What Should You do During the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah? - Khutbah by Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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remember the legacy of ibraim and of Haj is go through their footsteps if not physically at least mentally derive from their lives the concept of of of of of sacrifice of giving up for the sake of Allah so that you too can attain some of that little Baraka dear Muslims we are about to enter the most sacred 10 days of the entire year the 10 days of and these are the days that we should reflect and remind ourselves not only of the blessings of these days but also of the story the origin of where and how these days became so sacred because it was during these days thousands of years ago that the prophet ibraim did certain actions and rituals the prophet ibraim legislated for us what what we now do in the rights of Hajj and Allah subhanahu wa taala earmarked those very footsteps that ibraim and ha and is they did the piety of one person the rituals of one person the sacrifice of one person the legacy of one person has been etched into our Shar and Allah subhanahu wa taala blessed his piety so that millions of people people around the world commemorate that piety they walk in his footsteps they remind themselves of the legacy of the prophet ibraim and so in today's brief it is relevant that we remind ourselves why is ibraim such a high role model the one person in the whole Quran that our nebi sallallah alaihi wasallam is told to take as a role model I repeat our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is told to take as a role model his own father his own ancestor the prophet ibraim alisam and ibraim alisam is mentioned over 70 times in the Quran and his story is a constant story that is mentioned in over a dozen places in fact one of the first stories in the Quran is the story of ibraim in the very first Pages ofah Bak the very first of Allah subhah waala says and recall Allah that Allah tested ibraim with many Commandments and ibraim fulfilled all of those Commandments and when ibraim fulfilled those Commandments Allah says I will make you an Imam for all of mankind we have to ask ourselves why is Allah reminding us of these stories and Legacy and the response when we understand that when we follow the role model of the prophet ibraim and the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasam Allah will also give us a legacy not like them they are prophets but this is how we carve out our own legacy this is how we fulfill the rights of the prophets on us by taking them as Role Models by learning their lives and histories by deriving lessons that help us in our daily lives and so when we take the prophets as role models we as well will get some of the Baraka some of the blessings they too were given what were some of the blessings what were some of the tests and trials that ibraim underwent because Allah says I tested ibraim and and ibraim passed every single test look at how many tests he had been given and of course in one we can only summarize some of them of the tests that were unique to him is that he was the only believer in Allah even before the Revelation began as a teenager as a young boy W had not come down upon Him Revelation had not yet begun his whole nation were idolators the world was a polytheistic Society but ibraim as a 11 12 year-old young child he knew that idolatry was wrong not only did he know it was wrong he stood stood up and he took a courageous stand and he demonstrated the falsity of worshiping other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he challenged his entire nation of idolators he started with his own father how painful that must have been for a child he started with his own father and he started with wisdom he started with sound argumentation and most importantly with compassion and and AD and love he was not argumentative he was not arrogant he tried to reason in a loving manner yeah my dear father why would you worship that which is not going to benefit you or harm you y abti my dear father you're worshiping false gods y AB my dear father turn to Alman is the one that you should worship he keeps on trying and trying and his own father turns against him his own tribe turns against him the very King becomes involved and the King wants to make an example temp Le of this young boy and so the king threatens him if you don't leave your false ways the king says you shall be executed and despite being jailed despite being tortured as a teenager ibraim remains firm and as you know nud builds that fire three days and three nights to to try to persuade ibraim to stop ibraim does not stop and he is thrown into that fire without any helper other than Allah and that's when he says our Prophet S taught us when IIM was thrown into that fire that IM made this is the that he said he taught us because he wanted us as well to memorize this dick when the world has turned its back on you when there is no helper in this dun then you turn to Allah subhah wa ta'ala and you say and when you demonstrate that IM and that then even the fire becomes a garden and even the punishment of men becomes Mercy from Allah and so IIM is saved from that fire and he has no place to go and so he leaves his land he leaves his Nation he leaves his tribe and our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said the first human being who had to flee for his religion was ibraim nobody before him had to flee for his religion ibraim gave up his people he gave up his tribe he gave up his safety and Allah blessed him by being the most venerated human in all of human history it is true our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the most chosen and it is true in terms of quality the praise our Nabi is given nobody else has given but in terms of quantity it is his father ibraim the Jewish people the Christian people the Muslim people that is 60% of the globe 60% of mankind they venerate the prophet ibraim and Allah is demonstrating when you give up something for my sake I will give you back more than what you