What to Wear to Space Coachella and Star Wars Fashion (w/ Ryland Adams) - Millennial Falcon

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the ideas are flowing here and now I think we just came up with our new collection together what shoes would be wear with this outfit are you good dancer I'm not the best can we see some of your dance moves [Music] welcome Millennium Falcon they were talking about fashion but don't stop watching because I said that we're going to talk about fun things and with me today I have Catherine L hopper from L hopper design welcome hi tell me about yourself I'm a clothing designer okay that's good that's why you're here that's why I'm here I used to be fashion designer in film and TV that turned into I was like oh these clothes are very easy to wear every day if you just style it properly and so you can do like an everyday cosplay so I integrated my rocks and stuff yeah I did where is it alpha M is my fourth powers but like you pull it in right so this is my galactic royalty collection which also kind of work for go yay but it kind of looks like to date on Naboo outfit yeah rolling around in the field yeah ooh I like the buttons yeah they're little rooms that I hand guide them to who I work with splutters right now I'm obsessed I quickly exhaust remote yeah this is my favorite and it's my galactic Eclipse sweater inspired by her Tatooine look okay this is random people that I see on happen I visit oh this one is great this works for a variety of not even Star Wars characters gonna put it on you put it on yeah I will awesome whoo I feel like I could be like like a decoy or somebody important so we have some outfits from Star Wars that we have pulled and we're going to critique them but I feel like in addition to like Star Wars experts we need some kind of just straight fashion expert to help us yeah take these outfits yeah so we brought in Ryland Adams he's from clever news and he doesn't know anything about Star Wars hey hello welcome to myself are you Ryan I'm Riley oh hi Rylan hello hello thanks for having me this is very exciting yeah I know a lot about Star Wars Star Wars yeah how much who's your favorite Gungan character yeah yeah okay I haven't seen all the Star Wars you know I was very eye walker for Halloween when I was a child in the Sierra Leone as a child and now I was not a fan because I liked it enough to be Luke Skywalker but I just can't tell you how my Sailor Gargamel is garganelli yeah yeah well we're going to talk about bargain L fashion right now right so let's look up at the screen it's on the wall of my room that we're sitting in okay first up we have episode two Anakin he's getting in his emo face oh he's bringing in the black I think a black except I wouldn't have thought he was going to turn evil based on his incredibly evil outfit made of dark leather no I had no idea I'm honestly into it like I think I could show up to a party like that I wish you had there's our shiny back very well yeah I am impressed by the fit it's hard to get familiar in it which is great right got great material I'm a fan of it yeah yeah thumbs up does it get to come but I got you okay I wouldn't give it three us our thumb there it's actually a total of five possible thumbs that's why I'm a little buddy exactly five or thumbs yeah I'm gonna vote for thumbs yeah for thumb what about you sticking with two wondering I only have two so I can only give it to okay her scale is smaller than ours yeah it's going to make it weird but we're going to run with that yeah okay okay alright let's move on to the next one now we've got this consistent grading system down Oh aunt Beru and better why are you burnt about no this is so 80s I like the eighties it's like a nice textured red muumuu with a loose jean jacket over it yeah I don't know who the stylist was for this job but it kind of reminded my grandma oh I wear many hats because I design fashion and I design the Hat yeah but also metaphorically but I feel like your opinion matters most because you yeah right yeah okay how many thumbs are you giving it I have to give that like half of thumb I'll have to for creativity you go by five yeah actually mine is out of six possible thumbs you said five changes real it's not a six - mine is I do it out of six thumbs but the layers were great why what because it's a fabulous outfit trendsetter it's got that great texture to it with the flipped out call I see nobody following in her flow I think that one was a win all around we have sexy bondage padme designed by Lucas himself yeah I think he's great at that she's actually giving me Angelina Jolie vibe yeah okay all right I'd you it's a little dark for my taste but I mean I'm into it I like to wear a tight bandage corset look made of like leather and other things that are similar uncomfortable textures yeah and I'm like what does this need a floor-length scarf choking me yeah it's a nice turkey scarf to trip over so mood down everyone drag you around mostly the ladder yeah how many thumbs are you guys giving this I'll get it one thumb because it was you know made and when I was mm a throat oh if we leave behind the dog collar I'd give it a 4 out of to take the whole outfit a 3 out of 5 3 out of 5 thumbs okay I'm going to do two out of six thumb so I think we're ready for the next outfit okay let's do this Palpatine oh this is a good luck so wait really are you guys honest when you say this is such a good wine without like black robes was just like a pop of color yeah what do you look like about this outfit I mean I just can't think of a time in my life where this would be applicable what shoes would you wear with this outfit I think the Jesus sandals ons that wrap up around yeah oh yeah the gladiators okay I'll wear my light-up heads okay like I wanted to light up under there so you're like what's going on yeah party under