What North Africans Really Think About Each Other? (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya,& Egypt)

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is it Nigeria what is the largest country on African continent is it Nigeria oh you got [Music] what's good y'all react and we're back with another video who we got today see today we are back with another American reaction yes super excited about this video guys if you're new to us and we're new to you make sure you scroll down hit that subscribe button and turn on the post notification Bell because we're on the road to 100K and we cannot get there without you guys all right join the family without further Ado let's get into the video they have a weird accent they love wearing too much cologne [Music] oh too much cologne too much [Music] I didn't block out that question the other Arabs about our dialect they would say it's not Arabic because it makes it so much with French Morocco we can't understand what you're saying revocal for me is like a science do you know Morocco aren't they sneaking into Spain or something like crazy they're very sneaky are you sneaking are you sneaking to France too Moroccans they they'll get into Europe you know what I mean they'll they'll get it um Egyptian movies Egyptian songs as well singers these oh yes that guy's been killing the whole yeah Middle East and they're just like they're just too much they're everywhere too it's like look at us we're Egyptians if you guys know what the first question was let us know in the comic section because I don't know what we talking about here yeah it was the Morocco um flag I don't know why it was but did you see the blur box at the beginning yeah that was the first wasn't it a flag because on the last videos it was Flags like what we what they think about the different countries yeah yeah and now they're on Egypt I don't know why it was blurred out something was blurred out and I felt like that we needed to know right and they took that from us so yeah country it's very beautiful I love the beaches I love the food and the men are cute I'm doing this too funny a beautiful country algerians are very loud they're very loud and they're very very passionate I think of very scary people there's a rough bunch of North Africa so everything really outside of outside so Paul so that first uh answer compares to the second answer when he said it was loud and passionate and then my boy said they are um aggressive he said was it aggressive aggressive I feel like people do get you know uh misunderstood between these two you know type of things so if we're loud and passionate to somebody who's not used to that they will take that as you being overly aggressive why you put that much emphasis behind your words you know what I'm saying so right that's just like when um we were starting to do some some controversial content right and we will be defending who we are as Americans um like yeah why are you getting so defensive that's not defensive right now we're just speaking passionately about who we are yes hey I feel I thought that recognize each other and we always like click our government is quite the opposite it's like a singer he's amazing we are all known for our flag so we put our flag everywhere so even like in a World Cup final where Algeria is not playing there is the flag there Tunisia they have a weird accent especially when guys talk they got French Arabic thing going right yeah but I think Moroccans it's more hilarious and tunisians are kind of like less French more Arab like they're very quiet just like a mixture of of like Middle Eastern and North Africa they're literally in the middle nobody knows anything about libyans like he walks into a room he goes like he does that a lot he's got a lot of comics Gaddafi is the funniest like um oil it's such a huge land this is where you want to live but it's like desert it's just nothing but desert for like miles and miles okay so Sudan Hugo gets a rep for being lazy lazy people live in Sudan and that's not true we're just unconsciousness music sounds so wait a minute things like is that a bar energy conscious it's like I'm gonna be more observant of where I'm putting my energy is is that a bar yeah is that a bar y'all like that I like that I like that laziness like as in hard work no he said they're not they're Just Energy conscious energy okay I'm gonna use that okay yeah so this is convenience for the haters who feel like they they gonna get a response I'm Just Energy conscious I know what I need to reply to what that's reply to Welcome to our block party block party and black party full effect Arabic they are Muslims but they have like this mixture with Africans unique styles of fashion as well they love like just wearing too much cologne they just love letting you know that they're in the room one yeah where it's like you smell it exactly yeah you smell them coming it's a real pretty Egypt's not us right Sudan also then the pyramid will have to rewind okay but we haven't reacted to a lot of Northern African narc African countries so we don't really know that much here's your opportunity so flood the description yes up there what how can you have 200 pyramids and that's not the first thing people know about you let's just be honestly look like triangle houses mint tea is it Morocco Morocco [Music] [Laughter] Tunisia is it Tunisia oh shoot look at you if anybody knows a woman gonna know yeah that's true yeah of course Egypt [Music] let the girls like it's like it's like this yeah [Music] I'm just kind of like it's all in the hips and then you you know right she's hitting it a little too hard largest country on the African continent ah finally caught one is it Nigerian what is the largest country on African continent is it Nigerian oh you guys like large as population or size size I'm going with size I'm gonna go with size who's the largest some of this uh well I'm not sure again we never did a whole bunch of videos and I don't know but it's probably living in the nerve I think I think it's gonna stop me I think it's like in a sense or maybe I'm trying to think of the map we we came across this and so I bet we'd be