What Nobody Understands About MGSV

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foreign [Music] [Music] ever since its debut in 2015 hideo kojima's Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain has continued to shock and enthrall a polarized audience in discussing the final true Metal Gear Solid title during development director hideo Kojima often mused how difficult it proved providing a satisfying finale a missing link to unify the series as one one thing from alpha to Omega despite its considerably sized audience already knowing in effect how that story would end in this electronic virtual essay after a long absence up to waiting huh join me Jordan Lee of futurist sound Productions as I offer up a theory to explain the Phantom Pain's unique often open-ended structure one never before considered that's taken seven long years merely to grasp and formulate let's go [Music] it was only by conceptualizing kojima's task writing mgsv in visual terms that I realized how difficult it must have proven to be and in addition the amazing creative opportunity that his approach afforded simply put writing this game on many levels resembles something like a Rubik's Cube [Music] we'll see how Kojima exploits this unique structure to fill in gaps from previous MGS titles set as they are in the the future from The Phantom pains in-game setting year of 1984 and also how in turn the almost Wormhole quality this imposes Kojima utilizes to enact themes from The Game's arguable Central influence Beyond Herman Melville's Moby Dick George Orwell's novel 1984. but for now let's just get this basic Rubik's Cube idea straight while keeping in mind the party slogans from that novel in particular the one about controlling the past anything that happens in mgs5 even before a word or line of its code gets written has to by definition come to bear on the other games and this seems at first like a paradox either too much will be changed about the other games harming their original story and even maybe themes or too little will have an impact rendering mgs-5 itself near completely pointless like a Rubik's Cube to make anything happen within mgs5 will like Phantom limbs phantasmically change alter or effect the content not just context but content of the entire Series in particular what I'll have to call the in-game future the events taking place in Metal Gear 1 and 2 Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4. the ones that take place after the events in the in-game chronology of the phantom pain before this gets needlessly complicated let's stick to the Rubik's cube right how does a Rubik's Cube work well every step or operation that you take has in part a kind of roughly net algorithmic effect on the possibilities for the whole so that means that if you went back in time and changed a single step along the way a Cascade of changes would be contained by necessity in this step to affect the entire process another more complex metaphor might be what's known as ontogenesis and not only did they exist they had already been brutal life in the Modern Age an ancient human cadetor host to the parasites of the time Cipher excavated such a cadaver from a permafrost region an isolated the DNA coding of the vocal cord parasites naturally they were long dead and could not be brought back but there was an alternate vessel they could use the relative species of the pentastameter discovered in China it had adapted to live in the nasal cavity of animal hosts but its genetic sequence showed signs of common ancestry with the vocal cords parasites onto a Genesis a path of an organism to maturity is like a road map of the phylogenetic evolution of the entire strain in code talker's words in a tape that we receive in the actual game the phantom pain ontogenesis is defined as the path of an organism to maturity in the case of microorganisms the road map of the evolution of an entire strain It Is by using such road maps that so-called evodivo biologists something that's brought up in the next game that Kojima would make death stranding can an effect reverse engineer formerly extinct organisms back to life Jurassic Park style or Branch their path of maturity off into new areas and dimensions something that we see firsthand in the actual plot of the phantom pain this is the way that the vocal cord parasites that are so prominent in the game are brought back to life and weaponized the game depicts an age where nothing makes as much common sense as it once did to paraphrase an offhand comment made by Commander Miller where apparent Paradox is like changing the future of the past can not only occur but occur with medical grade precision where entire family trees of both beings but also evidently storylines in series can be retroactively altered to generate almost whole cloth entirely new maps new forms of the past and alternative Futures redrafted by and in the present this will get overly complicated fast though unless we stick to let's say a single subject for now of this kind of scrutiny the character skull face and his weapon the philanthropist [Music] Cipher will rewrite the records so I will vanish from Human memory The Thirst for Revenge that I have planted will infest the system no one can stop it now [Music] we'll unleash that thirst unto the future [Music] I'm