What Really Happened To Food Network Star Sara Moulton?

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What's a chef to do when she gets dumped by one  of the biggest networks on TV? If you're Sarah   Moulton, you do the only reasonable thing you can:  serve up a platter of inspo for the Beastie Boys. Sara Moulton worked as the food editor for "Good  Morning America" as well as with pioneering TV   chef Julia Child in her early career. Her work  had been primarily just adjacent to cooking on   television when, according to HuffPost, the young  and upstart Food Network approached her in 1996   to star on her own demonstration show. Despite a  mediocre screen test, she got the job and became   one of Food Network's earliest stars as the host  of "Cooking Live." That show lasted six years,   running concurrently with the spinoff "Cooking  Live Primetime," and upon its conclusion in 2002,   Moulton rolled into "Sara's Secrets."  That series aired its final episodes   in 2006 — because Food Network let  Moulton go. As she revealed to Eater - "They dumped me. I'll say it. I was  part of the old guard and every time   a new president comes in they make changes." The mid-2000s also witnessed a major  change in Food Network's approach,   switching from a lineup primarily  of cooking instruction programs into   reality TV and aspirational lifestyle  series. As Moulton summed it up - "They were more interested in really good  looking people with really big personalities." In the decade and a half since her exit from Food  Network, Sara Moulton didn't disappear from TV.   She went on to host and produce a new cooking  show, thanks to a classic home for pre-Food   Network TV chefs: good old public television. Her  show, "Sara's Weeknight Meals" has Moulton and   friends sharing recipes for "quick and tasty  meals every night of the week." Moulton has   been hosting "Sara's Weeknight Meals" since  2008, and the series is still going strong. As a renowned chef with an extensive media  background, Moulton is also a go-to guest   for daytime talk shows that need someone  to do a cooking segment. Over the years,   she's made regular appearances on "Good  Morning America" and "Rachael Ray." In 2020,   Moulton filmed segments of a reminiscent nature  regarding her mentor and friend for the public   TV miniseries "Dishing with Julia Child," a gig  she expanded on in the 2021 documentary "Julia." "She felt that making a mistake was a good thing,   just so that she could then  show you how to fix it." Sara Moulton has produced four cookbooks that  grace the shelves of bookstores and avid home   cooks. Her first book, "Sara Moulton Cooks  at Home," was released in 2002 and focused   on healthy recipes specifically designed as an  alternative to fast food. Three years later,   Moulton followed it up with "Sara's Secrets  for Weeknight Meals," a publication released   in tandem with her then-current  Food Network show, "Sara's Secrets." In 2010, Moulton published her third book,   "Everyday Family Dinners," notable for the  chef's innovative and influential chapter   "Two for One." The chapter focused on how to  turn one night's leftovers into a whole new   meal the following evening. Moulton's fourth  book was the 2016 release "Home Cooking 101:   How to Make Everything Taste Better," which  emphasized getting dishes to be consistent. "So I wanted to address that issue and really  help people to have the same dish every time." Moulton also authors "Sunday Suppers," a monthly  column for The Washington Post Magazine, and the   weekly feature "KitchenWise," syndicated  to newspapers by the Associated Press. In 2009, according to The New York Times,  periodicals publisher Condé Nast shut down the   venerable "Gourmet" magazine. Helping to create  foodie culture and establish food as a pop culture   entity, "Gourmet" had seen its revenues in decline  for some time. It was ironically muscled out of   the market by more populist magazines like "Every  Day with Rachael Ray" and "Food Network Magazine." The closure of "Gourmet" caused Sara Moulton to  suffer financially. Before and after her time   as a cable TV personality, Moulton served  as the executive chef at "Gourmet," a job   that included presiding over the magazine's  exclusive dining room. As she told Food Gal - "I cooked meals for the advertisers.  We'd wine them and dine them. Then,   we'd hit them up for advertising. I was making  the best food of my life in that dining room." "I had 16 seats and no food costs -  can you imagine that? That was fun." In the end however, Condé Nast  ultimately licensed the valuable   "Gourmet" brand to other companies and  hired Moulton back on as a consultant. In early 2018, after the #MeToo  and #TimesUp movements exploded,   Sara Moulton wrote an op-ed for HuffPost to speak  out about her experiences with such behaviors.   The chef attended the prestigious Culinary  Institute of America in the mid-1970s, where,   according to Moulton, the instructors  were primarily male. She wrote - "Men at every level in the school told me the  same thing: Women do not belong in the kitchen." That inspired Moulton to work  harder to prove everyone wrong,   and after both graduation and a stint as the  head chef of a Boston restaurant, she took an   apprenticeship in France working for acclaimed  chef Maurice Cazalis. During her time there,   she recalled being the only female apprentice,  with all the others being around 15 years old.   Moulton added that Cazalis wouldn't allow her to  do much more than prep work, and she didn't seem   to be a fan of the chef. In her article she wrote  that Cazalis, quote, "was a lascivious character   and probably loved having me there because  he thought he could have his way with me." He frequently and repeatedly made advances against  Moulton, even arranging a weekend food trip where   he booked them one room, and took her to a nude  dancing show. Six months after the gig ended,   Moulton mustered the courage to tell her mentor,  Julia Child, of Cazalis' behavior, writing - "Her response was, 'Oh dearie, what did you  expect? They're all like that. Get over it.'" Sara Moulton, old school TV chef, has crossed  paths more than once with old school rap trio   the Beastie Boys. According to her website, her  Food Network series "Sara's Secrets" merited a   thank-you in the liner notes of the group's  2004 album "To the 5 Boroughs-+." Moulton   paid close attention to the track "Rhyme  the Rhyme Well," specifically the lyric - "Serving emcees on a platter like Baked Alaskan." In response to the lyric, she published a  recipe for "Baked Alaskan," a version of   the classic ice cream cake "Baked Alaska."  