What to Do When You're Going Through the Fire | Self Less: Week 4

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hey man Church have you got to come ready to praise the name of the Lord oh we could do better than that helping the guys to some rate and brave the name of the Lord looks just somebody saying the Georgian Lord is my strength pick up some fancy guy like this [Music] [Music] thank God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta quit Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and empower [Music] [Applause] [Music] Benoit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my friend [Music] the joy of the Lord in to strengthen this place this morning I said if the joy of the Lord your strength this morning if you thankful for that joy to me put your hands together like this we were sitting [Music] here is big but could miss low there into town council Road very emotion people in people's cottage fries [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] wait they [Music] [Applause] [Music] we which [Music] with haha Church mr. joy in this place this morning there's an unexplainable joy in place this morning there's a part of that bridge that declares that the prison doors will be open and I want to prophesy that in this place this morning no matter what prison wall you may be in this morning those doors are breaking open those chains are falling just like all in silence in the prison at the mention of his name as they began to praise Him in the midnight hour those prison doors broke I wondered somebody in this place to give him a shout of rain that will break open those doors and that's why we see break open prison door said all the captive breeding come on in there spring up [Music] come on [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] what Jesus we declare that your joy is unconditional we proclaim your joy in the midst of every circumstance that we're in because words you are in charge of it'll all over this phone comin into my hands and just worship his name just magnifies me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what there [Music] [Music] we need hope just remember the cross today [Music] not [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] yeah [Music] really [Music] Hey [Music] it never be [Music] yeah we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] David [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's power in the name of Jesus that's freedom in the name of Jesus hallelujah the manager situation peace building hence today the earth will shake and tremble before him change or break as heaven and earth declare holy is his name mighty is the same powerful is his name you believe that today you believe that Chris come on shout Jesus I'm looking to find that someone shout Jesus and the first service there was a spirit of intercession that stepped into the service I believe that that spirits here today we received some news of an urgent matter Pastor Tom intoxicating some of you may know their middle child of Chris he was in an accident as actually he didn't run at this particular point in time he's at the hospital in critical condition it's blood on his brain and I'm certain things like that but I don't know about you we serve a God of miracles the Bible says where two or three are gathered he's there regardless of what the difficulty is God he peeps he works special wonders in Christ this situation we don't know what to say we don't know what to pray we can call on his name so before we pray on anything else they were just speaking to lift up Chris at this particular moment father we pray that your presence will be going to infiltrate that hospital we protect your presence we begin to be flooded into that room we plead the blood of Jesus we plead the blood of Jesus you're the God of miracles signs and wonders you're still healing souls soup again we're going to ask that face will arise amongst us your word declares we're sewers we are gathered you're there so father we stand in the gap we begin the brain Lord Jesus but Lord not everything or God to come into order we pray the bleeding will stop we pray Lord gotta be no difficulties and any surgical procedures we pray to give those doctors up look the wisdom or got to be able to work through the different different matters we bring in every single person that is in that room would literally be able to witness a miracle of God witness the power of God be made manifest at that moment God manifest your presence men in front manifest your power in such a way Lord God that you would be able to get the glory father God our hearts learn courage right now to the Lord Jesus we don't know what else to do we don't know what I'm sorry we speak the name of Jesus we speak the name of Jesus we speak the name of Jesus we pray Lord God that literally has been with silent invocation hear our prayers hear us from heaven hear us from heaven as requires to you ask you know Lord that you are now rolling we do it only you can do what is impossible with men is not impossible with God we believe that we believe that pastor Kenny has asked that we begin to pray for the families of our church we know that this is an attack from the enemy because we've been interceding for the children and interceding for the youth and different family situations so she asked asked if we spent just a little bit of time beginning to pray for the families of our church praying for the children the husband's the wives soon can we just begin a list of our voices begin to ask God to move in our families Paul the guy will lift up the families in our church today you know what the needs are you don't think there are people that that may be sons and daughters that have strayed away from this you are able to draw back to you God we pray what there is where there is chaos or where there is tragedy Lord that you would begin to restore peace we pray the god of reconciliation to reconcile Falls rocket reconcile father's to their dollars in dollars to their mothers and sons and brothers and their families to be reunited in your name we began ask that if there are these sicknesses in the families that you would bring healing we believe is by your stripes we are healed so father God if you would allow the situation just for us to be able to stand and raise a synod against the enemy there were declares our Lord that when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise double standard against him so father God we begin a break that the enemy would be pushed out of our home pushed out of our marriages pushed out of our children's lives we pray that he will sleep in seven directions with whether he will flee in the name of Jesus what we believe is or God we put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ because greater is eNOS within us and he says within the world so whenever the difficulty is where the standard is we speak the name of Jesus we speak the name of Jesus we plead the blood against him saying you are defeated saying you are defeated say you are defeated and you believe that you would return is printed on this point is to save your agenda Claire [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] boy [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we will see you this morning there is no other name he described before nighttime can we say that chorus will softly to leech off your eyes [Music] you just worship him right where you are thank you Lord we believe that it is done you have to finish that you've won to victory we worship you this morning you could be seated for just a moment as we continue to worship and praise that name that is above all names amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] yeah Oh ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh beverage Hey [Music] but now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but hang on Oh [Music] is done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Oh [Music] Sunday [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 17 [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're stealing and that name this deliverance in that day the power in the name there's joy at that name most of my brain somebody praise the name of the Lord this morning somebody give God the praise that he's worthy of come on somebody praise Allah there is power in the name of Jesus and that name is above every other name and that name is worthy of our praise come on if you believe that this morning would you give a Bray's this morning amen amen well you may be seated if you can Wow god is good amen amen amen well good morning everybody it's great to see everybody here this morning we welcome all of you to Christian Life Center thank you so much for being with us here today in the house of God we appreciate all of you being here this morning we need everybody to do I need you to do me a favor I need y'all to grab your bulletins right now at the time I asked you to grab your bulletins and grab that connection card and let us know that you were here with us today if you do not have a bulletin if you do not have a connection card just raise your hand keep it up high enough and long enough and the ushers will come around and try to give you one if you did not get one on the way in today and grab that connection card if you are a regular attender or a member here with us today we just actually do give us your first and last name on the front side of that card also if you have any changes of your contact information your address your phone number your email address please put that update information in there as well so you have the best way to contact you and let you know what's going on here the church on a regular basis and once you're done doing that hold on to that card until the end of the service now I know there's some special guests that are here with us today I don't want to make sure we honor those that are here for the very first time if you're here for the first time would you just raise your hand and let us know what you're here for the first time you are a special guest with us today thank you so much for being here with us today listen as a special guest we have a free gift we would love to be able to put in your hands so here's what I'm going to ask you do take that same bowl attendant in that bowls and say that take that same connection card and I need you to take the front side of it and fill it out completely with your information and once you're done filling it out I need you to hold on to that card onto the end of the service and then what you're going to do on your way out today you're going to go through these double doors you're going to make a right and the big space open space on the west side of our building is placed called a Welcome Center and there's going to be some leaders and some volunteers that are here that are wanting to welcome you and maybe answer any different questions you might have about our church also these you want to take that card from you and in exchange for that card they'll give you that free gift that I talked just a few moments ago now listen we want to make sure you go by there so don't leave today without going by the Welcome Center and connecting with one of our leaders turning in the connection card of getting that free gift like I said they just want to meet and greet you and maybe answer any different questions you might have about our church and can I say if you are looking for a home Church and you feel like this is the place where you found it listen welcome home we believe fully like God has you here today for a reason you're not here by accident you walked into our doors because you have found a new home a new place to be a part of this family here Christian Life Center and we have ministry not only for you but also for your entire family on Sundays and on Wednesdays we would love for you to come be a part so a couple quick announcements next Sunday somebody say next Sunday come on tell your neighbor next Sunday next Sunday we're having the Katinas with us next Sunday awesome awesome worship group musical group Christian group that has been around for a long time they've been here before great friends of Christian Life Center and they're going to be here next Sunday August 6 in the morning they're going to be doing worship and they're going to be guest speaking as well and then Sunday night we want to make sure that you come back Sunday night next Sunday bring your friends bring your family they're going to do a special concert that night it's going to be amazing so all day next week next Sunday for with the Katinas it's going to be a great thing also coming up in August the summer is coming to a close can you realize that we're about to walk into August and summer is almost about to end somebody probably saying yes Jesus with the heat be over with summer is almost done we're almost headed back to school and we want to do this event called the end of summer splash and we're going to be doing this big family event that's coming up in August and we're going to be doing something really cool dad's doing two things the first thing is this we're going to be doing family baptism we want to make sure that we follow the Lord in the command that he gives us and showing that symbolically we need to be baptized in water with saying getting rid of the old and coming up as new and what we want to be able to do that day is to provide an opportunity for families to do this together for your kids for your teens and even for you that have probably haven't done it yet and we would love for you to be a part of this but in order to be a part of this you have to be a part of the class now the way you sign up before the classes you go to our website go to COC FTL dot or slash summer splash I think they had to slide up on the screen maybe you guys can put it up again CL CFK oryx last summer splash and you can be able to sign up to get more information about the class you guys can get baptized together as a family that day also something that's really cool that we're going to be doing that day is we're going to be doing giveaways for back-to-school supplies now last week we had a great opportunity for you to be a part of what we're doing here we had these all these bags that were lined up here on the stage we need you to bring those supplies back in the backpacks now maybe