What Really Happens in Eucharistic Adoration

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okay just oh my gosh it's beautiful hi my name is father Mike Schmitz and this is Ascension presents so a little while back I was able to have a small part in a first reconciliation first communion preparation program that Ascension has created it's called renewed and received right so renewed in confession right reconciliation and received we receive holy communions for all those you know young people who are getting ready to receive the sacrament of reconciliation for the first time those are getting prepared to receive the sacrament of holy communion for the first time and so there's this little clip I just want to introduce to you it's it's a couple minutes long just watch this just check it out it's it's gonna be worth your time [Music] is is [Music] how can one so small accomplish all these things [Music] it's seeking you people have been worshiping god with music for a long time you know when we sing the songs at Mass yeah those songs are from the Bible King David wrote them for God [Music] my God and King and blessed thy name throughout history we've sung in all different ways to God [Music] all over the world everywhere people are praying there are people singing to him [Music] oh yeah and you know who's singing to God the Saints and angels [Music] when we praise God we praise him with all of Heaven and the rest of the world together [Music] foreign [Music] music is a kind of gift we can give God who loves us so much [Music] adore you and I will adore you and I will adore you adore you and he's always here waiting to see you face to face [Music] please [Music] also not only do I know the singer she's awesome she sometimes helps us out with mass on campus she's helps us out with our virtual front few masses occasionally her name is Ali Alia but also I know that I know that person in the monstrance his name is Jesus Christ and he is the Lord of everything it's just even just watching that video has touched your heart consider this an invitation to just visit Jesus in the Eucharist I mean think about this He makes himself so vulnerable that he sometimes he gets placed in our hands or gets placed on our tongue he he abides in the Tabernacle just waiting for us to come by just waiting for us to enter into his presence enter into not only music that's awesome the video incredible but also to enter into silence now here's my invitation is is to do that but also to not be afraid to not be afraid of the silence to not be afraid of is anyone going to be there I have to tell you this I've said it many many times that when I was in high school about 15 16 years old I encountered Jesus truly present in the Eucharist it was one of those things where I read about it I was like oh my gosh this changes everything that blows my mind I said okay I'm gonna go to adoration one hour every week as a 16 year old and uh had read these stories of saints any Saints you know the stories would be these Saints would go into the Lord's presence in the in the Tabernacle in the Eucharist and ours would feel like minutes and so I settled in and I'll tell you this um minutes felt like hours yeah I didn't know what I was doing I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing it's putting a lot of pressure on myself to just say okay how do I do this right the answer of course is there's no wrong way to adore the Lord there's no wrong way to even abide or rest in his presence because here's Jesus who just he just waits for you he waits for you in the Eucharist he waits for me in the Eucharist and I gotta tell you this there's many many times when I've not wanted to pray there's many times when I'm like I'm so busy I can do other things I'll just drive past the church there's never been a time when I've stopped when I thought well I just wasted 10 minutes I just wasted half an hour there's never been a time when I've wasted time with Jesus and I thought it was wasted time you know what I mean so here's the invitation don't be afraid of just being with Jesus no matter how short or how long of a time it is he just wants to spend time with you Jesus is so humble he is so vulnerable and he waits for you so why keep him waiting anyways from all this interesting presents my name is father Mike God bless [Music]
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 256,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fr. Mike, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension Presents, Ascension, Ascension Press, Father Mike Schmitz, Fr. Mike advice, Father Mike advice, fr. mike schmidt, worship, ascension, ascension presents, fr. Mike, father mike, catholic advice, fr. mike schmitz, fr. Mike advice, fr. Mike videos, Adoration, what to do in Adoration, what do we do in Adoration, blessed sacrament, real presence, eucharistic adoration, holy hour adoration, how to make a holy hour, catholic adoration
Id: Y6hXG43Fflw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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