What skateboard bearing is fastest?!

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just got to the local skate shop we're going to see what three bearings are the most popular price point bearings excuse me yeah what bearings are your most popular price point bearings so we have a couple options we have the Bronson g2s we have the bones Reds and we have MINI logo I think I'll take them all now it's time to figure out which one of those price point bearings is fastest right out of the box I'm not going to do Breakin time cuz there's no way for me to evenly break in all of those bearings so let's get into it for this test I got a brand new set of wheels and three sets of bearings these all of these bearings are under $20 we're going to do the mini logos on this truck right here we're going to do the Reds on this truck here and the Bronson on this truck here all right we got the mini logo on this wheel tighten it up a little bit here perfect now we're going to get the Bron in on this wheel and the red on this wheel for all three wheels are on and all three wheels spin so let's break out the timer and figure out which one is quickest with the spin test all right right so that one did 17.25 seconds I'm using the same spin technique on every single wheel Bronson did 11.20 seconds and the red did 17.30 seconds what was this one again 1725 so it's interesting that the mini logo which is only a $10 bearing beat the Bronson bearing which is a $16 bearing by quite a bit and the red and the mini logo were pretty close but now it's time to put all of the wheels on and test do a push test with every single bearing and see which one goes furthest with me standing on the skateboard now it's time for the push test I'm going to Mark the start spot with this line right here I'm going to switch out every single bearing and just take one giant push that way which is slightly uphill and see which bearing makes it the furthest on the board right now I already have it preloaded with the mini logos you can see there is black shields in every single wheel so it's all MINI logo right now and then the cameraman's going to follow me follow me down that way and Mark out where I stop with the chalk right here ready let's go and then put a m for MINI logo so that we know which Mark is which so we marked it out and we got an M for MINI logo now for the the fun part let's switch out the bearings oh this wheel BT stripped axle stripped on there let's go Bronson next cuz the Bronson sucked I guess you don't have to film me putting the all the bearings on okay we're back on the start line with the Bronson bearings and I'll let you do a wheel check they are all orange I knew I like pushed a little bit harder cuz these bearings are horrible mark it out put a be for Bronson all right now for the Reds we're back on the start line with the Reds little Shield check they are all red super curious to see if this beats them both or if the you know which ones are going to win let's find out right here we have a clear winner by multiple board links go ahead and Mark it out Bronson was second place MINI logo was third place and our clear winner the Reds so if you guys are looking for the fastest bearing straight out of the box without any break in time I did that because there's no way to evenly break all of the bearings in um go with Reds they're only 20 bucks oh you should share this video with a friend that rides another bearing besides Reds just to prove that Reds are fastest right out of the box like subscribe share and I'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Alex Mauer Skates
Views: 742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hqor9WgW8E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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