What supplements can you take while intermittent fasting? (Vitamins, Protein, BCAAs)

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what's going on I've warriors it's your boy Edward VIII and today we're gonna talk about supplements should you be taking them when intermittent fasting should you take them during your fasting time should you take them during your eating windows I'm gonna break down a few of the supplements or the more popular one I'm gonna eliminate a bunch of them and I'm even going to throw in vitamins and medication so that you could get as much of a full picture and this breakdown as possible I get a lot of questions about this so it's time to tackle it in this video stay tuned [Music] okay guys so I'm gonna start by eliminating 98% of the supplementation that you see out there for fitness anything that has protein carbs anything like that sugar anything that has any of that just completely take it out of the equation when it comes to if you want to consume this during your fast because it contains macronutrients micronutrients contain calories and that will break your fast doesn't matter somebody tells you oh what about I so protein is just protein it doesn't have its going to have calories protein is a macronutrient that needs to be metabolized and if it has protein it will have calories and if it has calories it will break your fast so stay away from anything that's going to have calories that can break your fast now can you take it during your eating window you can I guess if you want to go ahead and add protein within like a whey protein or anything like that that's up to you personally I don't do it but that's neither here nor there just know that if you use anything that has macronutrients within them as the base as for example protein it is going to break your fast that should be a no-brainer but I wanted to touch on that I wanted to eliminate all that right off the jump now let's touch on creatine creatine monohydrate just creatine not flavored nothing else in it a lot of people gravitate towards creatine because it's a skeletal muscle performance supplement which helps you increase your performance and build within your muscle now creatine usually when it's just monohydrate unflavored doesn't contain any calories the thing is it has a potential to affect your insulin it can raise it now is it an acute insulin response or you know a prolong insulin response those two things are different an acute insulin response is something that where your insulin goes up for a very short time and that comes back down however in a span of a fast that can still elicit a break of your fast if that is a possibility but there are studies that show that creatine doesn't raise your insulin and then there's studies that show that creatine can raise your insulin now there's limitations on all these studies for example a lot of these studies are done with rats so we're not exactly sure what the milligram or Gramm usage is for humans and some of the study showed an exorbitant amount of grands were needed to even have the insulin move but take that information as you will if you're going to take creatine monohydrate unflavored then understand that you're in somewhat of a gray area and with that understanding if you must take it if it's something that you want to do try to do it within your eating timeframe if you have an eating time frame if you're going to go to the gym within your eating time frame then try to take your creatine within that time frame a lot of people say that creatine after your workout is better than creatine before your workout so if you time your workout to fall into your eating window then go ahead and use the creatine then it's better to be safe than sorry you just don't want to be raising your insulin within your fasting periods I understand their studies that say it does it but they are equally as many studies that say it can do it so that to me is enough to put it in a great area and for me just to be on the safe side to ensure that I'm constantly keeping my insulin low at all times when I am fasting or keeping it at baseline I would not take it if it was me but if you want to take it if that's something that you can't be without that's on you if you want to strategically do it while maintaining your fasts are getting the peace of mind that you are keeping your fast there then go ahead and take it during your eating window now let's move on to BCAAs now BCAAs is the big push that a lot of people use for intermittent fasting people want to somehow monetize intermittent fasting in some way shape or form they want to connect something you be a coffee or BCAAs and these are the two things coffee and BCAAs that I've seen so much connected to in a bit of fasting in a way where let's try to monetize this well here's the thing BCAAs are branched chain amino acids and you know that branched chain amino acids that contain leucine isoleucine and valine now if you look at your label normally it will tell you that there's zero calories in branched chain amino acid and that is not true now what constitutes as calories the thing is a lot of people say well if you don't have protein is carbs and fats then there's no calories in it that's also a false narrative what calories indicate is can it be metabolized into energy if put under test conditions kind of show that when it's metabolized it can add energy and if that does happen then it is something that contains calories and this test on BCAAs have been done and it shows that it does have calories now per gram I believe each one of those leucine isoleucine and valine each have about 4.65 calories in it so yes if you take it it will have calories in it and here's another kicker leucine heavily induces your insulin pushes your insulin up strongly it really needs that to move through the body so it will definitely break your fast if you take branched chain amino acids I'm sorry guys I know a lot of people that do intermittent fasting we want to take BCAAs but the truth of the matter is branched chain amino acids plays on the fear of not being able to protect your muscles because you're fasting and the whole protein synthesis fear you don't have to have that fear the human growth hormone will protect muscle tissue and muscle growth it will help with the muscle growth and it will protect when reducing calories with your muscle tissue and you can get enough amino acids from just the proteins that you eat throughout the day so you don't necessarily need BCAAs but if you're going to take BCAAs please do it within your eating window not outside of your eating window don't believe the hype or don't believe what these people are telling you about BCAAs not breaking your