What on Earth Happened to the Indigenous Inhabitants of India? Adivasis and the Tribals

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India is such an incredibly diverse country it should come as no surprise that it's been influenced by literally almost every one of the surrounding regions from the Orient to the Near East it's easy to see the massive impact that these ancient peoples have had on this juggernaut of civilizations but who are the original peoples of this region a very contentious subject that has been debated over for hundreds of years now the term Adivasi or tribal is used to describe those inhabitants of the subcontinent who have been recognized by the Indian Poli Bangladeshi or Pakistani government as being indigenous to the region but this does not describe a single unified group by any linguistic religious or cultural perspective not in the same way that others used the term indigenous and although their history is still shrouded in mystery further research and analysis is definitely painting an increasingly vivid and reliable picture on the ancient history and genetics of the world's most densely populated region for all intents and purposes although little to nothing is known about this previous indigenous population of South Asia from prehistory historians and anthropologists to find the two groups that make up the bulk of the South Asian gene pool as ancestral North Indians or A&I and ancestral South Indians or ASI as you can imagine the Ani population originated from the northwest and was a gradual migration of people over thousands of years with one of the most significant migration waves of course being that of the indo-europeans out of central asia a group more reminiscent of ancient european populations than to the currently highly admix Turkic groups we see today now even in my first video I made over the differences between North and South Indian genetics I thought I made this clear but some people still seem to be a bit confused because of thousands of years of inter mixing virtually the entirety of the South Asian population has varying degrees of Ani and ASI ancestry but generally speaking the Dravidians of the south have more native DNA while indo-aryans generally have more this Ani ancestry linguists are still divided on the origin of the Dravidian language family whether it be autochthonous to the region of southern India or originated in Western Asia but it is clear that the Dravidian languages were far more widespread before the migration of the indo-iranians from the north with one of the relic populations being the bruh hui people a Dravidian group of a couple million scattered throughout Pakistan in parts of Afghanistan who are by far the most isolated and northwestern Dravidian population although through intermixing they now have more in common genetic Lee with the neighboring Pashtun Xand beluche than the Timmel or other South Indians the exchange between the Dravidians of the south and the new indo-aryan migrants to the north was not strictly genetic as the two language families have a tremendous impact on each other so much so that much of the lexicon between the two are uniquely South Asian not shared with any other language family there are many factors at play when it comes to the genetic distribution among various ethnic linguistic religious and social groups in the Indian subcontinent and if you haven't already I highly recommend you watch my video I made on haplogroups and their relation to human genetics as I feel it would greatly aid in the explanation of the concepts presented in this video if you don't have a good grasp of the topic already I've compiled a plethora of sources relating to genetics and haplogroup identification for groups in the Indian subcontinent which are perhaps the most crucial evidence for the origin of the various South Asian ethno-linguistic macro groups and although this is not 100% foolproof haplogroups in the region can be divided between their geographic origin with haplogroup such as C N and O having an East Asian origin haplogroups GJ and are being of Middle Eastern Central Asian or European origin and HK and L being native to the region of South Asia Brazil EB traced back to the indigenous Australia loyd inhabitants before the migrations from the northeast and northwest because of the variety of sources used in compiling the haplogroup make up the figures don't align exactly with other estimates however just by looking at this chart you get the overall idea that being Western Eurasia admixture tends to increase an upper caste individuals and decrease among the lower castes those in the lower castes definitely have the largest proportion of ASI ancestry with nearly two-thirds of the paternal haplogroup among them being indigenous to South Asia while between the upper and middle caste the difference isn't huge but it is noticeable this is remarkably similar to have the Americas sized fusion of many different races and cultures post 15th century following the introduction of iberian and to a lesser extent african culture which transformed the lower two-thirds of the american continents into latin america essentially in this analogy the iberian czar comparable to the ancient indo-aryans while the natives are comparable to the indigenous south indians all the mestizos of america being the end result of hundreds of years of inter mixing with miscegenation being exacerbated in this case due to the vast technological advancements that allowed for a more fluid degree of movement as many know the caste a system if historical latin america was of course named after the caste system of india only substituting social class with race and ethnicity although even in latin america the majority of individuals that self identify as white black or even native have at least some minor or major admixture from another racial group as one would most likely guess in most Latino countries those that identify as Creole Oh Blanco or Castillo are generally still in the top income bracket for the respective countries while those of full-blooded em are Indian descent are generally somewhere near to the bottom but interestingly when it comes to the mixed-race middle class it's generally a spectrum