you weren't here last weekend even hear about it we're taking supplies to bless the families of our church and the families of our community with back-to-school supplies that you would bring in a backpack full of all these different school supplies and be able to bless somebody maybe multiple children blunts a whole family if you can if you have brought them great we need them and we will take them in the foyer area on either side of the foyer these two long black tables just plate the pace to place the backpacks there on your way out if you haven't remembered you got till next week and some time now we want you to make sure did you bring back those supplies and bring it back to bless some families in our church and our community amen all right that's all I got so I need you all to stand right now I need you to find somebody around you give them a hug give them a high-five let them know that you excited to see them today [Music] [Music] well Church this is a time in the service where we get to continue worship by giving unto the Lord continue worship by giving on to the Lord so as you prepare to give there are some some envelopes in front of you if you're watching by way of livestream there's some there's actually a give button right there on the screen whether you're given electronically you're given by text there's a number on the screen doesn't matter the method that you give is the heart behind the gift we wanted two things I want to bring to your attention and that is kingdom builders used to should be receiving a kingdom builders either magazine either on your way in or on your way out and kingdom builders is our missions initiative where we go full fledged with missions around the world we have missionaries that we support as a church body for many years on five continents missionaries some of them that are in very just grave situations where they're risking their lives and even their family's lives in some cases with children to spread the gospel take the message of hope around the world and there are some that just believe that this message is a vital message and it's a message that even if I have to risk my life to share this message I'm going to share it nonetheless and so they're risking their lives around the world we have missions initiatives that's right here in Broward County as well as throughout the United States and so we wanted to just give you a heads up of what's going on with your giving as a kingdom builder around the world so please make sure you get this magazine either on the or if you didn't get one on your way in get it on your way out you should have also received an email just giving you an update of what we have accomplished maybe year through the ending of July actually what we've accomplished the things that we've been able to accomplish as a body as a church body through your gifts to your giving remember you don't give to a building you give out of obedience on to the Lord but out of that obedience God is able to stretch it wide God is able to use it to further advance his kingdom on earth we know the enemy is busy but our God is always busier he's advancing his kingdom and he will build his church that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against amen so as you have your gift in hand or your electronic device in hand however you're given I just want to say a prayer over you no doubt in this congregation there are single moms there are single fathers there are widows the seeds in this congregation there are business owners investors there are those that are unemployed and those that are employed there are students that are looking for grants and tuitions to be approved and that's all sitting in this audience but seated in this audience is the King of glory who is lord over all he covers it all from every spectrum that is represented in this room the Lord seats over our situation he seated over our situation and so we want to welcome that Lord into our finances we want to welcome that Lord that presence into our household and so Lord as we give out of obedience Lord not because we have to but because our hearts compel us to Lord it is a reasonable acts of sacrifice that we give unto you when we consider all that your hands have provided when we sing when we consider the bountiful the outpouring that you have placed in our lives Lord and sometimes we thought that you weren't there but you came through right on time there are times that we didn't have two nickels to rub together but you send the Ravens Lord right on time and so we're thankful for the resources we're thankful for your abundance that you pour into our lives now lord I pray that you would pour out a blessing in this house for every boy woman man child that's participating in this offering Lord I pray that you would open the windows of heaven pour out Lord God send the Raven Jesus open up windows open up job opportunities bring for promotion open up business opportunities bless the entrepreneur Lord we know you can do it so we ask Lord God unleash it from the heavens that we will not have room enough to receive it and church if you believe and agree with that can somebody shout amen amen can we give let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you all hear me amen as you can tell I'm not passive ha Manning I got a text about one something this morning and it jolted me out of my sleep when I heard Christopher was struck by a car and cracked his skull and he's bleeding from the brain and it's trouble to my soul because just a week ago during our revival service since pastor candy was tugged in her heart to pray for the family the Lord jolted that in her spirit that we have to lift up the children that we have to lift up our households and then I got this text from our senior pastor that his son Blayne in a hospital room and I said god that's so close this Farsi in and no further we are called to put up a fortress around our home church I know some of you are sitting here and you're thinking spiritual battle and whether you believe it or not it's real and we will do ourselves a favor to understand that there is spiritual bad there are spiritual battles and we must be girded we must strengthen our loins we must put on the armor because we have enlisted in a battle and we must know that the battle is not between flesh and blood what is spiritual wickedness and principalities in high places but if we don't know that there is a battle in Wiccans virtual high places then we think this this wealth is the problem and we think that the rebellious child is the problem but there's an enemy that comes to serve this contention in our own and we've got the list of icons today to remove the veil and signup spotlight on the enemy because while he may war like a roaring lion he's not the conquering Lion of Judah there is a lion that is greater than him and that lion is on the inside of every believer and so therefore we can face greater ap that is in me than he that is in the world can we get that break that is not the message but it is a message church the message that God has placed on my heart you know what I don't know the message when I get the day that I'm supposed to preach pastor