burning the metal gear Saga charts the rise and fall of the illuminati-like group who ruled the world known roughly as the Patriots or Cipher and in particular how their downfall gets brought about by their own dark creations ones like the walking tank class of bipedal doomsday Mega wmd's Metal Gears not to mention their creation known alternatively as snake and or big boss super soldiers who father a whole generation of mercenaries and Cutthroat killing machines now this all has to do with the delicate balance of power during ages like the cold war or the present one in the early 21st century with its own share of immense mechanized destructive forces but on a story level the phantom pain puts into place a domino that alters the face and color of all the dominoes to come in the game world's future and our worlds past with me that Domino is the Domino mask wearing Man Without a Face skull face foreign [Music] there were three where's the other [Music] very close to you [Music] right Merrell the engineer's okay that's a relief I want you to look after him where are you now very close there she is over there oh no damn they've spotted me Meryl what happened in effect though his plot is defeated along with his own demise full face tells us himself his will will live on a seed of venomous poison implanted in the system that we wait to see Blossom for years to come slash years before both face you see creates the very first bipedal upright walking metal gears from The Walker gears to the big boss itself sawanthropus [Music] this is how skull face wanted things to play out the Soviet Union secretly develops a new type of nuclear weapon and successfully deploys it in Afghanistan revealing the existence of social anthropus results in a return to the Glory Days of the Cold War the threat it poses reignites the nuclear arms race between the world's major Powers the demand for nuclear weapons increases around the globe what if you've been introduced a nuclear weapon anyone could get their hands on non-nuclear Nations militant groups of all shapes and sizes they'd all jump at the chance sohoanthropus was a marketing tool to sell nukes all around the world but I think it's safe to say that plan was stamped out before it got up and running the world's intelligence agencies never did turn up anything conclusive on it after all sahilanthropists vanished before word could spread everything that's happened is already a fading memory never to join the pages of History except for Cipher Cipher won't forget they'll already be working on something quietly beneath the surface they'll use the pieces of data scrape together from this incident to build their own bipedal weapon it'll take them a long time to complete it but for now the greed sector have found their new life's work we don't have to be ready to having glimpsed the possibilities of such death machines we're told the system is sure to evolve in a new direction or old direction as it were it is also this lust for power and Supremacy that skull faces death in shrines that will someday drive both the Patriot system despite its own best efforts and its enemies to create and fight over future slash past Creations like metal gear Rex and Rey and in turn fuel the dreamy Lust For Revenge to possess enemies of that system like liquid or solid as snake the conflict within the system's body will ultimately bring it to its own death like a body torn apart by pathogens and parasites ultimately the phantom pain is a story of debasement and Corruption of Decay and poison a venomous bait but better kind skull face becomes as a result a sort of ghost who will it seems slash seemed Aunt the entire Saga in something that we'll Define soon as X post facto Style no less phantasmically than the ghosts that we already knew were haunting The Saga of Frank Yeager or the boss maybe the cleanest visual way to convey this is simply through liquid snake's tattoo a modified Rod of aselpius apologies for the pronunciation in the wake of mgs5's Rubik's Cube reshuffling this symbol synonymous as it is with medicine and doctors going all the way back to ancient Greece becomes exposed facto and Nod to the big boss that he encountered as a kid the former medic venom snake even the heads of your fellow Diamond Dogs resemble ex-post facto following Venom snake's hallucination of skull faces ghostly shriveled purpling head copies of skull face harriers of his same awful disease like we will slash already have done in mgs1 we have served in this game it seems as the vectors yet again for a terrible word-based parasite or pathogen except instead of fox dye it's more like skull Face's sick point of view in general the seed that he's bred inside the system [Music] speaking of antiquity let's define that phrase Expos facto it's derived from medieval Latin and it can roughly translate to in the light of subsequent events it's the strange Dynamic offered between the in-game and outside game layers of future and past that provide MGS in general and mgs5 in particular with a unique spin or kind of ex post facto which if I were feeling cheeky I might shorthand as X po f to see this more clearly consider something I've mentioned on this channel before the imposition of skull face as a character in all of his recognizable demarcators ex-post facto Alters our