the room has a race I'm gonna go toe shoes if he needs to run away he can run fast all right how many thumbs does about to get you guys I'm gonna get this one two thumbs up because of all the detail on it right you know what's your holdup you're out of five I'm gonna give it six out of six wait why are you both over the moon about this was a great really good I don't know why you didn't like it I was ready to a friend's wedding I wear to a garden party it's a great look now this next look is a look with layers both metaphorically and literally we have Padma's Tatooine outfit with case and then we have without case oh man yeah hey I used up my two out of two this is five out of two for me five all sounds good it was my favorite look of hers definitely the best look we've seen the entire strong response I love a good cape and what's underneath is even better yeah I like the whole thing like both versions of it I'm yeah you've got a layered cake which is like a Ted looks like a velvet like melody cape perfect our general bit yes perfect for dessert plans yeah but you've got the nice Airy midriff thing going on yeah which was very head of her time yeah crops ii like the early 2000s which i would you guys wear this all of this I would like if I saw anyone wear this anywhere like I'm hoping I find somebody at Trader Joe's than that something like if anywhere it would be treated with a sleeve have a built-in cape as well it's connected all it's brilliant and there's also connected so it would be hard to carry groceries I mean but when you're a queen or senator you do really carry brochure you have a decoy carrying it not only do they die for you with the carrier heavy load yeah so how many thumbs does this one get from you guys this is six out of two so it's not as you thought as many thumbs we have you have five thumbs perfect you live at five some Joe I'm going to also give it five thumbs out of six thumb and I think we have one more luck to critique you guys we have two Baca you know mostly nude guys with a bandolier meaning functional I wish I can wear them understated look hot yeah I mean physically warm canoes covered with fur right yeah okay and would you guys wear this where would you wear this outfit I think I would wear it to bed to entice my husband that's a good idea that's not the only place are you anywhere is the battle as well any enemies would be intimidated if you run in naked with nothing but a bandolier right be like she's crazy man I do it okay how many thumbs would you give that definitely five five some five out of five yeah mine do two out of two there are two thumbs yeah all right phrasing I'm gonna give it one out of six I don't know what's wrong with you guys I think nudity is strange especially in the workplace so I think nude is in okay hashtag free the nipple you know so we have fun making fun of space outfits here in the safety of my bedroom but I actually went to Star Wars Celebration a really long time ago and I talked to a bunch of Star Wars cause players about their outfits and made fun of them to their faces much better so let's roll the clip of that happening right now so today we're talking about star wars fashion and I notice you're in a slightly more practical outfit well I won't get a sunburn that's for sure are those boots comfortable to walk into I like my most comfortable pair of shoes I'll ever own are probably the most expensive ones if I remember correctly I found them all not one of those charter stores that was down the high expensive you meant the cost of human life because they probably belong to a dead person would you say that you're one of the better dressed characters in Star Wars or do you think someone beats you I think episode two clearly Queen Amidala now Padme do you think this is a good outfit to wear and say the desert totally would recommend it looks very well ventilated you've got the midriff I feel the tan lines might be a little strange what is your favorite thing that you've ever worn I liked my red dress when I was like queen with the face paint face paint is it difficult to get around in this it can be and then how long do the hair and makeup take it took me about half an hour to do the makeup I would have thought handmaidens could help expedite the process your morning routine is like wake up calling your handmaiden who say I'm going to pack my suitcase today put me in my finest down which character do you think is the most stylish and you can't pick yourself I'll go as lay and then next and do you think Padme or Leia is a better dresser time mate for sure I mean I love her black leather outfit the article or the cost I have a thing for collars yeah apparently yeah she takes after her daughter however that works you among your friends what do you say is the most fashionable person that you know Carlisle and oh he's pretty smooth I know is good he's got some really good looks I think the way he accessorized is with that big cape is good and and who is the worst dressed among your friends oh my god Luke absolutely I mean it's just like he just like picked that up out of the trash I'm going to tell him that you said that what do you think about Anakin do you think he likes dresses well enough to match Padme I think he does I just wish you'd behave better though that's true he does end up choking you who do you think of the gentleman is the best dresser in Star Wars I want to say obi-wan he is like always like really put together okay I mean he does just work sad Jedi row well I mean he does what he can with it I feel like that's the handsomeness is doing McGregor more than the clothes inner on him she's a good clothes horse I think yeah for the men who do you think is the best dress kemp Duke is pretty regal oh you know and no one has said Count Dooku we get a lot of Lando but I agree maybe Palpatine I like the simplicity