gave up when you give up your people I will give you the world when you give up your tribe I will give you billions and billions of people our Prophet ibraim demonstrates what happens when you sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhah wa ta'ala when he goes into that land where another tyrannical King in that fonic king of Egypt there where once again he is threatened and his wife Sarah is taken away and once again he has no Army no Helper and so he falls down in SJ he prays theud in the privacy of his tent he has none other than Allah and he begs Allah to help his wife against the tyrannical King and that is exactly what happens and also the same phrase and he goes from there and he makes his way to the land of festine where Allah subhah wa ta'ala told him to settle and from there hajar gives birth to is to is and Allah says to them go down to mekah and build the first Masid that has ever been built for all of mankind at that time it was called so ibraim goes down and you all know the story ha and is are left over there he doesn't even know what to tell hajar how is he going to explain to hajar that Allah has told him to leave leave his uh his wife and his daughter his hajar and his and his son how is he going to explain to haar that Allah has told me to left to leave you he can't even say anything he simply walks away and hajar is confused where are you leaving me how am I going to be taken care of there's no food there's no water and she understands this is a higher order because she knows the gentleness of ibraim she knows he's a very very loving person and now he seems to be doing something that is atypical so she asked asks him did Allah command you and that's the only thing he can say yes Allah commanded me and haar who came into the household as a pagan she was not a Muslim when she entered the household but in that short time she has absorbed so much Iman that her sacrifice between Safa and marwa will become legislated for billions of people herul in Allah is now a role model the lady who submitted to Allah the mother who showed her love for her son and put her trust in Allah her acts of desperation Allah recorded for every every you will walk exactly on those footsteps and you will demonstrate just as ha knew Allah will take care of me she didn't know how she didn't know when she put in the effort and she went from one mountain to the other knowing that Allah would take care not knowing how and where and again this shows us the reality I have said this over and over again you put in the effort and you put your trust in Allah you do you you have a plan you have an agenda you have a goal and you put your trust in Allah ha was searching for water she's going here and there and she doesn't realize Allah has a plan but she has to show her side as well so she walks back and forth she runs exactly where we run and that Iman that she had is is is embodied in the ritual of saf and Mar the ritual of s that every single Pilgrim drug we are representing that same battle I don't know Allah's plan but I must put in my effort and Allah will take care of me and Allah will give me a way out from sources I never expected and lo and behold Allah subhah wa ta'ala blessed ha and is with water that is so blessed our Prophet sallallah alai wasam said it is the Most Blessed food and drink on Earth there is nothing more blessed than maam it is so blessed it was a gift not just to is it was a gift to all of the Arabs and all of the qur for 4,000 years and then it was a gift and it remains a gift for every single Muslim we are living testimony to the miracle of hajar and is in the middle of the desert how can all of this water come where does it come from where billions of people are drinking billions of people continue to drink and the water never runs out and the water is smack in the middle of the Desert from underneath the house of Allah subhah wa ta'ala if this is not yet another miracle of the Baraka that Allah gave to ibraim and to hajar and to is and so Allah subhah wa taala says ibraim passed all of these Commandments ibraim was told sacrifice your son and even that he took his son out and he said Allah has commanded me to sacrifice you what do you think I should do and his son says yti the same Phrase yati That 70 years ago ibraim used with his own father now his son is using with him and we learn another lesson another lesson we learn parents listen to this children listen to this Allah is demonstrating when you show etiquette and manners to your elders when you become an elder Allah will bless you with youngsters who show you respect ibim showed respect to his father ibraim showed utmost love and submission to his father even even when his father said get out of here and his father said I'm going to kill you if you believe my God ibraim says I love you I'm going to make Dua for you ibraim never resorted to what his father resorted to he maintained the higher moral ground and therefore when Allah gave him children now he takes his son and says oh my son Allah told me to do something what does the son say whatever Allah says I'm going to do this this demonstrates you want your children to be righteous you begin with your and you begin with your own piety we also see in the story of ibraim patience s in the face of adversity preaching Islam to all of mankind understanding that you might not see the fruits of what you want in this world but Allah will give you those fruits when Allah subhah wa ta'ala told him to sacrifice his son he only had one son is at that time when Allah told him to sacrifice his son he attempted to do so and Allah intervened and saved his son and not only did he save his son he blessed him with another son and from the two Allah gave magnificent civilizations two of the largest civilizations came from his two sons ibraim did not know this he thought that's the end of my progeny but he put his trust in Allah and what he when he put his trust in Allah Allah subhah wa ta'ala blessed him with that Legacy we also see over here when Allah says in the Quran that IIM would spend long hours in prayer in tahajud and Allah