WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!? - Hyper Realistic iRacing - Ferrari Challenge Season Finale in Suzuka

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oh no oh he took out three of them [Music] okay so welcome to the final round of the ferrari challenge for season four 2021 starting from six on the grid today here at suzuka so short run to the start line let's focus on our launch here try to get a good run into turn one and as always try to keep it nice and clean have a clean race we uh had a couple of good races tonight had a massive crash in the last race on the last lap uh i might show you guys the replay of that at the end of this video because it was absolutely insane pretty much the crash went for the entire sector three so i'll show you guys but let's focus on the launch everybody's backing up here okay mate get ready oh geez don't do that [Music] don't jam on the brakes you're right before you launch green green green we've got a car my inside not sure okay well [Music] [Music] keep it nice and tight get a good exit speed here [Music] [Music] okay i feel like i've got more pace in these guys [Music] see what we can do [Music] focus on the exit come on get the power down now it's going to be a little bit understeer through 130r on the first lap so we're gonna be prepared for that too all clear [Music] oh no oh he took out three of them we're up to second no third we're in third because i had to hit the brakes there [Music] okay let's see if we can catch these leads too that's a real shame about that accident though not for me but for everybody else [Music] just gonna try and catch him now [Music] 2.8 second gap [Music] all the time they're battling they're slowing each other down so we got chances [Music] definitely gaining down to 1.9 seconds now we could win this come on boys [Music] [Music] so oh no he spun don't bounce out [Music] up to second okay he's gonna have a clean run now he's not having to be defensive so [Music] me on the other hand i do have to pay attention to the car behind it's a spicy one [Music] 2.4 second gap to the lead [Music] slow in fast out keep the inside line covered okay well ten minutes to go that's ten minutes left [Music] down to two seconds [Music] can we catch him [Music] 0.9 building a gap behind now just going to put in qualifying laps every lap [Music] [Music] still 2.2 seconds faster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got everything to lose here [Music] [Music] [Music] still two seconds [Music] [Music] so we're gaining slowly too slowly at the moment [Music] [Music] [Music] sector 3 is 3.6 seconds off the base [Music] keep it smooth [Music] [Music] the gap ahead is now 2.2 [Music] adrian's catching me again [Music] it's gonna be so careful to attraction control there if you hit traction control you lose about half a second [Music] [Music] still 2.2 second gap [Music] [Music] five minutes to go you're looking good for a podium 2.4 he's a little faster than me through the final sector that last light was out traffic tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] molina behind is increasing it's now 0.9 [Music] major is still catching the gap in front is now 2.3 seconds [Music] he's definitely catching me i could be in trouble here [Music] [Music] better x at that time i don't know if the left traffic is gonna come into play just catch it okay well that time is pretty consistent [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] losing some re-grip [Music] [Music] [Music] back down to 2.2 seconds [Music] oh he spun no way [Music] no way oh he's just gonna hold on to it now he's spun all on his own oh he's gonna be gutted though [Music] [Music] okay now i just gotta [Music] stay focused here dude driving backwards in the pits so we've got a 1.1 second gap to adrian final lap leading [Music] everything to lose [Music] [Music] only 0.6 of a second gap [Music] can we hold on to it [Music] good exit oh he's got a big twitch he's just lost a whole bunch of time got too greedy on the throttle on the exit there [Music] but you've used half your fuel a couple more corners to go one foot one second gap [Music] understeer city [Music] yeah boy yes oh what a way to finish the season great win you deserve that today you want a way to finish the season that was awesome i mean it's a shame that everybody wiped out like that but uh that was pretty much the perfect race there no mistakes zero incident points six to first it doesn't get much better than that so let's uh let's go through the replay though let's have a look at some of those incidents see what happened and uh yeah then we can go through have a look at the results from the race and the results from the season [Music] yes so as always let's run through the first lap here run through all the various incidents and bits and pieces that went on it wasn't a particularly exciting race from my perspective other than everybody crashing around me so let's have a look at those incidents and sort of analyze what happened and how we ended up going from sixth to first place so decent launch there everybody got away pretty cleanly and down past the grandstand [Music] i wasn't sure if there was a car on my inside at this point because i don't always get the call for turn one through crew chief which is a little bit frustrating i really wish that i would sort that out because i don't know whether it's a telemetry issue or what the story is but you never seem to know what's going around you just for the first corner or so which is kind of where you need it the most so yeah we kept it nice and clean stayed on the back of the train there we're on a little under a little bit of pressure from behind as well but that was okay [Music] and then coming into the final chicanes is where we gained a couple of spots so what happened here oh he got on the got on the astro turf there oh no oh that's the worst brutal [Music] let's ride on board with him [Music] so everything was fine to this point oh that is horrible oh man he didn't really do anything overly wrong there either it just just nicked the dirt there and it was enough to flip him around that's uh definitely something to be aware of guys don't touch the don't touch the dirt there on that one and then at the end of lap two the leader came a cropper on the final turn [Music] what how do we manage that so riding on board [Music] he just didn't back out that's very i mean it was obvious he was going to run wide and he just kept the throttle pin and then alberto at the end of the race from the lead what this race is bizarre what what caused that he's using up all the track there on the entry that's fine nothing nothing wrong there cars under control a little bit of sideways but nothing uncontrollable what why did he spin he didn't he didn't touch any dirt he didn't unless the ripple strip just unsettled the car but that's i don't think i've ever seen a spin like that that's weird let's let's watch the onboard as well because yeah i can't get my head around that so riding on board [Music] oh that's horrible oh and took him out of the lead as well oh man yeah i i don't know i mean i can't say i've ever run wide that early in the corner normally it's a little bit later you go out onto the ripple but yeah that's bizarre and from there we went on to win the race so i promised you guys i'd show you the crash that happened in the race before as well which basically took out almost the entire field and went for an entire sector so let's have a quick look at that as well all right so scenario is it's the final lap of the race here coming through and into spoon you can see contact a bit of desperation here and back down the inside [Music] contact again takes them both out of the race but then all hell breaks loose that's me there so following behind me now around the outside and roll back across in front of me nowhere i could go there further chaos for the chaos more cars spinning everywhere and this just continued so my car was absolutely ruined here ended up getting 12 incident points in two corners i only had one incident point up until this point you can see how much i'm moving around there back of the car is completely ruined another one dive bombing [Music] absolute chaos another contact another contact jeez [Music] the car's just crabbing along so uh yeah it was probably the biggest crash i've ever been in absolutely insane anyway let's go have a look oh another one what a disaster all right let's go have a look at the results from the uh from the good race all right so let's start off by having a look at the results of this particular race and then we'll have a look at the overall season results too see how we fed i haven't actually looked at it yet so i've got no idea how i went in the championship overall in division three but we were split two here with the strength of field of 1962. you can see my eye rating is now up to 2234 so starting to get up there a little bit now starting to get over that 2000 mark which is nice finally we got up to 3.16 on our license unfortunately that race before that big crash did uh take us down by i think 0.3 it was so we were getting close to a four again on our i rating but hopefully we'll be able to get the license back up to a by the end of week 13 we have done all the npr events but look the only other thing really here to look at is just uh the pace and how we work compared to other cars to see whether we actually deserve to be up the front or not so two minutes 741 was my best lap which is decent for race pace uh one of the faster ones if not the fastest no there was a 2006.95 there from alberto other than that i think we were the fastest lap yet so second fastest best lap time but pretty close there among the top five so we were about where we deserve to be in terms of raw pace let's just quickly compare that to the guys in top split as well which is where i normally am we had a lot of people in this particular race you can see the strength of field there for top split was 2818 so 159 flat for the winner there and a bunch of guys in the uh mid to high 159s as well so i'm within within a second of the really really fast guys which i'm pretty happy with so yeah we've definitely we've definitely gained a lot this season i would say in terms of you know racecraft knowledge raw