Moulton's knowledge of hip hop goes way   back — she told Eater that she was a fan of  the Beastie Boys' and Run-DMC's "early stuff." She's also just two degrees  away from both of those groups,   as well as other legendary '80s-era rap  artists. Moulton's husband, Bill Adler,   has worked in different capacities in the  music industry, breaking into it in 1981   after he befriended Def Jam Records co-founder  Russell Simmons and offered to be his publicist. Sara Moulton seems to know all the cool kids of  the food world, including Christopher Kimball,   whom she co-hosts the weekly "Milk Street  Radio" series with. It's available to stream   as a podcast, with each episode lasting  a full hour. It's a high-quality show,   as evidenced by the International Association of   Culinary Professionals awarding it  as the "Best Radio Show" in 2020. Every week is full of something  fascinating from the culinary world,   whether it's a masterclass with a cooking  great like Jacques Pépin or a tour of the   poison plants at Alnwick Poison Garden. Because  of Moulton's wide range of food expertise,   she doesn't shy away from providing live  answers to people who call into the show. Sara Moulton keeps busy, and her blog  is a good chronicle of what she's doing,   what she's cooking, and where she's cooking  these days. Her website features her recipes,   a list of the books she's published, information   about her latest "Sara's Weeknight Meals"  episodes, videos, and a link to her blog. She seems to publish more recipes  than anything else on her blog. So,   if you're looking for the perfect timely  food to fit the holiday or season,   you'll want to keep a watch on what she's  posting. You'll see links to the "Milk Street   Radio" broadcasts she co-hosts and recipes from  specific "Sara's Weeknight Meals" episodes. She   also adds in more personal posts like  what she's eating or doing on vacation. You can also follow Moulton  on Facebook, Instagram,   or X. While each of her social media  accounts has slightly different content,   she often posts links back to her blog so  you won't miss what's happening with her. You can't have a food-based career like Sara  Moulton's without having a vast collection of   cookbooks at your disposal. At one point,  she had about 1,500 different cookbooks,   making Moulton's collection larger than most. She  can easily find something new to cook any time   she gets bored with her normal meal rotation.  However, the collection isn't nearly as big   after she gave away many of the books to a  small New York City cooking school in 2023. Part of the reason Moulton has so many cookbooks  is because of her work at "Good Morning America"   between 1986 and 1996. Every time the show  featured a chef or a cookbook author doing a   cooking demonstration for the audience, it was  Moulton's job to do all the prep work so they   could instead focus on cooking and talking.  Having made so many friends with people who   have put out cookbooks, she has amassed quite  a collection. Being a cookbook connoisseur, she   sometimes recommends certain titles for the best  cookbooks of the year in publications like Bustle. Sara Moulton isn't just a culinary artist,  but also a creator of visual artwork.   Moulton took advantage of all that social  distancing everyone did in 2020 to get back   into watercolor painting. She searched the  internet to learn new watercolor techniques,   taking online classes with Kateri Ewing and on  a website called Art Tutor. She admits that she   struggles with the flowers in her paintings.  However, you wouldn't know it from looking. It turns out that being an artist runs in the  family. While watercolor painting is a hobby   she enjoys doing alone, Moulton also paints with  her sister in Maine when visiting on vacation.   Her sister has a dedicated painting area with  a relaxing and inspirational view of the water,   so the two are able to sit back  and paint to their heart's content. Admiration goes both ways between Sara Moulton   and French chef Jacques Pépin. In  2019, Moulton said in her blog - "There will never be another  Jacques Pépin. He is one of   a kind. The food world is so lucky to have him." Pépin returned the favor in  2023 when he told Current - "There are many cooking shows on TV,   but few are teaching anything. […] To  learn about cooking, look at Sara Moulton." Moulton is a big supporter of the Jacques  Pépin Foundation. She has been involved in many   fundraisers for the organization, which provides a  free culinary education for people around the U.S.   who need it most. She has even been a keynote  speaker for some of the foundation events. "So here is a tribute to zhoo- to you, Jacques  Pépin Foundation and all the good work you do." In 2021, Pépin released the second volume  of his "Cook With Jacques & Friends" video   recipe book. Moulton was pleased to be among the  friends providing a recipe for the collection,   and the two have been known to get together  when he's in New York City. In 2023,   they met up for a meal when Pépin was in town  for a James Beard Foundation dinner in his honor. Sara Moulton has had the privilege of  providing cooking demonstrations aboard   cruise ships to combine work with pleasure  and world travel. When the ship would stop at   various ports, she could go on shore and shoot  on-location videos for her television show. One such cruise toured southern Italy. While  she was off the ship visiting Rome and Parma,   she used local film crews to help her shoot  segments from places like a Parmigiano Reggiano   warehouse that she could integrate into her  show. Then, when she was back on the cruise ship,   she gave standing-room-only cooking classes  featuring dishes that fit with the region. One   of the dishes she demonstrated while touring the  Italian coast was a twist on eggplant Parmesan.
Channel: Mashed
Views: 112,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mashed, food network, sara moulton, star, what happened
Id: w6V77jnoX3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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