What My Girlfriend Found Magnet Fishing Could Have Killed Someone!

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yeah are you God oh no way what is going on today guys today we are back out here to do some more magnet fishing guys and I got the one and the only with me the last time I was at this spot guys I didn't get to hit everything so we are back out here today we're gonna give it another shot she's got the 1200 pound magnet I got the 26 hundred pound magnet not gonna really waste too much time today I'm gonna throw on the GoPro right away and we are gonna start making a fish guys alright guys so I got the 26 hundred pound magnet she's got the 1200 pound magnet she already started throwing so let's go ahead and see if we can find anything here today oh that's heavy I think I just found my first something what I got here heck yeah that's heavy wow what the heck is it but is that's just a big old tube who knows that that came off of like this like the heck is that I think it's got like holes in and screws and Lucas see just clams yeah like the heck did that come off of there you go oh yeah what is that oh yeah big ol - look at this one this one's got like a gear on the end of it or something heck yeah what the heck is that guys that might be I don't know what the heck that's from but see if you had that littler magnet you would have never been able to catch that three that one I mean that's really weird well are those that's gears for sure like it turns something huh I got something here yeah I'm like pulling out of the mud what he's going on here whoa dude what is that yeah how's it a say that almost looks like a bike frame it literally does if you yeah I mean kind of it's some kind of frame is it like this I don't know dude it definitely looks like some kind of frame look at how long it's been down there little all those clams holy cow I think Steve's - jeez [Music] Oh what is this yeah that's something heavy I got on right here oh yeah yeah that's big oh wait no it's gonna come on Oh yep I keep getting stuck on something we should both throw our magnets right in there whatever it is I think it keeps getting caught on the rocks and it keeps pulling it off because there's something down there yeah look look at nice it's got a little pile this is one bottle can openers we were looking for the other day yeah oh man we just got the regular can opener at home but I wonder if this could even be cleaned up probably not maybe no no I subdued a little can opener alright guys I think there's something massive in here because we keep hooking onto it with the magnets so now I got the claw I'm gonna give a shot and see we can figure out what this is oh I think I just moved it I think I grabbed it I grabbed something oh yeah I have something on what is this what the heck even is that how do I even have this with the claw dude it's one of those things I found like literally like five or yeah like a half street sign type thing I found like six of these the last time I was at this spot I don't know why there's so many of these in here holy cow oh holy cow look at that one that one's like super magnetic I think your that it's like really black that one does not look like a normal like magnetic rock but I see huh that's kind of cool Oh was that but is this here Wallace yeah it's another one of those rocks but this one's massive holy cow look at that mate cutter croc you guys wow that is pretty crazy I almost look like an axe head at first but wow that's weird meteorite maybe oh you got there oh it is it wants to say it looks like a spark plug at first but do that it's like poker so what that is it's not a spark plug no that's a weird one there Oh what is this feels like something maybe not oh yeah knows yeah that feels pretty heavy for sure what the heck is this what is this what the heck is that oh yeah it's all kinds of stuff it's oh yeah there is glass on there yeah there's definitely glass pieces what the heck is that can't tell us some kind of maybe like some kind of vending machine I don't knows yeah remember I caught of any machine piece before but this one's still got the glass pieces on it holy Carl look at this wonder what else is down there holy cow yeah that's crazy that's definitely like a vending machine piece or something cuz it's got the glass on there still Wow no I think I got something yeah I definitely do that's big oh yeah I just came off that's something out ooh nice what do you got there what is that flip it over though that looks a little different yeah what the heck is that let us say one end look bigger is it a foam piece on the end yeah it's a piece of foam what the heck a metal tube with a foam finger when I look at a foam just came off to the heck is that that's kind of weird huh you got it oh yeah that's probably what we were hooking on to oh yeah holy cow can you get it what the heck is that look at that thing what is that get that Oh like oh yeah that's pretty nasty huh bake a cake in there or something you got something else on there holy cow you are just finding it's back to back dude another wall is it no that's not a bike tire what the heck is that what is this dude look at them wow it's like a wheel from home agging from back in the day or something dude Sarris buggies down there holy cow this is crazy oh I got something yep got something I got there that looks a little weird what the heck is that looks like uh uh looks like you just snap it right in half though oh I could how much that hurt what the heck is that there's no idea oh look at that what the heck is that there what is that a little sea or is it you huh or is it an end nobody will know yeah yeah are you God oh no way no way dude oh are you kidding me right now you have to be joking Olivia oh my god yeah yeah dude are you kidding me this is like it's got like a dude is what what look at this thing it's been on her forever dude it's gonna be like a murder weapon no think about it how would the that's not like your average that's I'm saying this is not your average fish cutting knife no this is like a okay that's like a medieval dagger dude it's like a medieval dagger look it's not even sharp this thing has been down there for ever if anyone knows maybe the date on this thing or how old does this look if anyone recognizes this type of knife let me know down in the comments because I have never seen something like this this is like a like a one of them pirate fighting knives I swear this is like yeah it looks like a sword dude this is crazy ah she just found a dagger a dagger I swear I thought was a fishing knife or something yeah it's it's a freaking baguette yeah well this see this hulls out right here and this is good actually this goes onto the two like SKS or a key oh yeah I like a bayonet so this this year when you clean this out in this little knob right here I'll pushing it out holy cow this slides over your - that's what that is yeah yeah on your gun locks it in now when you're shooting you're shooting that when you're at close range that is crazy you got going for you here in Bill Clinton era they made you cut these off so you couldn't hook that leave that on your barrel all right all right that is not cut off haha yes if this is wood that would be amazing if it's fast that's not a goal but if you look it's probably gonna be Nuttall from here back and then from right there to right here it'll be wood sure I'll chop the grass I soaked it for a little bit that's a nice fine yeah I couldn't believe he had imagine what he'd be doing here that's what I said I mean let's let me add this in their boat for like cutting ropes all right yeah here bayonet a little void yeah yeah all clear all right here to about right there it looks like it yes that slides onto that and this goes over the barrel and then that locks it up that is wild that's cool that was awesome if it's old it's worth anywhere from probably 50 to 250 dollars give or take so it's worth cleaning oh yeah all right have a good one Thanks it's so windy dude all right guys so we are gonna go ahead pack it up and get out of here if you guys enjoy this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned guys and I will catch you on the next one you
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Views: 2,314,607
Rating: 4.8093338 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, fishing, killed, could kill someone, deadly magnet fishing, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, fishing magnet, magnets, magnet, the fisher, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend fishing, could have killed someone, magnet fishing videos, giant magnet, strong magnet, super magnet, killed someone, my girlfriend, metal detecting, fishing magnet finds
Id: Admo9HHXHfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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