Tom just says pick a date all the staff all the pastoral team pick a day and that's the day you will preach and then after that weeks later we find out what the sermon topic is and it never fails I always get the difficult messages I always get the message about struggles and and fights in today fiery trial sins and these kinds of messages that I'm saying Lord would so I text out to Tom on Friday well he absolutely he text me he said so Nadine how is it going so I said Nadine wants you to know that she died and she will not be able to make the services on Sunday he said you'll do a great job no no he's not here she'll be back in the office on Monday and so here we are we went to a revival week and I want to point our attention to it because there was a common message and I believe when God confirms his word in twos and threes that we need to have spiritual ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church Rev Angelus patch that's long shared with us that we are to tie ourselves to the sir that the altar is not a wooden place the altar is something that we bring that we have within us to tie ourselves to the presence of God on the inside of us as believers that it's not a place that we go to is something that we carry and that thing that we carry is the presence of God Almighty but we must tie ourselves to him the altar is a place of sacrifice and while in the Old Testament they will bring bull oxen and sheep sand and doves and things like that to sacrifice Jesus was the final sacrifice and now he tells us that we ought to be the living sacrifice unto Him and so we sacrifice our lives as we yield for his plan and his purposes for our lives tie ourselves to the altar then evangelists Nathan Morris shared with us last Sunday night that we ought to build an upper room the upper room in the Old Testament was a place that was built for the master of the house and God is saying that we ought to build a place in our lives for the master of the house and that master is Jesus Christ himself an upper room is not a place that I go to on Sunday it's not a place that I visit every now and again it's not a place that I go to on Christmas or on Easter it's a place that I can't do every day for the rest of my days it is a place where the presence of God Almighty dwells on the inside of us it's not enough to build a church if you're not tending to it build an upper room as we turn our attention now to today's message the sermon series is called selfless where we fix our eyes on God and not be focused on South but we understand that we live in a selfie world and everything is about me myself and I and God wants to be the Lord of our lives where it's about him the spirit and the Sun that that will be our focus and that would be our attention that our lives will be fully devoted to God himself so Peter tells us in 1st Peter chapter 4 verses 12 I'm not going to read it yet but he paid that because the church of his day this is about a t-64 was being persecuted they were under heavy trial they were being beasts being fired literally their children and themselves were being burned alive for the cause of Christ what are you going through Church these people were bearing the name of Christ and rather than deny Christ they chose to burn they chose to tie themselves to the altar rather than give up then then try to gain the comfort abilities of life you know where we go into a church and it's so hot and we're ready to leave or we have to wait too long for a parking spot so we're ready to turn around and go to the next place or go home they chose to burn Jesus for the cause of Christ today we have people that leave the church because someone sat in their feet for story or their names were not acknowledged they turned their backs on God because he didn't come through when they wanted him to come through these people would rather burn than turn their backs on Jesus what are you going through Church what are you going through we're talking about fiery trials today I'm going to start to read in verse 12 of 1st Peter chapter 4 send your outline hopefully it will be on the screen if not just follow me by ear dear friends again Peters writing this to people whose families were burned they're facing being burned they're under heavy persecution they're in a fiery trial and Peter Pan dear friends do not be surprised at the fiery trial that has come on you protects you someone says text-to-text you as though something strange were happening to you but rejoice in as much as you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed if you are insulted because of the name of Jesus Christ you are blessed for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you if you suffer it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal or even a meddler which is a gossiper however if you suffer as a Christian do not be ashamed but praise God that you bear that name that you bear that name for it is for judgment for it is time for judgment excuse me to begin with God's household and if they get at the beginning with us what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God and it is hard for the righteous to be saved what will become of the ungodly and the sinner so then those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful creator and continue to do good father in the name of Jesus empower your words let it not remain black ink on paper or words on a mobile device device but Lord give it wings let it fly and impact the four corners of our hearts Lord we pray that we would not be the period of your word but that we will be doers we pray Lord that we will not be ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation in Jesus name Amen believers are failing to realize that being a follow-up follower of Christ does not exempt you from trials that just because you are a follower of Jesus it doesn't mean a fiery trial will not come knocking on your door we have to understand that it doesn't matter how long you can say how many verses you know whether you're married or single it doesn't matter if you're black or white it doesn't matter what side of the train tracks you live on it doesn't matter how many rooms are in your household it doesn't matter what kind what zip code you you you live in or what kind of drug cars you drive persecution tests trial will visit everyone trials will visit everyone hmm taking a test I was asking my kids this particular question and I want to ask you this five show-up sentence we could Peter says that all of us will be tested by show of hands how many of you did not or does not like taking pet period you just don't like that alright about 70% of you ok how many of you are the ones that you know what I enjoy taking test I study for it I prepare for it I'm ready to take a test matter of fact when I was in school and a teacher told us that there will be a test and the next day came and the days waning and she's not given us a test I will be the one to say hey mrs. DaSilva you told us that we were going to take it that right to hand if that's you okay you can lead the service now I [Applause] did that with my daughter and she said well I'm the one that would say that I said well why would