparable in size to other giant Ash darkid and therefore in the range of 10 m or slightly more unfortunately for now this is about all we can say about the size of the Mongolian giant until more remains are hopefully found in the future it's interesting to note though that this enormous terrasaur also seems to have coexisted with Tyrannosaurs since fossils of tarbas aurus Batar have been recovered from the same locality hinting at some interesting potential interactions between these very different but very large Predators other fragmentary and as yet unnamed large ashd darked remains have also been recovered from Lake Cretaceous age deposits in Spain and in France a neck vertebrae reported from the French Pyrenees in 1997 was estimated to have come from an animal with a wingspan in the range of 9 M while the wingspan of another terrasaur known from limited remains near Valencia in Spain has apparently been estimated at over 12 M although there's not much information available about these claims so wingspans of 10 m or perhaps a tiny bit more seem to have been about the maximum that was possible for as darket to achieve and therefore also sets the upper limit for any flying animal however there's always the potential for more discoveries of ASD darked remains to increase this upper limit although probably not by too much but there's a very intriguing specimen that has recently been revealed and gone on display in Germany which potentially could represent the largest of all as darkid this is a specimen given the nickname Dracula Unearthed in Transylvania in Romania and claimed to be the largest ever terrasaur although its fossils have not been published yet reconstructions of the skeleton of this enormous flying reptile were put up on display at the almal Dinosaur Museum in Germany I was lucky enough to visit here in May of 2023 which you can see more of in our boneheads video about our field trip to Germany and so here I am with Dr Nar Ibrahim talking about these magnificent terasa so I'm here with Dr Nar Ibrahim and behind us is a specimen of as darkid called Dracula um so I thought you could tell us a little bit about this specimen um where did it come from and what do you think it might be yeah so there are only a few tantalizing Clues we have for giant as darket right the best one is of course the Texas Giant kattas right everything's bigger in Texas right yeah um but then we have bits and pieces from places like Spain there's something called the lolana giant which is only known from a few neck bones oh wow um there's some big uh uh Bones from from uh Jordan and then there's Romania and this is based on material that was found in Romania and it's from Transylvania so what's the first thing you think about when you hear Transylvania vampires vampires right so it's nicknamed Dracula yeah and it was um you know announced to the world as as the largest terrorist forever um even bigger than KLA quas and so what you see here is you know um based on um different kinds of large terrasaurs the material is relatively limited but it's very very big right so um there's a neckbone of held the original it's absolutely enormous right um there bits of the wrist again off the scale and so we recently did some work to um put together a more precise more accurate reconstruction this giant dark um Dracula essentially yeah we think that it's probably a terrasur called hopter which is known from Romania there's just no overlap in the material right so the question is you know whether two giant theasaurus right or or yeah um but might well be haty opter and so what we did is we looked at the material that has been published for Ketel quattas and um other largest archosaurs and we piece together what is really the first scientifically accurate representation of a giant at least based on what we know um today and so it comes out at you know 11.4 m in wingspan roughly so this is a really really big animal and it just blows your mind right because it's um you know if you're standing in front of this thing you can't help but just imagine what this would have looked like in the flesh and you know so have you have you ever seen a a giant stet reconstruction of that sort I haven't seen one where it's actually on the ground and I've always wanted to because I feel like when when they're up in the the air like that like they they look impressive but having it like right in front of you like this you can really get perent of the scale yes so this is really impressive to see yeah so Dracula will be very interesting to see published and may even end up pushing the maximum wingspan limit a little further but all these huge wingspan estimates have also been accompanied by calculations of these terrasaurs masses along with the odd claim that such giant animals were actually not capable of flying play at all and were instead flightless terrasaurs some researchers in the early 2000s suggested that terasa with 10 m wingspans would have needed to be extraordinarily lightweight in order to fly limited to a maximum of about 70 kg however this is just not realistic given the more recent Mass estimates for the largest AJ dark kids put them at between 200 and 250 kg far above the claimed 70 kg cap other estimates by different paleontologists had previously predicted masses of 544 kg for giant a dark kids but this was found to be a huge overestimate the issue was that many of these older estimates and claimed limits for terasol masses had been relying too heavily on comparisons to birds as argued by other paleontologists in 2010 the anatomy Wing structure and method of launch in birds and parasaurs are very different from each other and I've discussed all this at length in my previous videos on asz darkid essentially though all the evidence points towards giant ashd darkid indeed having been capable of flying and suggest that they were perfectly able to launch themselves into the air without relying on a long runup or a launch from a cliff as had variously been suggested in the past so then the ashd dark kids are the undeniable Victors when it comes to the largest flying animals and as far as we can tell from their incredibly limited Remains the title for largest ever flying animal is probably somewhat of a tie between Kettle katas hatti gox cryo dracon maybe Aron Borgia and perhaps some of the other fragmentary unnamed species the thing we must always remember about the fossil record however is that we're only seeing a tiny tiny sample of all of the organisms that actually ever lived especially in the case of these fragmentary azd darkid known from only a handful of specimens and so we're very unlikely to have the absolute largest individuals of any species represented as fossils this means that there's always the chance that there were particular individuals of any one of these species that may have grown slightly larger than all of the others and so the biggest flying animal that has ever lived is almost certainly one that we have no record of and never will so all those giant as duads are pretty solid contenders for the largest ever based on what we know considering that they're all in the same size range but very