What Was Discovered Beyond the Milky Way?

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if you look around our universe you can see that it is permeated by many shining Galactic filaments and walls between them there are vast stretches of the deepest space hundreds of millions of Li years in diameter called voids these tremendous gaps in space reach such an incredible mindboggling size that the largest galaxies appear like grains of sand in comparison and some Stars burn out completely faster than a photon travels from one edge of this Abyss in space to the other even the omnipresent echo of the Big Bang dies down in their vast depths which hold many secrets and Mysteries that means it's time to go to the very heart of the great Abyss in space called [Music] void [Music] Cosmo the first in outer space even after many years of studying the cosmos we still do not know what exactly is concealed in its depths however even now it is possible to enjoy a wonderful Galactic journey across great expanses of space in a multiplayer online game Star Trek Fleet command explore a vast open world conquer new planets and upgrade your Fleet to join a spectacular battle with millions of players around the world get together a team of loyal allies including completely new characters from the latest update for example the charismatic engineer trip Tucker will boost the team's morale while the pragmatic and tough volcani and Toole will be a trustworthy asset in difficult battles these Heroes will definitely come in handy in dealing with 10 missions from the new plot update corst Enterprise for smooth induction into the game we're giving you a special promo code for newbies when registering use warp speed to get a Content pack which grants new players 10 epic shards of Kirk for free click the link in the description or scan the QR code from the screen and set out on your space adventure in terms of the vastness of the cosmos our planet is just a small rocky fra magment traveling at incredible speed through boundless emptiness for billions of years it has been orbiting the Sun maintaining a distance of about 150 million km however the true size of our system is much larger according to Modern Concepts its outer boundary which is considered the far edge of the hypothetical o cloud is at a distance of about 100,000 astronomical units Beyond this boundary Begins the vast abyss of the interstellar vacuum space so rarified that there is on average only a single hydrogen atom per cubic cm the distances between the nearest stars in our part of the Galaxy are a matter of a few light years and a photon that has left the sun can reach Proxima centu without ever colliding with a particle of matter this vast void is a pervasive and integral part of the deep structure of the cosmos it permeates the entire Milky Way separating stars and planets black holes and white dwarves super dense Paras and Scattered nebula if you move outside the Galaxy you can see that it is surrounded by an even deeper vacuum for example between us and the Andromeda galaxy lies 2 and A2 million light years of exceptionally rarified space this distance is so great that 25 galaxies like ours could fit in it yet it is filled only with the deepest Cosmic vacuum and this is only a small part of the Great Cosmic Abyss the Milky Way the Andromeda nebula and the triangulum Galaxy as well as about a 100 of their satellites are bound together by pervasive invisible threads of gravity this structure is called the local group and is a large cluster of cosmic matter about 10 million light years in diameter the local group in its turn is part of an even larger formation but a relatively small Galactic filament by the standards of the universe called the local sheet this flattened structure consisting of several hundred galaxies has a diameter of about 46 million light years and its thickness is roughly 5 million light years the sheet is also part of an EV even larger association called the Virgo supercluster however very close to the local sheet outter space suddenly changes its appearance here the usual colorful universe is harassed by a giant black abyss known as the local void in fact the local sheet is one of its walls the other conventional boundaries being the Perseus Pisces supercluster and the Pavo Indus supercluster at at the same time the void is divided into conventional Parts by several rarified Galactic filaments and wide passages link it into a single network with a neighboring sculptor and Hercules voids due to the cosmological expansion of the universe and the gravitational influence of the surrounding matter the volume of the local void is slowly increasing at present its diameter is about 150 million light years and the distance to the center is at least 70 million light years meanwhile the nearest edge of this Cosmic void is located very close to the Earth at a distance of about 3.2 million light years due to this proximity the local void occupies a significant part of our planet's night sky about 40% the main plane of the Milky Way containing many bright stars and large nebula covers the central part of this region from us still its edges do remain accessible for observation in 1854 a dwarf spiral galaxy was discovered a little north of the constellation Hercules it was dubbed angc 6503 later with the advancement of observation techniques it became known that it is located in the middle of the local void and its distinguishing feature is the incredible multicolor appearance the spiral arms of the Galaxy are permeated with bright red clots of heated hydrogen and shining blue nebuli are Stellar nurseries the center is obscured by clouds of cool gas and dust which have a noble brown color NGC 6503 has a diameter of about 30,000 light years and its distance from Earth reaches 17 million light years due