What Poor Feels Like in the UK | Through a Child's Eyes | Real Families with Foxy Games

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but do you think we will ever have any money Lindsay honestly no so this puzzle so these 2 July minds and place some people are really horrible to us saying lucky you Trump's and all that there's quite a few problems of our house the boiler broke about four years ago and we have no hot water unless we use a Cal many of my friends if they like ended up in a house like mine I think need cry mom will almost outfit again I know about sometimes you can hear along route of who's crying that's orders left and makes me want to cry [Music] Paige come on time to get home my name is Paige and I live with my mom and my dog tired I'm in Essex at primary school I'm moving up to high school next him what have you breakfast Paige works and school kitchen for six hours a day yeah got these flip the other day when I got them tea cakes she earns about seven pounds an hour she just get like someone benefits from the government but she thinks that were fathered and some people I don't work when mom and dad split up mom to hang the mortgage for the house not too much we need that sugar - laughs she'd like to sell it but she says forget loss for it then shows because of all its problems this is my room I have to use alum because of my light and when the flyable Boneta I think it blows all the fuses at the back of the room it's the wall tight wet and the tissue actually sticks to as well as shows how where's there's like a big hole that leads food to the kitchen mom yeah can you see the camera just don't drop it can you get em ones out yeah it's not hard these ones today I'm going run to my friends house and she's having a bunch of mice over which one do you think one right some of my friends up like a lot nicer houses compared to mine because they all have massive baths and I could sauna and so find out and it's like wow do you really need that what yeah if they like ended up in a house like mine nothing would cry hello hello I haven't really invited many people back to my place you guys not a bit wait is ideal beside did you me and everything it's not really where to ask I hate sorry ladies ready girl I don't really want anyone to think of me as been different but at the end of term we've got I'll leave as pom and I'm quite worried about right this is my prom dress it's a green blue it doesn't have any straps I know people I'd spend there like p1g bed on like a dress for pom these are my shoes and don't wear with it yeah I won't be able to spend much on my dress but someone to a brain it won't be there when I go home the worst thing that will be like if somebody said to you I leave this is Harlan I don't like to dress a fun little been a dress it looks really cheap I would like be a bit worried about what people say it some people that can't be about huggable take people I don't have very much that they cannot draw you into what handsome me and place you're gonna go in a horse of choice no if I ended up like we were really worried dress and I don't think I would go [Music] can you get your foot back off the floor - I kind of love this can you do I'm asking you to do first don't want me on stage please my name's alaya and each eight I lived my mum Katrina and my brother Clarence Clarence there is 193 on their electric careful what we do you like did all this on my side didn't wipe it down thanks for that no one she gets really upset sometimes bring the ball and get in the house I don't have a roof over my head because you two keep playing ball out here when you know you're not supposed to is that gonna help no it happens almost every week when her benefits running is running now I'm not in the mood man she gets a hundred and fifty pounds of meat it sounds like a lot of money but it don't really last that long cause people miss Alyssa she has to pay gas electric TV license I did get and the other day I completely forgot I was meant to call and again she's still got I do how weekly shopping thank you this that's one day sorted oh I wish I could help her but I don't have much money Eva this is my purse I have three pound fourteen three one day I hope to get maybe electric scooter to get that much money I would say it'll take me until I'm 20 fantastic opportunity as arisen within the public sector based in Bromley and remember mums looking for a part-time job 20 hours a week mornings preferably what sort of admin anything read mom has never had a job because she had Carlos when she was 17 she had me when she was 19 say she Sagat to look after us instead good customer service skills are essential for these exciting roles it's totally out the window new experience she's found it really hard so their mom will almost Alfred again I know babe you have to have noodles the girls still worshipping for long so much money is what we do having much food mom are you gonna eat and think no there's no sometimes we have noodles for about three days another you've got bread roll as well is that to boost up someone you're having too many carrots if she's at more than that then tough she's the one that doesn't have been in the morning so what go for it you'll still have yours you'll be fine it's horrible when mum shouts can you finish eating I don't always think she realizes how she makes us feel they don't taste very nice there's nothing else nothing else it up hopefully she'll get a job soon taking the mechanoid [Music] okay you've got about five minutes left now don't know why I'd like to be running water but I'll prefer to be like in a different situation to move on because it seems to be hard if you finished check your answers it's I'll leave as prom