What to do if your squash and zucchini plants only produce male flowers | EASY FIX |#squash #garden

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hey guys welcome back to green tea garden this is my beautiful yellow squash and if you guys see in this container right here i only have one fruit and i have about six to seven male flower that open up already and this plant is growing about eight more male flowers coming in and when you look to the top i barely have one or two female all the way to the top over there guys this plant basically has to grow about 10 more male flowers before the energy could push up to the top to that fruit so guys it's normal if your plant produces all male flowers and something will just produce all female flowers normally your plant should be producing a female and a male so the male could pollinate the female to produce plant has to grow all male it takes a longer time to plant actually produce a female flower and i'm telling you it happened so many times before and i actually waited you could wait it out you could let your plant grow and it takes a longer time and you wait it out until all your male flowers all your leaves grow and then later on somewhere down the line you're finally going to have a female so i can't wait because i'm in zone 7a long island new york i only have a couple months to grow so i'm not going to wait guys so this is how i speed up the process to get all my to get my plant to force all the energy on that fruit so i could get that fruit growing so guys as you could see my one yellow squash i hand pollen it it's grown well now we have a bunch of male flowers i'm going to turn it around to show you guys here we have a double male flowers if you see already open up this one you could see it's about to open tomorrow so we're not going to cut that guys because we if there's any chance of bee still left in long island here i hope this flower could call in because it's good guys you never want to prune out all of your male flowers you do need your male flowers to attract the bees guys so i'm not going to cut this one you guys could see this right here it's done so cut that out cut that out i'm i'm telling you guys this is how i speed up i know a lot of people um if you're new guys to this you're gonna be afraid don't be afraid guys trust me so basically i just cut out five male flowers so listen what we're gonna do guys instead of the plant is bringing up energy that these male right here we're gonna cut them out so we're not going to have the plant waste any energy behind these guys right here so we'll cut that out and you could see wherever i tie that we have a male right there too no energy waste on that guy we really don't need that look we have a double one just cut it out so so we're gonna leave this one on remember we're gonna leave this that track some beast tomorrow and hopefully if it's already dying by tomorrow the next day we're gonna cut this out too and then if you come right here this two is gonna be your next this two should provide for that one when that female is ready these two are gonna be ready so we're gonna definitely um pollinate those right there cut out one two three four five six seven eight nine ten male flowers we really don't need ten male flowers so now our plant is gonna bring up more energy and it's going to come to these couple instead of 10 you only have like four or five left and then it's going to push through grow put more energy to grow this yellow squash and then it's going to come through the rest up here you don't do this guys trust me your plant is going to take a longer time to produce the energy it has to grow it has to use guys look it basically have to grow from here to that look it's using all that energy from this male flower to that male flower that's a lot of time wasting right there behind a male flower when we have countless male flowers so whether it's squash plant or zucchini plant is the same thing apply guys something you're going to have a lot of female and a good thing then a good thing if you have a lot of female guys if you have other squash plant or zucchini plant you could cross pollination guys it's fine so let's say you're in a situation your plant has all female flowers and you have no male flowers and you literally have no other plant in the garden that you could pollinate this with now you just have to wait it out so basically what's gonna happen some of your female flower the fruit the ending of the fruit is gonna rotten it's gonna turn yellow it's gonna rot and die and soon as you see a sign of getting yellow rotten cut it out guys get rid of it don't keep it on your plant don't let your plant wait waste energy on that guys let it push through to start growing male flowers for you and same thing like you guys see there i have you know one female and all male so we got rid of some of the males and now our plant is going to produce more female and get everything you know it balance everything out guys hopefully guys this video was helpful and you guys do understand if you're confused about anything uh go ahead and comment ask me the question and i'll love to answer your question guys and it's not the first time i did this or had this problem so i actually did it and i know and it works guys so this is why i'm telling you if it if i never did this or it never works for me i wouldn't recommend it or tell you guys to do it and you guys can see it due to my own plant and i love my garden i love my plants so if i could do this in my plant you guys could believe me it works all right all right guys so thank you so much for watching green tea garden always if you're new welcome to green tea garden guys we're all about garden helping each other grow better garden guys uh don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon is 100 free of them uploading new videos you guys will get it right away and for all my regular viewers and supporter guys i really really appreciate you guys watching and sharing my videos i love it guys if you guys have facebook and stuff please share my videos to others or if anybody has any question always recommend my videos i really really appreciate that guys and you guys have an awesome day and i'll see you next time on green tea garden got tons of more videos coming up on green tea garden guys
Channel: GreenTGarden
Views: 173,124
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Keywords: zucchini, squash, why my zucchini plants only growing male flowers, zucchini plants growing only male flowers, why my squash plays only growing male flowers, zucchini plants only producing male flowers, male flowers, why my plant growing all female flowers, why my plant growing only male flowers, growing zucchini, growing squash, how to grow zucchini, how to squash, how to grow zucchini in container, no male flowers, why my plant not growing any fruit, how to grow squash, Zucchini
Id: 6kwMa4SVSas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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