and then people came when he was a senator he also had very good chasing clothes after cranek also it's very flashy I really like the way chronic looks I like the lines as I had got him is this one a favorite outfit of yours yes it is and did you make it yourself it was a gift to you by like a generous space plus it was gifted to me by a generous space life so did Jabba design the outfit himself or does he have a designer on staff I would imagine and he's like I want him in something half naked maybe Jabba isn't actually trying to like you know belittle her anything he's like I am entirely nude he's just like this is what's polite in Hutt culture they wear as little as possible yeah it's like a whole other spin on it he thought he would being a gentleman he's like it wasn't comfortable are you good dancer I'm not the best can we see some of your dance moves and where do you keep your belongings in this outfit [Music] never mind man did you guys love that clip wasn't that great and sent us it yeah okay what's in your hands now guys these are for us to design our own Star Wars fashion you're going to design me an outfit right now right here for you okay for everybody for the world so first one we have charity fundraiser at Jabba's palace okay Jabba's palace is a very bad place for a very bad plug man keeps prisoners and has parties it's in the desert definitely some slavery happening sex slavery I usually sin sex slavery of some kind planes turning out great I don't know about you guys mine's great I'm very proud all right already super ready otherwise okay you go first okay so mine I imagine that she was actually entertained it's okay for the evening so I did a neon yellow two-week who basically slaves gear but nicer sleep oh that's great I like that she's like mostly on clothes but she's got a huge flamboyant cape she's basically a wrestler I honestly loves the hair that's very Larry would you know anything about Star Wars you know that yeah definitely she's an alien's her hair okay mine she's mourning the loss lash at the party okay we're gonna is appropriate for oh yeah wow person we had the cake fishnet short it is not sure best fans and I have a hot pot okay so mine I went full funky this is ahead of its time because it's almost an 80s look as you can see you've got some yellow flare pants at first you think that this is a normal sized human and you realize oh little Princess Leia on a leash and you realize this is a giant this is supreme leader snoke when he had hair yeah very nice fancy belt he's we're going to LIVESTRONG band because I always assumed he was um into charitable donations when he was younger and literally to them okay our next prompts we have Christmas at your boyfriend's family's house but your boyfriend's dad is Emperor Palpatine oh okay this is probably beyond Musa far the safest of the planets in the Star Wars universe you know first of all right so mine is very bold whoa very 70s avant-garde right an L it's a Pico Pancho okay I'm Evan and she's rocking a Christmas tree inspired hat I want a similar route I also have a nice Christmas tree hat but my head image like you see often in the Senate then you can see I also did like a KP top I made sure to have the midriff out ya know in Star Wars if you're going to meet your students and others parents got to show some belly got some nice green booty shorts for Christmas time and then kind of a KP skirt that falls down the back I like my way better so mine is some stiff inspires a lot so not Christmas color no okay like a goth Christmas yes yeah like goth emo Christmas so oversized hood with a little like crop cape with like little arms lift your arms through to be.we to get your drink and then the red is a mesh so we're we are also doing so in a belly I'm asking it slightly I mean I'm shocked you guys tree hats the Christmas tree has just kind of overdone with what a my character was also like with Jewish yeah you're right even to the affiliation of this parent right it'd be a holiday time party right Jewish period conv our final round is going to be space Coachella I'm into it all right at space Coachella I think the performers would be only Holograms but it wouldn't be like a novelty there's everyone just to like of course what Earth artists would you guys invite to space Coachella I think there's only one that sentiments Nicki Minaj okay good Gaga could fit in Google ad I was going to invite Selena Gomez my favorite singer oh yeah she's your talent vocal we gifted all right I find everything I do okay so for mine I have this big huge cloak just a huge black cloak it's got shoulder pads to make it as shapeless as possible that trails on the ground behind you picking up all kinds of twigs and the sand and such but since it's a party we got a huge gold medallion also a slit for your little hand to come out the side you got to hold your faith pen and this is the Star Wars space equivalent of an offensive Indian war bonnet I think this is going to be the hottest look they're both literally and metaphorically yeah my problem with your look is is you wouldn't attract anybody because your dance moves would be hidden by the clothes but I think we also could account for like the alien other alien races and I think there's an alien bird race that might actually attraction to that I think you might actually get like second oh don't be too offended they're going to stay away from you this is actually how you repel predators oh look at that and go a bit wrong and then they fly away I think your character is like one of the religious extremists at Facebook Hama grace Coachella look I am loving this Amy from Futurama where Yeah right I really wanted her to be able to show a lot of skin and room had to give her some shoulder pads as well just in case she bumps into people while raging okay I think you and I are on the same track