told our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that place he would pray you should pray on the exact same spot and this is what we call M ibim it is still standing to this day the same Rock the same rock that ibraim alisam stood on and worshiped the footprints of which are there ibraim alisam prayed there and he has gone but the legacy of his piety remains so much so we are told and all the when they go we pray two right behind the of ibim to maintain that Legacy you will go your good deeds will remain you're not going to be there but the good that you planted the rituals that you did the I that you did the worship of Allah that you did Allah will not cause it to go in vain Allah will never cause it to go in in loss and we also see over here the willingness to suffer and to sacrifice multiple times ibraim gives up for for the sake of Allah and Allah subhah wa ta'ala blesses him following the Commandments of Allah in spite of how difficult it is one of the most difficult realities when Allah commanded him to follow an entire Shar and a part of that Shar was the circumcision and ibraim was the only Muslim at that time and as the prophet s said he circumcised himself can you imagine somebody doing this and he did it himself on his own body why and how because this is what Iman does when Allah says you do you do and when you follow Allah subhah wa ta'ala blesses and that's why Allah says when he passed all of the tests I will make you a role model for all of mankind the main Legacy the main benefit from the story of ibraim when you turn to Allah Allah will give you much more than what you had to sacrifice when you show piety your legacy will live long long Beyond you when you stand up for Allah subhah wa ta'ala and you show servitude to Allah that and that worship will make you somebody who will become a role model for mankind and beloved to Allah and that's why the prophet ibraim Alam was the only one of two who was a of Allah Allah subhah wa taala said that Allah took ibim as a only two people have this status our Prophet sallallahu alai am and ibraim and means a close Confidant means the best friend we would say in a vernacular of course Allah does not have friends the way we do obviously but it is a terminology of Love of endearment two people have been given that high status ibraim Alam and our Prophet Muhammad sallallah alai wasam so dear Muslims as we enter these blessed 10 days as we enter the days of the days of some amongst us are going to perform the Haj those that are going remember all of the steps that ibraim and Haj and is did you will literally be walking on the exact locations they did recall their sacrifice recall their tul recall their and see how Allah blessed them you want to be blessed then do as they did those that are not going for the Hajj first and foremost if you haven't been I must remind myself on all of you do not delay oh Muslims do not delay Del the H if you can afford to do so go as fast as you can expedite this is an obligation that Allah has given upon all of you and we see the reality that the logistics and the costs are going higher and higher every single year so why are you delaying if Allah has blessed you with wealth do not delay go as soon as you can and if you do not have wealth you are absolutely forgiven and continue to accumulate and and and make sure you have a fund for Hajj just like you have a fund for your house and fund for your college education you should also have a small fun what is reasonable for you to do so that one day you're able to do the Hajj and those of you that are not going for Hajj know that those 10 days of regardless of whether you go or not are the Most Blessed 10 days of the year our Prophet sallallah alai wasam said there are no 10 days there are no days of the year that are more blessed than the days of these first 10 days no good deed that you do outside of those 10 will equal those 10 unless you go as a complete mujah and you die a martyr that's the one deed you can do that is better than the Deeds of these 10 days if you're not doing that then your and your and your and your good deeds on these 10 days are better than anything else you can do so those that are not going for Hajj doesn't mean you're off the hook rather it means you have another set of rituals those that are going for they know their rituals they're going to be doing those that are not going for Haj well so many good deeds to do these are the days you fill them with with Quran you fill them with you do you do good deeds with your family you you bring happiness to the lives of other Muslims and you fill these 10 days with the worship of Allah subhanahu wa taala and of course the day of the nth of the nth of oh Muslims if you are standing Ina on that day then welcome you and you are indeed blessed and chosen by Allah subhah wa taala there is no day of the year that is more blessed than the nth of no location that is more blessed than no Dua and no deed better than standing at on in begging Allah on that day and if you have not been oh Muslim then aspire to go and plan to go but even if you are not on the plains of it is authentically narrated that the in in kufa in other places they weren't doing Haj on the 9th they would come to the Masjid and they would spend the day in and the of Allah and they would make extra Dua because our Prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam said the best Dua is the Dua of now no doubt the Hadith primarily applies to being Ina no doubt about that but even if you're not Ina you shouldn't just sit home and watch TV it's still a blessed day it's still a day that the are gathered so even if you're not in ninth of you should be fasting over here and you should be doing extra and you should be doing and you should be doing your personal Dua as much as you can because it is a blessed day and it is a holy day these are the days of and even the days of Ramadan are not as blessed as the days of our Scholars say the last 10 nights of Ramadan are more blessed than the nights of and the days of D are more blessed than the days of Ramadan each one is its own