fast because there's no calories not only are their calories they're just hidden calories but they also do one critical critical thing which is they raise your insulin now I'm going to briefly touch on medication medication can definitely raise your insulin because there's so many different medications out there and a lot of them do so many things inside your body hormonal E and insulin is one of those things but medication is extremely a sensitive subject and very very isolated to each and every one of you I'm not gonna hop on a video and diagnose so many people over the internet so if you use medication because it's prescribed to you by your doctor and that's a conversation that you need to have with your doctor but understand that yes medication can definitely affect your insulin if it isn't a time-sensitive kind of medication if it isn't like you got to take it in the morning you got to take in the afternoon we got to take it at night kind of thing and you can take it just once a day then time them or put them within the times that you're eating so that it can be easier for you and that you know that you're not breaking your fast when you're doing your fast medications can mess with your hormones that I mean that's what medications usually are there for because there's something off-balance it's going to try to rebalance certain things so it will mess with your hormones but also understand that your doctor prescribed it to you for a reason if you want another opinion from another doctor that's your prerogative but I do want to put it out there that yes medication can move or mess with your insulin okay now we're gonna move on to vitamins vitamins is something that a lot of people want to take and people want to take vitamins outside of their eating window understand that vitamins in and of itself in and of itself vitamins does not contain calories that's one of those things where its water minerals you know vitamins those things do not produce energy when metabolized they don't give you energy thus they don't have any calories in them and then of course it doesn't have carbs or anything like that now if we're talking about the tablets if we're talking about the actual tablets there's a lot of different types of vitamins out there like if you were to take fish oil that has fat its unsaturated but it's fats it contains fats fats contain calories so within a tablet of fish oil you might have about 10 calories in there is that going to break your fast might not because it's fat but just know that there's calories inside of the tablet now vitamin C also has calories but that calories is less than the vitamin C but it can come from sugar it could come from carbs will that break your fast I feel that has more of an opportunity to do it then then the one fish oil because it has fats but understanding that it's really really small it's really minimal this is another thing when it comes to vitamins you want to take only what you're deficient in if you go to your doctor your doctor says hey look you're deficient in vitamin D then that's the vitamin that you should be focusing on because obviously whatever you're doing and your lifestyle is allowing you to absorb all the other vitamins at a normal clip vitamin D is one of those vitamins that you somehow you maybe your your diet or maybe whatever you don't go outside there as much or you don't live where there's that much Sun I don't know what it is but for some reason you're deficient in vitamin D so that's the vitamin A you should just focus on but all these vitamins are different and contain their own way to consume them because what they do in your body is different for example vitamin A D and K are fat soluble vitamins which means that they're best consumed when you're consuming fats so when you're consuming food when you're consuming food those are the better vitamins to take so if you have to take those vitamins when you're consuming food that you should throw those in during your eating window now the water-soluble vitamins which is like vitamin B and C those can be dissolved in water so those dissolve in water the other ones get stored in your fat they don't get stored as fat they get stored inside of your fat but like I said make sure that you're taking the vitamins that you're actually deficient in and if you can to give yourself the best peace of mind you can try to take your vitamins if it has to just be once a day why not just take it during your eating window I never understood why people have the options to take it once a day they could take whatever they want they want to take it outside of their eating window just take it right after you eat or right before you eat or while you're eating whatever it is just try to take the vitamins during your eating window and then you don't even have to think about it because yes they're very minimal in terms of calories they're very minimal in terms of carbs and sugar and everything like that but if you don't want to even think about it stress about it you're messing with anything so then just take a dinner you're eating with alright guys so those are the supplements that I am touching on they're the most popular supplements if there are any other supplements that you want to talk about that you want me to touch on go ahead and ask me in the comment section but I wanted to basically touch on the ones that most likely are going to be used by people who do intermittent fasting because of all the information that's out there and hopefully all the rest of them with the protein and the whey protein you guys understand that those things will break your fast but hopefully this helped with in terms of vitamins because I've gotten a lot of questions for vitamins I've gotten a lot of questions for creatine and I've gotten a lot of questions for bran branched-chain amino acid and I want to thank my preaches from our patreon and I'm gonna put their names right up here [Music] also guys don't forget my flash fitness jump rooms are out you can click in the description to buy yourself one it's only $16.50 grab them while you can because these things are selling like crazy thank you for your support guys and I'll see you on Wednesday for another FAQ peace [Music]
Channel: Fledge Fitness
Views: 136,448
Rating: 4.8610253 out of 5
Keywords: intermittent fasting, lose weight, intermittent fasting weight loss, weight loss tips, fasting diet, fledge fitness, supplements, fit, fitness, lose, dairy, lifestyle, meat, loss, food, muscle, training, lifting, routine, exercise, vitamins while fasting, lose weight fast, supplements while fasting
Id: jJir-IwtKV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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