because I also did like a cropped piece I had I paired it with like a sheer skirt over it all right under the separate band well david has giant gladiator sandals right right yeah no neon yellow I drew her in gold and I said is that hair or is that a headdress that is hair okay dyed to match yeah yeah you dye your hair neon yellow is it out a picket sign to mine after years of false idols at space Coachella and now I'm sold right so thanks for coming out you could all leave now so I'm please leave your sketches I'm going to sell those two we live fine thank you so now I didn't want to tell them well we have another designer here but she can't hear me now we actually have an interview with a different designer it's ashley eckstein she's the voice of ahsoka on the clone wars and rebels and she designs clothes hello we're here with ashley eckstein from her universe fashion also known as the voice of ahsoka but we're here to talk about the clothing today what kind of clothing do you make we make a mixture of everything from t-shirts to dresses jackets skirts cardigans we try to make girls geek chic from head to toe if we do our job right sometimes it's subtle geekery like this looks like a black cardigan but oh wait what embroider you're a nerd the whole time oh my god it's embroidered Darth Vader on the back so I actually tend to like the subtle geekery it sneaks up on you we want to show off our fandom and look cute while doing it you know whether it's Star Wars or even Marvel or Doctor Who or you know studio ghibli like I like different fandoms and usually there's something a fandom on my body every day did you have any ideas for like a nerdy fashion piece that was rejected by yourself or somebody else um yes I have an idea for a Jar Jar t-shirt that I have not been able to make yet I'm picturing since it was rejected that it's just like his face is printed on the front but his mouth is three-dimensional and when you walk like his mouth moves and you can see the tongue inside like a novelty oven mitt is it am I getting it right willing to take that idea if you want I give it to you I think your shirts way better than what I had in mind you've got competition I'm going to start a clothing line today he's going to happen right now is there any character that you wouldn't touch that you think should not be turned into clothing I'm just not really a huge fan of kylo Ren and everyone loves kylo Ren so we are designing for kylo Ren actually we have this amazing kylo Ren jacket that we're doing that I will wear because I love the jacket but I'm not the biggest fan again but we're going to know know that you're morally against it while you're wearing it it's almost like in protest like I'll wear it but I won't like it you know what I would have said a character that maybe shouldn't be clothing is Sebulba oh I just don't think of him as an attractive character but that's because I'm not his species so maybe that's like really unfair of me we've managed to make a really cute t-shirt out of salacious crumb and I feel like if you can make a cute t-shirt out of salacious crumb then you can make something sexy with Sebulba sexy Sebulba could be an entire line the ideas are flowing here and now I think we just came up with our new collection together sighs a boba I'm so excited stay tuned for a joint collection well thank you for interviewing with us today it's great to talk to you and I'll take that with me okay again I'm sending you to me and thank you farewell now that they're out of the way we're going to air your general grievances looks like the first one is from Laurie and Laurie said Jenny if you would you rather be a slave for Jabba the Hutt or Anakin trapped on Tatooine well Laurie I think that between the two they're both slaves I would decide to be a slave for Jabba the Hutt because I feel like being a slave is more embarrassing if your mom is there watching you be a slave because you're disappointing your parents on top of having to be a slave so I'm going to go with that one next up we have October 9th October night says love your show except for the bad part and Thank You October night it's one of the most positive comments we received on the last episode so thank you very much let's see next we have perving Ramirez who said how did screen junkies hired and find you well they went looking under all of the freeway overpasses in Los Angeles and they found the one that I was petal then by chance so that was my lucky day they even offered to load my shopping cart up into the back of their truck so I didn't have to push it all the way to their office and the rest is history obviously let's see who next we have Tim Roper next who says do you think credo has six other siblings named NGO wrath Oh gluttony Oh pry do sloth oh and lust oh I don't know but if he does I think lust Oh is going to solve my missing boyfriend problem so give me a call lust oh and lastly we have Joseph Alves rounding us out and he says Jenny what Star Wars movie perfectly sums up your life and hmm well Joseph I'm gonna have to go with robe one because everybody dies is the end just like in real life and on that note I'll see you guys next week unless I don't life is short you guys and unexpected so take care of yourself I'll see you next time bye bye bye bye
Channel: Fandom Entertainment
Views: 88,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screen junkies news, screenjunkies, screenjunkies news, screen junkies, Star Wars, padme, Anakin, luke, leia, chewbacca, jabba, duck penis, han, kylo ren, rey, speed dating, the last jedi, collider, princess leia, darth vader, millennial falcon, millennium falcon, han solo, luke skywalker, Butch Hartman, young kylo ren, fairly oddparents, clevver, ashoka
Id: HrWRmwyEhC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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