in eight weeks and I really want to look as good as my friends time's up put your pencils down please but mom said she can't afford my prom dress yep did you answer the questions and yeah because there were other things I have to come first right walking free uniform for Paige and she's starting in September so full uniform right let's go and try these on now then you follow me today we went to my high school to get my new school uniform I think that one's fine I think that one I'd be too small for you don't grow up I quite enjoy train on the uniform well I look too small I've got to look like this every day I was sort of surprised by how much to lose to trial because I was like a blazer a tie a skirt a jumper yeah you want the extra small one first with the short-sleeved ladybug TPE tops it was score such as I can sure as we like a skirt part over the top yeah I don't know my kind of shirt and skirt just like you have a crime ring but every house holds the same every year true for now and then we can decide and then walk what we want to do yeah went yours then it's gonna not be items I was adding up the prices 16 pounds for both of those at 24 for the skirt 77354 the Blazer I'm up to about 120 and then Alison and below a lottery on a stock found him 32 feet jumper small hoodie is 23 think school uniforms like a good thing because I can't tell a on the poor the tie is four pounds so we've been looking at 180 pounds 50 pence problem is like it cost so much to get uniform that he gave him poorer so what you want to do we're not gonna be able to afford it today and until the governor uniform there's no way one will have anything special my prom I got it for free I would have my days wow I could do I think you changed the bottom from now to a different color you'd be different no we're doing mm-hmm viniq then he ha didn't cost us a penny and you still don't like it don't like he just what you can get if you free doesn't mean no like a this is outside my house say we can see the shot you can see the shot zoom in this is our fridge at the moment we have a little food but sometimes the fridge can get quite empty Clarence can step back please oh my big Clarence what's wrong what'd you reckon to this tomorrow is a big day for mom because you've got a work placement that looks better like that isn't it looks nice she's gonna be working in a receptionist oh she's gonna be probably sorting out pens and stuff good going nice because they're much your school you are like my one just not getting paid for it but hopefully with the experience you'll end up getting a good job foods with it hot so be careful how you feel about your work a little bit nervous about looking forward to it mmm it's something new it's an environment I haven't been in I understand it because when you're at school and it's your first day you don't have new friends mm-hmm you know let's do anything new can be a bit of scary at times you got all be happy when I'm working because you'll get things that you weren't able to get before so the final view out of four things inviting off to scrimp it's great mom the electrics beeping they'll be amazing no missing out on things that I love what didn't I read it I decided oh man what roses have a whole again visual is my birthday was a long time one day ago but I haven't had to present for a long yet because she couldn't afford it may this day bring all the things that mean the most to you hopefully by my next birthday mum will have a look or money bullseye and hopefully she won't have to worry about feelings as much as she does now sometimes she goes to our room you can hear a fruit of walls Craig it makes me feel what like to cry you're the best poem you know the best kids ever even if you do driving up the wall love you mom [Music] who's brows the power British crown my name is Lindsay I am 10 years old and I'm the middle one of seven children 34 pounds it seems s29 PHP mum and dad split up a share and since then we've been living with our dad and grandma you're looking good sausages for found my dad told me he gets about 500 pounds from the government a treat no we can't afford them but most of it goes in food and the bills finanzas I'll keep the change I don't think so we live in a flat over some shops that grab a ball of their savings dad said if we have to pay rent Oh have a mortgage we were to be in trouble well don't stand on it anymore cos gonna make it worse but problems I can't afford to fix him I think one of the floorboards are gone Lindsay yeah remember when you were asking me where all the money went oh yeah well I've made you a chart to show you your really good Torah so when we've paid for all the food that we buy the water the gas and the electric great rates or council tax all of these we're left with 30 pounds but it doesn't go very far because there's nine of us isn't there yeah right how are we doing here at the moment my dad's got a massive bill to pay 2014 during the storms part of our roof collapsed and damaged our ceiling 9,500 and a bit to go the builders fix the roof will be shallower than 600 pounds so this puzzle whenever dad is really struggling we always tried to help playstation game Calendar Girls movie today I'm going to be selling outside my brother Mikey I am really hoping to raise about 20 pound all together today this is a fiver you wrote that teddy bear was 5,000 pounds might get 5,000 pounds on a lucky day we do quite a lot of selling Lindsay how much are we gonna price these picture frames of 50 pH dad used to want to speak up and we learned how to sell by helping out in there this is really the need for house and we just have last week shopping here our shop was called sweet like candies and when we had it