What to include in a personal statement

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[Music] personal statements are really important in terms of your application we read hundreds and thousands of personal statements if you're writing down what you think we want to hear it's probably not what we want to hear we want to hear your story what inspires you what you're interested in the personal statement should be considered as a bit of a pitch document it's to understand what in your life is led you to this point wherever the journey began you can begin there but really understand that we want to know about your decision as an adult to apply to this course I talked about you know how passionate I was about storytelling and drama and how in my opinion the best way to tell a story is through you know theater or film whatever they do around their life there helps and form them as individuals the personal statement really needs to hear well it's not something that you can do quickly you really have to think about the courses you are employing to and make your personal statement relevant to that course we're always interested in contextual references artists designers architects the writers that you're interested in and so if you put that into the person statements we get a much better overview of you as a person as an artist as a creative but there's no pressure to know exactly what you want to do after graduation that's the kind of thing that will evolve through the process of the course personal statement should really complement the portfolio and it's an opportunity again to stand out we have so many applicants and we want to be able to go okay we can really see the passion and coming through here and the interest in this subject area the advice I give my students is to read it aloud and if you can read your personal statement aloud and feel comfortable with the way that it's written then it's probably a really good representation of you so a lot of the time the personal statement can be a bit about everything they've ever done in their life but I would rather it was the top ten hits of your life the things that really matter to you that led you onto this path to be a creative we're interested in in students who are going to be challenging testing annoying pushy difficult but we want challenging students because that's where great stuff comes from you
Channel: University of the Arts London
Views: 34,997
Rating: 4.986002 out of 5
Id: nO5gEux1y9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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