you do that she said mom because you should have prepared today's actually her birthday she turned 11 today and she allowed me to preach on her birthday can we all just say happy birthday Natasia she's sitting right here in front yay Matata Peter's birthday I thank God for my family that that leaves room for me to sacrifice for what I do for the Lord because when you're called he calls the entire family there are however some tests that we are grateful for for instance you're grateful that the brakes on your car was tested before you drove it you are grateful that the plane that you flew in was tested I fly out to California in several hours and I'm grant grateful that the pilot took a test in order to fly that plane he didn't just wake up this morning saying I feel led of the Spirit to go fly this JetBlue plane this morning he was tested he went to school and was tested first Peter 4:12 says do not be surprised at the fiery trial that has come on you to test you as though something strange were happening to you so what is the meaning of a fiery trial I think you ought to know what is a fiery trial don't use the Greek word for trial is pure faith pure no say it where we get the word to purify that is the Greek word for trial like the way gold is tested or tried in the fire to bring about its purest form that is what Peter is talking about being texted to bring about your purest form I'm talking about a trial I'm not talking about they didn't say hi to me or they didn't acknowledge me or I was ready to pull into a driving space into a parking space and I had my indicator on and someone pulled into the space I'm upset but that's not a trial Peters talking about a fiery trial a fiery trial is an adversity a suffering and affliction is the bends in the road that God allows on the paths of Our Lives simply stated anything which hurts or irritates the spouse walked out on the marriage the doctor's report came back positive the job that you that was your sole income they've downsized their department a financial crisis the son or don't our daughter that is an addict your teenager who is pregnant the home is falling apart we're talking about a fiery church have you ever experienced a fiery trial oh yeah so what do you do when you're going through the fire what do I do when I'm going through a fire first and foremost remember the reason someone say remember remember the reason Jesus says in this world there will be trouble John 16:33 he didn't say that there might be trouble he didn't say that there's a potential to be trouble he said in this world John 16:33 there will be trouble so we ought to be expected of trial not from a standpoint of fear but from a standpoint of victory acceptance does it mean we go looking for the trial it just certainly means that when the trial and when the trial come I'm prepared for it I studied I prepared myself upended from my upper room I've tied myself to the altar I brought the presence of God into my home into my life I am prepared for this fiery trial so let me say that there are various reasons that we may face difficulty or trials we may suffer trial because we live in a fallen sinful world we see downright calamities in our world we see hurricanes and natural disasters which can bring about trials in our life we we live in a fallen world but there are some times we suffer trials because of the product of our own ignorance things that we've done lack of self-control disobedience we perish because of lack of knowledge let us not forget also that Satan is a fallen angel and his job description is to kill steal and destroy then it is his job description 42 5:8 says that he prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour well what kind of child Peter was talking about here it specifically a trial for bearing the name of Jesus Christ when the enemy attacked those for the sake of the cross and as a result persecution takes place he says he says but rejoice in as much as you participate in the sufferings of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed so if you were going through a trial for the sake of Christ the Scriptures as I just read said blessed are you I don't know about you but I don't want to be blessed because of a trial can't we just be black just because not according to Peter blessed are you if you are suffering a trial for the name of states that namesake of Christ why because if you are black for the trial and share in his suffering you will also share in his glory oh Jesus I'd rather the glory of God than any palace I rather the glory of God walk with to me through any situation than any physical armory that you can give me because at the glory of God on me and in me demons have to move they have to clear the path when the glory of God has come open up he has lasting gates so that the king of glory shall come in I don't know about you what I want the glory of God in my household I want the glory of God in my marriage I want the glory of God upon my children I want the glory of God in my life when you suffer for the name of for the name of Christ you share in his glory James 1 tells us to 1:12 says blessed is the one who persevered under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him it is a crown of glory it does not perish it is eternal it is everlasting and that is what is waiting for me on the other side of my perseverance for going through trials for the name of Christ so if you are going to walk through trials walk in it uprightly don't get into a trial he said because of being a criminal or being a murderer or being a gossip walk in it knowing that up up up tied myself to the altar I've built my upper room I know I'm in right then nothing's your perfect we know that the righteousness of God is what we stand it but we want to make sure that we're living upright lives before God because unrighteousness invites the enemy's activity unrighteousness invites the enemy into our territory so we want to walk out in righteousness so that we can stand before God and say search me O God and see if there be any wicked way in me and if there is leave me to the way of everlasting so why did God allow trials in our lives why does God allow trials aw soldier says God never uses anyone greatly until he has tested them deeply God used me God show me your glory God I want you to use me have you ever prayed those prayers and he marches you right into a battle what I want to do to use me Lord yes start right here in your tests so I could bring out the purity so I can develop purity in your life that's how I use unity it's not the stage this is a problem it's in the private areas of your life needing where I want you to meet with me in privacy this is just an hour and 45 minutes that's what this is but it's what God wants to do in our lives behind the scenes God uses hardships to mold us and prepare us for what he has for us God would use trial as part of the process to develop our wings the man saw a moth struggling the moss was trying to come through a cocoon and it was struggling the man thought himself to be merciful he zipped the cocoon with scissors on both sides sure enough the most protrudes out he has a developed body and no wings