What to expect in Python 3.13

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13 may be unlucky for some but the python team don't seem faced at all with plenty more advances coming in a year's time python 3.12 sort out to revolutionize the way python works but I only got As far as laying the groundw orbe alongside a plethora of other optimizations and improvements python 3.13 is looking to expand upon this work but may also be wanting to revolutionize in more ways than one even though only one Alpha version has been released so far we already have a good idea of what the vision for python 3.13 is so let's dive in and take a look I guess we'll get all the Gill stuff out the way shall we I've already talked quite a bit about this in the 3.12 release video as well as the video I made on the Gill and the plans to potentially remove it so I won't delal too much on that here a quick tldr for those that are just hearing about this for the first time though pep 703 proposes being able to opt out of the Gill by means of creating two flavors of python with the aim of removing it entirely by about 3.18 a Gill's python prototype based on 3.12 has already shown to have huge performance benefits but the effects on single-threaded performance as well as the anti anticipated distribution problems will mean it'll be a while before we see anything concrete regarding the future of these plans one thing I didn't talk about much in that video is the other effort to increase multi-threaded performance sub interpreters this Builds on the work expended to bring a per interpreter Gill system into 3.12 and when it's released will be the only way to get True multicore Performance out of python in a single process the actual implementation of the new interpreters module is Wilds apart from threading and multiprocessing requiring raw source code to be passed directly into to The Interpreter instead of callables but this new approach does allow for the use of alternate concurrency models like CSP which I'm not going to talk about in this video but actually sounds really cool interpreters will also be lighter and potentially faster than multi-processing with a far greater scaling capability so it' be interesting to see how it sits alongside Gess python now while that's out the way how about we get stuck into some of the syntax changes 3.13 has to offer another following from 3.12 is the ability to subscript functions which serves as an extension to the type parameter syntax introduced in pep 695 where that allows users to provide cleaner generic types this gives them more explicit control over types produced by the type Checker in situations where they're unable to be inferred one thing that has always been missing from python is a consistent way to mark deprecations but that changes in 3.13 with the new warnings. deprecated decorator this decorator will provide a mechanism that type checkers can use to warn developers of deprecated functionality and will also raise a deprecated warning of runtime these changes will allow developers to spot where migrations need to be made hopefully avoiding situations like the unit test deprecation Deb barkle around a time of 311's release where the removed components had to be readded to give people more time to migrate this is once again B on by its inclusion in other languages as well as many feature requests to third party type checking libraries modules got get atra and deer Dunder functions in 3.7 and in 3.13 you'll be getting set atra and Del atra dunders as well you'll be able to use this to make constants truly immutable or be it rather scrappily or apply validations to top level variables you'll also be able to control how variables get deleted or prevent them from being deletable entirely while I myself largely subscribe to the ethos of if someone breaks everything by doing something stupid it's their fault I can see this being used to flag errors at the point of origin instead of being rised further down the line by something seemingly unrelated or being used to prevent potentially undetectable non-error raising problems in terms of deprecations and removals 3.13 is pretty intense back in 3.11 a truckload of old largely unused and in one inst downright dangerous modules were deprecated a number of these modules have Replacements and those that don't largely cater for long defunct Technologies these dead batteries as pep 594 refers to them as are aifc audio op CGI CGI Trace back chunk Crypt image header mail cap MSI lib NIS nntp lib OSS audio Dev pipes sound header Shadow password Sun Au tailet lib uyu and xdr lib the get op and opt past modules have been soft deprecated meaning they shouldn't be used a new code but remain safe in Old code they were originally up for removal as per pet 594 but the decision was reversed after it was met with resistance there were plenty more changes already planned for 3.13 but a lot of those won't affect the average user so I'll leave those alone for now if you do want to read up further on some of these changes as well as the ones I've talked about in this video I'll leave links to the videos I discussed earlier as well as every pet Mark for python 3.13 in the description below what are you most exced about in the python 3.13 release so far let me know in the comments below leave a like if you enjoy the video and consider subscribing if you want to see more like it much like last year I'll be back for the release of the first beta to see how everything's coming along but I've got some crackers coming up in the meantime so hopefully I'll catch you for those see you
Channel: Carberra
Views: 11,073
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Keywords: pyfhon, pytho, pytbon, pytjon, ptyhon, pytyon, ptthon, pyyhon, pythn, pythoh, pythpn, ython, pytgon, pyhon, pytohn, phthon, oython, pthon, pyghon, pythoj, pythno, pythkn, ypthon, pytuon, lython, pyrhon, pythom, pythob, puthon, pgthon, python, pyhton, pythln, pythin, pytnon, pyton
Id: e4HOCuJfbGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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