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crutch r your success it is comfortable and we found a bag that would say for as for wallets this says wallets and says in the name you force I don't know what brands that was through that france it was made in Italy new york space it's a sin were these blacks our soil is an avalanche and it sure is that it is old but yes it's lemon 7 that's how the wife's mother gave it to her good this one had already seen the white bag remember for 15 for the cemetery in web cinemas as well very good since In Italy we buy it doesn't work here the serious skates and another word but My wife's mother says that they look like this yes yes they are she knows resources you like brand thing furniture well known that is why I decided have a store thing that we are going to open she will be in charge of the decoration and because of that because she knows she knows all that and and this has to give us this is double in progress it's a pattern is the mask I'm going to have to do my homework on these wallets to see if they are recorded and not only speaks an easter cross exam It is light but it looks like shaman or something and they go more of this brand is not well thought out another stone to another political world one of these this is going to be the second spencer this one let's see that it has something hopefully have no water alarte let's see here sometimes they put jewelry here inside no once exposes there are many times when when the drawers are pink once found jewelry here in the drawers or let's see them come out nail in return this person had changes by wherever they want then here is the brand says the expert this one is lower than the guiana they gave me and besides being this is now stretch marks part of the year crisis and medical mexico we'll see sometimes that florida it's already cold I don't know if it is or not but we will be view of this part of the bed I don't owe them, also Achilles they put on like a leather if they see the exit of the summer it will be interesting sometimes what that sometimes costs sometimes art costs a lot of money m how aceves and at 31 so they want to see her music class we don't like everyone come on let's go to the troca and let's see what monkeys now that back already many things that outburst is from here I get off I didn't even know what I was doing in that brand or we throw them out and they are sold nine by 300 and something that has been minus 580 i think they said like 58 will measure us these files is the lady that was this lady wants to buy me this I have your phone number of all that those also guys and then my wife’s mother and I’m bag because she was throwing the pots and I get this close and look what sterling says this says that it has a segment inside but it does say sterling that is being silver and is heavy and the reason why it's heavy is because they have cement inside but it's still cool it's silver and he knows that I haven't even checked in let's just see if there is another one and that is what I had is because in that and I've never seen scissors like that it seems that they are scissors with the designs and me the crises will feel good boy this let's see what julie says is James for a link from Germany also if you give of these they look at each other well inside until borrowed In the design what a cool men for that reason for this reason I like to find to buy units that also old that have old things because I see things that I have never seen things like that because beyond another one of these persists a heart I think that is the other silver me the c this distro lines is a little better I get It was very strong is the brand course check this out those seem as they are called like skulls of what is that decision called de perez it's from perez are from france I've been for me perez we check dear ones as social today as congresses of sea ​​as they are called from the things that they have hard things look at us to Christianity yury company tells you it's a store jewelry store in saint louis missouri in the crises today come see what they say here because he says in front i don't know what they say let's see if these say something I'll stay ah i well, that believing that brand knows what it is well talk to people someone me said a man who also like budgets had told me that when I found you hear when I find today you have let believe that also faces and these how do you get there because supposedly that mark me in face ah this affirmed art I always like the check to ok that came out are those are the same brand for the salt and pp s white world says and others tracing the same brand while the others are also ranked here it is the same brand that has been finding these I had already found two of these and I didn't even know that it was that brand that cool is going to have to grab those and put them with these now pans contrasts it looks good that they became pure sheets since in this one I know very old human look efe let's see if it's something inside let's see how according to you there you are not going to have to check this look the nails or whatever that the old business this one too and I don't know if they are bronze ok but if look in cumana and old but expenses with many at hand something I don't know well guys I don't like the thing old well then whatever it takes but good but if you are going to do my homework and if anyone knows anything about it if he loves me let me know well thank you thank you That is a woman says that and this last very good all these things are seen from exactly quite it looks like it has clothing they are portraits and I had noticed when I looked at her first but if they see the loam very button and I don't know if it's real or not your ideas with adventist coffee there but making leather I think if you go to real take out your mystery and how is it and other arts 1 on this