the process that would have caused him to push through the cocoon even though it was struggling he was pushing through God created that month that when it pushed against the cocoon walls the juice from the body was stretched to the wings to develop the wings the man thought he was helping he slipped to cook the most purpose to fly there are certain things that you're walking through in life that you want to slip the process and God is saying it's just what I ordered to give you wings so that you can fly somebody say to process it's a process today's message is not for everybody but it is for somebody it is for somebody Paul said that I might know him and the power of his might and the Fellowship of his sufferings there's a level of God that we will not experience outside of suffering I don't like saying that what is the truth just at Joseph there's a level of God there's an experience that that we can't get to just by Stillwater there's something that happens in life that teaches you to go to your knees and prayer that teaches you how to fat how to count down to food because you want the presence of God in your circumstance it can't come any other way Church sometimes we want the fire of the situation to never come or connect or to end now not realizing that God is working something beautiful out of our life you know we all start out Bible says that we're like clay that's what we are just clay he's the potter during my 18 and while this looks like nothing it's just a lump God sees this potential this is our lives before God Almighty and there are certain things that we go through that we find it difficult he's the Potter and he's mashing on us and you're saying God stop I can't take any more but he understands the process he's building something beautiful out of you what you want him to stop now and God is saying but you don't see where I'm taking you on I'm putting you through a process and so while we're telling the Lord would you would you please stop this is good I think I look good now Lord I think this is this is a good stopping point and God example you you don't see where I'm taking you because I see the ending of a thing from the very beginning and so while we get to this place we want to say okay God well could you just put me through a microwave and speed up the process and God says the microwave will only melt the process I have to put you through a fiery furnace Jeremiah 1 says that before you were in your mother's womb I knew you a form of you i fashioned you Psalm 139 he says that he would knit and me together in my mother's womb he was he was doing something from my mother's womb Church this is what he's doing in your life and you're thinking this is enough and God is saying I've gotta put you through the fire because this you will just fall apart but the fire solidifies you instead of the room experience that that brings about a strength of God in your life the hardness of bottom around your life but first you have to be matched and molded you see because this is what God wants to get you he wants to make a beautiful babes out of you yes he does but we want to snip the cocoon if we snip the cocoon we won't get to the vase our full potential so we got to say Lord make me Lord mold me I know it's a difficult process but shake me Saint me into your image God you see because the thing about God is he knows how much heat you can take the wire in the furnace keeps the thermostat controlling the heat yes God will use Charles and sufferings in our lives to test us Zachariah says that he's like a goldsmith that he puts us in the fire to melt off the rust off of our lives the impurities off of our lives the arrogance supplied the attitude he's trying to melt those things off of our life that's how he's purifying us he uses pecks to do so he also uses trials to reveal his glory in our lives he says don't consider these sufferings that you're going through these minor afflictions because of the weight of the glory that is about to be revealed in you on the other side of the trial he's also used in trials to build godly character in us Romans 5 3 to 5 I know they have James 1 2 to 4 but I also want to read 3 to 5 it says more than that we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that the suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame because God's love is poured out in our lives he uses trials to Humble us Paul said so to keep me from being puffed up and we have a lot of conceitedness in the church we forgot that we are just play that without the Masters but we are just playing until God has to Humble us he had to max out the elegance and the pride and the ego for my life to stretch up and all of this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while you suffer grief that the proven genuineness of your faith God decides to stretch our faith so he allows trials to come our way so the first thing we need to remember is a reason and the reason is that God wants to reveal his glory the second thing to remember when going through a fiery trial is to rejoice in the fire rejoice in the fire rejoice in as much as you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed he did not say complain in the fire he did not say get bitter in the fire he did not say become arrogant in the fire he said to rejoice in the fire the Evangelist last week says complaining is not intersession it's intermission because it stops the flow of God in our lives we also use our words to rejoice and not to complain we can rejoice because John 16:33 says I have told you these things so that in me you will have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart because I have overcome the world and I live on the inside of you so when I understand that there's a greater glory on the inside of me that there's a greater glory on my side I can rejoice Satan may even send a fire to destroy me but like the three Hebrew words what was meant to destroy me actually tear broke off the ropes that were around me God will use what the enemies meant for evil to turn it around you use the same fire that was meant to force me to purify me to purify me that's why we would trust the Lord at all times with the process because he understands the amount of heat we can take he knows the way that I take and when he has tried us may we come out at pure as gold he forgot in our struggles he the God in our storms he's the God in our fire we can trust them for the journey that's why Paul can say that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither Angels nor demons neither the present nor the future neither height nor death nor nothing in all creation can separate for the love of God that is it right bigger so I can rejoice in the fire because the one who loves me is with me in the fire that truth enables me to know how to approach suffering approach with confidence approach with confidence David said yea though I walk through the valley I will fear no evil for thou art with me he says I will remain confident of this that even in my fire even in the case I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living it may not look like it right now but the good shepherd will see me through this valley