like oh I bet I don't know I feel like we've covered that already you do I don't know okay let's see oh my gosh no Libya what Algeria or the water in Sudan Sudan was the biggest country in Africa wait wait wait wait I was gonna say he said Libya I was gonna say Where's that girl from Tunisia I I butchered that I'm gonna have to listen to her sailing I learned that from the fuckina okay [Music] really quiet [Music] thing yeah it gotta be Morocco let's see I don't know it's cannabis and um what was the other one did you catch it I don't know the other ones has is that cannabis as well they gotta be Morocco because I know about Morocco or do you know about hash Canada no I don't know about that I know okay let's see that must have been like some of my favorite countries I know this one or each house [Music] we got one right let's do it as if we didn't know this is the most action Facebook they bumping on Facebook like that no it must be us just by sheer numbers oh yeah right you know what when I did that real that one day and then I got flooded from Egypt when they all came flooding my darn real bro like that's wow now it makes sense huh yeah and I was like who is all these people all right yeah we had the Facebook revolutions done bro that's crazy the sexiest people of course Egyptians Egyptian girl is pretty sexy Morocco come on yeah the women but they have like this innocent Beauty I'm gonna say Morocco that's when they get that European thing coming in they got the mint tea coming in yeah they got those the green the green eyes I also we have this diversity in Morocco in the north you will see different people than those from the south and in the middle of the camp like everything is different for me it's a tie between Morocco and Tunisia because tunisians have like very dark features where I feel like Moroccans have like usually like lighter features yeah Moroccan women are beautiful it's a very difficult question it sounds difficult without a doubt like no like if anybody tells you otherwise I'm yeah I'm sure everybody said their own countries yeah we have like a thousand dishes so like you can't not like something you're a vegetarian there's something for you you like land there's something for you okay let's put it this way couscous for example every country has their own way of making couscous I tried the Moroccan one I didn't like it even though I love couscous so even after Chinese in every city they have their own way of making it and she's a hundred percent correct you can eat somebody's fried chicken and it can just call you for life you know what I'm saying somebody else's fried chicken and then you eat and you're like yo fix your whole appetite again you feel me right it happens all right definitely we know oh yeah we have like which is like this chicken I have to give it to Egypt I hate to do it but sorry libyans we tried it was one of the best at some point like we're not gonna argue with that Tunisia and Morocco I think at the end of the day like we do have everything like if you want to go to mountains if you want like the desert um if you want like kind of like a City Vibe every country is cool if you are a tourist so I would choose maybe Egypt because I've I've been there and I lived as a tourist and it was amazing Tunisia I find them pretty cool they just have this like this very assertive presence about them and just kind of like they're just very secure in their identity and they just kind of know who they are I think that's what coolness is just kind of like knowing who you are not needing to like oh that's a bar and that's kind of that's what I've seen okay celebrities [Music] okay yo these guys are funny bro yeah this is different I feel like we haven't touched the touched a lot of Northern countries and it's like the vibe is totally different from I'm getting I I know what you're trying to say and I'm getting more of a laid back still party type but more of a laid back relaxed type of uh yeah it reminds me of um the United States and of course guys we know Africa is a continent the United States is a country please don't start pushing buttons we know what's going on right but just like in Africa there are 50 different countries 54 55.50 states in the United States again we know the difference but the the United States is big and we're all different that's why on on the channel y'all will hear us rep the South a lot because we know that there is differences throughout the entire map the way we do things the way we cook the way we speak the way we um even the food we get like the food in certain locations they won't get not a lick of what we eat in the salt so it just has a whole different you like Vibe for them when it comes to their type of dishes compressor all type of dishes right like it's from the north to the South it's it's different yeah from the East to the West it's different okay so it's like we're seeing the differences so we have not covered a lot of Northern North I keep saying Norton North African countries so if you are um from a North African country check out our description box below and let us with some links okay yes we hope you guys enjoyed this video with us it was a good introduction Africa like this video subscribe turn the post notification Bell we have enabled our super thanks if you like support the channel That way as well as our join feature if you would like to become a VIP member of the channel we'll see you soon peace [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Demouchets REACT
Views: 49,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the demouchets react North Africa, the demouchets react africa, north african stereotypes, north africans, egypt stereotypes, morocco stereotypes, arab stereotypes, algeria stereotypes, tunisia stereotypes, dating libya, middle eastern stereotypes, what arabs think of each other, arab men, arab women, north african men, north african women, middle eastern men, middle eastern women, egyptian men, egyptian women, moroccan men, moroccan women, algerian women, tunisian women
Id: oqhnukQ6_-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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