What To Do if Your Child is Choking - How to save a choking child

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[Music] welcome to segment seven in this segment we'll be covering child choking interventions choking is a leading cause of death in children most often choke on toys household items and Foods toys that children commonly choke on are marbles uninflated balloons and Legos household items that children commonly choke on are coins pen caps magnets and paper clips foods that children commonly choke on are hot dogs grapes hard candy popcorn and peanut butter if a child is talking coughing crying or able to make noise they are likely suffering from a partial foreign body area obstruction encourage them to continue to cough and attempt to expel the object If the child does expel the object closely monitor their breathing until you're able to seek medical attention If the child is unable to expel the object or they are unable to cough make noise or breathe their skin becomes flushed pale or bluish in color and their behavior becomes frantic or docile they are suffering from a complete foreign body area obstruction that requires immediate intervention at this point it is imperative that you dial 9-1-1 immediately if you or someone you're with have a mobile phone within Arm's Reach dial 9-1-1 place the phone on speaker and lay it down somewhere close to you you have now alerted the dispatcher that help is needed and First Responders will be in route to your location you also have your hands free to perform interventions 911 dispatchers are formally trained to coach people through choking procedures if you find yourself unable to recall the proper steps the dispatcher will prompt you as necessary interventions for a child that can follow commands usually four years old and above instruct the child to stand directly in front of you with their back facing you if necessary you can adjust your positioning based on your height and the height of the child by dropping to your knees behind them Place their back flush with your chest and abdomen and extend your arms away from you underneath the level of their armpits make a fist with your dominant hand and place it just above the child's belly button place your non-dominant hand over top of your fisted hand and roll both hands up and towards yourself keep your hands in this position for the entirety of the rescue attempt turn your head to face either the right or the left to avoid having the child's head strike you in the face begin to forcefully pull your arms up and towards yourself continuously until one of two possible outcomes is reached interventions for a child that cannot follow commands usually one to four years old a child that is choking is likely to be completely frantic it is of great importance that we have control over the choking child so that we can effectively provide life-saving interventions lift the child and place them on one of your thighs with their back facing you and one of their legs draped over each side of your leg Place their back flush with your chest and abdomen and extend your arms away from you underneath the level of their armpits make a fist with your dominant hand and place it just above the child's belly button place your non-dominant hand over top of your fisted hand and roll both hands up and towards yourself keep your hands in this position for the entirety of the rescue attempt turn your head to face either the right or the left to avoid having the child's head strike you in the face begin to forcefully pull your arms up and towards yourself continuously until one of two possible outcomes is reached possible outcomes of choking interventions if the object is swallowed or expelled from the airway and the child begins to Breathe Again closely monitor their breathing until First Responders arrive on scene If the child becomes unresponsive secondary to choking lay them down on a hard surface and immediately begin CPR starting with chest compressions the only modification in CPR when a child has become unresponsive secondary to choking will be that you should visually inspect the child's Airway prior to delivering rescue breasts if the object that was obstructing the airway is visible and you can remove the object with 100 confidence proceed in doing so however if the object is visible and you do not have 100 confidence in your ability to remove it or the object is not visible do not for any reason place your fingers inside of the child's mouth placing your fingers inside of the child's mouth at this point will likely result in the object becoming further lodged inside of the child's Airway if you are unable to remove the object from the mouth or the object is not visible bypass performing two rescue breasts and immediately transition back into performing chest compressions the life act choking rescue device there are instances where traditional methods of relieving a foreign body area obstruction are unsuccessful or The Rescuers physically incapable of Performing traditional methods effectively the life fact is a non-powered non-invasive single-use only Airway clearance device developed for resuscitating a victim with an airway obstruction when current choking protocols have been followed without success we will be covering the components and proper use of a life back home kit the components of a life-back home kit are a suction device a practice mask an adult mask a pediatric mask and a list of choking prevention tips The Masks are labeled with expiration dates and the mass should be inspected periodically and consider replacing them every two to three years first you need to choose the appropriate size mask for the appropriate patient the Pediatric mass is designed for use on children wearing 22 pounds or more since we are demonstrating interventions for relieving a foreign body Airway obstruction in a child we'll be using the Pediatric mask next attach the mask to the suction device to attach the mask to the suction device Place push and twist place the elongated rigid plastic component of the Mask in line with the receiving Port of the suction device and push twist the mask one quarter turn and your life back is ready for use to use the life vac Place push and pull the life that can be used with the child in any position place the mask on the face with the narrow end over the bridge of the nose and The Wider end over the chin the mask is shaped like a teardrop tears run down the face this is a simple way to memorize how the mask should be oriented on the face the mask is made of a rigid piece of plastic lined with a softer balloon type plastic ensure that you place your fingers on the rigid plastic part of the mask and not on the softer plastic lining this will ensure that the pressure applied to the mask is evenly distributed around the softer plastic lining creating a tight seal on the child's face once the mask is applied appropriately push down on the handle of the suction device the suction device contains a one-way valve and vents along the bottom that will not allow for any Force air to enter the child's Airway once you have pushed the handle of the suction device down Pull up on the handle swiftly when you pull up on the handle approximately 300 millimeters of mercury of suction is being created continue to repeat these steps until the object is cleared from the airway and the child begins to breathe again or the child becomes unresponsive If the child becomes unresponsive secondary to choking lay them down on a hard surface and immediately begin CPR starting with chest compressions the only modification in CPR when a child has become unresponsive secondary to choking will be that you should visually inspect the child's Airway prior to delivering rescue breasts if the object that was obstructing the airway is visible and you can remove the object with 100 confidence proceed in doing so however if the object is visible and you do not have 100 confidence in your ability to remove it or the object is not visible you can make two suction attempts utilizing the life back in place of Performing rescue breasts ensure that there is no longer than a 10 second lapse between compression Cycles if the life fact is used successfully in a choking emergency please visit www.lifefact.net and fill out the save life questionnaire [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ryan Sharman - 1st On Scene CPR
Views: 116,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: choking, kid, choking interventions, symptoms of choking, child emergencies, kid emergencies, baby led weaning, solid foods, choking emergencies, child cpr, blocked airway, unresponsive, pediatric, heimlich, abdominal thrusts, signs of choking, gasping, gagging, toddler, little kid, child choking, lifevac, first aid training, choking baby, cpr, first aid for babies, basic first aid
Id: FhZtQwayP1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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