list too in several of these dishes and is the brand and this is the last box since we are missing those little bags that have not checked but basic this first because he says books books or of goat says books that's why it's important check all the boxes and just say books and well a lot of watches are going to take out right now but the first thing yes as well is when they got married it's a book that gave it back or that jackie of this is so interesting and must see Yes go and if they see the mark it is to go on the nails good porridge i have very good nails thick right now but fine says this witness doesn't think it's going to be if you have nothing behind I think that a real lex egg had had had as the numbering and all that what is said don't do something like that Logan Italy I learn that says below or says black men really love man from italy What is Frank Moore? it's good 39s score and it seems to me that this is also good brand you say excuse me they had a call but s nb 1925 will be silver it is not seen to be silver but if they say 925 maybe that is the style or something this also did goal exhibit says today only by the chest and if it seems and also when I looked at that one it looked like this and it looked like they serve as you know of different colors today if you want say how as they say how creams eat them some they eat them they are from the sea and this comes if they have to lower this if there is something or if I did rolex that 98 Pilate celine and suez but this research does not occur this one if you have a brand they seem almost equal but it seems to me that the goals they have a numbering if I remember correctly they usually have numbering and I don't see them here but I don't think it looks like champagne is feel feel like nor does it feel like leather is also discord input as you say cartier need a prayer you will see something like that here is another so i said have you go again nb what does China say nothing that is not going to cost there says china let's see is that 9 the same they don't look expensive to tell the truth to the rolex even the roles also do not feel they don't feel that some are expensive and it looks more real than others it seems to me but you are not going to have to check these other arms I dont know strauss kahn knows about those and loves me let me know well thank you it's me too going to do my ssd homework a little more as real I don't know why if you see if it seems like vision of the sea or if they are true it's going to be good money here surely 17 x freely the iceberg block this seems like versatile the brand is different i also saw that in wine were the dishes that Many thanks came out of that brand of the machine and they were good at those yard things that are always sold these I think I think surely there are 300 dollars there to the woman up more depends there are the go to the lady or is not this bed also looks from the bed is this let's swallow try to get about 80 attend one in auction to these the one new deal two or touched What would you do to see how much the chairs are also if you give here you are things these things were priced at 300 dollars and all that but look on ebay you they sell about 40 dollars each but yes there are many if we can take them out about 10 goals to each there are going to be more than 100 dollars of this brand of makindye is this they were goats I don't know how much we are going to take out are two I don't know how much we are going to get those and these chairs super me you were good to me played this thing of metal who knows what these are from leather I like many of those are these three benches equal to store us let's take this one from makindye but had work are both pity what does each one say this is little table when I looked at her well is also crack that is the little table this this more jeans stuff and lamps and all that and more and above that also came out the little things the scissors are they looked and swollen looks at them eyes on know what they are called is also 22 these here were guys these things came out of silver is the only silver that one of one of these does not appear one of those silver was also cool and I still have homework here we have to check the clocks at see if they are from wall this not to see if they are to see thoroughly I don't think to tell you the you really don't think they are going to be all of goals were the wallets there was one of the universe and be these things for auction these always sell cover music this is going to be everything with this video i don't know exactly how much am I going to get him out of profit but yes for sure if you are going to have profit was were were if of old things and things that I have not seen before this one it was very fun to do this austere unit i'm loading a few things to auction and others are moving away for the store and let's see how it goes with the sales thank you very much for watching hopefully They had fun looking at things with me I looked at some things that I've never seen this is what I like before this it's going to be everything I have a lot of homework I have a lot of work to do us for other than god bless you and don't forget to have fun goodbye
Channel: Comprando Depositos Abandonados
Views: 275,022
Rating: 4.8014822 out of 5
Keywords: storage wars espanol, almacenes abandonados, subasta de contenedores, subastadecontenedores, buscando tesoro, que compre, comprando bodegas abandonadas, depositos abandonados, storage auction, storage auction videos, subasta, videos de storage, real storage subasta, bought a storage unit, compre un storage, compre un estorage, subasta de bodegas, bodegas abandonadas, quien da mas?, quien da mas, Almacen Abandonado, almacenes, subasta de almacenes, actress, actriz
Id: egJMFh4eP58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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