it may not look like it right now but the right offense I was once young and now I am oh yes I have never seen the righteous forsaken I've never seen the righteous forsaken your confidence is not in what you're walking through your confidence is the one who's walking you through it he won't leave us Church nor forsake us we can be confident that he is with us in the valley of the shadow of death thou art with me it songs and McDaniel surrounded by lions in the workplace thou art with me maybe I'm Jonah and I've made the wrong turn thou art with me maybe you're Joseph in a prison-like situation and Phil thou art with me and if I know that thou art with me what can man do to me if God Almighty is with me approach with discernment so we approach with confidence and we approach with discernment and I said it earlier we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but it's principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places well I don't believe that it doesn't stop the enemy from disrupting your household so it's best that we put on the armor and engage in a battle and not be passive and pray for God to give us wisdom and discernment so that we can be victorious in the battle and we approach with praise we approach with phrase cabaco says though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vine though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls yet I will rejoice in the Lord my god I will be joyful in God my Savior were not praising him for it we're praising him in it job said even though he played me yes shall I praise Him praise keep him at the focus and not my problem pray bring God into my situation instead of me running around wonder what am I going to do about the situation pray bring the presence of God pray bring God in our situation praise invite God into our household no matter what I'm going through I can still praise Him if the Baptist report comes back negative I can still praise Him for all things I could still praise Him when I don't understand it I could still praise him if he turns in or doesn't turn it I could still praise him even if I'm in a prison cell I could still praise Him Jozy praise Him in the pit he praised them in the prison and he praised them in the palace so when you're going through the fire remember the reason rejoice in the fire and then remain faithful remain faithful this part is a very important part for me I remember serving after being sentenced for five years and twelve months in prison I was believing God for my immediate delivery from prison and he chose another rock he was developing my wings he was developing a vessel that he could use from clay and I didn't want it I wanted to snip the process Church but God knew exactly what I needed so he pressed in against me five years meeting Preston against me and he called me to remain faithful in the fire faithful there's a little story tucked away in Acts chapter 27 and 28 it's not in your notes I want to share it with you as we close Paul is sailing to Italy he's a prisoner on a ship sailing to Italy and he meets into a storm perhaps the hurricane 276 prisoners on this boat he told them to stop in Crete and they wouldn't listen and so they they're being hit tossed four-week tossed they thought that they were going to lose their lives but an angel of the Lord appeared to Paul and said you must go to roll because you must stand before Caesar and so the angel of the Lord encouraged Paul and Paul said men I told you to stop and creep but an angel of the Lord came to me and told me that we will lose the ship but we won't lose our lives sure enough they lost the ship but every life is saved so he went through the storm he went through the hurricane and he runs ashore on this island that was nameless he didn't know the name of the island Luke says in Acts chapter 27 through 28 when he got to the island the people showed them unfamiliar kindness and so they started to warm fire because this is in the middle of winter shipwrecked in the middle of winter and they put the the brush wood together and Paul went to help and a snake last on to attend the process the snake left on the Bible did you say the snake bit him and release it lapsed on to Paul attend and so the villagers say this time must be a real criminal because even after he survived the shipwreck he's going to die by snake Paul looked at the people and shipped the snake off into the fire it doesn't end there he shook the snake off into the fire then all of a sudden full of people are funny he was just a criminal now he's a God the man that owned the island heard and invited Paul in them fourth house sometimes adversity is a preparation for opportunity for he invites all the prisoners into a thousand and wild Paul is there Paul hears that the man's father is sick with dysentery dying with a fever Paul said to the man Publius can I go see him see because the upper room is in you Paul is tied to the altar he brings the altar with him whether he shipwreck whether he's on a stranded Island that he doesn't even know the name of the power of God is in him Paul goes in there and laid his hand on Publius is father and the man is healed like this can I get three women savvy Ranade Amanda can we stand right here for a second [Music] Paul goes in and lays his hand you don't have to face the congregation you're really short there I'm have to really been off um and he lays his hand on Publius his father and he gets healed it doesn't stop there the people hood and they call the entire island and everyone that was sick on the island probably at this house becomes a church hospital and Paul goes around and the scripture says every one of the island was healed Paul touches every one of them and here's what I believe the same man that does make wraps or two the same thing that caused you pain the same thing that was your child God used to heal the people on the island fathers went around talking to people because what the enemy meant for Abel God what the enemy meant the next Oreo started using as an opportunity so how do it's so buddy Bevan and that thank you ladies we're closing remain faithful how stand firm Paul to the set could have said you know what I'm in this situation forget it God has abandoned me I'm walking away from this but while he's in the fire while he's going through his circumstance he's a prisoner on an island in which he later found out is Malta which means refuge but he's not given up on God I'm shackled I went to the storm I went through the hurricane I'm in the winter season I'm on this island shipwrecked a snake bit me but I'm remaining faithful to them what the enemy meant to destroy me I'm using it as an opportunity to remain faithful to God and Paul thought he needed Malta to get off the water well Paul didn't need more time listen Malta need a tall Malta your circumstance that you're in something needs you the fires child that you're going through something around you need you stop complaining rejoice it's an opportunity adversity is an opportunity for God to show himself mightily on your behalf stand firm haven't gone all fast and dance therefore having the full armor of God on in your bulletins keep playing