we're in those with more European DNA are more likely to be closer to the upper class while those with more native DNA are more likely to slide towards the bottom of the scale and seeing how the same rings true for India this is one of the reasons why lighter skin in South Asia is usually associated with the nobility or upper class which can be especially apparent among Bollywood actors who are anything but representative of the South Asian populace as a whole although there are of course many major differences regarding the two regions of Latin America and South Asia from a linguistic and religious point of view I suspect given the same amount of time and similar circumstances law and America could have evolved into something very similar to the subcontinent indeed when comparing haplogroup identification between ethno-linguistic groups in South Asia a very fascinating picture emerges as it becomes widely apparent that indo-aryans have a far higher degree of Western Eurasian haplogroups and by extension genetic input when compared to that of Dravidians although the distribution isn't entirely lopsided with both groups having a decent amount of input from both a and I and ASI groups as mentioned previously among other smaller groups in India such as the tibeto-burman inhabitants of the Northeast as well as the Monde re and other austroasiatic peoples clearly East and Eurasian haplogroups are dominant with a large degree of intermixing for the mundari peoples what becomes truly captivating is mapping out the genetics of the Adivasi or tribal groups of central and southern India many of whom have remained generally untouched in the past couple thousand years nearly 3/4 of the haplogroups of adivasis from South and Central India are of ASI origin a stark contrast even when compared to the average for vidiian group and among some tribes such as the Koya or Caraga of southern india their ancestry is almost entirely ASI which should be extremely clear by their appearance alone being more reminiscent of Pacific Islanders than other more Caucasian looking Indians from further north which has resulted in some classifying them as Nik gritos placing them in the same category as those native to the bulk of Southeast Asian countries the ANA manis people are another example of what unmixed indigenous South Asians may have looked like as I've discussed in an older video the Andaman is being isolated on the Andaman and Nicobar Island chain we're completely unmixed by the waves of migration from the north even up until their incorporation into India under the chola empire this is presumably the first outside contact the anime aeneas people have had in over 20,000 years and even then many groups still remain in complete isolation until the Danish and later British took over the islands in the 18th century although following the introduction of diseases from the mainland brought by European Indian migrants a predictable cycle of disease and decay took place among these peoples and in coupled with intermarriage with these new migrants caused an unbelievably sharp population decline and only a century today less than a thousand people of full-blooded or even partial and Manny's descent exist including a few hundred on the infamous North Sentinel island who remained possibly the most I saluted group of humans on the planet the anime is however due to their extreme isolation and and dogmas nature are an example of genetic drift having a very distinct look when compared to other Negrito populations of Southeast Asia or the adivasi tribals of South Central India although it's possible that this is what the first migrants out of Africa who travelled along the southern coast of Asia may have looked like and the enemies are a remnant of this once widespread group another example of how indigenous South Asians may have appeared before the introduction of indo-aryans or even the Dravidians are the Veda tribe of Sri Lanka a remnant of an archaic population that once inhabited sri lanka and possibly much of southern india as can be seen by their unique appearance and genetics although the Veda language has been heavily influenced by Sinha Lee's the national language of sri lanka much of its vocabulary is neither indo-aryan or Dravidian in origin making it the only linguistic remnant of this previous ASI population I've seen academic studies claim that this original source population of the ASI as hailing from Africa but this is misleading as they were about as genetically distant from modern sub-saharan Africans as any other Eurasian group but indeed their features would have been quite similar to that of modern Africans or more accurately most similar to that of the neighbouring Oceanian races consisting of poppins Melanesians and Aborigines and technically speaking they would have originated out of africa some tens of thousands of years before but hey who didn't the fact that South and Southeast Asia were comprised of a completely different racial group a few thousand years ago when compared to now will never fail to fascinate me as it truly is incredible how the Eastern and Western Eurasian peoples migrated south to intermix with the existing population to give us the new cultures and phenotypes we see today please let me know your thoughts on the out of Aussies and genetic history of the Indian subcontinent and for today's poll let me know which population you think the Adivasi is or other ASI groups are most closely connected to as always this has been Mason thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Masaman
Views: 166,129
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Keywords: masaman, Who are the Indigenous Inhabitants of India, Adivasis and the Tribals, Negritos, Genetics of South Asia, Genetics of India, North India vs South India, History of India, Indian History, South Asian History, South Asians, Chenchu Tribe, Toda, Koya, Koraga, Dravidians, Dravidian Genetics, Pacific Islanders, Papuans, Andamanese People, Great Andamanese, North Sentinel Island, Sentinelese People, Indigenous Indians, What on Earth Happened to the Indigenous South Asians
Id: Rd8y40xd1J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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