What The Color Of Your Urine Says About Your Health

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what the color of your urine says about your health do you have bladder or dehydration issues according to UC San Diego health urine is at least 95 percent water but the remaining 5 percent is a complex of different ingredients that include sodium chloride urea and creatinine the most common color of urine in our bladder is yellow which UC San Diego Health says is caused by euro Bolen which is a biochemical waste product that is generated from the breakdown of your body's old red blood cells if you're ever concerned about your urine color you've reached the right place you'll find the types of urine color and what they say about your health now keep watching to find out what the different colors of your urine says about your health before we begin this video don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more daily health tips like this and turn on notifications so you never miss our new videos transparent the UC San Diego health explains that colourless urine could indicate that your body may be over hydrated this is not a direct cause for concern but they add that over dehydration can dilute essential salts that can create a chemical imbalance in your blood if the color of your urine is transparent it means that you are not suffering from dehydration it means that you are drinking enough water and generally represents your body is in good health and not suffering from the effects of dehydration speaking of dehydration make sure you stick around till the end to find out common signs that you may be dehydrated and what you can do to hydrate yourself pale color you are well hydrated healthy and normal if you have pale colored urine says the UC San Diego health your bladder is in good shape if your urine is pale in color similar to transparent it means that you are well hydrated and are not suffering from any of the effects of dehydration keep it up you are drinking enough water and your bodily processes are improved because you are very well hydrated yellow as mentioned already if the color of your urine is pale ish or light yellow then everything is completely normal you are hydrated and your abdomen is working perfectly says UC San Diego health you should only start to worry if your urine starts turning a darker color the shade of yellow that your urine is says a lot about whether you are hydrated or not so if your urine is light yellow in color have no fear you are hydrated and your bodily systems are in great condition so keep drinking that water and keeping yourself hydrated to keep your body in tip-top shape dark yellow if the color of your urine is dark yellow instead of light yellow it's still normal but it also does suggest that you may be mildly dehydrated according to UC San Diego health remember the darker your urine becomes the less hydrated it means that your body is if you notice that your urine is darker in color you should hydrate yourself and start drinking more water if it continues to get even darker it means that you are becoming more dehydrated so drink up honey or amber UC San Diego health says that if the color of your urine is honey or amber you might be dehydrated this is one of the first signs of dehydration if you notice that your urine is slowly starting to become darker you should start drinking more water immediately as it is a sign that you are dehydrated and your body needs water red if the color of your urine is red there may be a need to be concerned according to UC San Diego health blood in the urine is called hematuria in some cases it can be benign but in other cases it can be a sign of infection kidney stones or even a tumor in the urinary tract it can also signal that there may be a problem with the prostate this is a huge red flag and should never be overlooked if you notice blood in your urine visit a doctor immediately blew certain medications and food dyes can produce blue urine as well as the rare metabolic disorder familial hypercholesterolemia co health blue diaper syndrome is when there is an incomplete intestinal breakdown of tryptophan which is a dietary nutrient if your urine becomes blue consult a physician dark brown or black causes that do not require you to worry include certain medications large amounts of fava beans rhubarb and aloe but the UC San Diego Health explains that potential causes of dark brown or black urine that should worry you are copper or phenyl poisoning or melanoma the best thing to do is consult your doctor if your color of urine is dark brown or black now that you know what different colors of urine says about your health here are some common signs that you may be dehydrated as well as what you can do to hydrate yourself dry skin there are many different signs that you may be dehydrated dry skin is one of them if you notice that your skin has become unusually dry you may be treated not only while drinking water help out your skin but it will also improve your overall health dizzi or confused if you feel like headed confused or even feel like you might faint try drinking water immediately you may be dehydrated and the lack of water in your system may be causing you to feel light-headed to avoid this have a water bottle on you at all times to drink so that you can stay hydrated throughout the day you're thirsty sounds like common sense right well one of the most obvious signs that your body is dehydrated is when you become thirsty although it does sound like common sense many people don't know the importance of this sign when your body is telling you that you are thirsty it means that you need water so whenever you are thirsty grab that h2o in addition to keeping you hydrated there are a plethora of benefits to drinking lots of water daily one of them is keeping your stomach full so you don't waste money on unnecessary snacks drinking more water can also improve your brain function improve energy levels relieve constipation prevent headaches and much much more now that you know some signs you may be dehydrated here are some health tips to stay hydrated throughout the day keep a bottle of water on you at all times drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning drink water after every meal and drink water in between every meal when you start feeling hungry you should also drink water this will make you feel full and take away the craving so there you have it some info and health tips about what the colour of urine says about your health as well as signs of dehydration and some tips on how to keep yourself hydrated when it comes to the topic of urine nobody talks about it in polite company does tell a lot about you the consistency the odor and the color of your urine are all telltale signs of your well being and the type of lifestyle that you live which ranges from what you drink and eat to the types of diseases you may not know you have the worst thing you could do according to dr. Deena Rifkin indeed a staph nephrologist at UC San Diego health is examining your urine for dehydration she explains that she would never recommend any of her patients to hydrate based on urine color she adds that people should drink for thirst instead of drinking simply to stay hydrated that being said if you think you are dehydrated but are not sure one surefire way to tell is through the color of your urine but you should never have to reach that point the best way to ensure that you are hydrated at all times is by drinking water at multiple times throughout the day if you believe you are dehydrated or have hydration issues be sure to speak to your doctor or medical health professional do you drink enough water what are some health tips that you have and what are some ways you make sure that you stay hydrated throughout the day let us know in the comments section below enjoyed this video hit the like button and share with your friends also subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thanks for watching
Channel: Bestie Health
Views: 1,373,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bestie, Bestie Videos, Trending, Urine, Colors, Health tips, Health, Bladder, Dehydration, Transparent, Yellow, Drink, Light yellow, Water, Color Of Your Urine, Color Of Your Urine Says About Your Health, urine color, what the color of your urine says about your health, the color of your urine says a lot about your health, what the color of your urine says about you, dark urine in the morning, hydrous, about your health, peeing, have to pee
Id: oiCYI5lNflA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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