pace a lot of things i think i might do a separate video just talking about what i've learned throughout the course of the season uh yeah i think that'd be an interesting video to just kind of wrap the season up with but let's jump in now and have a look at the season results okay so overall season results here out of everybody we ended up in 116th position which it sounds like a high number but if we go all the way to the end how many people did we actually have overall so we had 20 20 717 people that uh competed overall i mean obviously not all of them would have raced in every single week so it's not really a good indicator but we'll go back to my page there again and have a look at some of my stats so just gonna find myself again there we are okay so we had three wins overall uh 101 starts so quite a more quite a few more starts on a lot of the people around us uh top five in 24 of those 101 so you know 25 of the time i was in the top five which is pretty good one pole position that entire time uh average start position was 10th average finish position was 10th so i was finishing where i started most of the time a thousand 151 laps lapsed lead 14 415 incident points all in all and 824 championship points all in all so i mean i don't really know i mean you guys you guys let me know if that's a good result or not but let's have a look at our division as well division three see we finished there so 25th overall in division three out of how many cars did we have 2907 now again not all of those people would have competed in every single race let's go back and see how many people so we've got yeah people that have competed in most of the rounds here up to 75th 100th yeah so the majority of people as we scroll through even up to 150th 200th we're competing in most races so yeah we're definitely up towards the top in terms of uh division three at least so yeah look i mean i've got to be happy with that and i mean really the main thing is that we've learned a ton so there you have it guys that is it for the ferrari challenge season four of eye racing in 2021 so let me know what you guys have thought about the series overall as i said before i'll probably do a separate video where i just talk about what i've learned in terms of racecraft and overall pace and there's a couple of different videos that i want to put together but we'll do one just sort of talking about it and then i also want to put together a couple of guides with little tips and tricks that i've picked up along the way as well improving my driving because i do feel like i've improved a lot throughout the course of this season i've really been sort of you know just focusing on the one car and really sort of trying to get my head around it really focusing on racecraft and i've really had quite a mind shift a mindset shift throughout the course of this season as well in sort of you know preserving irating preserving safety rating and you know just i guess thinking about the way i race a little bit differently as well which is obviously you know throughout the course of the season improved my results as well quite dramatically if you go back to the first few races in the season we were having incidents a lot of the time we were you know being a lot more aggressive and you know sometimes that would pay off with extra positions but more than likely it would end up with us crashing out and having a frustrating race so let me know what you guys want to learn more about in the comments below as well let me know what you want to see for next season as well i'm going to test a few things out during week 13 but yeah definitely let me know in the comments what you'd like to see for next season obviously i'm not going to do exactly the same thing again so yeah let me know and yeah thanks for coming along for the ride as well guys i've really enjoyed it the views on these videos have been really good as well uh we've learned a ton as well in terms of optimizing the rig and overall it's just been a really enjoyable experience so thank you once again everybody and yeah we're going to be putting together some asset of course the competency only racing videos over the coming weeks as well so really excited to get that all happening obviously we have the new update there as well with dlss which is going to help out with graphics dramatically as well and i have been testing that out over the last few days it does seem to be working really well so really keen to do that lots of really exciting content coming your way guys so thanks as always for watching and yeah i'll see you again soon bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Boosted Media
Views: 94,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iracing, reshade, hyper realistic, realistic sim racing, helmet cam, motion rig, triple screens, boosted media, best sim rig, drivers eye, helmet cam view, helmet cam racing, Ferrari GT3 Evo, Ferrari 488 GT3, sim rig, driving simulator, realistic simulation, Ferrari Racing, Ferrari on Fire, Ferrari Challenge, GT3 racing, suzuka
Id: p2dAwsGvp1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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