we definitely weren't so poor unfortunately when mom and dad talk up here to close a sweet shop because dad could have been the sweet shop and look after all of us would you want to buy anything that money goes to our room then please the money goes tomorrow because I'll be fizzing a bit broken thank you anyway one more selling most people wanna see is a really nice compound so thank you some people give us money without even buying anything bad but not everyone's like that some people I really have a lot of us cuz we have Westman even mom because I'm taffy sat out just really I can just ignore yeah I'm not just gonna be a baby they always saying O king you Trump's and all that they don't like us you don't need to make fun of my house we haven't done anything yet just ignore them it doesn't upset me when people in - dating us but we're not going to stop selling thank you hey guys how you doing fine [Music] mmm good girl good girl i bobl these studies off the other car it's pretty cool thank you [Music] [Applause] 11:45 12 pound boys 514 pound four to five all together my team I made today what you've done today it's been brilliant it is a long way to go but every penny counts right [Music] [Music] okay well the more forums if one job paid more money the first thing we're doing at the house fixed home you fold it over the max we've been here all my life so I've learned to ignore the problems that's more than enough but there is one thing that really does my head in this is a bathroom and there's only one tab the works the boiler boat about four years ago and we have no hot water a night the whole house unless we use a Cal and know it sounds mad but like we have to go to other people's houses use Bassem showers what we're going yeah mom's boyfriend go um helps us out a lot I learned a shower his place let's go massive bag actually think it'd help without have some money as well but mom said against it if mom could go over pride and accept a bit helped and maybe some Republicans in a house wouldn't be like this mate look cookie okay and maybe we wouldn't have such a struggle again my problem just in uniform I went to get water all right how'd you go on that's quite surprised that I want you Soph there is no how much it's gonna cost expensive more than what I can afford yeah the grand total could you make where don't an 80-pound are you paying that no mother I don't think you really seem fair that other people couldn't just like take things for granted and we can barely afford them so why they and I'd do one just do blue spray one find a purple one at the front no do you not think because it's one donated pound for the uniform where we should cancel it's just a cracking now you said that no I think you upset man yeah yeah I'd cry if you did that way down boy what some fires I mum hasn't done anything wrong tell him yeah it was one one in case she works hard and she's trying to paying the mortgage in a round and trousers I ended up in a situation I decide with no money I just think you go out to work and do your best yeah and then it's slap bang hits you in the face every time so how will you pay for do well I don't know I really don't want the option of payday loans or anything like that anyway I've done that before in the past week just a nightmare always see do bird the past 500 you end up paying back about 900 it's just too scary to even think of well I could possibly help you towards it I like to be able to stand on me on TV if I can't do something I won't do it we'll think about it and I'll think I hope that she will see some funds and take the money but just mom don't think she will I could talk to about it but I don't know her like she'd listen she might you know I'm lying mm-hmm another sufferer and just get on with it and try and do it myself didn't ask for help mm-hmm even well the help is available would me live easy okay if you did ask that one all of us will be able now roll your urban limit because the seven children in our family we can't usually afford what the children have well don't feel up too much because we need to save some of that milk for later and they get it because we don't have that much money but just get quite frustrated all right going words this is maybe when they sleep on my sister's old bed and there's no handle on the door and also my light doesn't work this is my wardrobe I need a new wardrobe because it's all like broken and all that and it's got writing on it's not very nice because we don't have any spare money when we need new things dad finds clothes boys together today we are going trash pighead you just look down the back alleys just find some trash not like um Chris packets from that it's just like really nice stuff pay attention I'm hoping today I will find something pretty for my room we need some drawers and a wardrobe dad give me 20 words what we're going to do with that toilet we only have one toilet house we would have to take it have it plumbed in and it's gonna cost us so much money that we can't afford from foregoing I'm gonna miss you what are you gonna miss the toilet I'll get you a toilet one Bailey I will must have a really good room that I can shove off about I had one friend she started making fun of my wardrobe and being nasty to me then TransAm and I just tried to make November I just can't ignore them because I keep on getting my head think if I had nice things and then it'll be good and then I'll get more friends he's kind of a quick we could do something with that what you reckon good jockey Lindsay could you use it yeah Mike grab the bomb when I saw a wardrobe on the floor I felt proper really really happy and excited because I really really wanted a wardrobe I'm not commenting the Wardrobe