to the gravitational pool of the Virgo super cluster this galaxy is approaching us at a speed of about 43 km/s It is believed that his gradual approach to the local sheet will eventually saturate its space with Interstellar hydrogen causing an increase in Star formation it is estimated that in a few billion years time the current number of young Stars could double and the small Galaxy will shine with renewed Vigor the motion aveng GC 6503 is a clear demonstration of how the voids are likely to have come about it is believed that the foundations of the large scale structure of the universe were laid in the first minutes of its existence at the time of chaotic mixing of matter and energy Cosmic cataclysms of incredible power shook the young universe forming local compactions and voids subsequently clots of matter became Proto Galactic clouds and areas of space of reduced density became voids over time the pervasive influence of gravity intensified this contrast pulling stars and Cosmic gas into relatively dense clusters making the space and voids even more rarified observations show that the vast majority of galaxies formed between 10 and 13 billion years ago in addition no significant differences have been found found to exist between the age of galaxies located in voids and those that form Global filaments this fact also confirms the modern theory of the formation of the large scale structure of the universe meanwhile allowing for the cosmological expansion of space we can assume that with time the local void will become larger and more rarified and the Virgo supercluster will gradually disintegrate into several independent groups at present it is an association of about 30,000 galaxies concentrated in a region of space with a diameter of about 200 million light years at the same time the total mass of the cluster is about 1 and A2 quadrillion solar masses which is down amount to about a, galaxies such as the Milky Way the Virgo supercluster is partially contiguous with two other galac I superclusters The Centaurus and Pavo Indus superclusters at the same time its other side borders on a vast region almost devoid of matter it is called the Taurus void and is one of the largest known Cosmic voids it is rather difficult to study this part of outer space the reason is that most of the Void lies in the soc called zone of avoidance a sector closed off from us by the Milky Way plane the bright stars in our galaxy outshine the fainter and more distant sources and Interstellar matter absorbs and scatters their light however thanks to infrared studies we do have some ideas about the structure of this void the diameter of this tremendous void is about 200 million light years and the distance to the center is about 150 million light years when observing the void one is immediately struck by the remarkably clear boundary between the relatively empty space and a bright cluster of galaxies located much further away it is called the persus Pisces supercluster and is one of the largest in this part of the universe a transision this sharp is characteristic of dust clouds even though infrared studies do not confirm their presence in all probability the clear boundary between the void and the supercluster is caused by gravitation but the exact mechanism of their action Still Remains to be found out meanwhile it is thought that the Taurus void like most other Cosmic voids is not quite as empty as one might imagine the way light passing through it is distorted suggests that this region May hide in its depths Giant gas and dust clouds the cradles of future galaxies according to other hypotheses huge masses of dark matter the most mysterious substance in the universe the properties of which are still not fully understood may be contained inside the void according to the most daring ideas there are clots of antimatter or even more exotic matter with negative mass in the centers of cosmic voids nevertheless despite their boldness these hypotheses lie outside the boundaries of generally accepted scientific Concepts which makes it difficult to verify them experimentally currently only two separate Galaxies have been discovered tucked away in the space of the giant void one of them ugc 2627 has a spiral structure and resembles the Milky Way while the second known as ugc 2629 is an elliptical dwarf Galaxy both objects are located almost in the heart of the Void at a distance of about 185 5 million light years from us the distance between them is small and is within a few hundred, light years perhaps there are other single galaxies hiding in the space there but the Milky Way disc does not allow us to see them meanwhile the Virgo supercluster together with four other superclusters forms a giant Galactic filament called lania Kia it contains more than 100,000 galaxies and stretches for more more than 500 million light years in space its gravitational Center is the great attractor a mysterious supercluster of galaxies located 250 million light years from Earth in its turn lanak Kia is part of a vast Galactic stream and further out one can see that most of it is surrounded by a black abyss of unprecedented proportions the light of distant galaxies is ground in its emptiness and even the mysterious and Elusive neutrinos take billions of years to cross this Cosmic abys to be honest it is hard to believe that despite all the development of observational technology such a gigantic void was noticed only 10 years ago the year 2013 the University of Wisconsin Madison a team of astronomers led by Professor Amy Barger is working to determine the distance between galaxies in the process an unexpected and staggering fact is discovered it turns out that lakia and most of its surrounding superclusters are enveloped by a cosmic void of unprecedented proportions after making calculations scientists