quickly before we end this video how about the other kinds of flying animals the birds the bats and the insects what were their largest Flyers among the birds the biggest wingspan we know of belongs to an extinct species called pelonis sandai which lived during the late alosine Epoch between 28 and 25 million years ago known from a partial skeleton and skull Unearthed in South Carolina this species was named in 2014 and is a member of the pelagon ofits the so-called pseudo tooth birds named for their tooth-like projections on their upper and lower Jaws that were actually extensions of their bones not true teeth since these were lost in bird ancestors pelorus Sanders ey is estimated to have a total wingspan of around 6.4 M although the range from 6.06 to almost 7.4 M this just about beats the previous Aven record holder the massive argentavis magnificent from the late myia scene of Argentina which lived more recently about 6 million years ago argentavis was a member of the extinct teraton AIDS relatives of new world vultures and stalks and had a wingspan that may have reached up to 7 m so it was still on the same sort of scale as pelorus Sanders ey it's interesting to note that the maximum known sizes for flying birds seem to be significantly smaller than the maximum in terrasaurs and this has been the subject of some discussion among researchers it's been hypothesized to have something to do with the very different launching biomechanics of the two groups whereas birds are bipedal launchers terrosaur were most likely quad launchers with their arms providing most of the forces needed to get them off the ground this essentially meant that teras were comparably much more efficient with their body mass as their large launching and flight muscles were all concentrated around the pectoral G while Birds launch with their hind Limbs and flap with their for liims meaning their muscle mass is spread around the pectoral as well as pelvic GLE moving over to the third group of vertebrates with true powered flight what is the biggest bat well the one with the largest wingspan that we know of is actually a living species called the giant golden crowned flying fox acerodon jubatus an inhabitant of the Philippines This Bat is a member of the mega bat lineage which includes the fruit bats and other flying foxes and has a reported wingspan of up to 1.7 m and a body mass of 1.4 kg some of the other contenders for largest bat includes some species of the genus tropus such as the Indian flying fox and the great flying fox both of which weigh slightly more than the giant Golden Crown flying fox but have reported wingspans that are a little smaller considering that bat fossils are notoriously rare and often very poorly preserved particularly in the case of the megabats which generally live in tropical regions where fossilization is less likely it wouldn't surprise me if there was some kind of prehistoric megabat that had an even larger wingspan but we'll have to wait and see if anything like that ever gets found again it's very interesting to note that the maximum size for bats seems to be much smaller than that of birds and Far Far smaller than that of theasaurus this has been suggested to have something to do with their inherent mamalian structure with different anatomical and metabolic constraints applying to them compared to the other groups of flying vertebrates in addition a study that investigated why bat maximum size is relatively small found that in similar sized bats and birds the mass of the downstroke flight muscles is less in bats seeming to indicate that the general anatomy and layout of muscles in bats is a contributing factor to their limited maximum sizes nor that this in any way suggest that they are somehow not a successful Group after all size isn't everything as shown by the fact that there are over 1,400 living species of bats making them the second most diverse first order of mammals after the rodents and finally what about the fourth group of animals with powered flight and the first ones to take to the air the insects the honor of the largest flying insect as well as the largest insect in general goes to a species called Mega neurops perana which lived During the perian period around 285 million years ago and has been found as fossils in Kansas and Oklahoma you may have heard of megura the famous giant from the even older Carboniferous period often referred to as a giant dragonfly Mega nura is also a member of the same group as Mega neurops called meganos optera but they are not true dragonflies instead belonging to an entirely extinct lineage known as Griffin flies both Mega nura and mega neurops were absolute Giants in terms of insect size although Mega neurops is known from slightly larger fossil specimens reaching a maximum wingspan of 71 CM while the maximum for meura has been cited as about 7 20 cm now considering that the wingspan of the common G can be around 110 CM that's pretty impressive to think that these insects were not far off and they would have been marvelous animals to see in life so then those are the largest flying animals that have ever lived as far as we know before we end this video though I'd like to thank Wonder artistic models for sending me this fantastic Kettle quarless model as I already mentioned this model includes loads of amazing and accurate anatomical details that can be be used to learn more about this incredible animal Wonder artistic models is a company based in Chile that creates some absolutely stunning 3D wooden puzzles of extinct and living animals that aim to be as accurate as possible I had so much fun putting this Kettle kois model together and they also sent me a velociraptor 2o which looks amazing as well there are multiple different postures that you can make for each model and I love how the Jaws are movable as well allowing you to create some pretty Dynamic poses as they say on their website they create paleo art not toys and they truly do make a brilliant addition to any paleontology lovers collection I'd highly recommend having a look at their website which will be linked below there's an extraordinary range of animals that you can put together including the Recently Added multiple variations of Spinosaurus as a swimmer and also as a heron likee Riverbank Hunter just so you can cover all your bases in the spinosaurus debate it's a very clever idea thank you so much again to wonder artistic models for sending me these amazing models and I hope you enjoyed this video thank you for watching this video and I hope you learned something new if you would like to find out more about our world its history and the wonderful life that surrounds us all please feel free to subscribe to the channel if you think we deserve it and if you would like to see more from us [Music]
Channel: Ben G Thomas
Views: 148,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biology, Science, Paleontology, Palaeontology, Dinosaurs, Animals, Nature, Wildlife, Ben, Thomas, Prehistory, Anatomy, Fossil, Bones, News, 7Daysofscience, Days, of
Id: 2VgHDIq2ZMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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