we're going to end in your bulletins I gave you some words that you can stand on make sure you get these before you leave put it in your office put it on your frigerator put it in your room put it in your bathroom why again just remind you God's words have a way to give you hope when you need it when you need it serve in your suffering serve in your suffering the same sneak by God didn't say on Paulding aloud to stop him but he continued to serve God in his suffering serve because while you're above God's business God is taking care of your business listen because of Paul the island treated them kindly when it was time for them to leave they gave them an increase of supplies God will take care of your business seek support from others don't suffer in isolation get with the body of Christ get with your life group get with your ministry group that speaks to a brothers speak to a sister because your situation can be exactly what they need to hear and what you need to hear from them is exactly what you need to help you get out of this fiery trial so make sure that you're locking arms with one another make sure that you're ministering to one another make sure that you're encouraging one another but people won't know if you're just wearing facade and trying to fake the funk sure what you're going through with others okay and then finally he has placed his spirit in everyone somebody say everyone everyone who has made him Lord of their lives his skirt is in you is there to transform you it's there to walk with you is there to strengthen you is there to comfort you is there to guide you his spirit is on the inside of you enabling you to say greater is He that's in me than the fiery trial that is around me the Holy Spirit will enable you to endure somebody say endure endure now listen Church I'm going to need you all for this part don't lean on me don't wait on me this is a message to encourage you this is a message to strengthen you this is a message to say I can go through all things because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me somebody say endure the power pot is in you to help you to endure because the same power that caused Christ to overcome it's the same power that dwells on the inside of you so this you were called first Peter 2:21 says because Christ suffered for you leaving you an example that you would follow him what does he be example he didn't quit trial came he didn't run trial came he didn't turn his back on God trials came he stood what did he do he endure endure means to stand your ground to bear up again to persevere to have fortitude to be firm to hold back to be steadfast cannot proceed Jesus endured he endured how did he endure Nadine graduate from the onset when he was taken into the wilderness and tempted for forty days by the devil he endure when his followers misunderstood him he endured when the Pharisees lied about him he endured when his disciples began to fall away from him he endured when his Majesty's conspire to travel against him he adored when Judas betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver he adored when he pled with God take this cup from me what God did not he endorsed when the temple courts arrested him he ignored when the eleven disciples gathered and left him he ignored when he went to sit in legal trials he ignored when his disciples forget back he endured when Pilate handed him over to the crowd he adored when it's close to friends Peter denied him be ignored with a broad ride crucify him crucify him we ain't going when they whip them and pump him and beat him beyond recognition they adore when they have it in for broad [Music] once inhabited for cross for you and for me dear Lord what they put in the wide part day it was a garden and resort say power horses or how to kill but you can run your race you can't finish your horse because the whole objective is to the Swift season to the storm but they want the same good can you get my friend [Music] remain standing what enables you to endure the power of the Holy Ghost dwelling in earthen vessels made of clay so that the excellence of the power might not be of you but if he who dwells on the inside of you the thing about these vessels is not to go on your shelf God desires to use your vessel God desires to pour his spirit so that you can spill out you can spill out you can set up a house you then you can touch those that are around you but we must endure remember the reason to reveal his glory rejoiced because greater is He that's in you and your adversities just a setup for opportunity and then thirdly remain faithful remain faithful because the same power that it caused him to endure dwells on the inside of you causing you to endure can somebody say Amen can somebody say Amen since message wasn't for everyone but it is for someone you may not be going through a trial right now but I promise you you will it's not to break you it's a setup to reveal God's glory through you the key is endure my knowing Jesus we want to know you the power of your mind the strength of your glory we want to know you Jesus more and more we're not their church we don't arise it is a cut-set knowing it is an insect knowing it is a knowing that stretches wide and deep so that God can get the glory out of your vessel but we must bend or can we live by spirit of Elizabeth I asked one thing pour out your glory on every man woman and child pour it out and increase the measure pour it out to the place of overflow let everything that they lay hands on Lord let them see the sick recover let them see the book the lame walk your God let them see I see your God I pray that signs and wonders will follow your people who follow your children lord I pray that the enemy that is against them that they would push that the forces of darkness that greater is he that something inside of them then he gonna get the world because more is for me then who is against me so Lord not blow your winds of your spirit blow the wind of your spirits not so that we can go on a show but those so that you can use it for your glory in Jesus name but they are close in prayer father help what's the beef the people in the church that you calls us to be a people that always build up and never tear down that always encourage and never discourage it's people in a church that takes the message of hope it people in a church that takes a message of hope of people in a church then make the message of hope everywhere we go to everyone we make a plan hey hey before you leave tax on your car to the end just pass it down or leave it on your on your chair with your first and last name we pray over these cards we pray over your name to put your name on those and I will see you in the week be black but don't forget to be a channel of God's blessing in Jesus name you [Music]
Channel: Christian Life Center
Views: 15,308
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Life Center, Fort Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale, CLC, FTL, clcftl, FL, Florida
Id: SR5CK1KXzbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 1sec (6181 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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