What to do when you don't know the answer to an interview question? | Tips to clear your interview

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during a job interview you may encounter situations where you don't know the answer to an interview question however making a blank face and simply saying I don't know is not the solution which is why today's video is very important in today's lesson I will be teaching you seven responses that you can give to the interviewer if you don't know the answer to an important interview question hello everyone I'm dsha your interview coach and welcome back to my channel today's video is going to be very important so make sure that you don't skip this and you watch this till the end but before we begin don't forget to subscribe to the channel so that you get notifications every time a new video is live and don't forget to click on the like button now without any further delay let's get straight into the lesson you will be surprised to know that HS doesn't even expect you to answer each and every question perfectly instead they're hoping that you will be professional and honest with your answers however simply saying I don't know without providing any explanation might not be the best approach so here are seven responses that you can use if you don't know the answer to an interview question thank you for asking this question I'm not very familiar about this topic however I'm committed to learning and researching more about it this response clearly shows that you're motivated and you have the willingness to learn new things here is another great response that you can use that shows that you are a fast learner I don't have an exact answer at the moment but I'm confident in my ability to learn quickly with your guidance I'll be able to pick it up in no time the third option works best if you don't know the answer to a technical question this is what you can say I can't think of an answer right now can we revisit this question later I'll need some time to think about it the fourth response can be used when you don't understand the question and when you want to seek for clarification this is what you can say I'm sorry I didn't understand the question could you please simplify it I want to make sure I answer correctly here is another response that you can use if you're confused about the question I want to make sure that I fully understand your question could you please provide more context or clarify what you are looking for the sixth response can be used when you don't have experience in a particular skill about which the interviewer is asking you questions and you want to Pivot to the relevant skills and want to redirect the conversation if this is the situation this is something that you can say while I may not have much experience in X skills but I do have strong knowledge in VI skills if the job requires me to learn X I'm excited to expand my knowledge now moving further if you have no idea about the question rather than beating around the bush it's advisable that you be upfront about it and answer it honestly this is what you can say I don't have that information at the moment but I'm eager to learn and will definitely look into it if needed that's all for today so in today's video you all have learned seven effective ways to gracefully say I don't know to anything interviewer remember interviews are not only about showcasing your knowledge but also your attitude and your problem solving skills by being honest and handling these situations professionally it can leave a lasting impression on the recruiter and will help you to secure that position don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to give it a big thumbs up if you found this video helpful I'll see you in the next lesson with another important interview topic till then take care good luck and keep following your interview coach the sha to a your interview bye-bye and all the best
Channel: Diksha Arora - Interview Coach
Views: 41,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interviewquestions, interviewpreparation, jobsearching, interviewprep, hiring, jobinterview, interviews, careercoach, interviewing, employee, jobvacancy, jobsearch, interviewready, communicationskills, interviewcoaching, interviewtime, interviewcoach, englishcompiled, jobsindubai, jobsinuae, jobsinindia, careergrowth, HowToSayIDon'tKnowTheInterviewer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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