What my Vietnamese family eats in Lunar New Year

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hello hello so this is my second video about our Vietnamese Lunar New Year Apparently one video is not enough to cover everything so we need a second part the first video which you can find in the description link below talks about what kind of activities we do during Lunar New Year this video I want to focus on what kind of food that we are eating during this time the most popular food for New Year in Vietnam is bang Chung and my parents always made it by themselves bang Chung is made from sticky rice mung bean and pork and here is how you correctly open it first you need to remove some of the leaves that wraps around it that's the easy part now you have to manage to cut it problem is painting is very sticky so it's not gonna work with a knife so here's what we're gonna do you see those bamboo strings that were used to wrap around the cake shred them into small pieces and then place them on the bangtune this is a perfect way to cut it it's effortless and it leaves behind no mess after I place the last string on the cake I flip bit and then I start to remove all of the leftover leaves [Music] there are some very stubborn leaves that don't want to be cut so I'm using a knife to remove them it's not working very well to you it's very sticky I'm just gonna eat the leaves it's gonna be fine anyway now comes a very satisfying part please just enjoy it [Music] and that's how you cut a gin cake now you can eat it directly or you can even make it better in my opinion Friday it's my favorite way to eat chicken cake it's warm the cake up and it also give it some crusty part outside Beijing is actually a very heavy dish I Googled it they say that one bangjun contains like 2 000 calories honestly I don't know what that means but what I can tell you is that after every single Lunar New Year every single people in my family gain weight again like five kilograms already since I'm back here which is good because once I'm back to Germany I would be losing weight again because the food over there is not really fitting with my taste so yeah I'm like a polar bear I'm trying to eat as much as possible to gain some fat after finishing cooking the bang Chung my mom decided that she wanted to clean the garden and this poor little plant needs to go this plant is called Lama and its live have this soft furry velvet texture the leaves are actually edible and they make an awesome egg dish I'm gonna show you later probably this plant is covering our poor custard apple and my mom wants to save it so all of the vines of the lamos are down and I have to pick out the leaves so that I can store them in the fridge and cook them later people say that these leaves are very healthy and good for the digestive system plus my sister is a big fan of it so I think it's a good timing that my mom take it down we saved some for my sister so that she can bring it home after the holiday that's something I find really cute when we're visiting our parents they feed us from the morning until the evening and then when we are living they still manage to give us hundreds of boxes of food okay coming back to the Llama here's how you cook it first you have to clean them and then you chop chop them into the small bit like this then mix them with some egg salt and MSG yeah my mom lies to you MSG next you're going to to give them a good beating and they are ready to be fried the thing is we don't fry them with oil because somehow llama doesn't taste very good with oil so we use banana leaves instead to avoid it to stick to the pan you just need to give it a good wash and then place it on the pan like this wait until it gets a bit hot that's when you can pour the batch onto the pan I know that it doesn't look that visually appealing but I promise you it tastes really good and it's a very healthy healthy dish after spreading it all over the pan all you need to do now is Place another banana leaves on it and wait a little bit after waiting for like 2 minutes you need to flip it to the other side and here's my mom technique on how to flip it wow wow wow wow oh that's a bit of a mess but we'll clean it later and that's it you can use it as a side dish with rice or you can just eat them like that this is not really your Lunar New Year dish but we cook it during Lunar New Year and it's one of my favorite dish that's why it needs to be in the video during Lunar New Year my family would offer our ancestor big meal three times per day which means we put this food on their shy lined up some incense to let their Spirit know that they should come and enjoy the food and after some hours it's our turn to eat them too I'm so sorry that the videos about this look a bit weird I was filming this horizontally and that's the only footages I have okay so here's what we normally offer our ancestor during Lunar New Year bang Chung obviously boil chicken just boiled not with any flavor spring rolls every single year very classic and then this half jelly half sausage meat and wood ear I don't like it it's a lot of meat so it's very heavy that's why we need some our pickle tool we only do that for the first three days of the new year after that it shows us eating so that the meal could get a bit simpler as you can see on the table we eat a lot of boiled vegetables it's not that fancy that's why we don't offer it to our ancestor but it's quick easy to digest and it helps the vegetable to keep their authentic flavor we normally eat the vegetable from our own garden or got it from our neighbors it's almost dinner time and my neighbor just give us a bunch of