discovered that its diameter EX exceeds that of any previously known void the size of the discovered void turned out to be so enormous that several fundamental cosmological principles were questioned it appears that the universe is much more elaborate than we imagined the research done by Amy J Barger Ryan Keenan and Lennox Co has led in all likelihood to one of the greatest astronomical discoveries of recent years their work has shown that our galaxy along with its surroundings is located in the middle of the largest supervoid known to science it was named KBC after the first letters of the discovery names observations show that the shape of the giant void is close to spherical and its diameter May exceed two billion light years according to calculations the Milky Way is located a few hundred million Li years from the Conditional Center of the great Cosmic abyss and about the same distance from its Edge the discovery of a giant bubble of emptiness surrounding lanaka helped to explain the Paradox that had kept scientists busy for many years the fact is that all galaxies in the universe are gradually floating apart due to cosmological expansion measuring the speed of this motion allows us to calculate the so-called Hubble constant a fundamental physical constant characterizing the rate of expansion of space however if we take the Galaxy's closest to us to calculate the Hubble constant it turns out that the rest of the universe is expanding too slowly on the other hand if we take distant objects as the basis the Milky Ways surroundings are moving moving faster than they should the discovery of the Void has accounted for a lot the fact is that the galaxies inside it including the Milky Way and its neighbors are constantly experiencing additional gravitational influence from objects outside the void this creates an additional force that gradually stretches our cluster in different directions it is also surprising that the KBC void is so huge that it comprises not only superclusters of galaxies but also other voids for example the local void as well as the Taurus void a part of its structure it turns out that compared to other voids even though KBC looks large it isn't quite so empty nevertheless according to calculations even this void is just a barely noticeable dark spot against the background of the observable part of the universe the diameter of the latter reaching 92 billion light years if we look at the global map of the universe we will see a lot of dark spots on it close to the KBC void in terms of their size most of them easily fit within the framework of modern physical theories While others show surprising and strange properties difficult to explain from the point of view of Science and one of the most noticeable riddles of this kind in space is the arous supervoid also Al known as the cmbb cold spot it is estimated to have a diameter of 500 million to 1 billion light years and it lies at a distance of between 6 and 10 billion light years from the Milky Way this means that this formation is one of the most extensive elements of the large scale structure of the universe the void is located in the southern hemisphere of the earth's sky and occupies an impressive area on it several times larger than the full moon however it is impossible to see it with a naked eye the cmbb cold spot is visible only with the help of special telescopes that study the cosmos in the microwave Spectrum thanks to these astronomers have discovered that within the spot Relic cmbb radiation of the universe is about 70 microkelvin colder than the metagalactic average this deviation is nearly four times as intensive as the strongest anomaly previously recorded and its gigantic size makes it a truly enigmatic object that requires extensive study it is now believed that trell cmbb radiation traveling through hundreds of millions of light years of deep vacuum is gravitationally influenced by distant Galactic superclusters this causes the pervasive echo of the Big Bang to lose energy making the CMB cold spot appear appear cooler in images than its surroundings nevertheless this effect cannot fully explain the excessive cooling of Relic radiation according to calculations the attraction of external galaxies can account for only a quarter of the observed deviation it is assumed that the remaining 75% of the effect may be due to the impact of hypothetical dark matter or dark energy concentrated in the depths of the Void however it is going to take a while before we can truly unravel this Cosmic mystery as we observe the cosmos we see hundreds of millions of galaxies scattered in space each comprising billions of all kinds of stars trillions of planets and countless other celestial bodies this infinite diversity creates gigantic Cosmic structures covering space with a glowing network but all this is but glittering dust against the great void that fills the universe this void is the true Cosmos mysterious and dangerous maybe in its depths are hidden answers to the key riddles of the universe or maybe there is nothing but endless Darkness hardly comprehensible to the Mind Only Time Will show whether one day we will get to the bottom of its [Music] secrets
Channel: Kosmo
Views: 193,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voids, void, emptiness, space, cosmos, universe, solar system, what lies beyond the boundaries of the milky way, local void, local sheet, galaxies, supercluster, virgo supercluster, closest galaxies, andromeda galaxy, andromeda nebula, taurus void, centaurus supervoid, great attractor, boundless void, infinite void, scale of the universe, big bang, cmb radiation, astronomy, film, video, documentary, science, journey, cosmo, kosmo, kbc void
Id: LVA-jm85MO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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