the last 10 nights of Ramadan and the first 10 days of nights of the Year andb Abbas said when Allah says in the Quran said is the 10 days of Allah's given on the 10 days of so oh Muslims take advantage of these days remember the legacy of ibraim and of ha is go through their footsteps if not physically at least mentally derive from their lives the concept of of of of of sacrifice of giving up for the sake of Allah so that you too can attain some of that little Baraka and the blessings that Allah has given to the righteous and Pious we ask Allah subhah wa ta'ala to make us of those who listen to the Quran and follow it to the best of our abilities may Allah subhana wa tala make us of those who are listening to the Quran and implementing in our daily lives may Allah bless me and you with and through the Quran and may he make us of those who its verses they understand and applies Halal andam throughout our lives span ask Allah's forgiveness you as well ask him he is the and the ald oh Muslims we watch in sadness and in grief about what is happening over over and over again in the land of the Prophet ibraim Alam Allah subhah wa ta'ala chose that land for ibraim and for the righteous followers of his descendants after him and we firmly believe for a period of time those people were the descendants of ishak and Allah gave it to them for that period of time but we also believe when they rejected the legacy of ibraim when they turned away from the Commandments of irim Allah subhah wa ta'ala lifted that privilege from them and he gave it to the real followers and also the biological descendants of ibraim and that is the prophet Muhammad s alai and those who follow him we are the only real followers of the Prophet ibraim Alam we are the inheritors of his legacy and including in that is the promise of that land that land belongs to the righteous of those who follow ibraim al.is and that is us we are the rightful Heirs of that land and and it is truly distressing every few weeks these people even lower the bar and they show barbarity and inhumanity more so than we could have ever imagined just when we thought the situation was as bad as as it could have gotten these people the apartheid regime do even more barbaric and inhumane desecrations how can you bomb a refugee camp when you're the the ones who said to go and set up your tents over there how can you deprive Women and Children of food and water and the world watches and our own administration because even more callous and callous but we must remind ourselves oh Muslims we must remind ourselves to not lose hope wall I say to you the tide is changing the future is bright the depravity of this group The depravity of this regime and the cold hard-heartedness of our own Administration it is now being shown to the whole world and perhaps we hate something but Allah will Place good in it and perhaps those people whom Allah has chosen to be sh inshallah their blood is not lost oh Muslims wall their blood and their sacrifice it is changing the world Allah subhah wa ta'ala is using their courage and their sa and this is not a justification it's not a a justification but we have to console ourselves and we have to continue doing whatever little we can do we all feel impotent we all feel powerless that is true but still still we cannot lose hope and we must pers persist persevere and persist and we must push on and inshal we see one after the other the superpowers and countries are withdrawing their support one after the other until finally only one is going to be left and even this it is only a matter of time before the very people of this land see this reality and it is already happening the growing discontent the growing disconcertion the growing anger at what is happening Al alhamdulillah we thank Allah and so do not falter do not lose hope do not give up continue to persevere do whatever you can and I say this and I've said this N9 months ago and I say it now maybe just maybe this group has won the battle but we have won the war without a doubt maybe this group has won this one battle if you just count the number of dead but the war the overall War without a doubt we have already won it the moral Victory we have already won it the depravity of these people has been demonstrated for all to see and so it's just a matter of time that's it put your trust in Allah and realize from the story of we learn that the final result will always be given to those who have tawa so raise the bar in your own life have tawa of Allah subhah wa taala put your trust in Allah and as we learned from the story ibraim The Legacy will always be for the righteous even if we don't live to see it ibraim Alam did not lived to see all of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren he had no idea of the respect and the fame he would be given he didn't see that but Allah still gave it to him and Allah subhah wa tala blessed him like he blessed no other Prophet all the prophets after ibraim were from his progeny not a single Prophet came except from his own children and for 100 years he didn't even know he would have children for 90 years he didn't even know he would have children so put your trust in Allah persevere show patience show Iman show tul show sa sacrifice for the sake of Allah and the Legacy will be ours as it was to the prophet ibraim Alam Allah muhamad [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] me
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 91,566
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Keywords: yasir, qadhi, official, islamic, scholar, Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Yasir Qadhi, Yasir Qadhi Jumuah Khutbah, Victory in Islam Yasir Qadhi, Spreading the Truth Yasir Qadhi, The Truth Shall Prevail Yasir qadhi, Yasir Qadhi Activisim, Faith in Allah, Hope in Allah, Yasir Qadhi Jummah Khutbah, 10 Holiest Days of the Year, Dhul Hijjah Reminder Yasir Qadhi, Hajj 2024 Yasir Qadhi, Arafah 2024 Yasir Qadhi, The 10 Best Days of The Year Yasir Qadhi
Id: OwP9qmuAljU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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