what I've got right my dad's going to get him back for me and my grandma and I are going to painter and that'll be really good that's not bad is it cuz I can invite my friends over and they'll just call me my room and they would have each other I would really like this talk pink and violet and yellow and all different kinds of colors so nobody else will have one like this all they know I really excited [Music] we're gonna have to do the hips okay what are the names yeah today's a good day because it's Thursday okay how are you I'm fine thanks Fuzzy's when mom gets her money from the government oh I look forward to monkey and the money because she's really time today she doesn't really yell what cool she's really different to how she is when she's worried about stuff thank you it's gonna WASC it payday is definitely the best time with the week before payday he'll killer fish is pretty much and typically really wraps good luck after payday is lovely because after monthly shopping all our favorite stuffing in the fridge may God dreaming cupcake okay my birthday's past and we still can't afford to get as much as we would like what do we need more of her no nope but that should change really soon toy will come on mmm yummy a few people Oh mom's been doing her work placement for free weeks now tomorrow is her last day and she's hoping their offer her some paid work how's it looking you two seconds I don't think it's fair about people who don't work have less money than people who do work what need anything just because people who don't work they kind of do work because they still after their children is about the noodles nice yeah well hopefully mom will get a job because then we can afford to have nice things all the time I've been looking forward to this all week never having to eat noodles again will be a miracle yeah either we should have a job a restaurant that is real job what's your dream job architect because they're only billions of money that's good since you're gonna be rich yeah I have a Lamborghini in the you know but you don't drive with a man you're driving well I'm more interested in driving it could look good where people come to visit [Music] Paige can you get my wallet for my jacket please some big things have happened recently I thought my bike broke my hand and mums finally decided to borrow money from Graham for my uniform they to quit that I'll get the best view is there they come I knew she'd have to you boy it took her some time to realize every self thank you you're welcome no I feel really awkward about taking one little thing you should feel bad about taking money are you gonna pay them back anyway that's irrelevant hmm Kyle hasn't punched a fix of my life quite simply I don't have plans and a couple thousand pounds wouldn't fully solve the problem pretty depressing isn't it mm-hmm a little fairy to come knocking and say what did you have so out for you not gonna happen though so Deal or No Deal or No Deal in those minimum no in my locker come away with a penny I think getting the money for my uniform has taken a bit of pressure off my mom come here let me pour some water over you but she said she'd got a second job now so she can afford to fill our bills you're not working hard you know God but it could take a while to find one good played bocce and pom is only two weeks away so there's no way we'll have three for decent dress [Music] Wow how did you get the job I don't know dear patrina I was particularly impressed by your ability to fit in with the requirements of the site and the team I'm sorry that we don't have any vacancies available at present but I have no doubt that with attitude you have shown in such a short space of time you'll find a suitable opportunity for employment see that's nice what do you wanna do next I'm gonna keep looking yeah just gonna keep hunting babe it's all I can do yeah keep up yeah I've already sad that mundane get the job I'm gonna get that other piece of wood for me you know yeah that's the one I don't know to have to worry about money of the time there's a wardrobe builder if I gotta say no job is a job is taken on line beats to get the money to buy me a new gold herb for my birthday trust me you go do is finely chopped don't beat up don't throw it does already seem very fair Wow happy belated birthday and I know might make my shame when year's time I hope things will be bad for us mom will have a job said I have all money gone then you can cut a cake now more money more money more money go on current show us how it's done via blazing and if you nice to have food in the fridge at freezer all the time and I would have to worry about that ever again just eat the sheets to take you but that's bigger than your head here I don't hug right now Lindsey yeah it's gonna happen look finished day ready yeah Wow yeah I move done a brilliant job fixing the Wardrobe that we've got trash picking I love it need to get the bottom of it I'm gone fast I wish my whole room is full of things that good that can be my grave when I die oh my word if we get the rest of your room like this awesome oh now that'd be good Lindsey look at your face she's not just me who gets needful enough we're not having all the right things disgustin is me and that moment my sister Rebecca is really worried about her non-uniform day coming up at school I know MA she hasn't got as many nice clothes as a lot of her friends it's like the other girls they never have problems they just mean school with clothes that they found in the Wardrobe that are just amazing feels so different with everyone else and it's just hard I do understand what you're saying I really do now don't want you to feel uncomfortable at school no it's not fair but