understanding of the classic Metal Gear Solid character Revolver Ocelot in the wake of the phantom pain it becomes crystal clear that as first hinted by ground Zeroes the Wily ocelot has evidently channeled the ghost or Essence of a different character all along well before his ruse of liquid ocelot this Phantom evoked by ocelot all along has been that of none other than skull face who were shown in the phantom pain in ground zeros was the original thorn in the system's side he may not have been the original Cowboy lover but he certainly shops at the same Western Wear store as ocelot both face secretly conveys how ocelot will go from the mysterious crypto sadist in the phantom pain to the rather theatrical scenery chewing Giga villain that we'll encounter in the future the future as it were of the past ocelon in order to fool the system use Nano machines and Psychotherapy to transplant liquids personality onto his home he used hypnotic suggestion to turn himself into liquid's mental doppelganger for all our advances in nanotechnology information and genetic control they've never managed to control people at will let alone turn one person totally into another of course what all this ex post facto stuff also illustrates as I already sort of intimated is the slogan from Orwell's legendary dystopia 1984. namely who controls the past controls the future who controls the present controls the past even this formulation resembles the Rubik's Cube algorithmic logic that I introduced us with it from a to c you have to go through b you see what's really key about this is the slogan's underlying point it's the point of the whole novel really it's the point that its main character Winston Smith has to live through his worst nightmares to be re-educated as The Inquisitor O'Brien tells Winston near the novel's awful climax and as The Disappearance of the character skull face from the official sequence of metal gear events also portrays human memory though ostensibly of a presumed remembered real past in reality only exists in the form that it exists in so long as there are presently living Minds who presently remember it that way and memories May fade but they always serve a purpose for the living present this is the essence of what MGS has all along called simply information control [Music] something that we could categorize also that word ontogenesis as a form of when you think about it if genes are also information which they are after all William Friedman the one who would go on to break the Japanese Cipher he began his career as a geneticist before becoming a cryptographer I'll close out by quoting O'Brien in the ministry of love in the novel in Fuller detail quote only the disciplined mind can see reality Winston you believe that reality is something objective external existing in its own right you also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident when you delude yourself into thinking that you see something you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you but I tell you Winston that reality is not external reality exists in the human mind and nowhere else not in the individual mind which can make mistakes and in any case soon perishes only in the mind of the party which is collective and Immortal whatever the party holds to be the truth is truth it is impossible to see reality except by Looking Through The Eyes Of The Party end quote [Music] not yet it's not over yet it's with this final line in the cutscene only Mission Kingdom of the Flies mgs-5 attaches ex post facto a new meaning to what mgs2 released as it was just after and written well before the events of September 2001 then innocently had called The Manhattan incident now you see it has the meaning not only of referring to the events of Metal Gear Solid 2 but also the real world events of 2001. but just what exactly liquid snake or any other character from MGS had to do with that particularly Infamous incident in the games Universe well that's been lost like the very existence of skull face venom snake and sahilanthropus the history [Music] it should be said however that in the words of skull face himself from ground zeros the game that began this whole Odyssey the final moment is yours in the truest sense of the word revolutionary the final steps to your particular Rubik's Cube account of events are merely any of the ones made possible by the final quote-unquote unfinished configuration left open to you as a blank space that will never be completely filled by the true Big Boss himself hideo Kojima this in turn closes the Wormhole as it were by echoing ex post facto Kojima himself was actually given the skeleton of aspects of what would become that game by an entirely different team we're just picking up in other words where the real boss started slash ended as his own Alpha and Omega as the only real future for this series that's right the fans you and me [Music] well thanks for watching everyone I'm back for good this time as much as I can be you can expect much more regular dispatches from futurasound Productions going forward until next time boss [Music]
Channel: Futurasound Productions
Views: 142,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C_C1bxkyi6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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