veggies that they got from the garden let's do dirt on it at the root as well I think this is the thing that related to Wasabi now I just need to remove the woods sorry for the chickens I just need to remove the roots and then we will boil them and just eat them like that you can't even eat them raw as well it's gonna take a lot of time because of all of the Dead Leaves that stuck here with this another dish that we like to eat is the cow Jacob it's very simple actually first cut the pork into small pieces like this and then fry them with some chopped shallot after the pork turned a bit yellow prepare the sauce some spoon of fish sauce a bit of sugar MSG and honey pour the sauce into the pan and mix it quickly for some minutes and that's how you make it culture again it tastes very good with the rice salad is also something we eat a lot in our meal but when it comes to Vietnamese salad we don't mix them with sauces we dip them directly with fish sauce in the salad there's a lot of coriander mint young garlic and a lot of other herbs that I don't know how to translate hello this is the next day and at the moment We are following our mom to dig some in her garden she's been planning it for a year and she thinks that it's time to Harvard it so that the kids can have something to snack we only eat the roots of this plant that's why we have to cut the whole thing away now I don't even remember the last time I eat this so I'm actually very excited oh foreign have a lot of dirt so I have to clean them roughly before I bring them inside the house so this is the total amount of gaussian that my mom has collected it's a lot it's like four kilograms easily they are really dirty actually so we have to clean them very very very well there is cold oh I'm just gonna soak it here for like 30 minutes so the dirt can get off and then I will start cleaning it a lot of people especially westerners ask me if this is comfortable to sit on the floor like this well I've been doing this since I was a child so it was not bad but honestly since I moved to Germany I prefer doing things standing up more my legs don't feel calm anymore my back doesn't hurt anymore so yeah but when I'm back home I still can do this but I need a small chair to support me my mom on the other hand she can just squat like this for hours let me try like ah and she just squat like this you can sit here in this position for hours if I'm doing if I do this for more than five minutes I'm gonna have leg crime so I need a small chair to support me my mom is preparing some wood so that we can buy the roots in her Infamous kettle foreign so this is how it looks like after you boil it honestly I don't even remember the taste of it so let's see we need to use the knife and then peel the outside part because it's pretty dirty and I don't think it's that good to eat the outside and watch life is this piece of I'm gonna try yummy my mom said it's cool not cool sorry my house is too noisy so we have to go back to the voice over it tastes a bit like boiled potato it's very starchy but definitely better than boiled potato I'm very glad I'm not a food blogger I never find the right way to describe food anyway there is some food that we avoid to eat in the new year because we believe that it will bring bad luck squids are an example the reason is squids have black ink and we think that it's not a lucky side in my family we avoid to eat squid for the first five days of the new year then after that we could eat dry squid first you have to soak the dry squid with some beer otherwise it's gonna be very chewy leave it there for like 30 minutes and it's ready to be roasted you can roast it on Open Fire but we just use an air fryer because it's more convenient the dry squish should be inside the airfryer for two to three minutes only longer and you have a burn sweet and this is the end result now you just need to shred them into very very small pieces dry squid alone is already a perfect snack but it also goes very very well with beer that's why it's a very popular party dish in Vietnam it takes a lot of time to chew but the longer you chew it the sweeter it gets when it comes to dessert us Vietnamese eat a lot of fruits in Lunar New Year even more this year we don't really buy fruit outside because we have a lot of great food in our garden we also have some sapodilla and custard apple I wanted to eat this cursed out Apple although it was too hard it was a wrong decision but it was still good anyway while I was fighting with the unripe custard apple there was a guy selling salt outside of my house that's why I look like this when I notice in our culture we believe that it's lucky to buy salt in the new year that's why you see people driving around selling Seoul in this time this salt will be used for pickling stuff or washing purpose we bought like 10 kilograms enough for the whole year after buying the sold and Bike Week peeling of pomelo because I literally eat every one hour when I'm at home there's just too much to eat also I think I'm going to end the video here because I think it's long enough thank you very much for watching and I hope that I show you a little bit of our food control in this video have a nice day bye
Channel: Uyen Ninh
Views: 735,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uyen, Uyen Ninh, Uyen Ninh Germany, Uyen Ninh German, Uyen Ninh German Boyfriend, German YouTubers, Germany VLOG, Uyen Ninh Deutschland, Uyen Ninh Deutsch, Uyen Deutschland, lunar new year, vietnam, vietnam new year, vietnamese food
Id: A2_-Pb0N-tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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