it's the way it is don't come ask you something go on then do you think we will ever have any money Lindsay honestly no if I could have done a few things or changed a few things in the past then maybe we we would have been in a better situation but I hope you learn from my mistakes and you don't fall in Daddy's trap and have seven children okay courage now we've got a new problem because I washing machine is broken my dad's upset because there's nine of us in the house I know it'll be a nightmare about it let's get grandma in here is where it seemed up stress change even when things are usually always smiles told to be quiet how much will it cost to get the washing machine fixed well that one won't be fixed it's too old well we've still got some saving from the roof anyway so it's best to close the roof for the washing machine I wish we like you or something and then we could have everything we wanted if I had the stuff I mean worried dad be really happy and I won't ask for anything else yeah but Danny can't afford that much things I'm sorry you've got clothes on your back yes we go to charity shops and get them fair enough I can't go to work because I've got seven children yeah but your boss Webb it's cool all I've got is three hours a day Rebecca I would die to have a job I would die to have it all right but I can't because I'm looking after you lot I give you what I can and I lose out whatever I want and grandma once right we do it anyway I feel sorry for you dad oh you have to let go through all this all right don't get upset you get me upset right be bright Eve Michelle I love you I think when me and my sisters ask for things may it makes it harder for my dad in our home I would rather have her dad that isn't crying I love you girls [Music] that's nice it was like she's got doughnuts all around I know the right color and everything it's prom day and my friend Eve is coming on in a band we're gonna go come together and I'm gonna all sort of up or we can just hang grip it in some sort of ways of it's a face like that nervous I think it's like this I want to look better than I've ever looked before he would have been nice to see you sat in the hairdresser's having your hair done red meat having to do it for you yeah you know that I wish I could afford to do a lot more for you don't we yeah I know it's hard to be mum but I'm happy you know you're really sweet the big news is we finally saw it out the dress the bottom bit is from a dress we had already which we got a frame although I'm doing I'm the top bit is a corset which we bought from eBay for 399 so the whole thing cost those free 99 that was a bit quick surprise didn't follow my mum some really well so I think a proper little princess thing like some people might have type I have is a bit wrong cause like I don't think you'd it you have to spend a lot of money to guys to find out today a lot of people have got on a horse and carriage in limos I'm just going to mom's boyfriend's car you look amazing some people pay like 250 quid just for I just you both look a million dollars it's like well they scandalous come on then let's go your carriage awaits I'm just hoping people judge me for like Who I am NOT Wow God if they view judge me and live around people like that I don't need them in my life so excited [Music] Nosa gonna put it in a rip paper yeah and last month my brother may have been doing a lot of selling after school and every weekend we made over 300 pound what we still need load more be careful there's more butcher than there is bread dad used a hundred pan to pay for a new washing machine come on so we still need fonder to powerful roof though slice each you know the rules right no blah blah blah is about it I think it'll be ages until I get my bedroom that I really want but it's okay I know dad tries his best for us you are the best yep I think most of my brothers and sisters feel the same way ya think oh it's really good it's rebecca's non-uniform day tomorrow and she's going to wear some of her old clothes that's your opinion on my clothes firming even better Oaks nice very nice suits you well next long uniform day hopefully get you something brand new okay dad best dad ever you are the best oh that's fantastic Thank You Lindsey and you don't really need to buy me things from the rim because um you know I know you don't have that much money I love you hated kiss while an lowdown would like to live in a really posh house without beaucoup things in it like really possible what isn't ripped and pink walls and clock Lindsey come in I've got a surprise for you what is it you see yeah well wait there and I'll be with you in a minute okay promise I'll get their cell phone chargers help SunTrust beginner I'll be good you can come out now close your eyes wow we got it for you in the end sad that people and asked you to us for things we've got grandma painted that for you thank you grandma okay I love you too and I do wish that I could have better things thank you you're welcome but I love my family and we do okay so a bathtub around the back alley can have a bad stuff to bed you know it'll be so awesome to have one famous ah no why because I'm not painting a flip in bathtub I'm like we improving no we improving there [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 866,895
Rating: 4.9291506 out of 5
Keywords: eye-opening stories, child poverty in the uk, children's rights, Real Families, Full documentary, Parenting Documentary, Tips for parents, Full episodes, Through a child's eyes, Children carers, Child carer, young carers, young carers documentary, young carers uk
Id: 2307Ld5pdpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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